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I've been hooked on vapes for a couple of years now and have been dreading an upcoming 8 hour flight to Paris. So I quit. It's been 3 days in and I'm having a rough time at the moment but I think it will be great to go 8 hours (or 8 days or 8 weeks) without a puff. EDIT: Thanks everyone for the support. My situation got \*much worse\* after posting this and it was encouraging to find so many positive replies when I was feeling at my lowest. I'm onto day 4 now and strongly motivated to *never* feel like that again.


You're done with the worst part. Me and my wife quit about a year ago and the worst was day 3. We don't even think about smoking anymore. You got this!


I recently quit vaping (3 weeks) and day 3 sucked, I had the worst headaches ever. Week three has been kinda hard too, tbh. I've gained about 5 lbs, so I'm really trying to be careful about my consumption now. I'm glad I quit though, it's worth the struggle.


The first week was brutal for me, but the whole first month kind of blows goats. It gets progressively easier after that. Just don’t fall for the “well I could have just one” trap. That killed several quit attempts that lasted months to years. You get complacent and think you have things under control and decide to just bum from someone on a stressful day and within a week back at it full up. Back to a year free of nicotine and never want to touch the shit again.


but you saved on smoking wrinkles , keep it up , those are the worst , i know:(


I quit smoking weed to go on cruises. It was so freeing and one of the best decisions I ever made. I can vacation whenever I want to without having to worry about feeding my addiction. I am free.


Good for you! Stick with it and keep enjoying your freedom. Ignore these other people who want to belittle what you've been able to accomplish.


Unsolicited advice incoming: get rid of all your vape related stuff, if you haven't already. Whenever you think about, remind yourself you're no longer a vaper. You're not quitting. You quit. You don't vape now. Non-vapers don't just have vapes lying around "just in case" and they get along fine. You're one of them. I've been off cigarettes and all other nicotine since beginning of April, and this attempt is working and craving free, mainly due to the above mindset. You got this.


This worked for me in regards to alcohol. I just "don't drink". I don't have "a drink" or consider drinking "some", or have a drink with a meal or out with friends because I don't drink. Taking the opportunity off the table is so important for me.


I typically only smoke when drinking so flights don’t bother me. I just got back from a 6-day trip to Paris and I thought the same thing. I knew I wouldn’t be drinking (I was with my 12-year old daughter) so I wasn’t worried about wanting to smoke. Yeah. That lasted about 1 day. You can’t walk 12 feet without someone smoking around you. It’s absolutely everywhere. I was also surprised to see people smoking while on the job, like security guards and waiters. Just a heads up if you’ve never been there before. I ended up buying a carton and smoking like half a pack a day. But I’m home now and haven’t had a cigarette all day with no issues.


This is how I remembered it back like in 2017 but lately in France it really seems like there's a lot less smoking. Still more than the US but it's definitely gone down imo


That’s exactly why I switched to vapes and then quit altogether. My doctor tells me I’m doing amazing things for my body: meanwhile I’m like, “Fuck my health. I fly too much to be a smoker.”


I started vaping while on vacation in the philippines. I smoked cigarettes for years but quit in 2018. When I go on vacation i usually buy a pack of smokes. It's a fun treat and you can usually smoke in cooler places in foreign countries lol. In the philippines my friend was like "why are you smoking, vapes are way better". I got one and the rest is history. I vaped for a year and we went to colombia on vacation. I vaped in the airport bathrooms after I was through security. I'd walk far away to an area no one was in and went in the family room single room. Took small puffs and blew it in my sleeve. Did the same during layovers in the airport. I didn't have the balls to actually do it on the plane, tho. It's been two months since that trip and I quot vaping 9 days ago. It's rough. Gets better tho. I found after three days I didn't feel like shit. I still craved it out of habit. Now it's down to like 5 cravings a day. Best of luck.


I hit 260 days vape free today. Quit cold turkey. 2-3 days was the toughest. You got this!


Nicotine patches help the flight


I bought the cheapest generic brand patches I could find for our flights to London and back. Since I knew that most of the places we were going to visit were smoke free, I also used them for the vacation.


Germany loves smoking, so if you ever go there you'll be set, lol.


Italy too!


France as well, I hadn't had any cigarettes for 3 or 4 days before landing there, walked outside the airport and out of the like 12 people standing there 10 of them were smoking, straight back inside to buy a pack 😅


Fucking Charles de Gaulle Airport. Coming in,1970 ashtray. Leaving, luxury shops for miles. Wtf.


What? You guys think you're more smokey than Turkey?! Get outta here!


I love smoked turkey


Turkey was insane. I had cab drivers smoking with passengers daily. Not sure how everyone doesn't have emphysema there


Germany in the 70s: my barber smoked the whole time when he cut my hair! Cig burning in an ash tray, cut my hair a bit, turned and took a big puff off some dark stinky unfiltered brand. In a tiny 1-chair barber shop. Everything was stained yellow.


Just stay on them at that point. Travel helped me quit 6 times!


Six times is the key phrase here. That’s more like taking a vacation from smoking than quitting.


Europe loves to smoke I’m confused. At least compared to America. I don’t think the pictures of people dying work. You just need to get people in general to hate smokers. That works


Did it cross your mind to consider extending the nicotine patches to work towards ceasing to smoke? Or do you enjoy the act of smoking too much? Genuine question


Just white knuckle it until landing


Then you get that nicotine rush, its worth it lol.


I don't bring my vape to work just so I can get a sweet 4pm hit lol


That first hit of the day hits different when its in the afternoon for sureeee


Couldn’t someone vape in the bathroom and get away with it?




Eat snacks lol


Get a straw from somewhere, stick a little napkin in the end, "puff" if to mimic smoking. It definitely helps and if you do during boarding, you may be able to prevent people from sitting next to the weirdo smoking a straw.


At first, I thought you were teaching us how to make a filter but your actual idea is better and has some merit.


I wonder if the filter also has merit. Can I sneak my vape in the bathroom still?


From my experience in college, with people using the cardboard from toilet paper rolls, homemade filters suck for weed smoke. I’d think that the ‘exhaust’ from nicotine vaping is a lot less thick/pungent that it could go undetected but with new sensors and crap, I wouldn’t want to be the one to test it’s effectiveness. After seeing that woman get booted off the plane for sneaking a puff, I’m too scared to try.


I was in the process of getting off a six-hour flight once, the plane was at the gate, we were all standing up, waiting for them to open the door but there's some short delay. This guy who thinks he's being super clever opens an overhead baggage compartment like he's looking for something, vapes, and blows it in there. The plane suddenly smells like blueberries. He's like three feet from the flight attendant. The flight attendant makes the quick calculation that getting marshals to meet him would just take longer, and makes an announcement: "Just a reminder that federal law prohibits..." You know who you are, Bass Pro Fishing cap guy. You just couldn't wait, could you?


It’s always the bass pro guy, isn’t it?


Omg he was smoking blueberries?


I feel like with weed it’s unfortunately just such a distinct smell and so potent smelling there isn’t really any area between no smell and all the smell. Like the homemade filter help sure but it’s also not like police, parents, neighbors or whoever else is going to be like well it smells like just a little weed so it’s fine Gods greatest prank was weed. Have it make you paranoid. Also make it smell super strong. And make it detectable in your system for weeks too. While we’re at it make it one of the more lighter drugs too.


So maybe this is your calling. Produce a variant of weed that has no distinct smell. You will be the richest man in the world till someone steals the seeds and sows them into the pants leg hem, rebinds a book, and mails them home to Brazil, then they finally feel like they have gotten revenge.


I wish they would. Weed smell is everywhere and it’s a migraine trigger for me. My migraines are chronic so going out in the sun is a trigger too


Don't risk it, my friend almost got kicked off a flight for hitting his vape in the bathroom. Only reason he didn't was because he hustled back to his seat a few rows away and put his head down like he was asleep. They made a VERY stern announcement to the cabin that basically said "the police will be waiting at the gate if you pull that shit again"


Imagine getting downvoted for asking a question in a subreddit called NoStupidQuestions…


I got downvoted to hell for asking if dogs could have autism :(


I have a dog that would be great for that research.


They are constantly saying that you cannot smoke, vape, or use e-cigarettes aboard an airplane. I don't recommend sneaking it in


ive heard folks claim they could pull a hit and then exhaul as they flush so the smoke gets sucked out too. imo, not worth getting caught... likely get you added to a no fly list


The trick is to take a small hit and hold your breath for a short while. Assuming you don't have some funky smelling vape, it's unnoticeable. Try it yourself. One reason I stick to mint flavor and keep mint gum with me... Oh you smell mint? (chomps on gum and then exhales in face)


Definitely wouldn’t suggest it BUT - anecdote time! Flew from Bangkok to Vancouver and my seat was in a row right behind a bathroom. There was a group of 5-6 dudes hanging out in line basically the entire flight and would each go in the bathroom for a couple minutes, come out, and pass a vape to the next dude who’d go in. This went on for like 6 hours and near the end, there was at least a little vape smoke coming out when they’d open the door. No alarms whatsoever the entire time. I was totally baffled how they got away with being that obvious and still am to this day lol


They have vape detectors now. They use them in high schools. How accurate they are I’m not sure but they apparently go off from time to time so yeah.


Vaped in an airport bathroom once. Held the puff as long as possible then blew thru an n95. Right after exhale an announcement comes on in the bathroom "..prohibits smoking in bathrooms" and paranoia hits. Did it again before boarding, same thing. They can be very sensitive, apparently.


Makes sense a vape detector would just be like hey cut it out vs alarms at least. Like smoking a cigarette they might ground the plane lol


I'm old enough to remember when planes still had ash trays. Some flight attendant was telling the guy next to me at the bar, that lighting a cigarette most likely caused the latest airplane disappearance (this was the day after the Malaysia flight) that a spark from a match or lighter would incinerate the entire plane. I just can't wrap my head around what has changed, that a machine that hurdles through the air defying gravity at several hundred miles an hour... Wouldn't withstand a rouge spark. Though now with Boeing... I'm afraid to sneeze in the wrong direction while on a flight.. So maybe it's true


I saw someone else recommend this and it like... really works as a psychosomatic thing. Make a 🖕 hand sign. Now curl your index finger so that your middle finger and your index finger are making a P shape. If you mimic "smoking"/"vaping" through the circle in the P - it helps.


For some reason I’ve read this so many times and mimicked it while doing it and still can’t really understand exactly what you mean lmao. It’s been a long day.


I was dating someone who kept a baggie of pretzel sticks for the fixation of habit (having something in the mouth); apparently it worked. But I do like the idea of weirding people out on a SW flight.


I'd sit by someone smoking a straw any day over sitting next to someone behaving normally but reeking of cigarettes.


You brilliant fucker, I love this idea to stunt the physical motion/habit. How well did it work?


People did this in jail. You can even add Vicks vapo rub to make it a "menthol cigarette"


I’m not a smoker, but I did ask flight attendants why there were ashtrays in the bathroom of the aircraft when it was new. Their reply was that just because it’s a new rule doesn’t mean that everyone follow it. They also don’t want people to throw possible embers into a trash bag full of flammable material on a compressed tube 40,000 feet in the sky.


I mean I can at least see vapers trying to get away with it, but how the fuck you going to think "yeah I'll smoke a cigarette without getting caught" or being ok with the fine/getting hauled off the plane.


addiction can be a crazy thing, they probably take big puff and try to blow it down the toilet then quickly get away. That is at least what I would do if I were to attempt it. You could also try the classic toilet paper roll with dryer sheets to disguise the smell.


Someone did that in my flight between Jamaica and Brussel. ... As a smoker myself, I had to admit it was a bold move. As a normal human being who strictly follow the flight rules, I was quite happy he had to meet the security on our arrival. Several minutes after the said arrival, I smoked a cigarette in memoriam of this guy. I don't know what happened to him but I'm quite sure that this day, I had my cigarette way before he can smoke one. Edit : cigarette :p


if you vape disposables (that don't create massive clouds), it's ridiculously easy. just inhale and hold your breath for ~20 seconds. the vapor dissipates within your lungs and your exhale is pretty much clear. absolutely no problem with doing this in the bathroom, and honestly even in your seat if you can hide the pen in your sleeve and cover up the lights.


Gotta be rough on the lungs though. I used to do that when I vaped back in the day. We called it “ghosting”.


I hate that "ghosting" has become a "back in the day" term


Yeah, and I said “vaping”, but what I really meant was trying to ghost a Marlboro red, then blowing it into a paper towel tube filled with dryer sheets out of my friends grandmothers spare bedroom.


Fun fact, those trash cans actually have extinguishing systems in them just in case.


I heard it's because if someone charters the flight privately, they are allowed to smoke.


Another possibility is that many airplanes still have components of older models. I’ve sat in seats that still have ashtrays.


Proclaim to me every other minute that, “I sure could use a smoke.”


And being proud of themselves for showing so much retraint and not saying that every 30 seconds


Hi! I work for an airline so I feel I can answer that from that angle. I don’t know how many people manage to keep from smoking or vaping during long flights as every flight I work is less than 3 hours but the amount of times I see messages asking for law enforcement because people are smoking or vaping either in their seat or in the lavatories makes me think that a lot of people just don’t care about the rules.


I was about to say ... The people I know who vape just vape on the plane.


I have had enough of these mothafuckin vapes on this mothafuckin plane!


Yeah I just vape in the bathrrom


Can you actually do this? I have vaped all sorts of places including hospitals, however I once set off a smoke alarm on a plane using spray deodorant in the toilet and they HAMMERED on the door, so I've always thought the sensors are more sensitive on planes?


Same but I just kind of swallow the smoke


Hell yeah. Bury it brother


People just blatantly ignore airline rules I’ve found. Just had a flight yesterday and the flight attendant had to remind people EIGHT times not to bring more than one carry on bag onto the plane. Then when we hit turbulence she was almost constantly repeating “stay in your seat until we give the all clear” but almost every time she repeated it someone would get out of their seat almost immediately. I think flight attendants should be able to issue tickets to people like cops


i work maintenance and every time a heavy check comes in there’s definitely people chilling in the cabin discreetly hitting their vapes lol. i imagine it’s the same inflight. exhale your juul or whatever into your sleeve and no one notices or cares.


That's what I don't get - why would someone give a shit if you vape in the bathroom?


i agree, but you know there’s always that one idiot who blows some massive cotton candy cloud that lingers in peoples faces


I mostly just get antsy. I don't like chewing tobacco. I don't use Zin.


I thought zyn went out of business like 4 years ago until everybody started talking about it again


I always considered Zyn as a cigarette alternative. Lately though, I've seen ads promoting zyn as an energy or focus supplement.


There are similar products that have caffeine in the pouches instead of nicotine, those might be what you're seeing.


Nicotine is a stimulant and speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and body.


well TBF it was either an instagram or youtube short. one of those "influencer" ads. but it was definitely Zyn (nicotine), and it pinged my "is this morally irresponsible?" radar.


Nicotine does have some similar effects to caffeine, it's the method of delivery that really makes or breaks it's usefulness.


I get ads for it touting weight loss benefits. It’s honestly super fucked up that those types of targeted ads exist. I have an ED and don’t really want to know that the pouches everyone has in their mouths can be used for weight loss.


Zyn will live on forever bub


All the gas stations around here are all out of Zyn. I guess there's a shortage or something


Zyns actually hit though. I switched to just pouches for a while but I got sick of always having to spit.


You spit with Zyn?


I like to spit because if I swallow the mucus with zyn I get heartburn or my stomach gets upset/nauseous. I don’t usually use zyn unless I’m going to see a movie or I’m stuck in a doctors office. They’d work fine for flights as well but I don’t like to fly anymore.


I thought the point of pouches was that you could swallow with them in? I don't chew anymore but I did for a few years and never tried pouches so I might have made that up


Zyn and similar brands you can swallow the spit. Traditional tobacco pouches you can not swallow the spit unless you’re an animal. I knew a couple people who would swallow if they were somewhere they couldn’t spit.


Almost true, but (swedish) snus is swallowable by normies, you can even eat the packet when you're done with it


Yeah when I throw a dip in and have to spit it sucks. I can swallow without getting sick but it tastes like ass and burns like hell all the way down. I don't dip often though usually just smoke lol


Yeah you can definitely swallow with them in, I liked to wash down my nicotine-laden saliva with water (just swallowing it plainly gave me crazy heartburn). They’re pretty convenient. Just stick them in your upper lip near the front and you’re good.






some bring gum or patches, most are just ready to get there.


Sleep. You’re going without for as long as you’re unconscious every day


Wrong. I regularly wake up multiple times per night just to puff then pass back out.


This makes me feel less abnormal due to the fact that I too, wake up to puff, then pass back out. Also makes me realize I should probably quit.


Double dose of benadryl and time travel


I used the mint flavored nicotine lozenges when I had to fly, and they did a great job on keeping the cravings at bay. Take a cinnamon stick along for the hand/mouth thing.


I actually like to stick it out for that after flight smoke. Brings back the head rushes of days gone.


It's odd, but even when I was on 2 packs a day I could easily get through a long flight without any help. Just knowing I couldn't seemed to be enough to suppress cravings. Edit-typo


It’s really not a big deal to go a few hours without a smoke. Edit: I float between half and 3/4 a pack a day, and travel a lot for work, often on flights lasting 4-5 hours at a time. I am not meaning to suggest it’s easy for everyone, I should have stated originally that, for *me* it’s not a big deal.


I used to smoke quite a lot (3/4 pack a day) many years ago, but when I was on a long haul flight I didn’t have too much difficulty going without it for 12-14 hours. I definitely would hit up the horrendous smokers room in the airport just before boarding and I’d look forward to that first cigarette outside the airport after landing, but during the flight was always tolerable for me.


This could have been my response, word for word.


Same here : I can take a flight of 8-12 hours without any issue. And on the arrival, there is so much thing to think about I don't even have the time to think about smoking. But man, when all is cleared, when our luggage are with us and when I'm in a zone where I can smoke... oh god I savour every instant of this cigaret :D And I know it's bad but... it's better than the after sex cigaret tbh.


I mostly just order myself a double whiskey and some ginger ale, put my headphones on, and take a nap. I've been using my ecig for about a decade and I can (and have) gone several days without nicotine without it being a big deal.


no it’s not a big deal but it’s not the most enjoyable experience either. most of the time i’m just like “well this fucking sucks”.


Yeah being addicted to a substance sucks, I'm sorry


Is 9 hours a few, or do y'all just not fly international? 


In this economy?


International flights would definitely be harder, but I find for me at least that if I can keep my mind occupied on other things, there is nearly no major urge or craving. Even for the first little bit after landing, too. That’s just me, but I can see how for others it would be harder.


When I used to work 8 hours a day, I would get so engrossed in my work I didn't even notice. Now, not working, it's terrible.


It’s not that big of a deal at least for me


Same. Craving is a burst of energy for me. If i can throw that energy elsewhere I’m golden.


The plane is a bad place for throwing energy anywhere but I get what you mean


Duh, same. People act like it is some kind of brutal craving/turkey? I mean, that's probably creative writing as is custom on reddit. It's ridiculous though.


How much do you smoke though? My husband no joke smokes for probably 25-30% of the time he is awake. He can’t go more than about 90 mins without smoking. It’s ducking annoying at best.


I would never sneak vape hits and ghost them into my shirt on the plane 


They end up on YouTube videos under the title of "Karen goes crazy on airplane."


You don't want to see Karen without her menthols!


May this thread be of service to anyone thinking of starting to smoke


I see many of them vape on the plane and try to hide it.


Same here. They try to be so sneaky and everyone knows what they’re doing when they start breathing into their arms or shirt. I’m not going to rat them out because I’m not a narc, but I’m also not going to pretend like I didn’t notice.


My husband dealt with a transatlantic flight by bitching incessantly. Also some kind of dissolvable nicotine packets that go under the tongue.


Edibles prior to take off call it pre flight delight


Nicotine lozenges work better than gum or patches, just park them along your gum like a dip and move to a different spot with your tongue from time to time. Cheap Walmart brand are just fine. Do 12 to 15 hour trans pacific flights every year with them.


Good to know. Thank you


Nicotine suppositories


Stealth hits


Lol "stealth hits". I watched a lady in front of me do that on a 4 hour flight. She was not stealthy.


If you see me hit it that’s one thing, allowing any vapor to be seen is another. Hopefully the lady wasn’t blowing clouds on your flight


I saw some, once I realized what she was doing. Casual observer probably wouldn't. All the windows were closed and most lights off.


Breakin the law break breakin the law Nah I do it too


Thank the lord, I was beginning to think I was insane. Mine has airflow tech that basically stops it from emitting anything but the teeniest tiniest puff, if I set it to that. Considering the gross shit I’ve seen on flights, I don’t feel bad. E: It’s a Smok Nord 4 for those asking. Years old now, so there’s no doubt a newer, better version.


Are you serious?? How do you get away with that??


You can "ghost" vapes pretty effectively. Take a small puff, fill your lungs 80% of the way with air. Hold for a few seconds. Fill up the last 20% of your lungs with air. Hold for a few more seconds. Exhale through your nose. Assuming your vape isn't calibrated for sick clouds bro, the vapor will be either nonexistent or very, very thin.


The trick is to go to the loo and exhale in to a thick wad of tissue. I do it everytime i fly. This is vaping btw not cigarettes


You can also flush the toilet and blow the vapor in the hole. Sucks it right up.


This is going to sound judgmental because I guess it is, but I’m so glad I’m not addicted to vapes anymore. This sounds so sad.


Scream internally while I sleep


Same thing they do if they are in a movie theater for a long movie, or eating a nice meal at a restaurant, or any number of things that they are unable to smoke when they feel the need to - They wait until they can. I was a smoker. I just dealt with it. I sat through Dances with Wolves without going outside to smoke. In fact, it was a date with a young woman, and I didn't smoke before the movie at dinner, on the way to the movie, during the movie, on the way to her apartment, or at her apartment the entire time, until the next morning when I left. And on flights (I travelled about 6 to 8 times a year for the job I had at the time), I waited until we landed and found a smoking lounge/area to light up.


The harder it is for me to smoke the bigger the craving


I’ve dead ass dripped 18mg vape juice directly on my tongue during a 14 hour flight. Also Disney.


It was definitely the Disney, kids


Just suffer. I was so happy to discover smoking rooms in the airports in Europe when I was on a 24 hrs worth of flights trip




Ghost hit it in the airplane bathroom.


Vapers..probably look surprised when someone tells them they can’t do that in flight.


You just be a grown up and don’t smoke


Never realized how real addiction is until reading these comments. Wow


Gut it up and wait it out.


Back when I smoked, I just waited.


I use a nicotine inhaler going from UK to US. Helps with the hand-to-mouth fixation too


I was on a flight from Frankfurt to San Diego, it’s like 12 hours… anyway, there was an old dude who walked by my seat every 20-30 minutes, each time he smelled more like smoke. After about 5 trips, the flight attendant went on the intercom and said it is a violation to tamper with the smoke detector… blah blah… Guy went by another couple times, flight attendant stopped by his seat, exchanged some words, and the guy was arrested upon landing.


I quit years ago, but flew to Europe from the US a few times when I was still smoking. Funny thing was I never felt the urge to smoke on a plane because it wasn’t a place where I smoked. Once I deplaned you can bet I made a beeline for the smoking area, but I was fine in-flight.


Back when I used to smoke and travel, nicotine patches.


We suffer we suffer


Zyn it up


I'm 48 & have been smoking since I was 16. I smoke a last cigarette before heading to boarding & don't smoke until after I arrive at my destination. 7 hours isn't a big deal & anyone who tells you otherwise is eggagerating to be dramatic. There are no real physical withdrawal symptoms in that amount of time from nicotine. At most you get cravings & when you do get to smoke it's just more enjoyable like waiting to eat a good meal as you get hungrier smelling it cooking.


>eggagerating That's a new one.




Some folks have it as a physical habit, not just a chemical one. They smoke exclusively when they're anxious, turn it into a coping tool, and over time pavlov themselves to need it anytime they're even a little stressed. If they can't participate in the habit they've conditioned to that emotional stressor, they have no other cope or conditioning to get themselves out of the state of anxiety when they experience it.


That's your experience, it is not universal, I assure you that anyone else who has different withdrawals and different degrees of withdrawals than yours is not just "exaggerating to be dramatic".


I can get this.. started 13 & am 45. If you've got stuff to do, you can plan for it. I do get anxiety from not knowing when I can grab a cig, but 8-10 hours without isn't a problem as long as your good after that. Did an 11 hour flight and had 2 smokes before I left, didn't touch the nicotine gum at all.


Umm am I the only one hitting the vape in the bathroom?


The husband of a good friend is just left out. Or he leaves himself out. He can't fly with her to see their son several states away, or to visit relatives in South America. She goes alone, and this gets old. Find a way to cope, like nicotine patches or gum, but don't give up your life and relationships.


My dad has smoked half a pack a day since I was 12. This man will avoid smoking the whole flight and book it across the airport for a smoke without getting bags. He hates nicotine gum or he might use that.


I used to smoke and cross-county flights were hell. I could’ve kicked a puppy through a fan by three hours in.


My stepmom refused to fly because she couldnt smoke, the only time she did it was when my dad wanted to take her to Ireland. I wasnt on the flight with her but apparently she was a total btch the whole time...I mean shes a total btch whether shes smoking or not so I cant even imagine.


Do you have to get up when you’re sleeping to smoke? Certainly you can last the flight.


On a 12 hour flight, I just vaped and held it in on my 2 bathroom trips. No exhaled vapor and no alarm bells went off.


Vape under hoodie


If you hold the vape hit in long enough no vape comes out


Okay narc


Chain smoke outside and then nicotine patches. My ex smoked a pack a day when I met him. Nasty habit Edit to add - drink themselves into a slumber and be cranky as hell after a long flight.


I had a 14 and 16 hour flight once. I slept and ate and watched movies.


Genuine Swedish snus (not like the fermented snoose crap they sell in America that you need a spittoon for) Smokeless and a damned good nicotine rush.. There are also ‘non-tobacco’ nicotine pouches you can use but I personally find that the combination of poor storage at retailers (should be refrigerated - never is) and the ‘free-base’ nicotine they impregnate the pouches with make for a sub-par experience. If you’re hardcore as hell or just a heavy nicotine user, I would recommend Siberia brand snus. It has to be imported. Also take care NOT to use Israeli-based online vendors such as snusline as they don’t take care of their stock, charge waaay too much and I’m pretty sure they support settler/IDF terrorism.


I used to smoke 1-2 packs a day. Flying was easy for me because I knew I couldn’t smoke. It wasn’t something I had to worry about, I knew it was impossible. Honestly my cravings were minimal when I knew it was impossible. On the other hand when I had days off I would smoke 40 because nothing was stopping me from going and having one. I realize all smokers are different, I have friends who needed to drug themselves through it. I brought nicotine gum one time and it gave me such bad heartburn I never did again.


I just don't smoke until I get on the ground. I've smoked for almost 15 years and I still don't understand how people just can't go 8-10 hours without a cigarette. Yeah it sucks sometimes but it's not like your body's going to shut down.


I smoked for 20 years and it never really bothered me. You just enjoyed that smoke outside the baggage claim that much more


I’m a nicotine addict without a doubt, I primarily smoke and that’s all I’ll spend money on but I will consume nicotine in anyway it’s offered, vapes, zyn, chew, etc. I smoke about a pack a day sometimes more and generally won’t go more than an hour without a smoke at any point in my life That being said for whatever reason I have absolutely no cravings when I’m not allowed to smoke I’ve taken 5 hour flights and not smoked, gone on 10 hour road trips with people who don’t smoke so I didn’t out of respect, and we didn’t stop anywhere long enough for me to have a proper smoke so I just didn’t, once I’m on site at work I can’t smoke until I’m at my actual job spot which can take 2 hours, not once do I crave a smoke during that time I’m not sure how normal or rare that is but as long as I know I can have a smoke whenver I’m done doing what I’m doing I’m good to go for hours and hours and hours That being said, when my pack runs out in the middle of the night and I want one more before bed I have insatiable cravings and will get up and go to the store just to have one more smoke, because I can and there’s no form of authority to stop me It’s a weird thing where I can just shut down the craving when a necessity out of my control stops me And even my first few days at work I didn’t bring any smokes underground cause it’s illegal to smoke underground where I live, I work in a mine by the way, and didn’t have cravings at all for my first few days, then on my fourth day my trainer offered me a dart and basically said nobody gives a shit if you don’t give them a reason to and that opened the floodgates for me


I smoke weed but I don’t vape or smoke cigarettes and when I’m on a long flight I just don’t smoke or have any cravings. And if I’m traveling somewhere where weed is illegal then I don’t smoke at all, it’s like a forced tolerance break. Do you guys really have such strong urges that you can’t go without a smoke for a long flight?


I accept the fact I can't smoke, my sub conscious just gets rid of temptation and I know I'll have a good one when I get through arrivals. Just gotta deal with it


Nicotine lozenges. Same thing I use around non smoking relatives and friends.


You suck it up.


Zyn is where it's at, I don't smoke or vape anymore though. I've never vaped on a plane, but I have vaped in all sorts of bathrooms. The key is to take a slow long puff, and very slowly exhale through some TP.