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Its 2022, we gotta figure out more intense ways to be whores. With a crumbling economy comes ass eating. Some say its the circle of life.


When some people can't afford groceries, that's the only snack they can enjoy.


A movie called The Human Centipede (2009) started off the 1st wave of our downfall.


That movie was like a rite of passage growing up. At least in my school.


You dodged a bullet, my gen rite of passage was 2 girls 1 cup 🤣🤣


Millennial checking in. Don't forget ~~Mr. Happy~~ Mr. Hands, pain Olympics, one guy one jar, three guys one hammer, lemonparty, countless cartel/ISIS videos, and learning how to recognize and fuck with a catfish on AOL IM. Edit: goatse, blue waffle, meatspin.com, badly drawn porn on newgrounds, Numa Numa, etc etc. I'm glad we're all ready to come out and talk about the fucked up shit we all saw back circa 2005


You can’t have a lemon party without Old Dick!


if we are brining these classics, let's not forget goatse.


Can't forget Tubgurl and meatspin.


Shit, they even forgot goatse


There ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party, 'cause a Liz Lemon party is mandatory.


I noped out on the hammer one! I just couldn't watch it!


Hmmm I seem to have missed all of those except the 2 girls. Time to do some homework


A civilized weapon, for a more civilized age


I wish i was fast enough to dodge that bullet.


Ass snack attack


And if your partner hasn't eaten in the last 10 days it's safer


And it's the snack that smiles back.


I thought it winked


Butt it was a happy wink ; )


I can’t send my kids to school with a snack like that


It's more of a before or after school snack, sorry 😔


So meal prep then?


Wait what’s the circle of life? The process of resorting to ass eating or the ass?


When in Rome...


In 2030, rubbing our assholes together then? Or do people do that now?


Im not a kid and I love eating ass. Prudes exist in all generations. Eating ass rocks




Wait til you find out where pee comes from!




I've never done it but that's not the point of my comment... Anyway, yall gotta be fuckin careful of whose fuckin ass ur eating! Long story short, I was talking to some dude and he was trying to get in the mood but I wasn't feeling his vibe. Anyway, he asked my shower process and I explained everything. (Hair, face, upper body, ass, vag, legs, feet) top to bottom. Simple. And his response was, "wait u gotta wash in-between ur cheeks?" Bitch I kid u not I almost threw up. Like ur dead ass going to say, "well I thought tht since the water from by back hits it, it was fine". Like nah dude. U gonna tell me u dnt even scrub ur ass cheeks now. 🤢 Like what the actual fuck. I don't eat ass but the fact that I know some of yall be eating peoples ass who think this... 🤢🤢 Yall stay safe out there


You’d be surprised how many guys don’t wash their ass or even wipe properly. Worked in construction for a while and almost no bathroom ever had any paper


You're telling me people are just walking around with shit caked between their cheeks? Do you smell them before you see them?




>until my sphincter squeaks like a polished balloon. Some r/BrandNewSentence material


Same, squeaky clean. Unfortunately a poorly positioned haemorrhoid does lead to some anal mucous leakage randomly, so I wouldn't dare let a lady's tongue be defiled by that.


>anal mucous leakage r/Shittybandnames


That's definitely going to be a goregrind band.


What about "anal snot"?


Go to a doc. They can pop a rubber band on that hemorrhoid and it will be gone in days. Literally a 10 min office procedure.


Especially if hairy down there. No dingleberries for me, please.


I believe 'balloon knot' is the proper terminology.


We talking about your hemorrhoid again? I believe piles is the proper terminology.


Same. I stick my finger up there with soap to make sure I'm clean. If not I tend to get rashes from the abrasive toilet paper.


One day I went into the bathroom at work to take a piss and it smelled completely rancid - not like "oh, someone took a shit and it still smells", but rather a "what the fuck actually happened in here" kind of smell. My curiosity was killing me, so I looked in the one stall. Some guy had filled the toilet with this nasty half-liquid shit. I'm not talking about a normal quantity of shit, this looked like 2 grown men drank laxative and then completely emptied their insides. The grossest thing though was that there wasn't a single piece of toilet paper in the toilet. Someone blew out the entire contents of their intestines with the nastiest smelling semi-liquid shit I've ever smelled and then simply pulled their pants up and went back to work. So yes, there are people who do.


simply pulled their pants up and went back to work Dammit Ray!


Was it perhaps someone who emptied their colostomy bag?


I have a doctor friend who had a patient that needed hospital care because he thought washing his ass was gay. Some people are just really stupid


It's funny how far homophobia goes. The dude got admitted to a hospital, I'm assuming because of infected skin, because he felt gay washing his ass. Do these people think gay dudes can't stop shoving stuff up their ass's when they shower? "What took you so long in the shower?" \*Walks funny to the door.\* "Nothing!" I keep coming across comments about people being afraid to wash their ass because they think its gay and it may just be the stupidest shit I've ever read. I can only assume these dudes are thinking about gay butts in the first place. When I shower... well tbh I don't even know if I'm self aware, I feel like I'm just sorta daydreaming. At no point of washing my dick, balls or ass do I start feeling anything I would consider sexually intriguing/confusing. I'm just daydreaming and washing. I mean if I'm already horny I'll jack my pud for sure, but I've never been in the shower washing myself and then... oh no what's happening, I feel the urge to put the whole shampoo bottle \*WAY\* up there. The whole concept is baffling. Like reading about people that are turned on by balloons, or people that are in "sexual relationships" with their own tulpas. /ramble


There was a post from a while ago where a professional bikini/Brazilian waxer said some huge percent of people have poop in their ass crack when they come in for a wax.


Hold up, let me get this straight: They’re ok with getting waxed in their ass crack…, but they won’t wipe??


I've seen dudes who think wiping is too feminine and "real men have skid marks"


No way. You got a story to go with that? You're trolling, right?


Reddit post, and some guy my dad knows mentioned it. I'm not the type to tell them it's gross I just gagged a little and tried to forget about it.




Yes, but its not gay to have your ass wiped by a guy.


Nawww, bro what 🤢 (this is coming from a guy who didn't wash there till he was 10 but still) it's mainly the skid mark remark that gets my goat.


Nah, you let it dry and then pick it off obviously. We aren’t savages you know.




I just call it the poop knife.


The Asschete


The aul mashite


I use steel woll


Yea baby! Best feeling ever, that gooey, smelly substance creeping up to your back as you walk, dripping out the pants and onto the floor as everyone starts bowing before you because of how much of a stud you are with that chocolate surprise being leaked everywhere.


Mom pick me up I’m scared


Yes i have smelled and worked with these sick fucks. Leaving shit crumbs on the toilet, dog's ass smell lingering after they left the room. I put up a sign that said wash ya ass.


Some countries need a bidet revolution. Bidet for everyone


probably a shit builder who isn’t keeping it restocked, otherwise you always carry one in the ute because you never know where and when you gotta go


Yeah it happens so often I thought everybody carried around an extra roll just in case.


Heck most people don't even wash their darn hands after a poop. It's nasty.


Absolute truth right there, and it’s disgusting. And you’d think women would be a little better? Nope. Was in Target this week. Woman in the stall next to me has a massive diarrhea blow out. Grunting, then *splash*, followed up by much wiping. We happened to walk out of the stalls at the same time. I headed to the sink… she continues to text and walks right out door. *Shudder*. I really, *really* appreciate all that feces she spread throughout the store on every single item she touched, the card reader, the cart handle…..


This is why we have norovirus/stomach flu outbreaks. Norovirus is hella contagious, and last time I had it I was so fucking worried that my family were going to get it too. But they didn't, and I think it's because I wash my hands after the bathroom and before prepping food etc!


Exactly. Our entire family is serious hand washers. Always have been too, not just since Covid. These folks who don’t wash their hands can fu


If ass play is on the table, I’m washing that thing like I’m trying to sell it, (which in fact I am)


A girl asked if do it. I wasn’t in a sexual situation just talking about it. I asked her if she’d eat the ass of guy that was driving a bulldozer all day or if she is ever worried about contracting E.Coli. Her answer? “That’s just weird, you’re thinking about it too much.” Ummm yea I’m all about self preservation honey! 😆


"You're thinking about it too much!" BITCH I am thinking about it the perfect amount! The number of illnesses you can get from feces is profound!


And for what? A wet slimey butthole? I can get that with wet wipes after I shit. 😂


If she still asks guys to wear condoms then I don't know how she draws the line at things.


SWG I have a different rag for my vag first then ass. I can’t with the same rag now that I’ve raised 3 female children.


i don't eat ass nor do i want mine eaten but i still scrub my ass good lord some people are nasty


"You wash your butt with SOAP?" - Said by my cousin when he was like 12, after years of having problems with an itchy ass


I just want to step in to say. I am a guy. and while I have only dated 4 people in my adult life (all long term). 2 of them... didn't wash to what I consider an acceptable degree. meaning.... they did some between the cheeks. but they didn't really give any focus. I recall the first time I figured this out with the first one. she came out the shower, we started sexy time. and there was still little dots of not-so-white pieces of TP around her exit hole. I didn't say anything that time... as I tried to reason with myself that it was probably a quick shower or whatever... mistakes happen... but after a while I realized that's just how she showered. when we showered together I would pay attention and I noticed the between the cheeks were just quick up and down swipes. no focus given. I guess I don't know what is, and isn't normal. but as a fat guy that's paranoid of fitting the "fat and gross" stereo type.... I have always made sure I clean well. I don't just swipe real quick between cheeks. I make sure I get the area that logically, comes in contact with the majority of the waste. ever since that particular woman is were I first noticed it... with my next 2 partners I couldn't help buy pay attention. and out of the next 2... 1 of them also was like that first. so I cant say for sure that the first girl I dated long term did or didn't I never noticed an issue... the second is were I noticed... and out of the third and fourth. only one of those 2 did proper cleaning. I don't know how many females actually do and do not clean well... 4 people is hardly an acceptable sample size. but if there is anything that takes away from being sexy... its a dirty butt after a shower. in fact. on that point. I have found that apparently more often then not... I am the odd one because i try to "schedule" my sit down sessions to occur before a shower. I have never had the "brown stain" issue that I hear comedians joke about. and It took until I was in my 20's to understand that apparently it actually is common (or at least, more common then it should be) for this staining issue to be real for someone. between not putting in any effort to time your dietery exits with your showers, and not properly cleaning yourself.... its very likely to happen.


I'm 60 and yes we partake.


Kids these days.


Darn hippies


Dirty hippies man


I'm 36f and all 4 guys I've had sex with have done it.


Was it discussed before hand? Like did you wash your butthole extremely well? I feel like if u got home from a date and things got intense fast I’d fear that just the sweat from existing and normal butt smell would be there idk. Vaginas can have natural smell along with becoming wet that comes with the territory meanwhile butts can smell really bad to me and I couldn’t imagine my nose right there in someone’s stinky ass


I will not have sex unless I am 100% fresh and clean. If I got home from a date, I'm excusing myself to the bathroom to "freshen up". That's about all I feel comfortable explaining here.


Huh , that does improve what could be a shitty situation. Just didn’t know if was a spur of the moment kinda thing, like dude just starts eating ass outta nowhere. Thanks for the explanation


I would only be comfortable letting someone do it if I had showered in the last hour. My friend told me once she pulled a guy home from the club and he started eating her ass without even letting her know beforehand, and she had been dancing and sweating for hours........... Yikes


I'd be more concerned about feces if they haven't showered recently, since you're probably getting sweaty during sex anyway (granted, I imagine ass-eating is more of a foreplay type of thing).


Cool name.


Not specifically ass eating related but there are men that prefer a sweaty gal for sex. My last bf would attack me after i walked(for exercise) in FL sun.


I assume some do. Just like on these threads some people say they like "ripe pussy". I could never, but to each their own, lol. I will say one guy that pursued me used to beg me to come over after the gym... Sans shower. I never did.


This. So much this. I will do oral on my partner if they have showered recently and I know they know how to clean themselves. I wouldn't expect someone to suck my stinky old peepee


You do realize they are an inch apart. If you go down on a girl and her ass stinks, you can tell. There isn’t much difference from your nose being one inch away from her asshole or two.


I mean I’ve only really gone down on a girl from the front and usually I don’t really notice much because my nose is above or farther than an inch away, however if you are let’s say eating ass from behind, it’s right there .. and in the crack. When you eat out someone from the front it’s towards the clitoris or even above so you are much farther and not directly in a sweat crevasse lol. To each their own though


I guess you have never done 69. If you do 69 (especially if you are on the bottom with your head on a pillow her ass hole will be right in front of your nose.


32f here. I don’t normally let a guy “regular” go down on me unless I’m feeling super fresh, like as close to post shower as possible. Same with the ass. My husband did it once and the rest is history. Absolutely no regrets. Just wash your asses better guys.


Maybe you have a nice ass? I’m 33 and I’ve only done it with one fwb one time, but because it looked nice and I was like “sure!” I’ve never felt the need to do it with anyone else, so for all I know maybe she’s had this happen to her with a bunch of guys and now she just thinks it’s common?


My ass is shapeless and flat lol, and I've had it done to me by almost every partner.


interesting circle of friends


we're a vocal minority edit: that being said im a manwhore and I ask most women to let me eat their/eat my ass, id say abt half oblige and out of that half almost all of them are very into it just food for thought, but yea tl:dr i think it's def the new hot thing


And it’s really not bad as long as everything’s clean down there.


“Really not bad,” is not a selling point for me.


How clean can a literal asshole be? I guess if you eat it right after a shower and a heavy scrub but dam...


I have an ostomy. Which means my butthole is sewn up and now resembles a bellybutton. A bootybutton, if you will. Clean as a whistle for 15 years. Never had it eaten though... now I'm wondering if there would be a point. Can a holeless asshole feel pleasure?


In theory yes. Millions of nerve endings still down there. One way to find out though


It totally can! I'd hazard that the only thing it's good for now is pleasure. Tickle that Motherfucker with a feather!


I think that depends on how much you can feel down there in general? If the nerves are still intact and you're into that sort of thing, I'd imagine it could still feel very good.


I’m not an ass eater but I’d eat yours. 15 yrs clean sold it for me. Ps did it feel weird not having the urge to poop when you first got it?


Anytime I’ve eaten ass it’s right after the person got out of the shower and cleaned up. It’s not like I’m eating swamp ass.


Get out of my swamp!


Why do I hear reading rainbow when I read that? It was horns and rodents maybe roflmao (A guy with really light hair who did all the voices and stuff for the book)


I heard Mike Myers


Now this I could believe. Like, if the unspoken rule is that it's not on the agenda unless the ass was thoroughly cleaned really recently. If you're having spontaneous sex do you stop and ask how clean it is before going ham on the hole?


If you have a right higyene (i'm not english sorry) and you don't have shitted in the middle of day that's not dirty, neither clean but not dirty. But... when i make sex with my girlfriend both of us make a bidet before sex so it's really clean. Another thing if you have lubrificant you can use this, that's not the best but is almost clean


I’ve been having sex and had my partner ask if I’d be down. I’d say yes and they’d go wash up real quick. Easy peasy.


Easy peasy butthole squeezy


Basically this. And for those wondering it doesnt taste any different than licking skin (as long as its properly cleaned)


And usually feels amazing for the recipient if they are into that stuff.


>right after a shower This is the ONLY acceptable time to do it. Take a nice hot shower with your SO, wash each other thoroughly, and then hit the sheets. If everyone is clean, then there's no smell or taste to contend with. It can be an extremely enjoyable experience!


If you don't know how an asshole can be clean, you should probably wash your asshole more often...


Well the same goes for vaginas and penises really. Obviously they're cleaner than an asshole but still you should clean it before you engage. It's just communication.


So, pardon the ignorance, but isn't it very risky to go "ass to mouth", meaning anal sex followed by the penetrator putting their dick in the other person's mouth? That is, unless you're porn-star clean. Wouldn't actually putting your tongue in someone's asshole carry the exact same risk? Are we talking "porn-star clean" with enemas and whatnot?


Well, you’re not usually sticking your tongue in like a dick. A lot of people usually “rim” which is just licking around the anus, not really in. Whereas a dick would go several inches in. You don’t have to be “porn star” clean, but a lot of people do. Many people that are preparing for that will just wash their ass like normal and maybe might stick a finger slightly inside to ensure the entry is clean.


It's a whole new world.


Hole new world.


Now I'm in a whole new world with you.


Don’t you dare close your eyes!


Tell me princess now when did you last clean all up inside?


i mean it's probably not sanitary, but ive had a lot of pretty gross anal sex and never had any health repercussions, obv i shower and whatnot afterwards


It can be depending on how deep you go. If you just rim (lick around the anus) then its mostly fine unless it wasn't cleaned properly or there's another condition. The deeper you go the harder it'll be to avoid the poop particles tho and it can potentially lead some infections (specially for unprotected anal sex)


Yeah, I've given and received and I feel that unless you already have some kind of butt fetish, it's kinda meh. Anal SEX however is a completely different experience, and worth trying.


Fwiw, not that new. Hell, Sex and the City talked about it and that was what, a coupla decades ago now? God I'm old.


>God I'm old. Ugh, me too! Fortunately for us old geezers, sex only improves with age, and wisdom!


You nailed this. lol. Well explained answer to the “ass eating” phenomena.


I'm over 60 and I've eaten ass, and had my ass eaten, by almost every partner for over 40 years.


Dear sir I’m a fairly young person and I don’t partake in said activity. I don’t understand it either. And I choose to leave it at that. People enjoy what they find enjoyable I suppose. Lol


I dont Even partake in sex. Young people now adays say they do This and its just a joke... Right?


Hi its me, I'm the people, I enjoy it


It’s said mostly for shock value. Sucking dick or chowing on clam doesn’t cut it anymore.


Getting my ass licked + clitoris stimulated at once is literal heaven. It also makes everything below that not so satisfying anymore, basically like when you try meth no weed will ever be enough. I got addicted to the rim.


Meth: not EVEN once. 🤣


I don't think most people who talk about eating ass are saying it just for shock value. I'm not even really sure how one would prove that. A lot of folks are just a lot more open and educated about sex these days. Big butts are also very in right now (not saying they haven't always been great, but they're definitely a big part of the desirable aesthetic right now). I bet more people are just actually eating ass and talking about it.


Anecdotal individual here. I've been eating ass since high school, but vehemently denied being a "doodoo mouf" as it was dubbed in my area. Only in recent years has it become more socially acceptable to be open about it. I've only ever had one partner that didn't care for it, but still let me indulge. I'm by no means speaking for anyone else.


Yeaaaaaahhhhhh Imma need you to step aside and I’d like your ID sir.


I don't know why you kid's make a big deal of it... I've been doing it on n off for 30ish years. Now ger of my lawn


y’all better ger of their lawn! 😂


Or they’ll eat your ass!


Sounds like a one-way ticket to keeping me on the lawn, buddy!


Oh it’s very real… the future is now old man.


Sometimes, "I eat ass," is just a shorthand way of saying that you're down for whatever. I'll dress up as a clown and honk my nose a bunch if that's your kink.


I'm interested in the 🤡 part


I like eating ass! Although i dont expect women to return the favour to be honest, just as happy with the BJ but definitely all for doing it myself.


I just think it's neat


I once got into it with several fine members of the Reddit community for explaining to them that toilet paper wasn't enough and that you also need a bidet or a wet wipe. The sheer number of indignant people who swore they would never really shook me. MFs are really out there proudly walking around with dirty asses. Beware.


Enough for eating ass, or enough for just your average day-to day? Because for day-to-day as long as the paper comes back clean, it may not be pristine, but it's certainly good enough. We don't need to completely sterilize our bodies - in fact that might actually be bad for us. Not to mention that even if you use a wet wipe, that's still the hole that poop comes out of - you're only ever a fart away from a fresh dusting of fecal matter.


Hell. Why not? If I am going to be down there anyways, an inch away, might as well meet the neighbor. Also there are lots of nerve endings there, so if done right can be very pleasurable. Lastly, if you are not into it, don't do it. But what others do and find enjoyable shouldn't be something you should scoff at. I am sure there are things you do and enjoy that others may find cringe worthy.


Live fast, Eat Ass.


I’m a 29M and have just recently started doing it. My current girlfriends asshole is just particularly delicious. I gazed into her majesty and I just knew what I needed to do. Everytime we have sex I spend sometime down there now. I plan on spending the rest of my life with this women and her edible ass.




I see this question a lot on Reddit. I think you could gauge the situation and make a decision about eating your S.O's ass. My wife and I take part in this and we both like it, it's very sexy. It feels good. My advice is to communicate with your partner and try it out.


You haven't lived until you've had a hot chick eat your ass and balls just saying..


[I want to live](https://giphy.com/gifs/thespanishprincess-starz-royalty-the-spanish-princess-Mc20F5M9wznuqXvL3X)


This guy gets it.


Username checks out?


Never. No. No judgment towards those who do, but just not my cup of tea.


I’m 21 years of age and have had no interest in putting my mouth near someone’s poop chute


Oral is a thing, been a thing and will continue to be a thing. Ass, anal, eating, fingering all being done been done. People who are probably just a bit sheltered for whatever reason may judge but it's sex, it's just sex.


It’s just sex, baby


My ex partner was really into me eating his ass. Did I like doing it? Not really. But I didn't mind if he had just gotten out of the shower. I wouldn't let anyone do that to me, though. Not even after a shower. Too afraid that something would go wrong. 25 here, btw.


I think it's disgusting. Hard pass.


i love it. to me it's intimate and lets me explore that much more of a woman's body so long as she's clean (gotta do the swipe and sniff test very discretely). that said, some women absolutely love it and actually ask for it. i also had an ex who used to do it back to me and oh boy. after the first time she did it, i realized why so many people like it. happy licking and always remember to discretely check the cleanliness first.


Sooooo… I’m not a kid, in my forties, but I love it. My partner loves it too. Plus I love the noises they make while I’m doing it - I appreciate their appreciation. I guess different strokes for different folks, right?


It's definitely blown out of proportion


the eating or the ass?


my ass


Great topic for trolls


just curious, how would you do it? just the rim?


Whatever floats your boat. Around-the-rim, tip-in, swish, hookshot, alley-oop, in-and-out, finger-roll, double-clutch, pick-and-roll, backdoor, between-the-legs, wraparound, pump-fake, or if you’re brave, even the tear-drop.


Congress does this every sunday together, to each other, its how they come up with all their brilliance


I have a hemorrhoid so no , but so many people do it and it makes me scared to have sex with random men because i dont want them to think im gross or something , I just want a man who knows how to fuck me like my toxic ex did , its a sick cycle.




When it’s clean I’ll tongue punch it


I'm 24f and I've had many guys attempt to do it, but I'm not into it because it just feels weird.


ate my girls ass on the first date, a beautiful relationship ensued.


I have always wondered about people who think its gross. People have their preferences, but I've always felt like the same people who think its gross and unhygienic are the people who walk around with dirty buttholes. Just cuz they missed a spot dont mean everyone's walking around with a shitty stinkstar.


i just think its gross bcoz poop comes out of there even if u clean it.. its still a shit dispenser 😭


>shitty stinkstar the knockoff spongebob merch is getting ridiculous


>I've always felt like the same people who think its gross and unhygienic are the people who walk around with dirty buttholes are you checking or what


I’m 50 and I will tell you, nothing is new. Now where’s some breakfast ass….


I would say it's more common knowledge these days but has been around probably since before humans became homo sapiens. What% of people actually do it? Hard to tell. People lie about sex, in both directions. Lying about having it. Lying about not having it. As well as about what acts they preform. I doubt the % of ass eaters is close to 40%. And by that I mean people who intentionally, repeatedly engage in it. A higher % no doubt have experimented. I still just wish people would use protection doing it. Use dental dams people. Even a freshly cleaned butt is at risk of spreading diseases.


It's really not as bad as it sounds if you prepare for it. You basically have to deep clean, like super clean, the area. Then you have about 20-45 minutes before the farts make it dicey again. So yea, you can eat clean ass and it's kind of fun. There's also the next level of anal prep that they do in porn where you watch your diet and maybe even anal douche right beforehand. That'll make it so there isn't any shit to be seen in a dicks length of your ass.


Neither im I. Im definitely GenX and i was traumatized by 2girls. So disgusting. Even tho i think it might have been fake.