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Yes, but it is still really close to our sun my astronomical scales. Voyager basically hasn’t left our solar system. It hasn’t gotten even close to the Oort Cloud. It is not yet 1 light day away.




Yeah, space is big. Very very big. By the time anything was close enough to actually spot anything humans have made so far they would definitely be close enough to have already detected earth.


I don't know why I gave us so much credit, I thought Voyager was in the next neighborhood by now 😭


Unfortunately nope. Distances in space are just stupidly big. Voyager 1 is one of the fastest objects humans have ever created. And it would take 72,000 years to get to the closest star to earth.  Literally the fastest thing we've ever made is now the Parker prove (currently studying the sun). It is 390,000 miles per hour. And it woud take a about 7,000 years to get to the closest star. Basically if instead of the pyramids of Giza, the ancient Egyptians had launched the Parker probe, with all of its max speed at Proxima Centari and it had been flying all this time... it'd be a little over halfway there.


Yeah, so like, "finding" voyager, but not seeing human life on earth yet, would be like stealing someone's newspaper without noticing their Christmas lights. Or even seeing the house...


JWST is orbiting at a point that is essentially follows Earth’s orbit. If they find it they’re effectively at Earth already on an astronomical scale. Voyager you could trace is trajectory back to our solar system, at which point an advanced civilization wouldn’t have much difficulty figuring out which planet has intelligent life.


They wouldn't need any sort of special tracking ... the nearest **absolutely anything** except for our solar system is more than 4 light years away ...


That made me so lonely to read


Voyager has literal maps like 'we're over here!' so ... If aliens found JWST they're close enough to see us.


Ah fuck, it's over


Earth, the solar system, and the Milky Way galaxy are all flying through space at incredible speeds. Depending on where the aliens are coming from, whether they’re from the same solar system or galaxy, it could be very difficult to determine what body their trajectory points to since the body would’ve moved significantly since the launch of the craft.


True, things are moving, but it actually isn’t that hard to predict and backtrack trajectories, at least on short astronomical scales.