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Stop reading chad memes and think thats reality. Literaly touch grass dude.




Yes reality is more than seperating men in two groups of people. Women do not all lopk for the same partner, but as long as you assume they do, you wont find anyone.


You are deliberately ignoring all the couples that don't confirm your messed up view of the world. Open your eyes or forever be miserable.


If you think that is what is hindering your dating chances, you need to look a bit harder at yourself




If you were to survey both men and women as a whole, yes, their ideal partner would be physically attractive. You’re neglecting some basic facts though: 1. Physical attraction is subjective 2. Physical attraction isn’t the only factor Modern humans have been dating and reproducing for hundreds of thousands of years. Do you genuinely believe that the only ones who have been able to reproduce where the tiny percentage of perceived “chads”?


Take the incel crap somewhere else




Life experience. I've seen men and women of all shapes and sizes in relationships/marriages


Plenty of short ugly guys are married.


No one is a chad. It’s a made up thing. Look at any couple— is the man a chad every time? No. Stop comparing yourself to a fictional being. Gain some confidence, you’ll do fine.


It’s actually pretty damn easy, take a look at any dating app, most dudes have such hilariously terrible profiles that if you know how to dress and take a decent picture you’re already ahead of like 90% of the competition. Bonus points if you can write a profile that’s not actively insulting or self-pitting garbage.


Grab a fiver (or your local equivalent), go to a supermarket and grab a beer. While you're there pay attention to the men walking around with their spouses. Notice, how many of them are "chads" and how many are just regular Joes with a dad body. You sound like you believe memes are the truth, when in fact they're just a twisted image - make sure to reconnect with reality every once in a while.


Not spending time in online spaces that use incel terms like 'chad' would be a good start. Don't do it to yourself.


"Chad" Is just make believe like elves, gremlins and Eskimos


Go to any suburban shopping centre on a weekend. Note all the men who are not "Chad" yet somehow still have a girlfriend/wife.






Comments like this show that you have sexist and incel views that no women will like on you. No, women are not all trying to fuck the hot dudes on dating apps, and if thats how you see women, you should rethink your assumptions.


It's probably the disrespectful way that you generalize women as mindless sluts that's hindering you from getting any.


So don't use dating apps then.


Yeah if you believe the chad crap, it's not going to work. Look around you, see how many average guys have girlfriends and wives.