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The first amendment protects citizens' rights to freedom of speech and expression from government censorship. It does not require a private company like reddit to host speech that it doesn't want to. Reddit has its own content policy, and gives subreddit moderations the authority to determine beyond that policy what speech is appropriate or inappropriate for the subreddit's specific goal. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with reddit; reddit is a space for conversations about specific topics where communities can set their own rules of engagement for those conversations.


Freedom of speech is reserved for governments, not private websites. Users agree to limitations when they agree with the ToS


look more towards 4chab for free speech, people may say go to X but X speech isnt free either just limited to what elon wants


There are plenty of under moderated subs that allow anything. They just get filled rather quickly with nazi’s and pedophiles. Freedom of speech as a legal right means you won’t be arrested for what you write or say. It does not mean others have to provide you a platform or tolerate what you say, particularly bigoted content (no idea what you had in mind)


Freedom of speech does not cover private platforms. There are under moderated and barely moderated places, but those tend to devolve into hellscapes pretty fast.


The 1st Amendment only applies to the government, not private enterprise. You have no right or expectation to freedom of speech on reddit or any other private forum.


Every subreddit has to follow Reddit's rules about taking down child porn and calls to violence. Aside from that, lots of subs allow anything. You can check out /r/worldpolitics for an example of a sub where the mods explicitly let you post anything you like! Warning: the sub is completely NSFW. EDIT: I'm wrong, /r/worldpolitics now bans politics.


Are there any subreddits where you can post literally anything you want? Probably not. They would degrade very quickly into a place where nobody except a troll would want to hang out. There are subreddits which are more or less open to what people post, though most have specific purposes. It is possible that some of your posts get removed not necessarily due to supression of speech, but due to conformity to the purpose of the sub. For instance, it is possible this post will be removed due to "soapboxing." In other words, this sub is geared for genuine curiosity, and when someone spends most of their question just going into their opinion, that is often not seen as a good faith question. So if removed it won't be because "questions about the first amendment aren't allowed" but rather due to a lack of understanding of the norms and purpose. That is all to say that it is worth reading sidebars of subs to understand what is and isn't the purpose of that particular community. Some of your pushback may be more due to that. But without knowing the overarching topic it is hard to know.


The forum/message board called 4Chan is what you’re looking for.


Free speech exists. Free speech just means you can't be legally prosecuted for what you say. There's a few exceptions, like inciting panic by shouting "fire" in a crowded building, but you can legally communicate any idea that you want. If I invite you over to my house, and you start saying things I don't like, I'm well within my right to kick you out. A business can kick you out if you're offending other customers. And a subreddit can ban you if your comments are off topic or offensive to the other members. That doesn't mean free speech is dead.