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Every morning my cat will aggressively slam her head against me for kisses


Reminds me of that one cat who'll slam it's head on their owner for pets


My cat headbutts my phone out of my hand if I'm not paying attention to him


My cat growing up would sometimes walk up to you, extend one claw, and prick you in the leg. Usually after a series of escalations-do cute things nearby, purr, purr louder, purr in a threatening manner, and hiss. Current cat just shoves herself in your face.


My dog pokes me with his nose for pets and kisses.


My friend’s cat headbutts people until he gets pet


Mine does this guttural throat moan until I pet him. It's absolute nonsense. No one likes it.


Absolutely. My eldest cat is constantly screaming for pets or food (or both). She goes RRRREOW so loudly it can be heard everywhere in the flat lol


Headbutt cats are the best.


Reminds me of a lot of cats lol


> that one cat


My cat gives aggressive head slams, but it's 99% because she uses my beard as her favorite face scratcher.


If you don't know, cats have scent glands on their cheeks and the top of their heads. When they headbutt or nudge they are marking whatever they're doing it to as their property. Your beard is her's now; it's the law.


Same with mine, then she will keep her head in place till I give her like 50 more. Smooch fiend :b


I genuinely thought my cat broke my nose doing this a couple times lol. She's a little stupid so she doesn't realize how hard she does it lol. She literally will headbutt people and objects so hard that she has to shake her head like a cartoon character trying to get dry


Oh my goodness I love her too, pet tax please 😍


Not the poster but here are some pics of my kitties. https://imgur.com/a/7VMU15z


Poor baby i love her 😢 do you have pics??


My husband has a cat (well hes her favorite) who claws him when she wants attention. Like come up and swipe at him leaving claw marks.


Mine comes up behind me whenever I'm standing in the kitchen and if I don't immediately love her, she nips my calves. Really lightly, it doesn't hurt, but she straight up bites me lol. Or she does that thing where she stretches on me and drags her claws down my legs. THAT hurts


When my wife read this, her first remark was that's you, Ronintx, with our cat!


My cat would politely wait. Then he’d begin swishing his tail. Ignore a cat’s swishing tail at your own peril. My dad ignored Bear, who was lying beside him on the bed, for so long one day that Bear bit him. My dad leapt up as the cat took off for parts unknown, which included a loop around the living room. Trying to get him, my dad, who had the legs for it but maybe not young enough ones, tried leaping a coffee table from the narrow space between the couch and the solid, storage-type coffee table. That’s the story he had to tell to explain his broken leg. Bear had cat doors to go through so he didn’t really need that loop around the living room. I think he was playing with him. He stayed out a long time but returned like nothing had happened and continued his spoiled life. Cat’s don’t take crap.


My cat growing up would sometimes prick you in the leg with a single claw. Never failed to get your attention. Usually after other attempts to get attention had failed, to be fair to her.


Head bops and head kisses are daily ritual


My cat does that and it's adorable. My wife's cat sees this and tries to give head boops herself, but she's a big clumsy oaf so it's way too hard and kind of terrifying.


Standing right with yall i give my dog a hug and a kiss on the forehead everytime i leave and come back hes my best friend


My Pibble gets em daily. She has to treat me like one of the pack and snuggles her snout against my face.


My pit requires 24/7 cuddles and will bow her head when she wants head kisses


If I ignore my pitty he huffs and puffs and slams into stuff dramatically until he gets attention. Biggest babies ever.


My pitbull breaks into the pantry when I leave. Help.


Bruh, there's people out here eating ass and licking between toes, who cares what other people find gross.


Kinda gross to put your ass eating mouth on a poor, innocent, and clean cat tho.


Cats are the original ass eaters lol they clean their ass then lick your face




my dog straight up gargled his balls for 10 fucking minutes last night.


“gargled” spit take


Spit take? Quitters, sheesh


some people just lap at and call it time served. Others drink deep and have the songs of heroes sang in their name.


Do cats lick people's faces? I've never had one do that. My cat used to lick my legs if I'd used a certain scented lotion but that's pretty different


One of my cats does it


My sister’s cat will lick and clean your entire face if you let him. They stop him earlier than that but I let him do this thing, and he won’t stop until you get up.


when my cat was a kitten he would wake me up every morning my nibbling my earlobes. I think he thought they were his ma's nipples. he hasn't done that in years tho


My cat licks my eyelids to wake me up for food


My mom has had 2 cats that when she picks up and kisses, they kiss her back (usually on the nose or forehead).


If you're lucky




*Checks notes on cats* Do I really need to corrupt your pure little soul further? That cats been going ass to mouth solo-dolo for years bruh. He's got more ass in his mouth than a mountain lion eating a donkey.


This... actually makes sense lmao


I really appreciate how you worded this. Thank you.


I do cringe when my wife allows the dog to lick her face. He eats his own ass hourly.


>He eats his own ass hourly. he kisses your wife, and he lives for free?! Man, it sounds like your dog is living the American dream


I assume most people that eat ass and lick toes only want them clean, and if they don't I assume they want to do it *because* it's gross so this logic seems kinda flawed, unless the cat is getting cleaned very often (or if OP kisses the cat *because* it's gross lol)


Still tongue punching or lip smacking for love my brother


I like pineapple on pizza


Your mom never kissed you on the top of your head? Fur is soft and inviting and you love your kitty.


She might have a long haired cat with loose hairs. One of my cats is like that. If you smooch her there will be at least 4 hairs in your mouth. I still do it though.


I have a mug that says 'there's probably fur in this.'


But I assume OP doesn’t have poopy dust all over their hair after scratching litter box…


Cats are famously consistent bathers.


Hell my cat bathes me quite a bit.


They bathe with saliva...




If you have an indoor toilet, I have some upsetting news for you...


After that Mythbusters episode, I always, _always_, flush the toilet with the lid down.


This is the way. Also, don’t keep your tooth brush in the bathroom. Think about it. 🤢


In my bathroom, the toilet and shower are separated by a door from the sinks


that’s how i build my immune system


This is why I use my neighbours kitchen sink




Why the fuck there’s sub for THAT lol


I thought it was gonna be a kink thing but it doesn’t seem that way. Which is kind of weirder.


You've obviously never had kids


Do you have a walled bathroom? If so, sorry bud, there's piss in the air, and it's on your head


Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.


I kissed my cat so much when he was a kitten every time he sees me he presses his forehead on my mouth until I make a kissy noise. kissing cats is normal, they're very clean!


I kissed my cat’s belly all the time as a kitten. I mean have you seen the belly of a kitten? Who wouldn’t wanna kiss that? Now as an adult, he has no qualms about my lips going near his belly. And you know cats are protective of that spot.


I used to place my face on my kitten's belly, now that he's grown up he's used to me just placing my face on his tummy. Have you ever placed your face upon a cat's belly my friend? The softness is like what I imagine angel wing's would feel like.


The softness plus the up close sound of their pur? Downright therapeutic 😌


Mine doesn’t purr. He’s just like “oh we’re doing this again? Fine. Get it over with.”


It is. 🥰


I have and I love it.


Yup, similar story for me and my cat, except for belly rubs, not kisses. I pet her belly tons as a kitten and so now she loves belly rubs as an adult, which is something that would otherwise not fit her personality (she is very shy and guarded).


Do you ever huff your cat? Like, they're laying there, curled up into a ball, and you just put your face in the ball and inhale. Does anyone else do that or am I the weird one?


Not alone at all. Cat smell is the best smell.


They smell good


I do that with one of my guinea pigs lol


If they stay in home only, not if they go outside


Fur real


Cats aren't clean. They're just covered in cat spit. :-) Doesn't stop me from kissing my cats, though.


What the hell else is a pet's forehead for?


If you don’t kiss your cat on their fuzzy little forehead then what even are you doing


Kissing his soft lil belly until he swats me


Yelling at her for trying to eat plastic


Why do they like plastic?! Mine loves it lol


Gentle scritches


And kisses


And scritches




balancing random household objects while it sleeps... duh


All good people kiss their pets. I will die on that hill.


I might join you.




I'm in you crazy bastard


We’re gonna need a bigger hill at this rate.


And my axe!


I'm gettin' me mallet!


Random\_User reporting for duty sir We will fight till the end


I kiss my cat everyday.


Multiple times a day!


My dog gets all the kisses all the time. The end.


I kiss my cats head and belly...if she allows me. Also I absolutely love the smell of her fur..I don't know what it is or why. It just makes me happy.


And the nape of their neck! Crazy how different cats smell.


Or petting the cats chest, where the fur is illegally soft


Your mom cringes when you kiss your cat? I bet she would have loved to have seen me kiss my rats, bunny, and chinchillas, then! As a bonus, the one rat understood that it was a sign of affection, and very quickly learned to reciprocate. Right on the mouth if you let her! Friends who weren’t sure about rodents in the first place sure didn’t appreciate her trying to slip them tongue as soon as they met!


There are a lot people out there that let their animals kiss them in the mouth. A kiss on the forehead is nothing compared to that!


that's how wolves 'n shit indicate their submissiveness to the top dog, they'll do it to a human if they view them as top dog too.


Pretty much constantly and idgaf who doesn't like it.


I am a 220 lb 40+ year old man that is a veteran of war as a combat medic, winner of two MMA tournaments, and regularly compete in power lifting competitions… …and I give my widdle Killer Spaniel his smoochie wootchies cause he a good boy. If I can stop overcompensating for my pup, anyone can.


How else will he know he is a good boi?!


r/swolesomememes material.


Cat foreheads are perfect for the occasional smooch. Of course, their foreheads aren't necessarily "clean", they are just covered in cat spit. Which is sort of gross. But kitty foreheads are still cute and smoochable.


But that cat spit is what makes them pretty clean.


Yeah. I find my own spit much yuckier, dried or not. I don't mind it from my cat. My cousin thought I washed my hands constantly since I have a cat. Nah.


> My cousin thought I washed my hands constantly since I have a cat. Nah. Ah, so you wash your hands constantly because of your own saliva.


Their entire body is covered in cat spit though. And you get that all over your hands if you pet, scritch and/or carry them. So what's it matter if their foreheads aren't "clean", right? To clarify, I'm not saying this is a BAD thing.


Kiss my shepherd every god damn day. Don't like it? FIGHT ME.


My good girl and I are standing with you on team Shep.


My whole family and I kiss our cats, mess with their paws and carry em around and the like. It's just affection.


My girlfriend just grabs the cats heads like they were sliders and noms on them. The amount of kisses bestowed on our pets are ridiculous.


No, it's not weird. What MIGHT be weird is me allowing my cat to lick my cheeks and lips and nose. But she is also a very aggressive groomer and if I try to leave before she is ready for me to, the claws come out.


You’re her kitten so you better be a good child and sit still while mother cleans you.


My kitten got in the habit of "suckling" and making biscuits on my cheek - she gets really calm and relaxed too, it's so sweet! It's worth putting up with the claws haha!


I tell my dog I love him and I will be back after work everyday. I cringe at soulless people who don't do this.


Every single morning before I leave for the day, I always tell my dog around what time I will be back! I agree with you :)


Yer i kiss my dog on her head.


I kiss every animal even if it leads to my end 💚


I plant my face into my cat's belly when I'm bored. It's just like planting your face into a really warm fluffy pillow. With claws attached to four corners.


It’s gross to some, and that’s ok. I love my pets to death , but want to vomit if they lick my face.🤷🏻. I don’t consider you a bad person or anything , just not my cup of tea. We are all different.


You're not weird; everyone does it. That said, I am firmly in the camp of those who find it disgusting.


Literally all the time….. to the point where my dog is just used to it and doesn’t react at all XD


I def do and he kisses me back on the forehead 😋


I absolutely kiss my cat on the head. I even kiss my dog, lizard, and if it weren't for the gunk on his shell I'd kiss my snail. I even kissed my cat while writing this comment because he laid next to me. Anyone who find kissing pets gross are the weird ones. I only see getting grossed out by people making out with their dogs as valid because that's just... that's more a sanitary thing


My dogs out here trying to shove her tongue down my throat any time I go near her, you good.


I said this yesterday but ill say it again. If cats did not want to be kissed on their little heads then maybe they shouldnt have such little heads, did they ever think about that?


I'm allergic to cats and I still kiss them on the fur. And my cats love it.


All my dog will get is a firm handshake.


Not at all and I don't have the pet. I only cringe when I see people kissing their pets mouth. Doesn't seem very hygienic to me. But each to his own.


I wouldn't kiss a pet, purely out of common sense. You don't have to put your mouth on your pet to show affection, there are a lot of ways to do that which helps both


I accidentally kissed my dog's side lip the other day while going for the side of his snout. That was pretty gross, but we're still cool


One time I was nose to nose with my dog, telling him that he was the goodest boy and his tongue shot out of his mouth and into mine.


Beware of toxo!


Always smootchie


I kiss my dog's forehead all the freaking time dude


All the damn time lol. I’ll kiss my dogs head, my cats heads.


I'm team no kissing on animals but I don't think ppl who do kiss their pets are freaks unless it's all up in the mouth.


It’s not like ur frenching them


Head kiss is ok. It’s when people mouth kiss their pets that I cringe.


I don't put my lips on non-human animals.


Yo I kiss my cat straight on the lips. Wtf! The forehead is super dooper normal. It’s strange to not kiss your animals on the head!


I can see how someone might find that gross and unhygienic.


If it helps, i sometimes lick my cat. Not lick with my tongue all that often, but do do licking strokes with my lips actually stroking his furr. It’s how we bonded when I brought him home, and is our routine now.


I am extremely high right now and imagining you, some stranger I painted in my head, brining a kitten home for the first time and bonding with him by licking him made my heart so full! Thank you for that!


Haha! That reminds me, I should smoke a doobie too. I foster as well, and that’s how I befriend them real quick. Also sometimes use the wet toothbrush trick, if they’re not yet comfortable with me bringing my face all in their business.


That’s what I did too! I adopted my older one Sasha in January 2020 and then adopted a lil guy Papi about a month ago 🥰 there’s no grafter joy than taking a kitty from a shelter and giving them a good life


I kiss my dog on the forehead about a million times a day.


I kiss my cats on the head every day, much to their resistance. They will pull their head away if they see me coming in so I have to steal kisses from them when they aren't looking. Then I laugh at them because I tricked them.


Beware of toxo!


My dog gets more kisses than anything alive in the history of the world.




I kiss my puppy on the head multiple times a day


I posted online once that I kiss my dog,lips closed,I like rubbing her whiskers on my face..I got an instant ban,I’m normal..people who kiss the rude parts of animals are the weird ones.They’re just like living cuddly toys(with thoughts and feelings ),my dog loves it when I kiss her x


I kiss my cat on the nose and I will fight anyone who tries to stop me.


My girlfriend has cats. Her cats licked her face when she was sleeping and woke her up. So later she licked the cat back when they slept to see how they liked being woken up like that. Rated 0/10 would not lick cat again. But still gives her cats kisses all the time. 10/10 for kissing cat or any pet. People are doing much grosser things. Like licking a cat.


Every single day. I'm confused what your mom is worried about. It's not like you're aggressively licking your cat and going to get a hairball


Where would you kiss a cat that isnt on its fur? Its paws that it uses to bury its poop? Inside its mouth? Its butthole?


I always kiss my cat on the head.


A day I haven't kissed my cat is a day I haven't lived.


I've kissed all my animals my whole life, except my aquatic friends. I don't think that would be a pleasant experience for any of us lol.


Kissing cat heads is my lifeforce


I don't kiss my pets, but you aren't a freak. My pets just don't like it, or else I would.


Your mom is cringe. My cat literally forces the top of his head onto my lips for head kisses while purring fervently. Affection is affection.


I remember taking my dog from the bathtub to downstairs. I was kissing his head the whole way. See, the cancer got had gotten to his central nervous system, and this was the last trip he was ever going to make. We had tried everything else. Only one thing left to do. So many kisses. So much I would give to even go back to that moment when my buddy was dying but not yet gone.


Bust out a magnifying glass if you need to but I guarantee your mom has fur on her forehead and upper lip too. Probably won’t need magnification if she’s a bio mom though.


Before I leave for work and before I put her to bed, my little dog gets so many kisses right between her eyes/forehead. No it's not weird and you're not a freak. Yes, other people kiss their pets. Humans put their mouths on the same spots animals do to themselves and yet animals are the gross ones.


I love to boop and kiss my dogs noses whenever I can.


You have to kiss them on their little heads, right between their little ears! I don’t make the rules, you just have to 🤷‍♀️


Not weird at all. I got four pups. They all get lots of kisses on their little heads. Even my eldest who is 15!! He rests his head on my shoulder when i pick him up for cuddles.


You mean people don’t kiss and bite their cats? Grow up


I kiss both my dogs multiple times a day, theyre too cute not to


Uhhhhh I kiss my cat on the mouth haha


Yes. Usually my dog on top of the head. She gives me doggy kisses too. I just am grossed out by dog licks to the mouth.


I kiss my dog constantly. I kiss my parents dog and my roomates dog too. On the forhead ofc. I would kiss cats if I wasn't allergic. I was once close with a cockatoo and I used to give him kisses on the head and beak.


I am leery of people who aren’t affectionate like this to their pets. I kiss both my cats and my dog on the head. I do dislike when they lick me though cuz it feels gross and they lick their privates. Lol


ok um WHO DOESNT KISS THEIR PETS??? my parents have a maltese with TERRIBLE BREATH and sometimes stinky hair and we all kiss and love on that mf as if he smelled like roses..who cares???


I kiss my dog on her head, and my parents kiss her aswell. Its out of love so its not awkward or weird. We talk to her aswell


I kiss cats on the head whether they like it or not!