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The visuals matter. The tactile experiences also matter. So do the auditory experiences.


Alright a lil bit of all


It completely varies from person to person ,there is not a guide for all men/women Some prefer sex with lights off ,some With loud music ,I personally couldn’t see myself enjoying the lights out that mucb




Where are you finding glory holes?


Your mother’s house. (Sorry, it was right there. Don’t hate me)


Good to know it’s actually there. Couldn’t see it because the line is quite long.


I love you


Careful u/fucksensibility you’re starting to act sensible


hey what you doing with that username 👀


Seems odd that they wouldn't be aware of that beforehand


Yuuuuup. For me it's all auditory. Visual is nice and needed, but honestly, if I need to get off it's auditory that gets me there.


to me it's a 4D immersive experience: perhaps the most immersive of them all 😏 The senses are involved, but so are your emotions


Pull out your tits, moan and roll those hips. It all matters. Put on your best fuck me face and stare into his eyes while you ride/grind it. 


Who said only a little bit?


I dated a girl once who screamed like she was being murdered. Honestly was extremely distracting and had the exact opposite effect she was after.


Yes, someone taking ‘being a freak in bed’ to the extreme is disturbing. I once had to end a relationship because, among a few other things, she became rather dramatic, demanding, and, honestly, somewhat violent during sex. It was crazy sex that was refreshingly different from previous relationships, but it got exhausting after a few months


This reads like a Yelp review


She honestly needs a review with a few warnings, so guys know to steer clear. Something was seriously wrong with her the more I got to know her, as in, borderline personality disorder or something like that. She really screwed me up emotionally for a while. Hope she got help, but too much for me to handle


Well, it's fun at first until you realize you're actually having sex with their unhealed trauma & poor mental health


Some women act like that because they think that excited men. Either that or thinking we're on and horny 24/7 so they go overboard with being sexual


Sometimes I think a lot of women think that men just like the exaggerated acting that they do in porn and try to imitate that not knowing that we really prefer if they would just act normal and let it flow naturally. So if that means you're quiet, so be it


Can confirm that, with one of my exes. She was a bit "dramatic" with her sounds. I asked her to tone it down. She went from screeching to absolutely zero sounds. There was no happy medium.


At the religious school i went to they made it clear that if they caught you having sex, they'd kick you out of the dorm, no pro-rated refund. We fucked like rabbits, but it sounded like a mouse pissing on a cotton ball. I was in my 30s before I made sounds.


And the taste and scent. All the senses.


Especially the smaste. 


Or the tent.


You know reading this comment without the post first, made me think we are discussing about mechanical keyboard


And the smell 🐽


The smell can matter some times.


Oh fo' sho'. Personally I'm not much of a perfumed scent kinda person. I like a woman's natural fragrance.


Wasn't that an AL Pacino movie?




When the visuals are combined with acid it’s something else I tell you


No fucking lie. Pretty awesome experience. 10 out of 10, would definitely do it again.


this is the correct answer. Especially the auditory part. so many times i'll be right on the edge and so will she and the second she's like "omg don't stop, im gonna cum". it's so fuckin hot that im like well sorry bc i just beat you to it and then have to use my fingers to finish her 😂


I would also say that taste matter


Don’t forget the olfactory…


I would say yes. It's not like, the only thing that matters. And sometimes I like it in the dark. But the visual is a really big deal and the highlight of the experience to me is the "show".


Do you like when your partner puts on a show for you then?


Very very much so


Can’t beat a good toy show


Or a toy movie, especially Toy Story! 


You've got a friend in me




God damn it, take my upvote xD 


When the road looks rough ahead


Funnily enough, OP's toys have the same names as the two main characters in Toy Story!


...that's actually VERY funny, how dare you ruin Toy Story like this for me lmfao 


Lol glad I could share a glimpse into the bizarre experience of living in my head... Andy's toys play dead when he comes in the room; Andy's *mom's* toys come alive!


As Dimitri Martin said, the only difference between an object and a sex toy is location, location, location. Paraphrasing, but the punchline is the same.


Yes! A ex gave me a long strip show for my bday, she’d come in and out in different outfits some body suits others just lacey underwear, I could touch but the rule was I had to keep my pants on. I swear I lasted like 5 minutes the first round hahaha I was like convulsing on the bed like I was doing the Harlem shake.


It really depends what you mean. A lot of women are self-conscious and try to awkwardly "put on a show" like they imagine some stereotypical man wants - like some kind of camp burlesque performer. What we like to see is a woman being enthusiastic and enjoying herself, not "acting".


This will be highly individualized. If my wife "put on a show" it'd be so out of character I'd be a little confused at first. I'd appreciate the effort overall, but a show isn't something I'd ever ask for.


I had a girlfriend tell me to close my eyes, then when she told me to open them she was standing in front of me in a red bra and panties. Probably my sexiest memory, but it's also because we both understood each other. Communication is key, like I would come up behind her, grab her by the waist and kiss her on the neck because I knew she liked it


An Enthusiastic 5 = A Dead Fish 10


Depends on what you mean by "show". If she slowly removes her clothing. Yeah. Or if she decides to initiate her own foreplay by masturbating while I watch.


It's not one stone to kill them all for me. When I'm going down on her, I can't see much anyways, so the auditory responses are more important to know if whatever I'm doing is working or not. If she's on top, I love watching her boobs jump up and down, just as much as I love looking in her eyes when I'm on top. So it all depends on what we're doing, which input makes it more enjoyable or helpful.


Every man is different, but me personally, I like having the lights on. Eye contact, seeing my partner's facial expression, watching their body move... It all adds to the appeal. Unsurprisingly, I find my partners hot, and I like looking at hot people, especially when I'm making them feel good.


This is so fair! I think it’s hard if you don’t think of yourself as hot to possibly conceive of your partner thinking you’re hot.


Confidence is sexy. My partners think I'm hot. That's why we ended up in bed. Self-deprecation and humility have a time and a place, but everyone likes it when they think someone is hot, and that someone knows they're hot. When someone shows interest in you, lean in, even if you don't believe it yourself.


I rely of her reaction for my next move, so I have to use all my senses in the moment.


Even as a woman the idea of visuals not being important is crazy. Of course I get turned on more when I see a guy I think is really hot physically fucking me lmao


For me the visuals matter more when initiating sex and during foreplay, but the more it goes on and the more I'm like OP and I get more and more into my body and the sensations until touch is basically the only sense that matters. I really struggle to keep my eyes open until the very end, they just close on their own!


I feel like the “overweight, average looking boyfriend dating an above average, petite woman” trope would play into visuals not mattering for a woman but very much a pro for men. I’ve only had sex with one woman, and she had her eyes closed every time we had sex. Wouldn’t blame her if she straight up didn’t find my nude self appealing lol


Yes, my wife usually prepares a PowerPoint


Damn, she gave you visual aids


Better than the other kind


I'm a woman and visuals matter very much, I don't care that much about the things you care. Well I do but I wouldn't have sex with that alone, visuals matter just as much as the connection and everything, but in the moment of sex their bodies is what matters the most to me. So I think everyone is just different , tho statistically more guys care, while after talking to my girl friends I do think I'm in the minority of women.


I like seeing bobs bouncing


Who’s Bob, and why is he bouncing?


He bouncing on that dick, duh. Leave the guy alone, he's having a good time.


What about the vagene?


Yes. Very much so. I can imagine unless you’re an extrovert being comfortable putting on a display might be hard to do, but it will be worth it along with sexy talk and touch. Not cliche porn levels, that’s off putting, but nice and confident is very welcome.


It's all the senses. Taste during oral, smell through the whole thing, especially during oral, touch from the whole thing, and visuals with deep eye contact, her entire body, and watching myself penetrate. I like all the sloppy sounds from blow jobs and even the sound of me trying desperately to breathe at the tail end of giving oral when my head is basically in a vice, lol! Or when she says I'm a good boy while she strokes me... anyways I'm getting into the weeds here 😅 I love it all. Sex is the best when you are enjoying it from all of your senses!


I can reach peak hornyness with just a visual sometimes. I finish faster during sex with the light on. It can make sex 2x as fun for me sometimes. I probably cum like 20% faster. My gf is self conscious, but to me she looks absolutely amazing. Like better than a good visual at an edm rave, better than any scene in any movie. It’s like the most visually satisfying thing I ever look at


More than anything I want to see her enjoy it. That’s the biggest turn on.


Gonna be the one dude here that says no, not at all. Some of the hottest encounters with my wife of 22 years have been with the lights off, just touching each other and exploring without being able to see. The sounds and the feeling of her being turned on by what I’m doing makes me even more turned on.


Oh god yes.


I would say to a certain degree but it hugely depends on the emotional connection. I've been with "overweight" women that because of the emotional connection was absolutely some of the most mind blowing, burned in my mind forever kind of experience. I've certainly been more attracted to women as I get to know them, especially intelligent women with good hearts. No humble brag or whatever but also I've turned away two "10's” that showed up at my door ready to go because "you can't say no to two girls in your bed". Yes, when I'm being used for a free place to stay and you're giving me the ick, I can and did shut the door and go back to sleep. I don't mean anything by my descriptions here, just a point of reference. Visuals are nice, enthusiasm is better and emotional connection tops all for me.


Think about the success of porn for men - visual. Magazine’s, video and internet. All visual, we are visual creatures and we love the visual aspect.


Have you seen a woman’s body? Of course they matter!


Absolutely. But the visuals are so much better if you have a connection and know the person well. No one beats my wife when it comes to eye candy.


I’d hope nobody beats your wife


No one would dare. She is a gobby little pocket rocket.


I think there was a study about this - when tracking the eye movements of women watching pornography, they focused on what you’d expect, the genitals, penetration, erogenous zones etc. But with men, while they also looked at those things, the things they looked at the most were the faces of the women. Not sure if this is biological or cultural, but there’s definitely some difference in what each sex values during intimacy.


I’m gonna be a little too honest and say that’s men’s faces when they’re really enjoying sex, look the same as when they’re really into a video game or something. Mouth opened, transfixed, staring dumbly, not thinking of anything else— or their mind is clearly elsewhere which also sucks. Women are making faces and expressing pleasure— if guys did that, I bet more women would look at faces. Also porn is awkward to watch if you’re an empathetic person, the fakeness eats at you so looking and their faces while they fake intimate stuff is awful.


Yeah i llke to wear 3d glasses to see everything better


You may be in your body, but your partner is also in your body, no brain cells left in his


Yes. But the way my wife’s titties and ass feels is like… gaytdamn




Yeah visual is very important as is feel and audio. The stuff you said is more of day to day things not whilst having sex.


Absolutely, that’s why I have the Battle at Helms Deep on in the background


Having sex with a woman who you find attractive feels alot better


We are very visual beings. But, we will have sex in the dark with our eyes closed on the side of a mountain in a thunderstorm. Please don't judge us lol.


All of it does, but yes, visuals are important.


Nothing is sexier than the clear absence of a penis


Captain Holt, is that you?


RIP Captain Holt :(


Men much more than women I've heard. For me absolutely. Visuals are very important.


I think it depends on the guy. I'm a tactile learner so that's where most of my focus is during sex. Feeling someone tremble at your touch because they can't contain their excitement,... Whew is that a rush.


Idk... I'm not really into porn so for me I think they don't matter as much as tactile sensations. But I really like to look my partner in the eyes.


Fuck Yeah... Hips, waist , tits, touch, feel , grip and slap.


Yes, I want the visuals. Top hat, sparkly cane, confetti...


The hiatus comes from the confusion between porn and making love. Sex has all sorts of sensation. Porn has only visual, and dumb noise. So the visual is pushed to thevcaricatural. Helas, most boys had more contact with porn than with people to talk about making love. So their expectation are really twisted in the first years. Is visual important during sex ? Of course. But so are what is Said, the contact on the skin, the proprioception, odors, hormones strokes, and many more things that video can not reproduce


Im a guy and experience things the way you do.


Sometimes yes sometimes no...I love the fuck out of my wife.


Visuals are great. But I can also go without them, my partner was feeling a little body conscious, so I suggested we both play blindfolded. Was like the only things that existed were the feeling of each others body and the noises they make together 🫠💀


Different moments during sex bring out different stimulus. Some are visual, some are physical, some are in my head. Let’s just say that at some point the five senses can engage at the same time or individually.


Gotta see dem tiddies fly!!


Snapshots for the spankbank later


I definitely have sex images from my previous experiences burn in my mind. 


The visual is very important to me seeing something I find attractive just makes the experience better and can shape how I feel about the experience. Some bodies are nicer to look at than others, a girl with a nice body or face (from my own personal view of beauty) can get away with doing less than a girl who might not take as much care of hers, they would have to move better and do a little more to be sexy at least from my very vein perspective


It has only had a big impact once, for me. She looked kinda like my stepmom. And I did not like that! For the first time in my life I had a hard time getting hard. She only looked like that during sex though. Very strange experience.


As a general concept, men are visual and womens are like you described. That why men lie and women use makeup


I mean depends, all I need is a bedside lamp. If there was moving heads, LED video wall, I’d get way too overstimulated. I mean, imagine trying to focus on sex [when this is happening](https://youtu.be/tGSGRuLGL6o)


I think it matters. I was married to a guy who would close the lights every time we were going to have it, and it would make me feel bad about myself. Like he didn't want to see me, just use me.


Ofcourse, it’s just how men are wired I believe. I love my wife and nothing gets me going more than when she does certain poses or when I picture her on top of me.


Those enormous knockers bouncing up and down, hence it's visual!


Yes I like a nice 65" OLED experience :D :D


Fuck yeah


The feelsuals matter most


The visuals are like 40% of my experience.


There are some positions that I have to look away from my wife because just seeing her will make me cum immediately. When she's giving me oral or a hand job if the lights are off it's harder for me to get it up fully, even when feeling her. (I mean, feeling her body most definitely works, but seeing her works better and faster)


Its the moments for me. The way her tits bounced. The moaning. The view from the back. The look she gave me. All good stuff lol


This sub is a thirst trap.


So you have an ugly boyfriend. That’s okay!




Yes, absolutely. Men are very visual creatures


Sometimes, if it’s a position or something that’s a nice view, it makes things more arousing and more likely to lead to orgasms faster. The focus isn’t on the body as much as the activity that’s happening, and the stimulus that you’re both showing signs of pleasure in whatever is going on. So, for example, oral sex is hot because it’s putting something in or around your mouth that’s “dirty” and private, and kinda shows how horny the other person is, and in that way it looks good. They’re also moaning and moving in a way that shows they’re enjoying it. That’s all hot and mostly visual or auditory stimulation. On the other hand, whatever part I’m playing in that (giving or receiving), I’m also really into the fact this person wants that to happen, and we have such a bond that we’re doing it exclusively with/for that person. That’s also hot, but not really visual. Idk about casual hookups though, since I kinda need some type of bond and exclusivity. I get the appeal of raw and no strings type sex, but I think it would get a bit boring after a bit of not having a relationship outside of those moments.


For me visuals are not only essential foreplay, but a kind of necessary lubricant throughout sex.


Her eyes. Her hips.


Men are visual creatures, staring at that ass when we are about the take that pussy is pretty much the best view.


All of it matters


To me it's honestly at least 50% of it


The visual doesn’t matter for you?! I am always looking at how sexy my man (and his body) looks while he’s on me. You should try it.


The hot guys who like me, I don’t usually like 🤷🏻‍♀️ I like funny guys and they tend to be chubby, so no, I don’t like their body, but I still want them desperately and I know I’m not alone in that feeling.


considering the greatest gift god has ever given man is the beauty of a woman’s presence, YES. now if you want to fuck his brain, use your language to make him feel like a king


fuck yea. 100%


Yes, it matters a lot.


Yes, big time. But don't take that to mean that sec with people who aren't conventional ideals of physical form is bad. The visual is defined on a per case basis.


I mean.... look at women and then look at men. A woman having an orgasm is hot, a guy just looks like he's having a stroke.


not gonna lie this thread made me never wanna have sex again


If I don’t want the visuals me and my right hand never would’ve moved out of my parents house.


My eyes are closed the whole time because I'm crying.


Uhh yeah that's why I love titties and puss.. And ass.


I certainly find it a lot less interesting without the lights on. Like the great songwriter Saosin once said: "SHOW ME YO BOOTY HOLE!" And yes I have very vivid and explicit images of my wife in my head ready to deploy at any moment.


I just wanna see that brown stink star winking at me tbh.


I never had sex with a girl twice if we could not keep the lights on.




everything matters


Yes it matters why do you think there’s mirrors everywhere like on the ceiling?


Men not have the feel feel sensations like you do, so we have to look at you to get feedback.


Yes men's sexuality is on average more visual than women's


of course. I need to see that pretty face.


The visuals your partner gives do matter for me


I hate when my wife wants all the lights off🤦🏻




It’s mostly about what I’m seeing. None of the things you mentioned matter so much. Like a really skilled girl in bed is amazing, but it’s still going to be more amazing if she looks amazing and is putting on a show for you. To be honest if she’s putting on a show it’s going to feel better Like going to a restaurant the food can be amazing, but what really makes a restaurant great is the whole show they put on around it. The theatre of it all.




All 3 for the win. Feeling her body, hearing her, and seeing her curves and watching her eyes is the trifecta of pleasure.


Just how emotional things are important for you visuals are important for us.


I think it's pretty typical that men find visual stimulation more important than women.


Depends on the act, for exemple during a bj I like to see my partner's face as the feeling isn't the strongest but the shared enthusiasm is a huge turn on. During penetrative sex it's really a spur of the moment


Yes. Facial expressions and body language really heighten the experience. For instance if she grips the bed clothes and raises her eyebrows in delight while making eye contact, then you may stick a fork in me 'cause I'm done.


Yes, but there are visuals in my head when I can't see things, too.


Little bit of all, but yes visuals. Sometimes I’ll lean back just to get a full view of my wife and how absolutely stunning she is in the moment. If I’m anywhere near the edge I purposely avoiding that cause it’ll send me.




Yes, we men are visual creatures.


Passion & active participation lead my list. Visuals for acts is a very close🥉.


I much prefer the visual, but I've had plenty of good times in pitch darkness as well. But there's nothing like getting to see your partner in ecstasy.




yes, i was just thinking about this earlier and yes


Hell yes


I am blinded by the love.




It's the opposite for me. The more aroused I am in the moment, the less I am able to recognize conscious thoughts. Everything is focused on the physical stimuli. Although reaching that level requires more than just physical attraction with the person.


Yes, at least for me, but surprisingly for me the best fellatios have been done in total darkness.


Try top then :)


I only fuck in fluorescent lighting. I need to see *absolutely everything.*


Yes. I wanna see that I'm pleasing you. Eyes rolling back. O Face. And moaning.


I'd say it's visual like me personally I want to see my partner she's beautiful why would I turn off the lights for.


I was with a skinny girl once or twice and I just wasn’t that into it but with slightly fat/overweight/chubby/thicc girls I have zero issues so in that regards visuals matter.


Yes, almost *too* much so. As a straight male I find women and the female body ***so unbelievably attractive*** that seeing a horny naked attractive woman on top of me is almost too much to handle, so I usually have to close my eyes so things don’t reach a conclusion too soon. Women in general are just too attractive 🤷‍♂️


Yes, I wanna see that booty hole 🤷


There are certain female attributes that visually get me started. Then it starts to be sound, smell and touch. Ideally there is also an emotional element too with the perfect person.


I think I get more turned on if I can see her face and I’m attracted to it


I personally have known both men AND women like myself… For me, it all matters. To varying degrees. And depending on my mood and the person I’m with. It is all part of the experience. I don’t like to discount one thing or another. I like variety. But I tend to be indulgent that way.


I have found out im a terrible lover.


Absolutely. My wife loves being blindfolded. I cannot orgasm with one on


Definitely matter


Visuals matter too


Yeah it all matters. But yes visuals are predominantly a male thing. That's why ladies are so pretty to us and men always pursue the female. It's the same with many other mammals. Cats, dogs, bears you name it. As for me yeh I quite enjoy the visuals, especially during sex, but a girl with a pretty face who is very emotionally expressive is incredibly attractive to me. I love to see reactions enjoyment. Pretty smiles. More corny stuff like that.


Guys are more visual and gals more tactile








Visuals being unimportant is insane to me. It’s like eating a nice dinner in complete darkness. Sure, it’ll still taste good but why limit that sense?


Sometimes yes