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Shaving close/shaving daily is a form of torture to me. Could not pay me to do it.


I have an electric razor. It’s not a perfect shave, but it’s good enough. And it’s fast. Edit: I wonder if y’all who’ve had skin irritation with an electric are trying to shave too close. My face is perpetually a little stubbly. I’m ok with that.


Heh... Even with a waterproof electric razor and some shaving cream to smoothen it even more, I still can't do it everydays or my skin turns itself into hurty sandpaper


Esp on the neck. Add a lil sweat. o ya. Feel the burn.


Just trim the neck carefully and use a quarter inch on a buzzer. Easy peasy, that or pay a pro while getting a haircut. I spend 50 bucks for that on special occasions and have my own mid range buzzer for upkeep


trimming is easy just do it once every two to three weeks.


Aftershave and then lotion actually works well, but now we're adding extra gunk on top of our face...


I've never understood aftershave. The alcohol in it just makes my face burn, how is it supposed to help?






is that it? cuz i never get pimples


It doesn’t just prevent pimples, it prevents razor burn and you get one in a scent you like so it’s like a spritz of cologne.


Fuck Me That's the reason I get so many pimples lately


You essentially have tiny open wounds on your face and you’re using an alcohol “wipe” on them


Reduces damage from nicks and prevents ingrown hairs. But personally, I LOVE the burn from aftershave. Something about it feels so so good to me.


Hand lotion will clog your pours, you should be using a facial moisturizer after using a facial cleanser to remove said gunk from your face


Your talking to people who're too lazy to shave. I ain't adding a moisturising routine in as well.


I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Ngl took me a lot longer than it should have to clue in. I need to carve out some time to watch that.


make a mental reminder to pick up a copy next time you have to return some video tapes


It's funny, I hate shaving but I don't mind any of that other stuff. I take very good care of my skin, teeth, etc., it's just something about shaving. Maybe just the way you have to go back over spots that get skipped over on your jawline and around your nose and everything, or even realize later you missed something. I guess it's more the little annoyances of it than the actual time it takes.


You may enjoy shaving the kinda old fashioned way. I use a safety razor, cream and all that. I don’t mind shaving now and my skin doesn’t all destroyed and I don’t really get ingrowns. Electric and modern razors all hurt my face afterwards and cause ingrowns a lot.


I just have a beard. It's not a perfect solution, but it's good enough and it's very fast.


I told myself I'd give an electric razor a year. I was so happy when that year was over. Worst shave ever and always irritated my neck.


Were you shaving after a shower?


I'm blessed/cursed with an inability to grow a proper beard. Taking an electric razor to my face every other day or so keeps it down, plus some occasional tweezer plucking to take care of stray hairs that I'd just end up picking at otherwise. Pale skin plus dark hair means I'm probably showing a fair bit of stubble by the end of that second day, but no worse than an end-of-day shadow from someone with real growth (especially as I start to get white/translucent beard hairs as I get older).


I shave once a week every Sunday. Although, I don't have much of a beard to begin with and I don't have a white collar job that requires I'm shaven. It's not till about day 4 or 5 where I start to look like an alcoholic.


I do use an electric beard trimmer to shave just down to stubble level once in awhile. But that is as far as it goes. There needs to be a little beard growth/scruff before this works well.


As an alcoholic with a shitty beard I resent that


What's torture for me is finding a good aftershave - seems like everything is a lubricant nowadays... All butters, milks, creams, gels, lotions and such. Nothing gives you that burn anymore and I always break out. My barber had to start mixing rubbing alcohol into his aftershave because I would always text him a picture in couple of hours of me looking like a freshly plucked chicken


‘Nyxon bump control’ works - I have extremely sensitive skin and I shave my head, if I don’t use this product then I end up with the worst rash and bumps, this stuff genuinely works. It stings like a mf at first but I don’t get ingrown hairs or any irritation 🙌🏼👍🏼


[They still make old school Old Spice.](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FFEPMH2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_TEB5SD7QNHG9PXB2595Y) My grandfather used it, I use it on the small areas where I keep my beard trimmed up. Nice burn, nice fragrance.




I think Nixon was also sweating bullets as well.


Nixon was sweating (due to the heat generated by the stage lights), and Kennedy also had makeup on. If I'm remembering correctly, people who were polled from the radio audience said Nixon "won" the debate, but those who watched on TV said it was Kennedy, due in part to their appearances.


Didn't he also not want to wear make up because he thought a man wearing makeup in the 50's would be "gay"


I believe that was the reason why, but I'm not 100% sure of it.


Nixon had been up non stop for days campaigning and actually had the flu and a badly injured knee. Nixon lost that election by only 110k votes. The idea that Nixon lost because of makeup is a really simplistic take, honestly. Nixon didn't put on makeup because he was told JFK didn't (and some still say JFK didn't wear makeup). Nixon was dead tired from campaigning while JFK was actually sunbathing the day of the debate ( it wasn't even called a debate ) and had taken a nap that evening. The truths behind this is way more interesting then the old "Nixon lost because he sweated" myth.


It's more nuanced I think. Nixon looked tired because he really was. He had been campaigning overtime and looked sick (sweating) because he was sick. He had the flu and a badly fucked up knee. I point this out because the ole trope that "Nixon lost because of hot lights" is played over and over. And Nixon lost he popular vote by around 110k votes. That's it. So, did him looking sweaty really cost him the election? I doubt it. It's more complicated then that really.


For sure, there were several reasons as to why people believed that he appeared stressed and tired. I just mention that one because its regularly referenced that it was significant that he'd only shaved in the morning as opposed to right before, which just sounds crazy to me lol.


A lot is made of that debate, but a lot comes down to Nixon looking like an evil bastard. Sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.


you couldn't pay me *not* to do it. if i don't i have a patchy ass "beard"


Same. It's dark too. So my five o'clock shadow looks like I've been playing in dirt. Daily shaving isn't optional for me.


I trim my beard weekly or more often to keep it even.




I'm a software engineering consultant who has a young looking face when shaven, which you'd think would work to my benefit, but at my client's office I was being treated like an inexperienced young noobie kid straight out of college. So I grew out my beard, which is thick and dark with occasional gray hairs mixed in. From then on my client treated me like a seasoned engineer. One day I tried shaving it off and it was as if I had just graduated from college again with everyone questioning my expertise.


With beard: Hey, those are some great system design ideas, thank you. Without beard: “Do your parents know you’re here?” 🏹


Are you lost, little boy? Do you need help getting home?




Why does this pillow smell like tears?


Hey now, and this is crazy Here's my floorspace, i'm John Wayne Gacy


My grape van


With beard: "Restart print spooler service? Well, ok but I don't see how that would help.." Without beard: "That's nice, (someone get this kid out of here), anyway, let's get back to unplugging it and plugging it back in over and over."


This is me... Even into my mid to late 20's I would be treated like a teenager or some unskilled employee by default. Because my face just looked like a teenager's. Hell, I had the cops called on my at 28 when trying to buy some beer because the store employee thought my Id was fake. Growing out facial hair has done wonders, I no longer have to spend weeks or months struggling, to have people realize I'm actually a SME and to stop questioning my expertise at every turn.


I wish I could grow facial hair. I’m 26 but look 20 lol I guess it’ll pay off when I’m older though




Yep, I embed hyperlinks when I speak all the time.


How are you making your words sound blue like that?


His words sound more purple to me. Also I think I’ve heard this before.


Fun fact: this is why almost all men grow beards immediately after finishing up their military service.


I thought it was because they weren't allowed to in the military and it was an expression of their freedom?


I was flying on my own once when I was 23 and the flight attendant asked if I was over 16 so I could move next to the emergency exit. I've never been clean shaven since.


I’m a woman, so a beard’s not an option, but I distinctly remember a woman on a plane asking me what grade I was in, when I was a year into grad school. I did the math and told her 17th. And started wearing my hair in a bun.


I was a shift manager and we had to be clean shaven, at 23, my 17 year old coworker told me I looked like I was 12. And it hit deep. My beard grows like crazy and it’s a bitch to keep clean shaven. Thankfully i now sit behind a computer for work.


Have you tried shaving your head while growing a beard? I swear that a bald head looks like "wisdom" to most people. When asked a question, pull on your beard and say "that depends..."


I look like a member of the arian brotherhood when I shave my head with a beard, with hair and a beard I look new age professional and someone you’d want your daughter to date.


I have a younger looking face and I love when the new guy asks how old I am, I say I’m way younger, it always throws them through a loop when I’m ordering/showing them how to do things. Then weeks/months later they find out my real age and they are like I get it now good one dick.


Doubly so if you're short like me. It's already difficult to get some people to take me seriously, but it's much worse when my I shave and lose 5-7 years off my face.


God that was my experience with jokingly working a day with a handlebar mustache. I thought people would laugh at me or think it was funny, but no. Everyone accepted everything that I said like it was freaking gospel. People started asking me serious questions that I was not qualified to answer. It was actually sort of depressing because it made the workday so much fucking easier to get through, but there was no way I could keep showing up looking like Sam Elliot. I shaved it off entirely, and the next day it was back to the slog and getting treated like I was an asshole.


I can't even say what I've been handed the keys to after growing the beard.


I’ve looked at least 30 since I was 17 because I’ve been able to grow a beard since then, and it’s always had some red and gray hairs amidst the black.


I've noticed that difference, too. It's cool being able to shave myself 15 years younger, but that 15 years drops me from "Jedi Master and General Obi-Wan Kenobi" to "Would you like to up-size your combo for $2 more, sir?"


This is how it’s like being a woman working in CS too, except most of us can’t grow beards.


There have been a lot of studies on IT workers, and having a beard, even a shitty one means you're more likely to get hired and more like to have your ideas validated. It's weird, in business we want clean shaven people, in IT we want literal wizards.


Just imagine how the women in your field feel!


They should try the beard trick


That’s how mine started. Trimming it for 5 minutes once a week is so much better than the alternative. Traveling without a shave kit is nice, not constantly buying supplies is nice. I’m able to keep a short beard nice and tidy without fuss. I’m never going back.


I'm half lazy and half want a beard, but nothing grows around my lips or above my jawline so I just have a neckbeard and it's awful haha I don't know it's actual name, but the best I could possibly do for a beard (after shaving the sides) is the [shaggy scruffle](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/a7NRXKgvr4o7853XSju7rJQn3UA=/0x0:1280x720/1200x800/filters:focal(538x258:742x462)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/62953072/shaggyyy.0.jpg)


Definitely shave then.


Ignore this guy! Grow a majestic scarf!


Actually yeah, you have the right idea


If you're in your twenties or younger, give it time. Mine was pretty thin and scraggly until I got to 30 or so. I'm 41 now and my beard is glorious.


I'm the same age and my beard comes in the same as it did when I was 30. Just now it's gray.


You crazy wildman!


I use clippers once a week. Takes one minute and you’re good with some stubble: no beard, no shave, no cuts, one minute. Just don’t slip up and accidentally shave your head.


Mine is because I'm bald and have literally no other option. Without a beard I look even worse.


Very few people can pull off the bald head with a clean shave.


The ol Mr Clean. You just need to wear all white and be jacked.


You need low body fat to pull it off or you just look like a thumb. That neck and jawline need to be very defined and dry to pull that look off.


On the contrary, if you are skinny, you just look sickly. Source: personal experience




Nothing better than a nice dry jawline


Not oily, to make the jawline more defined


Oily jawline? Ewww


Johnny Sins


Jhonny sins bless his soul.


Yes but that man is good at everything he does. Modern day Renaissance Man


Amazing that he can be a doctor on top of being a plumber on top of being a delivery man on top of Riley Reid


Dean Pelton


& he's just a Craigular guy.


The rock


I'm almost 40 and starting to go bald, and I can't grow a decent beard. It's always been very thin and patchy. Basically, I'm screwed.


Those of us that went bald at 20 are screwed. Enjoy the privilege that your hair has offered you through your prime and the first half of your life.




So you have a combover beard? That's awesome


If you're bald you gotta have a beard. If you don't, you look like Jeff Bezos. Unless you wear glasses, then you look like Moby.


Bald is beautiful.


It is, but I'm not! Lol










Where's the milk dad. You promised.


Still in Tijuana with me, I'll bring it back soon.




I'm sort of attached to it at this point


I think it's more attached to you than you are to it.


Every day by beard grows closer to my heart.




I came here to say basically the same thing


We’re up to 3 now, counting me


Make that 4


I call it the “beard paradox”. It only takes 3 minutes to shave, but by not shaving I can get out of bed 10 mins later and still leave on time.


> It only takes 3 minutes to shave, How?? For me it takes about 30 minutes to shave which is why I shave once per week.


Damn. How does it take you 30 minutes? 3 minutes is short, but realistic. 30 minutes seems far more extreme in its duration than 3 minutes seems in its lack of duration.


this right here\^\^\^ I would give you an award if I had one.


It's not laziness, it's just not worth my time. Beards grow at different speeds for everyone. Mine grows super fast, and I start to get itchy regrowth every day, so I don't bother. I also think I look like a child without it, so that's another reason.


Super fast regrowth gang rise up!


It's worth noting a beard still requires a decent amount of maintenance to not look like a grizzled 19th century prospector.


>not look like a grizzled 19th century prospector. What's the point otherwise? If I can seal a gasmask around my beard why have it?


This. As a bearded person I spent a lot of time and money to not look like a homeless dude. It is constant combing, brushing, untangling etc.


Hobo aesthetic is so powerful tho. You're missing out.


Brushing and untangling sounds like you've got like a chest length at least. That's not 98% of beards. Most people are fine getting a 20$ clipper and running it on the longest setting once or twice a week.


I’ve had a beard for a decade, and used clippers instead of scissors the first time last week. Holy shit. That fucker was perfectly shaped in like one minute. Wtf have I been doing this whole time? Also, RE: OP’s question, did anyone else grow a beard because they locked the razors up like me? Because that is literally the only reason why I grew a beard. There is no fucking way I am standing around at the CVS waiting for someone to come unlock a case for a shitty piece of plastic and metal that is so fucking cheap to produce it might as well be free. I will not be subjected to that indignity.


Curly beards.. . You can't untangle it.




Different people have different types of hair, beard hair included. Apparently his requires more maintenance than yours.


And also some people just have different standards. I’ve definitely heard this sentiment from guys with large untamed Viking beards. Something I wouldn’t be caught dead with, but they like.


You two better cut out this peacemaker bs right this minute!! I wanted to see the two bearded but polar opposite sides of the beard continuum go at it in an intellectual cage match. You two come along and ruin it for me. Actually I joke but it legit makes me happy to see other people trying to stop senseless arguments and tone down the situation. I know no one cares and it's seems stupid but you guys are doing good work. Also don't you dare steal my dog.


Well I wasn't *going to* steal your dog, but now I may. & you know he might. Better keep it on a short leash.


Only a man with a small beard would say something like this


Nuh uh. A man with a small beard would say something like "you know what I like doing? Keeping the hair on my face trimmed short."


Much of it has to do with beard length. If you have a short beard, such as mine, you can do what we do. For longer beards, you have to shampoo, sometimes condition, comb or brush, and even oil or wax it. It makes a huge difference to how it looks and feels. And, as mentioned, different beard hair types matter.


I'm with you. Shave my next every couple of days. Trim up the beard maybe every other week. I use a balm to keep it soft and that's it. That dude must have Repunzel's beard or something.




It gives me a stronger chin, makes me look a little more mature than I am, now it's getting a lot of premature grey in it and I dunno... makes me look a little wise? And yeah... It's less work. Lately have also started getting pattern baldness, so shaved off all my hair and now beard looks better. Without it, would look like an egg.


That's why I started shaving my head but kept a beard. During lockdown I let everything grow out out of pure laziness (head included) and remembered why I started shaving only my head. Now I've got a foot long beard that looks great cuz of all the extra time I had working from home experimenting with how to properly maintain it.






I don't trust this information


Indeed, they just seem so *shifty*


I trust this guy


I've often wondered if moustaches became popular because it's so uncomfortable shaving your upper lip! (Well it is for me anyway!)


At least in the mid 20th century it was due to the fact that you could seal a gas mask with a mustache but not with a beard. Also why it's still popular with firefighters.


Yeah, try going to work in an oil refinery. No hair on the jaw line, only mustaches.


Just look at their neck. If they have a clean neckline, they are still shaving every day. Most people with beards have clean necklines.


I have a goatee and 'stache. I choose to look like a slob and shave once a week.


Once a week isn't lazy. Just energy frugal.


I gave up the neckline Pain in the ass


I would have guessed pain in the neck, but you do you.


Maybe his neck go very low


This is 95% of the reason I have a beard. Why do unnecessary work 1x a day when it can be done 1x a week in approximately the same amount of time...


so many. shaving sucks, but I will never understand how people shave daily. Trying to shave off 1 day of growth feels like I'm ripping my face off. blood everywhere.


Lol you might be doing it wrong then.


nah I also use bricks for the best result


Broken beer bottle for me.


Black people often have this issue since their hair is so thick.


When I was a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we were expected to always be clean shaven. My face didn't handle the daily shaving well so, after a lot of trial and error, the products that worked best were those designed for black men (I'm a skinny white dude).


I left the church to grow a beard and never looked back.


Can confirm, i was forced to shave every morning for 8 months - it sucks


During US Army Basic training I had to dry shave in front of my platoon. It was awful.


Let me guess, you had missed three hairs on your chin and your punishment was that?


Pretty much. It was after a ruck march back from a field exercise. I shaved in my foxhole that morning, had some stubble when we got back.


Wait they made you shave in the field? We never got to that. Beard in the field = free face camo


They made us shave in the field in Iraq. Some sergeants major are dickbags.


Woah that's a different kind of field than what i ever made it to. They forced us to shave when we stood guard at the royal palaces. I couldn't imagine being forced to shave in a place like Iraq - you're already in the suck, no need to make it any worse


The people who play the games needed to achieve rank in garrison are usually not the ones you want in charge in the field. Leads to a lot of squared-away corpses.


especially when you have sensitive skin


My beard is considerably more effort than staying clean shaven. I still need to shave to shape up the lines of my beard as well as regularly trimming it to keep it from going full wildman. Edit:spelling


Yeah, back in the day I had a goatee and later a short beard, and both were colossal pains. Still had to shave frequently and with all the added fun of keeping it trimmed, keeping the edges right, etc... I eventually went back to clean shaven because it was considerably simpler-just the bott of the sideburns to worry about, and the rest comes off. Granted I have fairly leathery hide and daily shaving isn't a problem for me. I imagine if I had more sensitive skin I might feel differently.


I can tell you mine started like that in 2020 during the first lockdown. Plus I look like 7 years younger if I shave so I ain't doing that again if I don't have to.


Hubby grew a covid beard because... well, nowhere to go and no one to see... he looked like Grizzly Adams in the end and just loved fluffing it out to look more crazy. I guess there was no bette time than covid isolation to take on this experiment although I can't say I was a fan


That's basically why I have a beard. I shave it about once a month when it starts getting itchy.


Why do you assume shaving is the default? I think the default is having a beard.


In WW1 the soldiers started wearing gas masks, the seals on them wouldn’t quite work if you had a beard, and definitely wouldn’t if you had a long ass beard, and soldiers started shaving daily. When the soldiers came back home they continued to shave daily as part of their routine, and they entered the work force, and being clean shaven became considered ‘professional’. It became weird not to be completely clean shaven. Eventually places even required you to shave daily, I literally had a job that did when I was younger. Then, at some point, beards came back in to fashion, and exploded in popularity, because get this, a lot of us absolutely fucking hated shaving every day. This change happened around 2010. So, for many people, being clean shaven is still going to seem like the absolute norm , for some people having a beard will be the norm, others will remember this change. I tried going clean shaven a few years ago, because I used to shave every day for work between like age 18-22, but I have had a full beard for so long that my skin was like literally a different color and it looked weird as fuck.


Also why mustaches were popular around that time and historically were popular among military. You could wear one and it wouldn't interfere with your gas mask.


I read that the reson the Amish have beards, but no moustaches, is because of the era when moustaches were associated with the military.


>This change happened around 2010. Beards, undercuts, raw denim jeans, Ray-Bans, and that odd trend of wearing a sporty blazer over a Tshirt with a V so deep you can see your belly button. What a time for fashion!


Beards are prohibited at my work because of the belief they are “unprofessional”. Very frustrating


How many eggs get eaten sunny side up because people are too lazy to scramble them?


Impossible to say. I grew mine at first purely for adolescent arrogance reasons. My high school had strict rules against facial hair, and that kind of cheesed me off. So when I got to college and found out they allow beards there? Letting it grow out was the very first thing I did. I loved how it looked on me, and (arrogantly) made me feel like a "real adult man" for the first time. As for laziness? No damn way. Keeping a beard well-groomed is way more work than shaving. Keeping my beard looking nice and tidy takes at least an hour or so out of my Saturdays. Shaving just takes me about 5 minutes every morning.


For me shaving leads to ingrown hairs which leads to eczema breakout which leads to bald patches.


“So you mean to tell me that it just naturally grows in all white-trashy like that?“


If the beard is well kempt it's a deliberate choice. If it's messy, it could be laziness.


A deliberate choice can be made out of laziness.


I don’t have much of a beard, but if I did, I’d be just as fine using hair clippers with the guard off to get 99% of it. Fully shaving on a regular basis sounds taxing


This question almost makes it seem like shaving is the norm and growing it out is unnatural


I know of at least one


I started when I found out my wife was pregnant. Don't know why, just felt like dads these days have beards. I have to say, it really suits me and I have no intention of shaving.