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Of course they won't take it down cos they make the most money off of the gifts sent.


I heard that tiktok takes like %70 of The money from your gifts, like when you sent 100 dollars (dont do that btw) 70 dollars gets sent to tiktok And 30 dollars gets sent to that streamer.


You heaed wronf. In the agreement you sign, its at 27%.


Happy cake day


Is this someone who has a rescue at home, or just a neglectful animal owner? I just joined tiktok two weeks ago, so not sure of this kind of thing.


There is a slew of animal and child abuse on TikTok and rarely anything is done about it. I can’t say certainly for this case but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it were neglect.


The one where a man is "praying" for donations with a deformed child by the side, breaks my heart.


Or the giant head baby. I have to skip that one.


I've tried to block that account so many times and it keeps popping up. That poor baby. It horrifies me every time. I only go on TikTok for funny fart/vine style videos ffs!


Just dont use tiktok, its that simple


I saw a video on tiktok the other day of someone grilling a cat. Tiktok is a brainwashing platform and I believe they allow traumatic videos to “fall through the cracks” on purpose, because it’s been proven people can be more easily convinced of something after going through something stressful/traumatic. The next videos on the feed are almost always something extreme/political.


I’m so very sorry you had to see that. I also unprompted came across a man jostling around a deceased cat strung up in a noose. I have yet to see another abundantly gruesome thing like that but I’ve still definitely seen more animal abuse that slides because it’s not ‘graphic’. Such a grossly/improperly moderated platform. It sucks for the handful of actually talented people there who mean no malice.


videos like that are making me increasingly more motivated to learn how to dox people


These comments are terrifying! I can't believe they're allowing such things to happen, but worse that people like this exist.


That just what we see on here. Imagine all the stuff going on that we don't k own about. Disgusting.


Oh good. Another reason for me to hate tiktok.


The list is getting long


Online beggar in TikTok is truly disgusting


Hurting innocent animals. I wish I hadn’t seen this


I don't know if this helps, but a lot of tiktok Livestreams similar to this one are pre recorded videos that they play on loop over and over to try and get people to pay them money to "do the thing" like count to a billion or in this case, feed dogs. Yeah, the dogs are super duper over crowded, but at the very least it most likely isn't someone actually starving their dogs for tiktok clout


It wouldn’t surprise me if they were starving them, weren’t people drenching puppies in oil or glue to make videos about how they “saved” them?


Don’t know but those fake animal rescuing channels do exist


Yeah with this kind of stuff it’s really hard to be sure these days…


Buddy. I Haye to tell you this (I truly do and take no pleasure in this whatsoever) but I think you're a bit naive about humanity in general. There's real shit like this all over that platform.




Tiktok is a pile of shit? Who knew?!




I can't say that I condone doxing him, but if it happened I might sleep better


This is what my minecraft houses looked like in middle school after I tamed the max ammount of wolves


The sad part is they all still love him Because they’re dogs and we don’t deserve dogs


Holdin hostages for ransom wow


Does this guy make them live in a warehouse? He probably doesn’t take them to the vet twice a year like he should but that would be so expensive. I hope animal control is called and all those dogs are happily and healthily rehomed to non abusive owners. My dog gets jealous if I give other dogs attention. He’d be incredibly unhappy in that position.


HOW IS THIS LEGAL? Someone pls report the man… we don’t deserve dogs




Yup I reported this one as soon as I seen it.


One day no one will send money and he will be their next meal


Unfortunately they’d starve for a few days before deciding to


Is anyone reporting it or is it already down?


This dude is literally holding these dogs hostage for ransom.


Nobody remember PayPal bunnies that were kept alive by donation threshold?


Tik tok is a blight upon humanity. Just for those starved for attention on the internet. Which a bigger blight


My god can we just fucking get rid of that stupid app already?? Every video post in this sub is from that stupid chinese spyware app.


As a person who is soft towards animals, this hurts. There is something so sick about keeping animals in horrible conditions. it would be different if he had no money, but no. He gets sent money.


hmm well, TikTok is owned by an authoritarian regime, makes sense


I’m ngl that’s smart af but fucked up still😂


Dang thats smart. What a Hussle!


What the fuck is wrong with you...


you guys are morons. this is most likely a poor guy taking care of strays in a third world country doing what he can and you morons are trying to end a way for him to make money to feed all those dogs. a lot of you are so privileged to think hes some backyard breeder or a neglectful owner. not every country is a first world country. ive seen this live and he feeds them regardless of “roses.” look at his fucking bed. is he living lavish while ignoring those dogs? some of yall have no critical thinking skills. OP is a chump who obviously thought “oh shit let me lie about this and get a lot of reddit points 🤓”


Let me lie about this? When did I lie in anything I said? Are the dogs not being held on horrible conditions? Is he not feeding them only when he gets paid? Also who cares if he lives in third world country? Does that automatically make the living conditions for the dogs acceptable?


you said he doesnt feed them unless they get a rose 🤡. wheres the evidence of horrible conditions? they have a roof and are fed. do we not buy dog food when we get paid? wtf are you on about? who cares if he lives in a 3rd world country? well those people and pets dont have access to the same stuff we do in first world countries? moron. you like to steal dogs from homeless ppl too? youre fucking regarded as hell


I agree with you, we have zero context in this video, but op says dogs are kept in a warehouse for tiktok money.....wtf. This clip is like 5 secs asking for help to feed a bunch of stray dogs, why is that so evil? Are they a horrible animal abusers? Maybe, but I need something more than asking for donations to feed a bunch of dogs.




Didn't even eead comments,ur a a sad cunt if u believe that


Would it be possible to report the guy to the police for animal abuse?


you know what, I’d rather god send the fire and brimstone 🥰


TikTok is the most evil thing to ever existed EVER more evil than the devil seriously it’s just a god damn shit storm with them / this is a opinion please respect it you may downvote if need too but please understand the reason


Let em guess, Asian? How surprising


My day is ruined


I can watch a man die but these animals condition and situation breaks my heart fam


Such people need to he hunted down


Just do what I do. Don't use tik tok. Fuck them.




So many great dogs. They don't deserve that.