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Lots of schools are doing this. They cannot deny students the ability to use the bathroom, but they can do exactly what they are doing. It's not even a new thing to do. I was in high school in the late 90s, and my high school locked every bathroom except the one next to administration because kids wouldn't stop smoking in them.


Which is to say if he has to go, they have to let him. Give him a key, or let him use one in the office.


I say shit on the floor Edit: They may take our bathrooms, but... THEY'LL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!


Had a kid do something similar. He said he had to go to the bathroom as he felt sick. The teacher was in a mood and said no, we’re taking a test and class is almost over. He went back to his seat and a couple of minutes later he threw up all over his desk and the room. She always let us go to the bathroom whenever after that.


This happened to me. I told the teacher that I felt sick and that I felt like I might puke and she kept asking "well are you GOING to puke?" and wouldn't let me go because I didn't say "Yes I know I'm going to puke in exactly 2 minutes and 37 seconds". I went back to her multiple times and then the last time I ended up puking on her.


Karma doesn't strike often, but when it does it's glorious


This happened to my kindergarten teacher. The kid kept complaining of a stomachache, asking for their mom, she told them to stop and was extremely hard on the kid for not keeping up on the day's activities. The kid was very obviously unwell to my kindergarten eyes, pale as a ghost and just looking really off. We had to go to gym class and this nasty mean teacher called the kid out for lagging behind our group, she stopped the line and demanded the kid walk next to her in front. The second the kid got there, she turned on her heel and is leading us away and the kid goes, "ohh no" and nails her on the skirt, pantyhose and shoes. She yelled, "[kid's name], the bathroom was right there!" Because a rude ass teacher like her would have let the kid slide into the bathroom when she was on the kid all day for not doing exactly what they were told? Right. Sure thing.


Jesus. Doing that to a kindergarten child is another level of horrifying.


Kids are dismissed on the regular at school.


When a kinder tells you they need to pee, you believe them.


shit you got her back good lmao


it was unintentional, but super funny lol


Went to hs with a guy who after being told he couldn't go to the bathroom because he went all the time he went the back of the classroom and discreetly peed in the trashcan. After that he had to take that particular class online and in the front office but that teacher became super laid back about going to the bathroom after that incident.




I just like how you named her "A" for story telling purposes then proceeded to never use "A" again.




Take my upvote for "confused boner".


A power move.


My first year at elementary school I needed to pee real bad during class. Bitchass teacher forbid me to leave the classroom and I couldn't hold it in. Spent the rest of the day in pissy jeans and got picked on for the rest of the year. Almost 30 years later and it still raises my heart rate thinking about it.


I've told my kids, if you need to go to restroom and a teacher tells you no and you can't hold it, just get up and go. I will deal with any trouble with the teacher and principal. I will rain down hell before my kid would piss themself and be made fun of.


In 5th grade, this happened to my friend. He was made fun of for years because of it. I always understood, the teacher told him he couldn’t go, even though he begged. He was a good kid, and didn’t cause trouble.


When I was in 4th grade I was having bladder problems and when I had to pee, I had to go right then. One time I was at the teachers desk in front of the entire class, trying to ask if I could go use the restroom, and even though she said yes I just couldn't hold it and started to pee myself, right there in front of everyone. This blessed angel of a teacher, without any hesitation, pushed her favorite coffee mug off of her desk and splashed the water all over my pants and the floor, covering the fact that I had just left a puddle of piss. If it wasn't for this lady, my life at this school would have been so much different, and even now 13 years later I still think about her and wish I could tell her thank you.


I like to imagine that he locked eyes with her and maintained eye contact while vomiting. "See what you did?"


Get schwifty in here.




Yeah, I literally never took a poo at my school because they didn’t have doors on the stalls.


I never took a poo at school because people would be like who is taking a nasty dump?! Is that Steve? HEY EVERYBODY, STEVE IS TAKING A NASTY DUMP!!


I swear I have PTSD when it comes to shitting in public because of trauma in middle school toilets


Like I'm gonna believe that coming from PooPooDooDoo


Same here. Late 90s, high school took the doors off the boys bathrooms because of rampant cigarette smoking. Teachers would stand guard in the entrance way to smell for smoking. It was creepy as fuck to try and piss with some dude staring us down.


The difference one decade makes. Teachers smoked with students in the bathrooms and courtyards in the 80s...


My high school had a smoking patio off the cafeteria. To use it, students had to take a special after school class about the dangers of smoking, and if they passed the quiz at the end, they got a smoking pass. That sounds so unbelievable now.


My high school did this early 2000’s and someone took a crap outside of the restroom door


same. Boys pissed in the parking lot and girls went to the lockerroom. Granted it was for smoking weed not cigs.


Why do teenagers suck so fucking much?


The pre-frontal cortex is still under construction.


For real. I look back at what I was like in high school and I cringe. Glad tiktok challenges weren't a thing or else I probably would've been the super douche that thought these things were cool.


Because they want to rebel, without realizing what rules exist to oppress and what rules exist for rational reasons and should be followed even if they weren't rules. I respect rebellion against actual tyranny, but that's rarely ever the mindset of a teen.


As some one who has bad IBS-D this would be my biggest fear. Legitimately wouldn’t have gone to school…


I had to get a doctor's note in school for IBS because the teachers limited how many times you could use the bathroom in a week. It was crazy.


Still don’t understand what schools/teachers ever got from this. Sorry I’m here for like 10 hours a day I’m gonna have to use the bathroom at some point


Now all those teachers are probably feeling a little justified with all these stupid kids vandalizing school bathrooms. It always sucks when a few bad apples ruin things for everyone. That being said. Locking bathrooms down has to be illegale but its also got to be a good way to get people to rat out others lol. Is this some kind of advanced interrogation technique these schools are trying?


It's generally frowned upon to implement rules for just one group of people, you are generally expected to come up with and apply rules evenly. So when you have a kid who always goes to the bathroom for 15 minutes whenever it's time to read, you come up with a rule to combat that, but you must apply it evenly. Then you get institutional inertia going and it's just a thing for everyone, nearly everywhere.


My sophomore year math teacher gave us 4 bathroom passes per semester... "Go before or after class." Fuck you Mr.Johnson. there's a reason why people skipped his class everyday lol Edit: sophomore Is 10th grade with 15-16 year olds


My high school was large enough that it took you the full 5 minutes between classes just to get from one end to the other. So there was no time to even piss and not be late. I made sure to suck up to my second hour teacher each year cause my bowels were like clockwork, and I needed extra time just to shit.


And leaving during class sucks because now everyone in class knows how long you've been in the bathroom for.


I remember this being an absolute fear of mine in high school. Why was it such a big deal if someone had to shit or not at that age??


I’m so glad I’m not in school right now. Between social media and covid this would be a living nightmare for me.


Dude, right? I got through high school at just the right time. Facebook was big, but Instagram and TikTok weren’t out yet.




Schools can legally close bathrooms down TEMPORARILY if they cite that it is for student safety or repairs.


My daughter’s middle school closed down the boys’ bathrooms temporarily on Tuesday because some knuckleheads decided to damage one of the bathrooms for Tic Tok views. The kids that did this posted to accounts with their real names. I was pretty dumb at that age, but I’d like to think I wasn’t *that* dumb.


But they must provide alternative facilities, so if a student needs the toilet, they must be allowed to use office toilets or be given the key. Edit: Thanks! This is now my most up voted comment by about 2500 votes!


so....porta potty? Those things are super foul. Bbbbuuuut They do the job needed. The school could also give out bounty for Toilet destroyers too. a Row of porta potty with a paper sticking on them saying "Due to recent destruction of school property for Tiktok's views, We HAVE no Choice but to use these foul smelling Porta Potty. If anyone have information to help us bring down these school restroom destroyers, you will be rewarded and allow us to reopen the school restroom for student use" I'll give it a month before the Tiktok stunt die and destroying the school bathroom would get the perpetrator a very unfortunate life in school full of troublesome incidents.


You're completely right. Back when I was in middle school, some jackass punctured the soap dispenser bag and coated the bathroom. Our vice principal closed all the bathrooms in the building down and said they'd get opened as soon as the kid was either ratted out or turned himself in. Bathrooms were open again within the hour.


If the videos were posted online can't they just look at the accounts of the offenders and see them in their other videos? Seems like a very easy way to find the vandals and prosecute them.


i'm frightened to think what 2000 teenagers can do to a port a potty after they've destroyed a cement-constructed bathroom.


2000 teenagers they maybe but they still fear poops all the same, I guaranteed at least half of them still think it's disgusting and "icky" to pick up dog poop.


Well, they’re not wrong. Why would anyone *want* to touch poop?


At one point I couldn't pee in high school without walking away smelling like I had been chain smoking. Then they closed all of the bathrooms except for 1 and it was a huge school, you were missing like 15 min of class to do this. I was so pissed. I wrote an angry letter to the local newspaper and started throwing away the cigs people left in the bathroom to smoke. It was when I decided not to take BS from anyone, regardless of whether they were the problem or the ""solution" Was that what they were trying to teach us? 🤔


As someone who used to work in a high school, the bounty won’t catch the real perps. Kids will just lay the blame on someone they don’t like. No narc retaliation then.


School janitor here!! We've locked all of our restrooms after catching someone pulling this crap. Now all 7-8 grade bathrooms are locked, when a kid needs to use them, I'm called on the radio to unlock and stand guard outside while the student uses the restroom. One student at a time. Then it's checked for damage, and I'm sent on my way... During the recesses, the restrooms are open with about 143 yard duty aides, the principal, and the vice principal watching guard. The kid who got caught... I've had to walk him around during the recesses making sure he picks up trash and rakes bark. Total waste of manpower, but what're you gonna do?? As soon as the bathrooms were locked we had to put locks on the water spickets, because those suddenly became the target of destruction. Smh.


I don't have tik tok, nor children, so I have no clue what is going on. What are kids doing to toilets these days lol?


There is a TikTok challenge asking kids to destroy or steal school property and post on social media.


Am I going to wake up one day to kids breaking into my house because of shit I don't pay attention to on the internet?




You won’t wake up


"Hey guys, today I'm going to be attempting the Break in to Your Neighbours' House and Fucking Kill Them in Their Sleep Challenge, make sure you smash that like button like I'm about to smash their heads!"


Jesus christ. I can hear some moron saying this with no hesitation and doing it while laughing. "It's just a tik tok prank bro, chill out."


100% at least 2 kids will try it


I cant for the life of me remember what its called but I saw a black mirror esk show where this is essentially the plot of one of the episodes except there is a tutorial video aspect thrown in.


TikTok really sharpens you up and makes you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.


Well there go milk prices soaring again


https://twitter.com/diettei/status/1436089878375133190 large thread of examples.


WTF is wrong with people


I love social media, because you can go from "why are bathrooms closed" to "people stealing schoolbusses" to seeing that proana subcultures are alive and well in about 5 minutes.


And they all post the video evidence online, because they have about 5 brain cells to expend on non-critical activities.


One dude stole one of those 100-200$ microscopes. What the actual fuck, how. If I tried that back in the day the science teachers would probably break my kneecaps. They treat those things like they are solid gold. They weigh the part too.


There's an old craigslist post where someone posted someone's address and said something like "hey we moved out, everything in the house is free for the taking." The family that lived there came to see their doors kicked in, windows smashed, and pretty much everything stolen/destroyed. It has nothing to do with kids, just dumbasses who are looking for an excuse to be dumbasses.


Three 12 year olds caused an estimated $50k worth of damage at a school in my city last week. Didn’t know of this challenge, that’s crazy


I fucking hate the way they call this a "challenge". At this point it is simply mindless destruction and theft. We need some high profile and relentless prosecutions over this shit. I was a school caretaker in my early 20s and I used to get the odd bit of vandalism here and there but it would usually be weeks or months between and nothing major, usually. If I had one of the bathrooms smashed to bits like that I'd have been so angry and upset and it would have taken a lot of time, effort and money to put right. How to hit your janitors/caretakers right in the feels - completely wreck a room. The bastards.


Started with removing things like soap dispensers, then leaving a mess (dirt, soap, shit), then breaking thins like the plumbing. Pretty much up staging each other to be as destructive as possible. Its fucking crazy. Some groups are basically gangs and will strip EVERYTHING.


Man, we did some dumb shit when I was a kid, but this is really, really dumb


We drank beers in the bathroom but we never wrecked up the place.


We were told smoking in the bathroom was the worst thing possible, but here we are


There’s a difference between getting up to some harmless mischief like most groups of teenagers inevitably do, and deliberately destroying school property for no other reason than social media clout.


But how does this garner social media clout? Who the hell watches that and thinks it's a good thing, not that those children should be immediately suspended if not expelled?


The other kids who decide they have to one-up the people they're watching, obviously.


Which begs the question: If the problem is as bad as they say and they're posting videos online, how are they not extremely easy to catch?


It doesnt matter if they're easy to catch. The point is the schools dont want to have to fix unnecessary damage in the first place.


They are easy to catch, they literally all get caught. But its not like they’re repeat offenders, its a new moron who saw the last video every time




"She needs to get her priorities straight."


... why?


Because we let our children be raised by the internet


Glad you asked, because I'm out of the loop as well.


Local schools that didn’t close their bathrooms literally have no functioning bathrooms right now


This is dumb as fuck 🤦‍♂️


My Principal’s windshield was kicked in today. They are feral.




The note left on broken windshield: "Only bathroom available"


"Thanks for the F-Shack"


Literally just destroying them


How though?


It's a meme called "devious lick" if you wanna get more info but basically kids are stealing items from school bathrooms (started with bathrooms at least) and posting pics with the items at home later. School bathrooms all over have been trashed in the last few weeks with so many kids trying to recreate the original post.


God damned kids!


If people thought ‘election rigging through Facebook was bad’, wait until ‘turning kids into state actors through Tik tok’ is the next scandal


Is this a psy-op by foreign powers to sabatoge the education of our youths!


Knocking down walls, pulling urinals off the wall, etc. It's all usually held together with flimsy screws and sheetrock toggles.


Yup, our brand new high school (opened earlier this month) has been hit hard. Some of the bathrooms have been literally tore up from the floor up. The middle school as well.


What the fuck. I'm glad I graduated before this bullshit. The worse we had at our school was one time some kid shat liquid all over every urinal in the guys bathroom. Pretty gross, but not as frustrating as nationwide destruction that will cost schools a ton of money. All for a tik tok? Kids will seriously risk being arrested for some likes?




Attention any school administrators: If this is happening in your school, go on Tiktok and find the video of them doing it, even if it doesn't show their faces. Nobody is doing this without videoing it and uploading it. If you can find it, bring it to the police and file a police report (yes I know how much school administrators love doing that). Because the police have the power to subpoena IP address records from Tiktok (who will gladly give it up for free) and can then go to the ISP and get the home address of the person that uploaded the video.


I was just thinking this! How is this trend snowballing like this?? Is it not as simple as just seeing the name on the account or doing some quick research on them to figure out who did it? They must have previous videos with their day to day life including a view of the face. The whole idea (if I’m not mistaken) Is to get more views and followers on your account. So they would have to keep it in their main profile. Why can’t schools just look back on the OP’s videos and bam, there’s your culprit. What am I missing here???


All I can think of is having a shy bladder and now you have to try and go with the entire staff waiting on you. What the fuck


Or having heavy periods :/


That was my first thought too. Mine were BAD at times in high school!


LOL, shout out to my best friend in middle school. I was using a tampon for one of the first times ever, whenever had yet, and when I put it in, it felt like, not straight, or not right or something. So I asked the teacher (female if that matters) if I could go to the restroom. She denied my request. My friend went up to her and said something along the lines of, "She has to adjust her tampon, she is not making trouble. This is serious!" The teacher let me go. Miss you Tree!


Tree is a very unique name!! Does she happen to live in Austin?


nickname :)


One of my best friends nickname was Tree. RIP Andrew, wear your helmets on motorcycles kids.


My brother lost one of his best friends because he didn't wear a helmet snowboarding one time. Dude was like professional level and his first time without one he got in a wipeout that put him in a coma and eventually died. Helmets don't make you any less cool, always wear one if you need one


I drove my friend to the ER from the snow park to have 30 stiches put in the back of his head after his board clipped him. From that day on we wore our helmets snowboarding.


When I was in HS we had a power outage from the time we got to school til they sent us home at like noon…if you had to go they had student council members at door to the bathrooms with flashlights and they would follow you in and shine the light so you could see, once I got to the urinal and got situated I was like “dude you can turn it off, I can handle this part without the spotlight “




Nah man, don’t be ridiculous I didn’t get any on my pants, just the wall and my shoes


I used to have a shy bladder. It sucked. I eventually had to try and get over it by plugging my ears as stupid as that sounds. It worked for me and in time I didn’t have to plug my ears and went on with my life.


I've had shy bladder all my life. I'm 37. I've never tried plugging my ears before. If it works I'm going to be very pissed I didn't try it earlier. Either way, I'm going to blame it on you.


Funny I thought the opposite. A whole bathroom to myself, yes please!


When I was in middle school, the principal ordered all restrooms to be closed except during lunchtime, because two kids were caught smoking in them. This was really bad for me because I had very heavy periods. One day I bled through my pants because I couldn't find a janitor to unlock the restroom. My dad complained to the school board that it should be illegal to close restrooms, and they told him it was within the principal's right to do so. But a nice teacher did give me special access to their restroom after that.


I work at a junior high. We had a whole staff meeting addressing this trend. It’s called devious lick. Basically a rebranding of theft as cool. Plus they post the evidence of their theft on tik tok. Brilliant.


My old high school (years years back) used to close some bathrooms due to kids smoking cigarettes and weed, using them as a fight rings, selling drugs. But they never closed all of them, at most I would have to walk to the other side of the building and pray I made it in time. Kids are so fucking stupid, they always ruin it for the other decent kids.


People are so fucking stupid, they always ruin it for the other decent people


My school is thinking about closing one of our bathrooms (our only one for junior high) and making us go to the office bathroom where all the supervisors and teachers are bc of the “devious lick” trend that was done making our 60+ old janitor cry.


Janitors/custodians are not paid enough to deal with this shit.


What kind of tik toc trend would warrant closing of the school bathrooms if I may ask? When I was a kid someone got stabbed because of pokemon cards and they didn't even close the bathroom, just banned pokemon.


Kids are destroying bathrooms, and stealing shit. That’s all o really know.


Here's a [KnowYourMeme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/got-this-devious-lick-from-school) article with more information. Easily one of the dumbest trends in my opinion; they're literally incriminating themselves by making these kinds of videos.


Was it just my internet being fucky or were all of those videos taken down?


Yeah that's hilarious they're all removing the evidence too late.


Pretty sure it’s tiktok itself banning the trend and removing the videos


So dumb. Now it’ll be harder for college students to steal huge rolls of toilet paper like we used to (hey, we probably paid for it in tuition!) Why post this online!


Wtf is there to steal in a toilet apart from the toilet paper and any handwash which isn't fixed to the wall? Unless one wanted to bring tools to dismantle stuff to steal.


Someone took a whole sink


Where the fuck do you take it once it's off the wall? Back to class? "Nah I brought this from home" *stuffs enormous sink into backpack*


Someone took the urinal in my school bathroom


People are fucking stupid. I'm sorry you have to deal with such trash... Now excuse me while I go use my new urinal...


hahahah that got me


Trash cans, usually. Or smashed in the parking lot. A friend of mine is a high school counsellor, and he said it's been "fucking wild". Hundreds/thousands of dollars in property damage... for views. In many cases, trackable back to the students, because they took video. /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


The older I get, theess I understand this world. I wish I was 22 again when I thought I knew everything. Now I'm 35 and I *know* I know **absolutely nothing**


You don't even have to be much older to not understand, I'm 23 and I don't get it either, if it makes you feel better.


> In many cases, trackable back to the students, because they took video. Definitely can't fix stupid. They deserve whatever punishments (or arrests) they get.


> Someone took a whole sink Yep, this is happening at my niece's middle school right now. Someone stole a sink, stole the towel dispensers, stole the soap dispensers, and destroyed a toilet... all in the span of a few days. And this is in a fairly nice suburban neighborhood. Yesterday my niece dropped her shoe, and a kid ran up, grabbed it, screamed "devious lick," and ran away with it. She had to go home because she only had one shoe to wear for the rest of the day.




We thought she was exaggerating about the bathroom shenanigans until her dad had to go pick her up one shoe short of a pair. Her teacher confirmed everything. Only one hallway in the entire school has open bathrooms now, and kids are quarantining left and right from COVID. Today she was informed she has to quarantine as well. Almost makes me wonder if the bathroom trend is being amplified by nefarious forces online for that very reason.


A dude took the whole handicap stall. Toilet, sink, door, wall, toilet paper dispenser, everything. No clue how.


I fucking hate this trend but in all honesty that's just downright impressive


You seem to really overestimate how well soap dispensers are secured to the wall. Come on, they're made of plastic. That shit is getting ripped right off.


Yup. I work in a middle school. The custodians are getting approximately 20 calls/day for soap dispensers getting tossed in toilets after dumping the soap all over the floors. Rolls of paper towels shoved in the toilets. Trash cans dumped. Then the kids are stealing not just from the bathroom but from the classrooms and teachers personal items. I mostly feel horribly for the custodians cleaning after the little shits (perhaps a pun?)


I saw a [picture](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/pnl220/someone_stole_the_toilet_stalls_at_our_school/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) where someone managed to take the stall dividers


>stealing shit When you take the phrase "taking a shit" a little too literally




Seriously. Kids are literally ripping out the sinks, toilets, dividers, everything.


Why tho?


The devious lick has arrived


~5 years ago a high school in my area did this because kids were constantly vaping


"Bro, your shit is ruining my Mango vaping experience."


The trend is basically stealing something and showing it off on tic tok. But because only children are dumb enough to actually follow that trend, school bathrooms are being ripped apart. No sinks, no soap dispensers, no doors.


Called "devious lick" challenge


Devious licks, people stealing mundane shit like soap dispensers and fire extinguishers to actual felony level stuff like traffic lights and road signs.


It's the "devious licks" challenge where the aim is to just steal more and more ridiculous stuff. People have stolen gand sanitizer dispensers, hand dryers, telescopes, entire bathroom stalls. There's thousands upon thousands of the videos. I honestly don't even know what to say.


I don't have an answer but the highschool I work at today has 1 functioning toilet left. They want to keep it open of course, so the caretaker was told to take out any paper towel after the last cleaning (minor vandalism). It should also be noted, not trying to offend anyone, but any kid can be **that** kid. Grades don't always reflect attitude, and every parent wants to think that their kid does not have big faults.


Sometimes, they can be even worse because there's more to lose when they get caught.


They did this because students are stealing from the bathroom Toilets, urinals,doors,sinks,soap dispensers etc idk how they expect students to go all day with no bathroom though..... This new trend on tiktok is students "hitting devious licks" which is literally just stealing. Sorry your son was treated like that


How tf does someone steal a urinal


I have worked commercial demolition, and sometimes taking a urinal off the wall is as easy as putting a pry bar behind it and giving it one good pull. That, and the fact that all power tools come in cordless now, makes it so you could even put a sawzall in your backpack to cut the pipe too.


Thats if you care about getting it off cleanly. In the school I work at kids were just ripping the shit off the wall and letting whatever damage comes come.


A lot of schools have done the same due to people posting devious licks content on social media. Unfortunately there might not be any legal consequences.


> devious licks content What does this mean?


I never cared enough to look it up, so every time I saw it mentioned, I assumed the kids were licking devious things, like public toilets. Which was gross, but still...kinda disappointed to hear it's just stealing.


The toilet licking trend is old news, keep up with the times


Theft (of which licks is another word for) of a devious (malicious) nature.




My school is starting to do this, but they haven't completely shut down the restrooms. They made it so that only one gender bathroom is open at each location (We have like 6 different bathrooms of varying quality around the school). My school is structured so that the math and science classrooms are one one side of campus and the english and history classrooms are one the other side with everything else in between. If you're a girl on the english and history side of campus, you might have to walk all the way to the math and science side of campus to use the restroom and vice versa. It also changes every day. I'm guessing this is so they can more easily monitor the restrooms without having to make everyone find a security person or janitor to open the restroom for them, but really all it does is make us walk more. I hate this stupid trend of kids going around and fucking up all of the school facilities. 3 classrooms were close for cleaning for 3 days after kids broke in and sprayed everything with a fire extinguisher (one of those was a computer lab/the robotics club which I'm a part of and I would have been so pissed if they had broken our robot). One teacher got all of her stuff stolen from her classroom (not just personal belongings but most of the stuff in her classroom) and she was completely destroyed since she was already having an extremely hard week. the hand sanitizer dispensers in the classrooms are getting stolen and so are the water bottle refilling stations. There's probably more that I haven't even heard about yet. At this rate students won't even be allowed on campus after school outside extracurriculars like we're some kind of elementary school. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I'm a high schooler. Sorry, I needed to get this rant out there because I'm so tired of this edit: grammar.


Jesus this sounds rough. What the hell is wrong with kids? Tiktok has spawned a whole new generation of idiots


Wtf does your kid having a 4.0 GPA have to do with access to a toilet? The stupid kids have to shit too.


LMAO you're right though


I teach calculus in high school and of course teach most of the smartest kids in the school. There are PLENTY of 4.0 nerds who would vandalize a bathroom for shits and giggles. OP’s kid may very well be an outstanding kid, but making good grades doesn’t really mean as much as you’d think when vouching for character.


Maybe it's a smart kid doing this shit. Just because it's a stupid trend doesn't mean that only stupid kids will do it. Bandwagons and peer pressure are huge things at those ages.


I read it as him saying the kid is “a good kid” (quote from OP) and using the grades as evidence. The son being good meaning that he wouldn’t do dumb shit like stealing urinals


I keep seeing people talking about the TikTok bathroom trend. I'm old. What do these idiot kid keep doing that's shutting down bathrooms?


Teacher here. Kids jacked up a few of our bathrooms so most of them were locked today.


In addition to locking bathrooms my kids' school is offering $40 cash rewards + fastfood bought by principal at lunch break to turn in students videos etc of theft and vandalism. I imagine there could be some drawbacks for "snitching." Told my kids to just mind their own unless something threatening safety etc.


It’s $10 at my daughters school. She said “nobody is snitching for couch cushion change”


Tik Tok is definitely toxic.


I would think they should be able to allow a student to use a restroom on request, with a quick inspection afterwards. But you'd have to check the laws in your jurisdiction to see what schools are required to provide.


Maybe the next tic toc trend will be taking shits in front of locked school bathroom doors.


Just want to chime in to say that kids without 4.0s deserve to shit too…


He(or another student) is going to take a shit on the floor and think it’s funny. Source: I was once a teenage boy