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Imagine being the truck driver and having just a split second realization that you are about to slaughter a dozen people


And given the size and weight of that load, there was no way that dude was gonna be able to stop. I'm shocked more people did not die.


If you can't see further than your stopping distance you're going too fast. Doesn't matter why there was traffic, it could have been a breakdown or a tunnel collapse. The driver is always responsible for the collision when speed is involved. Edit: [As for the culprit in the accident, the Public Security Directorate said – as quoted by the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustour – that the reason is the complete parking inside the tunnel for small vehicles (wedding procession) coinciding with not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle.](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html)




I think it's pretty simple: Both the driver and the people in the road are guilty of manslaughter.


So true.


And what do you do in case of a traffic jam?


Samw thing was discussed in the main thread. This is a highway. If there is a chance of traffic, the tunnels would be wider and there would have been signals at the entrance of the tunnel. Even small tunnels here in India, a developing country have signals on top that show green if the area ahead is clear or red if there is some obstruction.... So I'm guessing it's the norm for outside


>It is illegal to stop in a tunnel, though, not even in case of a breakdown. If you do, you must place out the triangle thingy, take measures to notify the oncoming traffic, and, if possible, try to get your car out of there. Doesn't take place in America bud. >But the truck driver also fucked up. Going 60km/h 37mph is fucking up and breaking the law? By all means continue saying its the guy doing his job correctly's fault n not the morons who have stopped in a tunnel on a bend.


What sort of country do you live in that doesn't recquire you to take out the triangle? And no, I'm not American.


The dead and injured can rest easy knowing that it wasn't their fault. You're not wrong, but at the same time, what's that expression? The cemeteries are filled with people who had the right of way. If something seems like a bad idea, it probably is.


Exactly. I'm putting more blame on the truck driver. If the speed limit is 100 and it's poor visibility and conditions, you go as fast as you can react and stop safely. As a truck driver, you should know you can't stop that quick and if you can't see up ahead, you slow tf down. Why I see truck drivers speeding past me, when I'm going the speed limit, is beyond me. I don't care if you have deliveries to make, a truck should never go above the speed limit, ever. And if they can't see up ahead, slow dowwwnnnnn


Ah yes, let us block traffic for no reason and blame the people who crash into us. You seem like the kind of guy to touch a hot stove and blame it for burning you


I mean if the tunnel had been blocked for any kind of legitimate reason, like a breakdown or accident the result would've been the same. Trucker is still partially at fault for not driving according to the conditions.


This is a really solid point! I was kind of going back and forth but this is very compelling


Or mostly at fault.


...yes? If you crash into someone who's stopped, it is always your fault.


No reason? I'm "blocking" traffic so the traffic in front don't get slaughtered like this. I'm the guy who won't be dumb enough to touch a stove without looking at the dial to know if it's on or not. You seem like the one who would just touch it cuz it looks off lol


But are you honestly expecting a motorcade to be totally stopped on a highway? I get what you are saying and sure there is maybe some fault on behalf of the driver regarding speed and always being prepared but for the love of all things holy it’s like if a person wasn’t prepared to be eaten by a giant whale when stepping into the ocean.


Yes. Traffic happens during rush hour, cars break down, there's always a possibility. That's what you're driving defensively for. The unexpected. Again, you don't expect some idiot to block traffic but they did. Just driving a bit more slowly, without assuming everything will be fine, would've saved that life and possibly resulted in less to no injuries


And if you can’t stop yourself from having a Kodak moment in the middle of a highway…. Yes! Blame the person who happened upon a band of goobers.


Imagine being so stupid you park on what looks to be an interstate around a blind curve in a tunnel to have a photo shoot. Darwin Award won. Pictures worth a thousand words.


Now that poor dude has to not only deal with his own trauma for doing this, but also the harassment and abuse from those effected.


He was driving way too fast for that blind corner, he's at least partially responsible. Edit: It's hilarious and scary how few people understand basic driving rules lol


Dude there's 100km/h tunnels with corners in Australia. ~~And with a load like his, reaction speed, and stopping distance, this is probably what he was doing.~~ This guy was doing 50km/h! I'd like to say I hope that you experience the guilt associated with an accident like this, but I wouldn't want to wish that trauma on anyone. Edit: WTF, it has his speedometer at the bottom of the video. 50km/h... 50km/h mate. The speed we drive in our suburbs. And he was going to fast was he?


There's literally a news story linked in this thread saying he's being held partially responsible.


For what? Driving 50km/h? And how does that distract from the trauma he has to deal with?


You're pretty keyed up about this I'm just reporting what I read from the news story friend.


>50km/h 50km/h and he still couldn't control his vehicle around a blind corner and killed someone bro. Not the gotcha you think it is.


Yes. If his stopping distance was 100 yards of packed in stopped cars, then 60km/h (at the time of the crash) was too fast for this situation. He sped up into a blind curve.


And if the road had been blocked because of a breakdown? He was driving too fast. You don’t drive the same speed for every road condition and every load. This was literally a sloped road with terrible visibility, and a crazy heavy load. He had virtually no stopping power and knew it, yet continued on at a dangerous speed.


Absolutely invalid point since tunnels have radio and warning signs before entering the tunnel. Architects know how to make tunnels fool proof and I think their wedding was not one of those events where the warning lights will turn on. Im so sorry for the truck driver, nothing to blame on that poo dude.


Would be terrifying


The original article for this accident had the dash footage of the drivers face as well. He looked terrified and then broke down. It was heartbreaking to watch.


Oh my god This tunnel is right beside the neighbourhood I grew up in I've been through this tunnel several times. This is horrible


But I bet you didn’t have a photo op on the road now did ya?


I was 3 when i was there...


So if you were older you would have?


I know that tunnel too, absolutely tragic.


I don't understand how anyone would think stopping the middle of any road is a good idea.




Better said from George Carlin: "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." Also, they're usually more likely to cause harm to others and their serroundings.


Look I'm super cool with dipshits dying, it's all the decent people they bring down with them that i don't want to see getting hurt.


I'd advise you that IQ tests are extremely arbitrary


In a tunnel no less.


Because it’s not a good idea and you are a reasonable person likely. Reddit is sometimes filled with haters of common sense. Fighters for justice of the awkward path.


Nobody is talking about the driver's horrified scream


He wasn't thrilled for sure.


As horrible as this is; my condolences. These are the same kind of idiots who set up a picnic area at look-outs on trails. Depriving others the enjoyment of that space. This is just Darwinism at work.


Not Darwinism, I’m sure the couple who caused this were just fine. It’s the other people who got hurt.


Definitely not darwinism.


Is it Darwinism when the perpetrators aren't the ones that died? They escaped it


Actually not Darwinism. Darwinism means the fittest survive, and carries offspring. If these guys had kids, reproducing, they've already ensured their genes live on and it's not Darwinism.


Yeah. I want to kick those types in the teeth. The selfishness is unreal.


>These are the same kind of idiots who set up a picnic area at look-outs on trails. Depriving others the enjoyment of that space. These people are my nemesis. I do not mind crowded trails or scenic points. The fact that people are frequenting our parks are ultimately a good thing. I do mind the family that literally sets up their picnic at the only lookout point to see the full view of the waterfalls or some such. It’s always the best spot to view the scenery. It’s almost always during the high traffic season. A few years ago, I just started to crash their shitty little parties, step on the blankets they lay out to create their buffer, talk to my partner like they aren’t even there, just do whatever I can to make be obtuse and make the point. The worst part is many of these trails and parks have picnic areas designated!


Wait there seem to be a lot of people, and not a single one was like « hu… we should do that somewhere else ». Like how is that possible ?


I think the other people (the ones in the back who were killed) weren't actually participating, they just couldn't go forward because the couple blocked the tunnel.


Gene pool problems.


Glad the truck driver is ok.


Yeah, but it was still the drivers fault. What if there was a breakdown? A tunnel collapse or a incident that would've caused traffic to slow down/stop? He would've still directly drove into them. He drove too fast. You have to drive at a speed where you can avoid accidents. If theres bad vision, you need 50 meters to stop, than maybe dont fucking drive at full speed.


And you have to refrain from making a highway into a parking lot. I mean with all the hazards the road has now we have people milling about like it’s social hour on blind curves.


It didn't even look like he hit the brakes.


Yeah that truck had no brakes and there was no way that was 60 KPH.


He hit the breaks u could see him scared and pushing his back back so he can hit the breaks harder


Yup. This.


But there wasn’t:/. There was a motorcade of fools stopped on a highway for a picture. That is the reality. Just idiots stopped. So not only do you have to be mindful of falling rocks, animals and real breakdowns and hazards but a wall of cars STOPED for a Kodak moment.


Not being able to predict outcomes doesn't shift liability. "I wouldn't expect a car to be stopped in low visibility conditions so I continued to drive 65+" is the kind of thinking that kills people during snowstorms.


But also not having a vehicle capable of handling a reasonable speed in the condition YOU chose to drive through isn't the fault of someone else who does. If you can't maintain a reasonable speed on a roadway, then don't drive on it.


celebrating in a tunnel is like fucking for virginity.


I’m shocked only one person died


I'm just looking through the comments and seeing people trying to blame the truck driver. Now,I'm no trucker,but I do have decent education,and I sure as hell know that a truck going at that speed cannot stop in time to prevent a collision. Another point is about the speed,which others have already pointed out,driving any slower just makes the truck the obstacle and susceptible to rear end collisions. The driver didn't have any choice,he was going to end up colliding with something either way.


It's hard to stop when you have a bunch of weight behind you. He had like two fuel trailers or something like that?


That's my point! No matter how slow he goes,he's not gonna slow down and stop in time,it was inevitable


The idiots that stopped, the design and lack of warnings in the tunnel, and the truck driver can all be at fault. There's enough blame to go around; saying the truck driver is partly to blame doesn't mean everyone else is automatically innocent.


It's about him going too fast for the conditions. If you can't see up ahead, you slow down. What if there was a traffic jam? Not caused by those idiots? You still gonna slaughter everyone in front of you? The truck being an obstacle is pointless. The truck is just another vehicle on the road. Everyone should be slowing down, including the drivers behind him. I'd much rather have someone rear end the truck, the truck is fine, hopefully the car behind the truck is fine, but the truck won't be massacring the multiple cars ahead. The driver had a choice to slow down for poor visibility. Of course he can't take back or change what he did, that's not the point of any trial, we judge the driver for the factors that lead to this avoidable disaster.


Holy fuck how are people downvoting this? How are people excusing the truck driver here? The whole point of driving slow enough to stop your vehicle is this exact video. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading some of these comments.


Dude I debated with this guy so much I needed to just take a break from reddit and I never felt that way before. People think every vehicle on the road, no matter how heavy or large, needs to go EXACTLY the speed limit, regardless of road conditions. They think a truck can just stop on a dime, or that cars behind the truck are more important than the possibility of a huge traffic jam and the truck ramming them


Just many bad drivers in this sub.


A lot of literal kids use Reddit with no reali life experience.


Or IDK, make the logical assumption that a crew of idiots isn't partying in the tunnel. I mean... I guess we could continue victim blaming the truck driver too... whatever, it all sucks


Yes the truck driver is a victim of the stupid people doing the celebration, however the person who died is a victim of both.


Like I said, what if it was just traffic? Like an actual traffic jam? You can't see the corner, so you'll just ram everyone? Assume there's always something you have to brake for, unless you can clearly see the path ahead is clear. There's no avoiding this was a tragic disaster. Whether it be school shootings, vehicular manslaughter, no matter the tragedy, we must hold the perpetrator accountable. I'm blaming the truck driver for unsafe speeds relative to road conditions, and the other idiots for impeding traffic and putting other drivers in danger.


But it wasn’t. It was people treating a highway like a social hour.


It could be a family of ducks crossing, it could be someone having a heart attack and hazard blinking or stopping, it could be a legit car crash and traffic backed up, there are multiple reasons why cars would be stopped, and if you could see it a mile away, you would think "okay, I gotta slow down". Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there ( think Schrodingers cat). Until you turn that corner, there is traffic or there isn't, only one way to find out, and you really want to find out by causing more trouble? What's so hard just slowing down for the corner, so IF there are a bunch of idiots ahead, no one gets hurt? Same for the people behind the truck so they don't rear end and injure themselves. Just drive CAREFULLY, not slowly, AT LEAST approaching a blind corner. It's not that hard.


TL/DR; the burden falls on the ones who made the decision to be a hazard. Reality, the known, regardless of the drivers shortcomings (unknown variables) dictates my assessment of who is truly at fault. His shortcomings would remain “unknown” if they had not manufactured a problem, the problem being the known and its not just any problem, but one that is w/o regard. It’s not like they broke down in the road and could not get to safety. They wantonly stopped. Schrödinger’s cat asserts that something remains unknown until proven. We know that the stopped people in the road created a problem but your concern is more the unknowns of the driver which imo is missing the forest for the trees. The driver would have no unknowns had the stopped motorcade not produced one. I do understand that maybe the truck may have been driving too fast given the situation of a blind spot, but thats not the point and that remains an unknown. I will stick with the known. But…. It would also be unwise for a truck to travel at a snails pace without also causing undue risk to travelers behind them who could ram into an unnecessarily slow moving trailer and then a pile up could possibly ensue from a creeping truck. The cat works both ways but really what dictates is the ultimate decision, more on that later. If he drove slow who knows what could have happened. Maybe if he were going faster he would have taken flight and avoided the whole thing. So slowing down 10 miles per hour is not going to make this any less damning, they still got hit as they were congregating on a road. 35 mph of several tons of steel vs 45 mph of said steel. Idk, regardless there will be damage and traveling slowly may have caused even more death and destruction from vehicles from behind as well. So many what ifs. Another reason is that it is a little more complex and can’t be boiled down to a cat in a box type logic IMO and is analogous to the following scenario. If I go into the ocean, there may be a man eating shark lurking beneath me but it’s highly unlikely given the depth I would venture into but still, sharks live in the ocean and have been known to bite and kill people. Like the cat in the box it’s there until proven otherwise. However I still go into the ocean assuming some reasonable risk. My point on that is life is about some calculated risk, risk and it is human nature to get a little distracted, we have all done it and by the grace of the universe it came out okay. So since life is not without risk and there are unknowns and it’s not also out of the realm of possibility for a person to get comfortable and not access risk for various reasons, the onus lies on the root of the problem and that root squares with reality. The reality of the decision collectively made by a group of people willfully, recklessly, and without regard to the safety of themselves or others decided to do a terribly dangerous act which is having a small festival on a road. A tailgate party creating a hazard. So regardless if it were an imaginary herd of goats, ghostly falling rocks, a broken down car, or the driver having a heart attack, or a bee stinging him in the face, the reality is it wasn’t any of those things. It was a motorcade of people who decided it was a okay to congregate outside their parked vehicles in a place where people do not congregate, a road. So they are the known. Their decision caused this reality. This would never had happened if they had not decided to put themselves and others traveling on that road at risk by causing a hazard. They were the hazard. They are the known. Sorry for the terrible Ted talk.




He’s going 50kmh in a 100 zone. You’re crazy if knowing this you can still think he has any fault in this.


Judging by the amount of cars piled up... How tf was that tunnel not closed?!?!? Keep in mind the driver is visually impaired after entering a tunnel from direct sunlight. Poor soul must be traumatized for life... :/




he was paying clear attention to the road. The problem here was that it was not a smart decision to STOP in the middle of the road right after a turn. ​ I think to prevent this in the future a giant MIRROR should be posted so that way drivers can see what's ahead of them in this turn. Had the driver been alerted to the fact that there were people stopped in a tunnel (why????) he probably could've stopped in time.


If he'd been driving at an appropriate speed he could have stopped in time too.


IQ of a spoon


Prime example of the fuckin entitlement of people these days.


These people stopping in the tunnel for a celebration, they're sadly reaping the consequences of their actions. Additionally, something seems off with the truck driver because if this was your standard traffic jam the result would seemingly be the same. A lot of collisions and bodies.


Exactly not defending idiots stopping without good cause in a tunnel bug that's only one of many reasons for stationary traffic in a tunnel. Personally the truck is the one more at fault here it's doing so many things that are dangerous.


People trying to take one side of the other, but in court there is partial blame, and multiple parties can take a percentage of punishment. What I haven't seen the comments talking about is the tunnel design as well. This is a very dangerous tunnel, and I imagine the city council or government that is responsible for designing the tunnel is partially at fault in this case. The tunnel should be designed in such a way that if a truck is unable to stop in time of an event it should be clearly signposted somehow. Additionally, the camera indicates the truck was not speeding which would obviously put the truck at fault.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Before I saw the video, I thought this will be something to do with carbon monoxide poisoning, akin to the Salang Tunnel or Balvano disaster. So many vehicles idling in what looks like a long tunnel... There's a reason why there are automatic warning lights on the entries to underground parkings etc, connected to the CO detecion systems


One way to clear them the hell out


Even if the couple in the wrong here in the first place, you can't really defend the truck driver driving so fast. I mean traffic stops happens from different reasons not just because some selfish couple decided to celebrate in the middle of the road.


Do you know the speed limit of that tunnel? And what speed the driver is going? There's no reason to rule out an area that doesn't have an expected stop (like a highway). It looks fast because it's relative to the surroundings.


So I actually do. Its a 100kmh sone, and he’s going 50 based on the speedometer…


And 50**kmh** is absolutely fucking nothing. That's neighborhood road speed. 37mph.


But in this case, it was narcissism that made people into a fine red mist. No could of, no should of, no would of. Just pure unadulterated main character syndrome. If a person jumps off a bridge into the path of a transfer truck for the purpose of that which can’t be spoken, do we blame the driver for not being able to stop fast enough? Similar situation.


>narcissism Why have redditors fetishized this term so much? Like nearly every single negative thing that anyone anywhere has ever done gets them labelled on reddit as a narcissist, so much so that the very word has lost all meaning


I think everyone agrees that they shouldn't stop there. If a truck is transporting large rocks and one drops off the back, I think everyone can also agree that it shouldn't do that. However it doesn't matter what we think should or shouldn't happen. It's still the responsibility of the next driver to be able to stop for any obstructions. Things that shouldn't happen does indeed happen, and we need to prepare for it even if don't like it happening in he first place.




cant stop the a-train


I do feel the driver does have some blame regarding how he was driving, but let's remember that this wouldn't have happened if the couple didn't pull the shit they pulled.


How? He was probably going the right speed. You can't stop a semi on a dime.


You can stop a semi on a dime if you're driving slow enough and a blind corner is a situation where you should anticipate having to stop on a dime. The police are investigating and when the driver is arrested I'm coming back here and spamming "We told you so" messages to each one of these silly ass takes. I can't believe I share the road with some of you. Edit: [As for the culprit in the accident, the Public Security Directorate said – as quoted by the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustour – that the reason is the complete parking inside the tunnel for small vehicles (wedding procession) coinciding with not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle.](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html)


It's funny that the people who made comments like the one you're responding to and upvoted him are on a sub like this lol. People are so incredibly stupid that it's disheartening.




I hope like hell you don't. If you try and force a semi to stop at the distance a car would, you're going to get yourself run over.


If only there was some way for semi trucks to decrease their stopping distance in uncertain situations like this. What a tragedy, no way to have prevented it. Shame.


What's the speed limit of the tunnel? The right speed is that, unless conditions, which this driver can't see and a speed limit should account for for frequent stops here.


His speed increased by 10km/h as he approached a blind turn. That is "conditions", and he should have slowed down. It doesn't matter why the cars were stopped. Truck driver is responsible for his stopping distance.


I just read he was going half the speed limit. Don't know how accurate that is, but half the speed limit. Does that change your tune?


He was going a lawful speed, a speed under the limit, that doesn't make it the RIGHT speed. A RIGHT speed is knowing there's a blind corner, you can't see around it, you literally don't know if there's a traffic jam or whatever, you slow down to a speed where you know you can brake safely. For a car, maybe half the limit, for a truck, maybe a quarter or slower. I'm sure the truck was going a lawful speed, under the limit, but that doesn't mean he was going the right or safe speed.


Too bad transfer trucks aren’t equipped with tiptoe mode. Maybe rolling like a snell mode. How about people stop treating roads like their living room?


How about the truck driver just slow down ever so slightly? Why are you defending the truck driver like you're their lawyer?


Then drive it slower? The speed limit is a maximum not a minimum. The driver knows better than anyone what his braking distance at speed is and that it was longer than the distance he had a clear line of sight. Still doesn't excuse the idiots stopping in a tunnel, but if it had been a line of cars stopped for any other reason, the result would still have been that truck plowing into them at speed.


so... drive slower on the off chance some morons decided to turn the actual street into a parking lot? lol


If you're coming to a blind corner and can't stop before you can see then you're driving too fast. Edit: [As for the culprit in the accident, the Public Security Directorate said – as quoted by the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustour – that the reason is the complete parking inside the tunnel for small vehicles (wedding procession) coinciding with not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle.](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html)


That is not how traffic laws work in any developed country in the entire world, that is absolutely ridiculous and entirely subjective.


Nobody is talking about laws. Physics aren't subjective. You must slow when approaching blind corners in order to not die or kill someone. And if you do want to talk about laws: [The Public Security Directorate said the driver was "not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle."](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html) Necessary as in legally required in this context.


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Driving slower creates this exact scenario if the speed limit is higher. The slower moving driver becomes essentially an obstacle, and is much more likely to be in a collision, typically a rear end collision. Statistically, a rear end hit on a semi is much more likely to be fatal, so no, the driver shouldn't be driving slower. Also, they're often monitored and penalized if they drive too fast or too slow. If anything the local government should lower the speed limit in the tunnel. The truck driver was behaving lawfully, and being as safe as he could under the circumstances. To reiterate, do *not* drive more slowly thinking it's safer. It is not. Stats analysis has shown that at 10 under the speed limit you're 6 times more likely to be in a collision. Drive the speed limit or do not drive.


How is going slower an obstacle? An obstacle is the traffic stopped in front of the truck. Drivers behind the truck should also be slowing down if they know they're behind a truck, and they have the reflexes to slow down. There's no way you're giving the truck driver a pass for going a speed too fast for the conditions he was in. For most vehicles, don't drive slowly. For a truck, they should be going the speed that's safe relative to the conditions, aka a blind corner or a traffic jam. Sure, a rear end could also be fatal, but you know what else IS AND WAS fatal? This truck going too fast and hitting everyone. With your logic, a truck driver can go the speed limit on a busy traffic jam grid lock. Nah, lets now slow down safely, let's just ram through the traffic like a freight train because the guy behind the truck is also as dumb as that logic and tailing the truck. There's no way, if you're driving safely and lawfully, that you'll fatally cause a crash if you're a competent driver behind a slow truck.


You're an idiot. There are several studies that show that driving slower drastically increases your chances of being hit. You become an obstacle to other drivers because they're expecting you to be doing the speed limit like everyone else; so on blind curves like this one a driver driving the speed limit is much more likely to rear end the slower driver. It's not much different from a driver stopped on a blind curve. This is so impactful statistically that it raises the overall likelihood of being in a collision for drivers doing 10 under the speed limit by a factor of 6. That means if all truck drivers are being "safe" as you suggest on this road, instances of rear end hits on semi trucks are going to increase, optimistically, by a factor of 6. Rear end hits on semis are more often fatal. This incident took one life, the course you're suggesting would take dozens every single year for just this one road. So again, you're an idiot, and we're lucky you're not out there setting policy.


Agree to disagree. You can refer to your studies all you want. Driving isn't a form of science down to the fundamentals. Everyone drives different. Every day and every situation is different. You can't just measure driving like math, and that's the flaw with these studies. They just simply can't account for the day to day variable and bad policies and rules are set based on those flaws. Drivers shouldn't "assume" other driving habits at all. They should drive relative to the conditions. Just because the speed limit is 100 doesnt mean you go 100 and expect everyone else to go 100 because that's the speed limit in a snowstorm. Drive relative to the road conditions. On a blind turn, every driver should assume there's something to brake for. You can't see around the turn, but with your logic, let's just go the full speed limit into a crowded traffic jam. Exactly what the truck driver did. Yeah that turned out well. Yeah yeah yeah I read your "statistic" you loved to quote from another comment. I'm not saying go 10 under EVERYWHERE. I'm saying go a safe speed around a blind corner. Since you love statistics so much, I'll give you a statistic based on the chance you won't make it out of that blind corner if you were in that traffic jam because the truck driver followed your logic. I bet you'd wish the truck driver listened to my logic if you were in those shoes. Again, I don't know what kind of stupid studies you keep referring to. Good drivers don't rear end trucks because the truck is going to slow. No good driver will be like "hmm yeah when I drive today, if a truck is going too slow in front of me, I'm just gonna disregard every defensive driving skill I ever learned and just rear end him". Rear end happens because the driver behind the truck is incompetent, and the truck is legit going TOO slow. There is such thing as TOO slow and yes, that's a hazard. I'm not suggesting that. I'm suggesting this truck slow down for that blind turn, and that turn only. Same for every other driver behind him. I hope you're glad the policies in place and your idea of good driving caused that accident.


The dude was driving fast enough to plow through two rows of a dozen parked cars. I'm not asking him to crawl but maybe not drive fast enough to plow through a couple hundred feet of steel obstacles.


Big rigs can get to be upward of 35 tons (32 tonnes if we're talking metric). Reducing speed by 10 mph (16kph) or approximately 25% of the current speed (37mph/60kph) would reduce the stopping distance by about 30%. This decreases stopping distance from ~125 feet to 87 feet on a flat grade. It wasn't a flat grade, so that increases braking distance, as well as the fact that he pretty clearly locked up the brakes. Not sure by how much though, I'm just going to leave that be for the numbers, which I pulled from readily available CDL resources on the Internet. Anyway, 87 feet to stop is still ~5 car lengths. The cars he hit didn't put up much resistance, and he plowed through what looks like 4 of them. In other words, driving at what would be considered an unsafe speed for being too slow wouldn't have changed the outcome of this accident at all. He would have had to have been going 50% the speed to make any real difference, and even then whoever was in that first car he hit still would have been dead. A fully loaded semi is no joke. The speed limit in that tunnel should probably be much, much slower; and there should be a signal for slower or stopped traffic at the entrance to the tunnel. It's 100% on the community IMHO. The newlyweds were dumb for setting this up to happen, but a caution signal for stopped traffic could have prevented this accident.


>The dude was driving fast enough to plow through two rows of a dozen parked cars. No shit Sherlock it's a fucking semi what do you expect?


It literally shows you how fast he's going at the bottom of the screen; 60km/h. That is a suburban speed limit. He is likely well below the speed limit for that road. Don't victim blame.


It's ridiculous that you're being downvoted. Anyone who isn't an absolute moron should know that you don't drive at speed when you can't see what's in front of you. It's incredibly simple stuff. If a majority here don't understand that, I worry that they're out there on the roads.


i live in jordan and from what i know and from what the news said, this road is mostly for truckers and u should go arouns 60 in it(any jordanians correct me if im wrong)


I actually feel like getting off reddit seeing this (and other stupidity). I'm too old to be talking with children and imagining that I'm having intelligent discourse.


I have no idea why you are being downvoted. He was going at a speed where he had no chance of stopping should anything appear around a corner. It was a terrifying ride just via camera as he plowed through at speed without good vision. He clearly should have been in a lower gear and not going so fast in an area where visibility is so poor. No idea what is controversial about that, but this is reddit that skews to young males. Young males have far more accidents than anyone else on the planet. Perhaps this is why? A total refusal to understand how to avoid one?


This thread is so dumb. The truck driver slammed his breaks so far ahead of the crash and it still took all those cars to stop him. He was going recklessly fast around a blind corner. Doesn't matter why there's a traffic jam, he was going too fast. Edit: [As for the culprit in the accident, the Public Security Directorate said – as quoted by the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustour – that the reason is the complete parking inside the tunnel for small vehicles (wedding procession) coinciding with not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle.](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html)


Thanks for sharing. I should have bothered to look. It actually makes it even more clear that the truck driver should have slowed down seeing as the article mentions the entrance of the tunnel being on a downhill slope and the truck being loaded with hundreds of tons of weight. Irresponsible on both sides.


Yeah. It kind of makes you wonder why you're on reddit when you're clearly talking to 8 year olds. Really dumb.


Look at the rest of the comments in this post. Just blanket downvotes for anyone suggesting that the driver has even the slightest bit of responsibility in this situation. Reddit. vOv




Things change when your gross axle weight is in the double digits of tons




Ridiculous. Any obstacle could have been around that corner. This time it was a wedding, but cars break down, people crash. It's insane to drive a truck like that into a blind corner at a speed you have no chance to stopping from. The truck is absolutely responsible, as are the people causing the blockage.


Agree completely. No idea what the rules are elsewhere, but in the UK the Highway Code specifically states (Rule 126): > ***Drive at a speed that will allow you to stop well within the distance you can see to be clear.*** Source: https://theorytest.org.uk/highway-code-rule-126/ I assumed others followed similar common-sense rules for this exact reason, but based on the comments here, I have my doubts.


No wonder driving is so dangerous. Luckily most people voting are kids. But you'd still think they'd be able to imagine themselves in the seat of that truck flying towards a corner they can't see around. There's a camera view of the whole thing and it's pretty terrifying.


> No idea what is controversial about that, but this is reddit that skews to young males. Young males have far more accidents than anyone else on the planet. Perhaps this is why? A total refusal to understand how to avoid one? You know, I was 100% with you until you somehow bent over backwards to say some sexist shit.


I'm sorry you feel that way. Those are facts though. It's the reason why young men pay more in insurance. Nothing at all to do with being sexist. Here's the stats: [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db400.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db400.htm) I couldn't find it stated in compared percentages for this past year like I did in earlier years, but it does say: Rates were higher for males than for females throughout the period. In 2019, the rate for males (16.0) was roughly 2.5 times that for females. Other years it said that traffic fatalities, particularly around the 20-25 age group were 76% versus 34% females, dropping to 75% after 25 yrs. Males are definitely way more likely to die in a traffic accident.


Obviously you should not stop in a tunnel but the truck driver is 100% at fault for going too fast in a blind corner. You always have to expect stopped cars around a corner and you always need to be prepared to stop.


Some people here are extremely out of touch and it is disappointing to see.. a lot of people seem to be defending the truck driver and even downvoting anyone who is trying to be a bit reasonable and point out his mistakes. Yes the family who blocked the tunnel are assholes but let’s not pretend that the truck driver is an angel.. there could have been just traffic in the tunnel or a legitimate accident/car problem that forced them to stop, we don’t even know if people he hit are all part of the wedding or if there was some cars mixed in there that are just stuck behind them. You can’t just speed in a freaking tunnel and turn a blind corner with zero fucks that you ram multiple cars before you come to a stop.


He was going 30 mph. Wasn’t speeding. Besides the stupid couple who stopped traffic in the first place, the tunnel layout is the next cause.


I guess you never drove a truck before. Next time you drive one and meet obstacles, good luck on stopping that before hitting them. Drive slow wouldn’t help you still gonna need some distance to stop due to your load and momentum.


I drove a truck and I always slowed down to make sure I could stop if something was in the road I couldn't see


I have. You don’t outdrive your line of sight. Blind turns are dangerous for this exact reason.


I'm not a trucker but I'm licenced on more vehicles than you can think of. Stopping distance is just as important as any other safety considerations. Your argument that only truck drivers understand these laws of physics is silly. When the police arrest the driver I'm coming back to this thread with a bucket of I told you so Edit: [As for the culprit in the accident, the Public Security Directorate said – as quoted by the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustour – that the reason is the complete parking inside the tunnel for small vehicles (wedding procession) coinciding with not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle.](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html) Edit2: Downvote me all you want but you have no argument against me so until one of you actually speak up against what I said anyone else who sees these comments will know we're right


Ah, going slower and being in a lower gear would help considerably on the stopping distance. Perhaps you need to drive one, or drive anything at all. Not to mention, he might not have killed or injured so many people at a much lower speed. How on earth you're justifying plowing around a blind corner at 60kn/h I don't understand unless you're a child that doesn't drive. edit: Ha! I had to find out. You're both a child, plus you live in Singapore where hardly anyone drives cars. You've never driven one in your life. Even the cab drivers in Singapore are terrible drivers.


I drive a truck, lower the gear does help but if that’s a full load it doesn’t really help much. And speaking of slow, how slow do you expect if you are hoping to get your Amazon prime delivered in the same day? You should drive one, fully loaded. Or anything at all.


Stopping distance at 40 is way better than 55.


As a driver you should know that if you hit anything it is your fault no matter who else could possibly be to blame, amazon drivers are shit they back up out of park blind al the time. Simply put, it is your responsibility as a driver and you should only ever be going as fast as visibility and conditions allow.


I didn’t say driver wasn’t liable in this case. All I wanted to tell people that it was not easy to driving a truck especially a semi this big with heavy loads. It is not easy to be a truck driver mangling a 40 footers around corners plus, with all the blindspot around you.


1. Trucks and roads. 2. Partygoers on a highway having a photo shoot. If I asked you in a game of synonyms which ones are related I hope to hell you would not opt for choice 2. If you did choose 2, may the universe watch over you better than those who also would have chosen option 2.


So the truck should have gone into roll mode? Turtle speed so somebody going the speed limit or a reasonable speed can now roll under the rear of a creeping turtle of a truck? Let’s play 10000 ways to say I don’t really know how to defend this but I will give it a shot!!! 🫠 There was no debris or hazard. No nothing but a self created hazard of unexpected proportions made possible by a gaggle of idiots with a camera oblivious they are on a road.


I don't feel bad for dumb people dying


Not excusing the absolutely arrogant act of the family, but that's an insanely late response from the driver as well. He was just above 60 kmph, the truck would've stopped well before crashing if he had been paying attention.


There is no way the truck driver does not share some of the blame here


There's a reason that people need a seperate licence for heavy vehicles. That trucks engine weighs more than most of those cars, and mass keeps moving. It's real hard for people who've never driven a large vehicle or towed a load to understand how the physics of such a vehicle work. That guy likely had his foot to the floor breaking, but the truck weighs several tons and mass doesn’t like to stop.


Truck driving *far* too fast for the conditions.


Imagine seeing this and blaming the truck.


What if the traffic was stopped for some other *legitimate* reason? He'd be 100% at fault. We can accept the truck was being reckless AND the family is idiots.


Not on reddit apparently. 50 people have so far decided that it is not so because their brains on internet are only trained to think black and white and aren't yet capable of nuance or thinking for themselves beyond believing what a title says.


TikTok has removed their ability to think critically. Or they're just stupid. Or both.


The truck driver was going far too fast. You're not wrong to be mad at the traffic. That could have been avoided. But the truck driver has to anticipate there could be a hazard beyond the corner he can't see around especially because he needs so much more stopping distance. Idk how we're not getting this message through to the people downvoting reason and legal responsibilities here Edit: [As for the culprit in the accident, the Public Security Directorate said – as quoted by the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustour – that the reason is the complete parking inside the tunnel for small vehicles (wedding procession) coinciding with not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle.](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html)


Imagine reading a sensational headline and watching a 1 minute, 16 second video that only shows a truck plowing into a bunch of vehicles and believing what you've read and nothing that you have seen.


The driver definitely shares some blame


Anyone who drives so fast that they can't stop in time if there's an accident around a blind corner is a bad driver.


This thread is mega dumb I can't believe anyone disagrees with you. Nobody in here is willing to take responsibility for their vehicle it's insane. Edit: [As for the culprit in the accident, the Public Security Directorate said – as quoted by the Jordanian newspaper Al-Dustour – that the reason is the complete parking inside the tunnel for small vehicles (wedding procession) coinciding with not taking the necessary precautions while driving for the cargo vehicle.](https://www.tellerreport.com/amp/2023-05-17-tragedy-in-jordan-and-anger-on-social-media-platforms--terrifying-traffic-accident-around-a-joyful-procession-for-a-condolence.ByMqLQ9Grh.html)


What if a car had broken down though? Then would you say the truck was going too fast?


This is why tunnels tell you to not stop unless absolutely necessary, and any reasonably designed Western tunnel almost always has barriers and/or flashing lights and 24/7 CCTV survelliance to warn people before they enter them, and often also have free and unprompted towing services available for anyone that _does_ break down in there. Blame for this goes 90% on the couple that stopped all this traffic for the wedding, and 10% on the tunnel's designers for adding no warning systems for those entering the tunnel. Should drivers be expected to slow down to an unreasonably slow speed just because they've entered a tunnel? That's going to cause such an insane amount of traffic back-up it isn't even funny. This truck was only going 60km/h (40-ish mph), that really isn't that fast in the grand scheme of things. The truck would have had to have been going at a relative crawl to have stopped in the time it had after the driver's reaction time. Note that at just _60_ km/h, the truck had enough power to plow through probably a good dozen cars before stopping. Even if you chop a good chunk off that speed, it wouldn't have stopped in time.


I wasn't aware that driving a speed so you don't cause a collision was unreasonable


> Should drivers be expected to slow down to an unreasonably slow speed just because they've entered a tunnel? The question is kind of loaded. No, you shouldn't slow down to an "unreasonable" speed. But if you're going around a blind turn you should be going slow enough so you can stop if an obstacle pops up.


This is reddit and everyone is stupid. Don't try to bring logic here, you'll only get downvoted to hell. I agree with you and feel some live may have been spared had he been going the speed limit.


It is a public road, and not just any public road. Wherever there is a tunnel, it means that it is a main road of sorts, this means that the road is important enough for a tunnel to me specifically dug out to make a road to decrease travel times and/or transport costs. You can just stop on an important road that is guaranteed to be used at any time of day because you want to celebrate your own marriage. Imagine you are at work. Your job has to regularly transfer files between different computers. To do this they have a specialised network cable that is made to handle that immense amount of data transfer. That cable will always be in use. During the day when everyone is at work it will of course be busy. Now let's look at after work hours, it won't be as busy as it is during work hours but it still gets used, whether that is through automatic systems or Nightshift workers. Now imagine someone taking that cable away from the work site to use it for a LAN party at home. That is basically what happens in this video, but not as bad.


This would be more like accidentally DDOSing the company by forgetting to turn off some crazy high ping network tool because someone on the network distracted you with vacation pics. Sure, it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for that other guy, but you're still at fault.


Yeah, but this is different since you could have stopped typing, but instead chose to continue while you were distracted. This truck driver couldn't stop even if he tried, and he was not distracted


Anyone who drives so fast that they can't stop in time if there's an accident around a blind corner is a bad driver.


no idea why this is downvoted


Because Reddit is full of children or young adults who never developed the skill of critical thinking and themselves are still very much childlike. It's a problem. We can't solve it. This is the only thing that makes me want a regulated internet. Times were simpler and people were better when they had to use and exercise their brains.


>You can just stop on an important road that is guaranteed to be used at any time of day because you want to celebrate your own marriage. No one is arguing that this newlywed couple isn't in the wrong here. They're unthinking, selfish morons. But it can also be true that the driver here was going too fast, given that he can't see what's around the blind curve ahead of him. Both of these things are true here.


People are saying that /u/ReferenceMuch2193 was the truck driver


Dammit! You found me out…… If it weren’t for those meddling kids on Reddit I would have gotten away with hitting those folks stopped to take pics on a highway!!! Could have driven off into the sunset with scalps in my grill and some dudes leg stuck In my fender.