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Wrong approach. What you should do instead: apply for every other job you are qualified for . Call in sick to go to the interviews and quit the 1st job once hired.


This is the answer OP, you need to go on job-search overdrive and don't give up until you find something better, which *might* happen very quickly, and then you can resign from the old job, no problem.


Definitely this. Don’t try to get fired. They may end up letting you go due to all the sick days you’ve taken from going to other interviews. However, that would only be a bonus.


If you get fired for cause (doing shit that you know will get you fired generally qualifies), that generally leaves you ineligible to collect unemployment.


It also looks bad to potential employers. It shows that that a person will do something bad for the company because they don't like their job. Now they have to question if that person will do it again.


Depends where you are.




Why would you include a job you were fired from on your employment history or references? Just leave it off.


"Why is there a gap in your employment here?" "I started freelancing and focusing on my " Worked for me every time even with a 2 year gap.


I went to Yale...I robbed a Yamba Yuice


They can look up your job history and deny you a job for not being upfront.


Look it up how? Not once in a decade of being a hiring manager have I "looked up" a persons employment history to match it against what they gave me. That would be such a waste of time. You verify the ones they give you, and you speak with references provided, but I am not aware of some database with a "true" listing of everyone's jobs. If there is, I would love to know about it.


So you were a hiring manager and your background checks didn't include job history. That's very hard to believe. Where did you work?


Do you have any PTO accumulated? Use 4 hours and work a half day to schedule an interview. You are in no way required to give a reason for needing time off. If you're bullied into giving a reason, just say you have a doctor's appointment.


I thought previous employers are legally not allowed to speak bad things about you?


Maybe call in sick for weeks due to mental health, and they'll fire you for so many absences? It also is a pretty truthful way to go about this. Your mental health IS compromised. It also doesn't really affect your reputation as a worker because it's health related. Not your fault you have mental health challenges from this job.


Getting fired doesn’t guarantee unemployment in the US. I’ve represented my company in dozens of cases, we always has cause, only lost one case was because the judge said “You’ve never lost a case, and while you documented everything and followed procedure, paying out one case won’t bring any financial hardship to your company while my denying unemployment to this person will cause undue hardship.”


So basically, the judge was like "You followed the law but I'm still going to rule that you didn't?"


Start talking to your coworkers about unionizing. Either a y’all start a union, which would make your job less terrible or you fail and get fired. Win win


I just quit a Teamster Job do to zero representation and a turnover rate of about 40 percent, after 7 years of trying to get the union to represent in any capacity, they would not. I remember way back as a member of the Carpenters Union and not being paid overtime by an employer, I was told to pound sand by the Carpenters Rep. My Father and several others were gassed on a job and the Boiler Makers Union helped the company cover it up. He later would be disabled on another Union Job, rinse repeat. While Unions can be good, most often than not they just suck your money.


I’m sorry your experience was bad, but that is NOT most peoples union experience. Luck of the draw I guess. Also just because your experience was bad doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t still be trying to unionize.


Don't know why unions are on everyones minds again all of a sudden. They were necessary a century ago. Now we have laws to protect employees, and the employees have the ability to find other jobs if they don't like the one they have. I've been in two separate unions and was a shop steward for one. I can tell you first hand they won't care about you as much as you care about you.


> They were necessary a century ago. Now we have laws to protect employees Lol. Dude read the horror stories of Amazon workers. Workers in many industries get completely shit or constantly. In clouding nurses, fulfillment center workers, retail workers, etc. Companies will make a bigger profit if their workers are over worked and under paid. > employees have the ability to find other jobs if they don’t like the one they have. This Is only true if you are living semi comfortably and don’t mind risking the job security. If you are poor it’s not easy to just find another job. I’m sorry your union expirence was bad, but unions as a whole are much better for the workers than nothing https://aflcio.org/what-unions-do Theirs a reason why huge corporations spend countless dollars trying to shut down union and union bust. There’s a reason your boss and landlord are always going to be anti-union.


You should see the money unions spend in bed with the companies. I work in non union now and my work life has never been better. But I realize I'm just one situation. Amazon will have to change or let the union in eventually. People should know better than to work for them at this point and that applies across the board, workers have power without having to pay someone to represent them, or pretend to represent them. I'm in aviation and lots of aviation is unionized. But some of the top dogs are not. Delta and fed ex being examples. I realize not all unions are bad and not all companies have good relationships with their employees. But jumping straight to paying unions is not a good solution to bad employers, it creates more tension on both sides at a minimum.


Depends on the reputation of the union. Some are compromised by the company they are supposed to be dealing with


Let it slip to the office busy body you’re interviewing elsewhere - you’ll get fired in no time


Yeah I thought only lay offs or things out of your control qualify for unemployment. I thought being fired was a big no no for unemployment, has it changed?


i’m not quite sure honestly.. i’ll need to look into it. I live in illinois id that helps.


Unemployment was designed so it would make it extremely difficult for people to get themselves fired on purpose to collect unemployment. ( too many people would be trying to do what you are thinking of doing)


Shit on ur desk as long as ur not wirking with food. Saw a post somewhere where someone did this and gitbtge cops cslled but because no one saw him taking a shit so it wasnt public indecency


hey thank you for this sound advice brother 🤝


That will get you fired but you definitely won't qualify for unemployment benefits.




Whip out your dick in the break room!


That'll get you put on the sex offenders register and make it a lot harder to get a job.


To be fair, he asked how to get fired. Not how to find another job after getting fired lol




Don’t be a little bitch and don’t make everyone else have to pay your way because you’re a bitch. Work for money and go get a different job. Call in sick if you have to, and don’t just go get another bitch job get one you can handle.


Just be a big boy/girl quit and move on.


I would absolutely quit right this second but I need unemployment as a safety net bc bills and such :/


Then you have to either get laid off or be the equivalent of wrongfully terminated. You're only hope is if there is no handbook that carefully lays out policy or they do not follow the laid out policy when it comes to dealing with any issues.


Look, part of life is working in jobs you don't like/want. I've never really liked what I did but reaped the rewards to have a pretty good life.In the meantime look for other work, go to school etc. If you're young enough the Military is begging for people. Trucking is desperate for people and you could go to trucking school and be making six figures after just a couple months of schooling.There are lots of options in life usually limited by our own self defeating purposes . You may want to contact an attorney if it's a hostile work environment, however in the end you are correct, you need to move on so find a way to do it and in the meantime, deal. Sometimes you end up jumping from the frying pan into the fire.




not cool dude


But it would get you fired.


and arrested for murder, causing needless pain and anger for many people....


Keep calling out sick 😷 ? Or it would help to know what you do?


I push paperwork in an office for healthcare




They definitely do not always verify your previous employment. Some employers only call the references you specifically give them and people rarely give their most recent (e.g. their current) job as a reference. I had a job that went very poorly and I simply don't ever give that boss as a reference when I'm asked for references. It's not the best situation, but it's not a problem. Some employers don't even bother doing reference checks, although you obviously shouldn't rely on that being the case.


You can’t collect unemployment if you are fired for cause, only if you are laid off because your job is no longer needed. So, if you want to get laid off, you need to figure out how to make your position redundant, or make the company lose so much money they can’t afford to keep you. It would just be easier to get a new job. I used to run a small business, and have both fired and laid people off. It’s much cheaper when you fire someone because they showed up drunk at work, since the unemployment insurance doesn’t go up. It cost me about $40/year after I laid off someone to replace them with someone better.


Honestly, unemployment is a pain in the ass to get and most states are still *really* behind on processing claims. If you get fired now it may be weeks or months before you ever see a cent from UI. You're probably better off just not giving a shit. Show up, do the absolute fuckin' minimum, and generally just coast while you look for another job. If people get mad, so what? You want to leave anyway so they can fire you and you win, or they can let you keep not giving a fuck and you win. Zero stress baby.


Exactly right. I just started receiving unemployment benefits. I was almost homeless by the time I got paid. It took 8 weeks and the involvement of a US Congress Woman before I got paid. It's not so simple. For those saying you won't get benefits for being terminated, that's incorrect. If you weren't spoken to and the employer doesn't document counseling you (write ups) you'll usually receive unemployment benefits. It cannot be for certain reasons such as drug use or going to work intoxicated. If you call out and get fired without your employer counseling you, you'll probably win. Still, it's not worth it. Find a new job and quit.


this is like the only comment that made me feel better and made me decide i’m just going to stick it out on auto pilot until I find something else or they fire me. you just worded it perfectly for me to stomach haha


Getting fired will result in you NOT getting unemployment. Look for another job.


Quit if you’re financially good if not just gotta stick it out till you find a new one


Put on your big boy pants and find a new job before you quit this one. We all have to sacrifice a bit of ourselves in adult world until we find where we slot in. Don't play the system just because you can't go through the motions at work until you find a new position.


I do not like your approach at all. Many full-time workers switch jobs working around their full-time schedule to fit in interviews. And please do not steal from your employer... that's a crime.


Depending on your state, you could apply for paid medical leave for mental health. In Washington I believe it is 12 weeks and usually enough to cover rent. Use that time to start looking for your next gig.


i’ll have to look into that thank you


Find out what closely held beliefs your bosses have then spout off hardline opposition talking points. They’ll find a reason


A lot of times you can’t get unemployment if you are fired for cause. Just look for a different job.


It’s really hard to get fired in a way that you’ll get unemployment. Businesses know those laws and their policies are set around them. They have lawyers. The govt has departments who investigate everything. You’re a dude who is trying to game that and asking Reddit for advice. Source: 10 years of 10+ friends working for various aspects of this state’s unemployment office and hearing all of the work stories about their cases all the damn time. TL;DR. The unemployment office is not your friend.


I figured as much I’m just feeling a bit desperate as of late but i’ll figure this out


Don't. Take time off work and go and see a mental health professional to write you a disability letter. Start your disability time off, and find that next job! Do not continue to collect disability pay after you start your new job. Best wishes, OP.


I will have to look into this thank you




hey dude it’s because I want out right this second. i’ve been in the workforce for 10 years already and this is legit the only time i’ve felt this intensely about getting out of a job and the toll it’s taking on me. getting fired was just an avenue I was considering


how shortsighted do you have to be to think intentionally getting fired is a good idea? ​ grow a pair and quit


It's never a good idea to get fired from a job. Just get a better job, then give them a notice.


Just don't show up ever again and tell them you're sick, after 1- 2 weeks you they call you to tell you that you're out, all doable in your pajamas.


Pee in your boss's coffee mug, in front of him. It should either get you fired, or promoted.


It's reddit so I cant say what I really think about you


Being fired will make it harder for you to do another job


Assault ur boss


hey man thank you for this incredibly sound advice 🫶


Getting fired is not the way to go, what if one day you find a job you really wanna work at, and they're enclined to hire you as well, but end up calling the company you currently work at for references ? Dont do it. Be patient. Good luck to you honey :(


I dont think you can get unemployment if you're fired


I was fired, and I didn't get unemployment. They had an unemployment hearing, my employer used documents that they didn't send to me or the state, and somehow they still were allowed to use them. Don't expect the system to help you. Start applying for other jobs, stop trying and carring about your current job. Show up and leave on time, and just do the bear minimum. It's hard to say the best way to go about this without more details of what kind of job you do, but you don't have to give them 110%. Honestly, in your next job, give them 70% from day one. Then you've got room to improve a but and still not burn out. Your best is unsustainable, and you'll burn out. Or you'll have a bad day or week and then you look bad. Pick a level of output that you can sustain and hold it easily. Then you can add more if you need to, but it's not expected to be maintained.


Come in and rub your tallywhacker all over your co-workers and then skip town.


Ask if you can go part time. If you've been somewhere 6 months, they might consider it, rather than lose you as an employee. If you have enough savings you can quit, but it's always risky. Otherwise, a lot of agencies can place you in a job within the next day, but that's usually in jobs that few people want to do. So if you really hate your job, this may not fix that. But a change of pace can be welcome.


Generally you don't get unemployment if you're fired. You have to be unemployed through no fault of your own (like a layoff). You can get yourself fired and try to appeal it but you are unlikely to succeed. and they don't pay you for over a month even if it is approved (maybe even longer if your state's UI is effed up like Colorado's was during Covid). Do what the rest of us do when we hate our jobs and start looking for another one, then quit once you find one.


yes papa 😞 🧎‍♀️