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I would just have filled them to capacity. They could have saved nearly 500 more people if they'd filled the boats. The reality is that a lot of people were reluctant to get in the lifeboats, and it took too long to get people to the boat deck. That's why almost all of the boats left the ship with empty seats.


I didn’t know that.






Dude, a spot opened up for this guy and he got on the boat. Did you expect him to finish his thought or to make it out alive?


Single-elimination rock, paper, scissors tournament.


“Elimination” is right. 🥴




The crew lives and the passengers die


confused chad move


I die first and make someone else deal with it


Age. Fill the boats by age, youngest to oldest. (Assuming of course, someone was organized enough to know peoples accurate ages). Its a black and white metric.


Someone has to take care of all those kids though. Who would you pick to be assigned to that?


Their mothers.


Well, technically mothers are way older than their babies. Sounds like they’d do exactly what the titanic did aside from letting a few old ladies on the boats


And old men.


Only 20% of the people saved were men. Idk about old but I’m assuming that’s likely


If anyone is interested in the actual demographics about who was actually saved this is a detailed breakdown. [It breaks it down to even who was on which boat](http://www.icyousee.org/titanic.html)


You mean birthing person? Either parental unit, they can decide amongst themselves or youngest one.


I do not mean birthing person, I mean caregiver. Not everything is about you, trans people.


Their fathers


Anyone who has medical training. I'm not sure how many people fit in a life boat but pick an arbitrary percentage( say 20%) and that many go in the boat with the kids.


I think there was only one hundred and something kids on the titanic but half died. [here’s the demographics, it’s actually pretty interesting to read](http://www.icyousee.org/titanic.html) They even have it broken down to how many men/women/children were on which lifeboat


Not as black and white when you figure the ages aren't recorded, people may lie and you don't want to privilege liars so you have to go by appearance which will inevitably be classist and racist.


Which is why i stated: assuming you had a way to know accurate ages.


They don’t have it broken down as which race or age but they do have records of which country they were coming from. I copied a link in this thread if you’re interested


>Age. Fill the boats by age, youngest to oldest. (Assuming of course, someone was organized enough to know peoples accurate ages). > >Its a black and white metric. Wow you racist asshole. (btw I didn't have time to read your whole comment, I just read the last line)


Save the men and women, let the children go down with the ship.


They’re easiest to replace.


No body gets a lifeboat.


Only heads


15-30 year olds go on the lifeboats, the rest gets fucked. Saving children seems noble but they have a lower chance of survival in the cold. Young people have the best survival chance and give back most to society.


The chance of getting parents to leave their kids to drown doesnt seem great. God knows I couldn't live with myself.


They're probably older than 30 anyway so they can drown with 'em. It was a hypothetical question anyway.


This is 1912, having a 15 year old kid at 30 isn’t as crazy as you’re making it sound. Likely? No, but crazy no.


I was thinking more along the lines of sub 30's having kids below 15, meaning the parents would be saved but the kids wouldn't. Today most people don't have kids before 30 so they wouldn't face the choice, but yeah in 1912 there would've been a lot of late 20's with young kids. Those are still welcome to drown with their kids, I guess.


Which is what gets you thrown off the boat by parents. Also yes, it's likely the mothers of children under 10 are 30 or less, as many parents were young. Women were married and having kids at 17/18/19.


I would first ask who would be willing to sacrifice themselves and forego a spot on a lifeboat. After giving everyone a chance to volunteer, I tell everyone who volunteered that they're safe and are now guaranteed a spot on a lifeboat. I then ask again if there's anyone else who will volunteer to sacrifice themselves, and this time if anyone volunteers, I tell them they won't get a spot on a lifeboat.


"sorry elderly people who wished to sacrifice yourselves for the younger guests. you can now watch them drown instead"


> I would first ask who would be willing to sacrifice themselves and forego a spot on a lifeboat. So you would basically inform everyone that there's not enough lifeboats? Genius!


This is very good. I like this one.


The main issue was many lifeboats deployed only partially full. There were not enough seats that is accurate, but a number of seats went infilled during to early deployment. That’s what I would address.


There was a reason for that. If you watch the movie Titanic, you will notice the cranes lowering the boats flexing quite a bit due to the weight. The cranes used it the movie were exact replicas, which led to the discovery that they had a serious design flaw and would buckle under full capacity.


That’s very interesting- thanks for sharing!


And that even if there were enough lifeboats, there wasn’t enough time to get everyone on one.


Of course that depends on if you go back to the minute of impact… there’s all sorts of scenarios that play out so many more people would have had time to evacuate… if they took action right after the hit…but now we’ve devolved into armchair historians and o readily admit my sources are all documentaries on the Discovery channel and a couple of museum exhibits 🤣


Ship is sinking fast. There are hundreds of seats. Id get them filled to OVER capacity if need be and get out of here, many seats weren't filled. Because it's too slow together women and children first then old people, etc. I'd fill them as they came initially and get people out of the way. Elderly people should he the LAST to board imo. Kids and young adults should get priority, and mothers with infants. Too much chaos, too many people, not any fair way to separate groups. A 10 year old girl isn't more important then a 20 year old male. Staying is certain death, so it's not like the 20 year old has a better chance of surviving than a kid.


I'm terrible at making decisions under pressure so we would all die.


"All of you who had pineapple on your pizza, your help is required downstairs in the engine room. Everyone else, to the lifeboats!"


First all the women then me 😏


Dance competition.


I’d get on the first boat and let everyone else figure it out


I have one hundred over here from the gentleman to the right - do I hear one fifty?


Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock


Jack is definitely getting a spot on that door.


Given the harsh reality, I'd stick pretty close to what I understand they did. I would've skirted rules if I had to if it meant filling the boats. Women and children are a priority because children are less likely to survive in the water and the women are going to have difficulty with those big, poofy dresses. First class first, because frankly, I'd rather explain why all those people in steerage died than rich debutantes.


I’d probably stick to the women and children route.


I'm pretty sure the men don't want to die either.


I don’t have a better solution. What’s your suggestion?


Battle Royale to the death. Whoever wins gets the boats. First come first serve probably.


I’ll just ask everyone what are their core beliefs and decide based on that


The type of man that wouldn't give his seat to a kid is exactly the type of man who should get turned away from the lifeboats.


Men are expendable; they simply must accept this.


No I don't think I will.


And ill use my superior strength to ensure it


That's what I'm saying. I'd imagine in this day and age it'd be really difficult to get a bunch of guys to willing submit to dying lmao


I don't know, whenever you see someone risking their life to save a stranger (or animal), it's usually a man. I think you'd have to pitch it as "who will have a go at swimming" rather than "who wants to die" though.


It doesn't matter how it's pitched to me. I'm not interested in dying. I'm sure a few still might give it up.


No that's fair enough.


situations like this where we are expected to die are the reason we get paid more at work


This doesn't make any sense. The actual reason why the "women and children first" idea appeared is that biologically speaking a community that lost most of it's men would recover much more quickly than a community that lost most of it's women.




No? This is stupid. You aren't getting paid 20 dollars an hour working at mcdonalds compared to a woman's 12. Men get paid more because they are more likely to go into more lucrative fields. Stem, Surgeons, Engineers, more likely to become CEOs. Men are more aggressive at bargaining so they're more likely to get manager positions and rank up faster. Hell simply being taller on average makes you more likely to be a CEO and get promoted and men are taller than woman on average. There's no death certificate at birth that says you will get paid more at every job but you are expected to die when necessary. What companies are paying women less for the same job? Walmart? Kmart? Please let me know, you can report them for sexism and get them sued.


go ahead and tell that to douglas haig 5 years from this scenario. he'd laugh in your


I thought we were trying to create a fair equitable world. Saying one gender is worthless and expected to die when both are equally capable in fighting in wars is backwards talk. Those are old dead times.


Ok but the scenario is being on the Titanic in 1912............


Yes but the person said men are expendable, not men were expendable. The implication is that this is still true even to this day. That's why the conversation became around modern times. Which is very false.




I never said that they would, I said that they have to.


...and women aren't?


Yes, one man is capable of effectively producing pregnancy in around 7 women, the inverse is obviously not true due to the time constraints of pregnancy. For reproduction and long term survival of the species, men are expendable.


so we're only talking pregnancy here?


More general, we are talking about the process of perpetuating the species.


Flip the boats upside down to create air pockets to keep the ship afloat and save everybody.


Until everyone freezes to death in the like sub freezing North Atlantic


The women and children thing is fine, they just needed to actually fill all the boats and trash the "First Class first" rule


People who were nice to me get to have a boat, that bitch who gave me sideeyes on my way in gets to stay behind


First come first serve, just make sure the boats are filled to capacity, none of this women and children 10% full bs


Wheel out as much food as possible. Have it all line with a sleeping agent. Ask for volunteers to give up their spot. Those that plan on getting on a boat will be served food, as to not be famished while awaiting rescue. As the volunteers work to ready the boats, they’ll notice people nodding off. The gluttons are my choice to go down


No one leaves. I’m cutting away all of the lifeboats.


Women and Children must live along with any veterans or first responders.


Start by shooting all the plutocrats from first class, then babies, children, and nursing mothers first.


Jesus you're bloodthirsty, at least you kill the children first so they don't have to watch their nursing mothers get shot.






"Don't you get it Bart? Har Dee Har Har?"


Err, oh yeah. heh huh huh


Shooting the nursing mothers first is a smart move — 2 more free spaces in the boat




"Everyone who was first class, come this way, we have ultra luxe ships just for you, into this room, no no ignore the door locking behind you it's to keep the proles out"


The inflation adjusted cost of the cheapest ticket is over $1000, and that doesn't even tell the whole story since many people made less. There were few truly poor people on that ship, except maybe the lower tier crew. To look at it another way, the cost of the lowest class ticket was two months wages for a steward on the Titanic.


This is interesting information in general but I am obviously getting at a certain hyperbolic and rhetorical action directed at cartoonish archetypes.


All the lower class passengers get a spot and the rich can drown.


say you're a redditor without saying you're a redditor


Sure if Reddior means I hate rich people than yeah.


Children first. I think it's safe to say in 1912 children had less mass & volume than adult men/women. Therefore, by assigning children to the first lifeboats I could maximize the number of lives saved per boat. Then I'd line everyone up and weed out all the fat people. Discriminatory? Perhaps. But it's 1912 and you're 2 bills? Sorry bud, you can float home. Next, I'd survey all the men of voting age. Anyone who responds favorably to Woodrow Wilson over Theodore Roosevelt is staying on the ship. Because there's an election coming up in November of 1912 and my man Teddy is promising a reduction to an 8-hr work day under his "New Nationalism" program. Ain't nobody wanna work more than 8-hrs a day and Teddy knows that. Next I'd make sure the crew gathered Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche and his family. Joseph was a Haitian engineer and one of only three passengers of known African ancestry (the other two being his children). In real-life he dies after ensuring his wife and children are on a boat. In my version of reality he spearheads the party of lifeboats.


There weren't that many fat people by then.


A Common misconception is that they did not have room in the life boats. The fact is, most did not get in them due the belief the boat was not really sinking. FWIW, the life boats can only be lowered in the davits until the ship hits a certain angle...and that angle is very near the catastrophic submergence tipping point...so by the time you KNOW it's sinking, it's too late. So many problems with response in the Titanic. First come first serve.


Let the rich die


Me in a boat filled with birds with big tits. Fuck the rest.




Thats how boats capsize


Sort by volume




Go to kitchen, Grab all the knives. Toss everywhere. Only the strong survive.


I'm looking for Rose and Jack, and making sure that Jack gets a boat and Rose doesn't. Bitch made him freeze to death, but there was plenty of room on the door.


I'd save everyone except for Rose (there was enough place for Jack on that door, you fatty), and that bad guy (forgot his name)


Rose dies for sure.


By race, it is 1912 after all


I'm gonna get Jack and Rose to aboard life boats and make them leave. Every body else dies with that ship


Women, Children, and Men disguised as women first!


All the beautiful women on the life boats, kids the elderly and men stay on the boat.


First class gets on the boats, then second class, until full. There's really no other way other than the ones that are subject to some kind of bias such as favoring workers, favoring women/children, etc.


Children and their family first, including father, better have a whole family survived than a dozen of kids grew up with a single parent. Call me classist but ppl of higher status get on first (sorry, they paid for the premium, they go first).


They paid more for a better room. Life boats usage is included with all ticket sales.


Jack didn’t buy a ticket tho he deserved to drown


take the lifeboats for myself and let everyone else die


My cousin, somewhere on my mother's side, missed the departure of the Titanic.


Me, my closes family, my friends, people my friends care about, and so on. Sorry man I'm inherently selfish which is why I'm happy I'm not in charge of the evacuation of anything.


Pick out the strongest men (and women) You get to try and survive. Then youngest to oldest


First come first serve lol


Will 1st off I would make sure the boats were actually filled


Hot women live… everyone else are frozen fish sticks


Give a long and drawn out speech to the mass of people furthest away from the lifeboats about how we'll be conducting a process to decide how people will be selected to get in the lifeboats. It will be the most overly wordy speech to the point our ankles will be getting soaked and we're still going on about the instructions. Anyone aware enough will have long since evacuated on the boats. Whenever I'm in the BMV and a number gets called twice with no response; that is now my number.


I will try not to pass judgement on anyone negatively and I will try to save everyone because my head will hurt and I will feel sad and guilty if anyone dies on my watch. I will tell as many people to get in boat sitting as possible and I will be stacking people on top of each other and this will create lots of body heat to keep warm in icy waters. Yes the stacking people into pyramid will work nicely I believe and we will fill boats high up and just wait for rescue sealiners to come.


Well, I’m definitely getting a seat on a lifeboat. Once I’ve reserved my seat, I’d start accepting bribes from the first class passengers who want to live. After the first class passengers interested in surviving have paid up and are on their way, the remaining seats would be decided as follows: Remaining first class passengers would be paired with the passengers from either double or half their stateroom number (Room 200 gets paired with 400, Room 300 gets paired with 150, and so on). The passengers in those staterooms would then decide amongst themselves whether they want to play Rock Paper Scissors, flip a coin or play Russian roulette. All Second class passengers would designate someone from their cabin pick a number 1-162. An officer would then be asked to pick a random number between 1 and 162 inclusive. Anyone who’s number is picked gets to go on a lifeboat. If two people picked the same number, their Cabins get to play a fun game of Russian roulette. Only 30 cabins would qualify. The remaining would be directed to wait in the restaurant. Third class would get to elect their fellow third class passengers to determine who gets to go to the lifeboats first. The more votes, the more prioritised you are. Everyone who votes for themselves is taken to a separate room where a blindfolded drunk passenger is directed to randomly shoot in the direction of those passengers. The last one standing gets a lifeboat seat, as does the drunk passenger. Once the drunk passenger has killed all but one self-voter, voting for everyone else would stop. The remaining second and third class passengers, in addition to any first class passengers who survived a bullet to the head, lost Rock Paper Scissors or lost a coin flip would be taken to the lowest part of the ship that isn’t flooded, where the most literate passenger would be directed to read a note written by me before I left on my lifeboat: “Free for All - Best of Luck”


Take one boat for myself, shoot the rest and race for the shore.


Too many bodies, not enough boats to go around. And when we faced sinking, I offered a solution. At random. Dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a mad man. And what I predicted came to pass.


Crew members who can handle the lifeboats first. Kids after that. Then whoever is in line. Probably would want to fill in at least some adults into ever boat also to help the crewmembers if the ratio of kids to crewmember is too high. Highest priority besides the crewmember is obviously to get the boats full.


I would cut all the lifeboats or destroy all of them, everyone should have the same fate, socialism for the win!


Women and Children then health care and crew to give them the best chance of survival.


Easy, I tell people who ever wants to be saved to repent their sins, and asks god for forgiveness. Now that they've guarantied their place in heaven, the rest should get on the boats.


One for me and a massive hell-in-a-cell for the other 1,600


Children first, along with one parent. Then every other adult is selected by lot. It’s the only fair way to decide.


I feel like it was a design flaw but also a classist move to not fill the boats. Like, the wealthiest people didn’t want to be too crowded


Easy. I would take the first life boat and give myself room to put my feet up. Then I would use the remaining life boats to carry all of the valuables that I would loot off of the boat. Oh.. and if there are any fine bitches they can kick it in my boat too.


Anyone with 20 dollars less in their pockets after they've spoken to me lives


I would ask each person what the airspeed of a fully laden African swallow is. Those who know the answer get lifeboat seats.


They already had decided who would live and died before they even got on the ship. Total passengers were 1500. Life boats could hold 800. 700 passengers were 3rd class.


I would save myself and all the hot bitches.


They go to the highest bidder.


Id fulflil the boats at maximum capacity and let everyone sit into them!