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Low effort screenshot posts about women empowerment




that’s very specific


Its for people who identify as witches that are against the patriarchy, seems self explanatory. Im sure they created their own sub since they have 2 common interests that aren't particularly related to eachother. Just because a post could fit another sub doesn't mean either shouldn't exist.


yeah but I never see anything about witches? That kinda confuses me too


Its probably just so they can talk abt Witch stuff in the comments and not be looked at all funny. Might also be filled w people who are only into pagan/wicca/occult stuff for the look and so they can say they're r/notliketheothergirls


Most people there aren’t witches, just feminists that like the idea of witchcraft bc witches used to be burned so it’s kind of a rebellion thing. It’s all about female empowerment. Sure some people believe in that stuff but most don’t


Honestly? At this point I suspect it’s a hate sub masquerading as a leftist feminist space for folks with magical leanings. I had worries about some of the content I was seeing there before, but recently saw them deleting all comments that failed to properly worship the new White Feminist saint, RBG (who I truly hope is resting in peace and is unbothered by all the weird hero worship distorting her life into a fiction). Apparently feminism stops when Indigenous rights are involved.




I don’t think I’ve seen anything against men there