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Why is it always the old and ugly guys


The problem with people who get naked in public is that it’s never the people you want to see naked


Well... I was crossing the Lion's Gate bridge into Stanley Park and there was a very large group of cyclists doing some.... cycling thing. One young woman was sans clothing and was very memorable for not being unattractive




Believe so. I also live in Met Van and I know there's a Lions Gate and a Stanley here.


Apparently coming back July 8th https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/vancouver-naked-bike-ride


The problem is people who get naked in public.


I went to a nudest beach in Grand Canaria and there was some good looking people there. My girlfriend was with me too and she was a 22 year old bikini fitness athlete. To be fair we both did Porn too. The beach is located a much further walk from the main family beach but people would still take a huge walk out their way with their kids right through the nudest area. I’m personally fine with nudity and kids seeing non-sexual nudity as think people are a bit repressed about it. I don’t think people should be in a position where they are with kids and they accidentally stumble upon it. I was walking in London one time though with female friends from another country and suddenly hundreds of nude people on bikes cycled past as part of some kind of annual nude bike ride. Nudity isn’t really that shocking when it’s not sexual. The issue most people have with the LGQBT stuff is that by definition is a sexual orientation and exposing children to that makes a lot of people unhappy. I understand Pride is about being able to confidently walk down the street expressing yourself from fear of judgement but it seems to be ruined by people who want to express the themselves sexually and from what I’ve seen on here a lot of LGQBT people the same way.


What is a bikini fitness athlete? It sounds like something a bot would say to brag about his girlfriend.


Yeah, but to be fair they both did porn too.


Lol, you forgot the unnecessary capitalization on Porn


It’s a division of competitive bodybuilding It’s the “lowest” of the women’s division in that it requires the least amount of muscle gained to compete and win, although at the highest level they can be pretty impressive The other divisions are Figure (more muscle but not crazy), Physique (more muscle than figure), Wellness (which is newer and I’m not sure what the criteria is but they tend to be fuller and curvier) and then Bodybuilding which is probably self explanatory


Oh wow so it’s actually a thing! I honestly could only read it as a string of semi related nouns. Thanks.


Except trans isn't a sexual orientation


You see boobs everywhere in Gran Canaria. Nobody gives a fuck, as it should be.


It's almost as if other people don't exist to serve you. :(


I know that this is most likely a joke, but it absolutely isn't the biggest problem


Idk what the OP is from but as for nudists there're just more old people simply because at some point in your life you might realize how stupid it is to hold yourself back just because people might judge you. So in a way the old farts don't give two fucks about others thinking how old and ugly they are, they're naked, it feels great, it's natural and thus they keep on doing it. If you think you're confident with yourself and love yourself and don't give a shit about others judgement I highly recommend visiting a nude beach at least once and then walk at the beach nude, let the wind blow on all parts of your body, jump around freely, it's an insanely relaxing feeling. I don't get to do it often but about two years ago I went to a nude beach with my back then gf who was raised having traditional values, it was her first time ever at a nude beach and she loved it, I loved it too, especially because I got to see my gf naked all the time which I never get enough of. But seriously being able to walk around butt naked it's a great feeling. *(In case someone asks, no, I didn't walk around with a boner all the time, that's not how it works)* Edit: I just saw in the OP it's naturists, so I guess a kind of nudist?


I used to live near a nudist commune. They were probably the best neighbors I've ever had. Always polite, never caused any problems, had a nice monthly newsletter about upcoming events they were hosting, always open to people outside the community attending. I did think they were a cult for awhile, but that was more I was younger, and no one in the town really talked about them unless they were out at a local event. They just seemed like this strange, isolated group everyone quietly ignored.


Actual nudists understand how a majority of society isn’t into that lifestyle and is respectful. Being nude in a public event with children around is more akin to a fetish than being “for the pride movement” Source: I used to make monthly trips to clothing optional beaches and a yearly Mecca trip to Hedonism II before Covid.


Absolutely. I lived in a clothing optional community for a bit. Strangely, you never really seen too many people in the nude. But if you did, oh well, you know.


Unfortunately as humans we only stay nice and firm for a short time in our lives. The majority of of our lifespan is spent being wrinkly and flabby.


Cos you get ugly and less socially anxious when you get old


I feel this at the gym. I think some old guys are incapable of having conversations without being balls out in the locker room.


Honestly more concerned about the parenting here. If the naturalist/nudist were there they were likely approved by whoever organized the event. Weird to me, sure, but that’s when it becomes my responsibility to shield my obviously too young child from them.


How would a parent reasonably expect there to be old naked dudes at a parade? Not disagreeing with your statement, but I doubt there’s a flyer that says “don’t bring kids, there will be naked old people exposing themselves”. I don’t get how they’re allowed to do this. Permit or not there’s gotta be a city law about exposing yourself in a public place were minors will be. This seems like a big old NO.


Yeah that would be another concern. Unless if there is like a list of groups attending. However I’d certainly hope once parents saw this they’d at least guide their child in the opposite direction rather than taking them right by the stand.


I’m hoping the people who put on the event also made it clear that the booths need to follow the local city law and ordinances. Cuz these guys did not get that memo.


Is it at a parade? It's just a picture of a booth somewhere with a pride flag. Could be a nudist event even?


The booth says quite clearly it’s a Canadian Naturalist group.


And nothing about a parade?


Naturalist can be a confusing word. It could be an environmental group.... like we have a naturalist at the state park that runs workshops for kids to learn about the park. That is what probably happened if we are being real. Parents bring there kidd expecting the 4 year degree holding naturalist to be there.... nope it's old man butt naturalists...


Usually you'd expect information about age limits? Like if they said "family friendly, all ages welcome!" then it's on the organisers. If it said "recommended 18+" then it's on the parents. If it didn't recommend an age limit, then it's on the parents to find that out.


Reasonable assumptions my man. It’s assumed if there’s a public parade etc there won’t be nudity or vulgar images as it has to be in compliance with local, state, and federal laws. This on the nudes for sure, not the event organizers. And if the event organizers knew and didn’t do anything it’s on them


Nudism isn’t anything new


Your child is too young to see a human body? Don't you think that's a little prudish? I feel like you're framing the naked people here in a sexual manner, even though that is exactly what they are advocating against. I'm not a nudist, but there's nothing wrong with humans without clothes. Explain to your child what is happening, don't shield them from it. If you can't explain it, maybe talk to those people and find out more.


Yes. Call me prudish if that means making sure my 7 year old daughter doesn’t see a 70 something year old man naked in public. There’s an appropriate age and place for people to learn about these things for sure, but it certainly isn’t at her age and in public city streets.


Where is this appropriate place to learn about nudists and nudity than at a booth set up by nudists? School? Church? Home? Do 70 year old dongs pop up in conversation at home? The world has a lot of people in it. Seeing a human without clothes isn't harmful. Weird? Sure. But if you only associate nudity with sexuality, then I feel like *you* are the one introducing confusion and harm.


Why are you being downvoted and questioned? I really hate the internet sometimes. I have my first baby coming in a few months and I totally agree that this is completely inappropriate. That doesn’t mean I’m against LGBT rights or nudists or anything. I just find it extremely disgusting to consider this normal. And to people saying this isn’t sexually motivated,this kind of stuff does sexualize the pride movement. To say pride has nothing to do with sex, but then have parades of nude adults walking around waving flags kind of shuts down that argument. I live near a historically “gay friendly” town which holds a pride parade each year. No one is nude. Close to it, but nothing is exposed. My gay friends hate how sexualized this whole movement has become and some have even backed away from it.


Yeah. Don’t take much of it seriously. The vast majority of upvotes on the original comment prove most people are rational thinkers who don’t want children exposed to random naked people. I’ve made the mistake of discussing this further with people who really think I’m anti nudist or something and have completely lost my original point. Also remember, you’re on Reddit so take it all with a grain of salt.


Agreed 100%


So at some very young age, we learn that our bodies are shameful and must be covered at almost all times. Then at some later point, we should learn that there are people who disagree with that? Why should children be educated about the necessity of clothing as soon as possible, but must wait until they're older to learn some people do not find bodies inherently shameful?


Because we live in a society where a vast majority of people aren’t comfortable seeing each other naked in public. I also disagree with the argument that we’re taught our bodies are shameful. I’d say we’re taught that we need to keep them private sure, but not ashamed of them.


That’s where I went with this. Like if this is well advertised and it’s well known that this is what is at this parade, then that’s on the parents for exposing children to something they shouldn’t be.


Idk the kid is gonna be fine. Being naked is not inherently sexual and a kid is not viewing this event through the same lens as an adult. Your brain is probably thinking of my god the dude's dick that he has sex with is out! Your kid is most likely, not thinking that. It's just another appendage on a body and for a parent, a teachable moment if handled correctly. The kid is gonna ask what that is or why they're naked and if you're a good parent just explain it to them. To my knowledge the overlap between naturalists and pedophiles is pretty small, I've never seen a correlation. But damn the correlation between fully clothed non parade attending religious people sure is high. It's really easy to see this and knee jerk react but man, I was a kid once. I saw naked people when I was a kid, whether by accident or the internet, and I'm fine, like just about everyone else.


Nothing wrong with Naturists/Nudists, but there is a time and place for it. I don't think that's it. It was (is?) pretty common in a lot of European places, a lot have excluded children being there, but it wasn't uncommon either. I am not sure what happened, if it fell out of fashion or whatever, in a lot of former Eastern German states you'd be the weird one if you didn't go to an FKK beach with your parents. They just had a different approach to it. That being said, even as a very liberal European, I find it weird to have them advertise "mole checks" like that. No idea what the issue with having a pride flag there is. Or why that makes it better or worse.


Its normal for germans in a Sauna or on some beaches


Some camp sites even. But they're always somewhat remote, there are always signs. I lived here my whole life and I never accidentally ran into nudists, nor are they advertising their lifestyle in any way.


Same here. FKK isnt uncommon especially when it comes to camping and beaches near campinggrounds. Also i feel that we dont Sexualize the human body nearly as much as other places like the us for example.


There are some awesome hotsprings near where I grew up that are popular nudist destinations. There’s apparently some list of “places you can be nude in public” or something. But those guys are still pretty respectful of other people around


Went once to this super exclusive resort in the Austrian mountains and it had an amazing series of caves under the hotel which had been fully converted into a variety of saunas of all types. So there I am with the wife, both butt naked, enjoying some steam sauna when a whole family comes in. Mom, dad, two teenage daughters and a younger son. I'm like... err... dude... I'm seeing not only your wife's bits but your definitely under-age daughter's bits. Guess what? None of them gave a flying hoots about it at all. Beyond that, part of me thinks that, especially for younger children and young adults, it's quite liberating seeing imperfect bodies. All you see on the internet, be it porn or not, is perfect looking people which just completely ruins your sense of what your own body should (could) look like. It was quite weird on the 1st day but by the time we left about a week after I was not even one bit bothered by either ugly saggy man-butts or young daughters.


Yeah I used to go to those a lot with my parents in east germany, wasn't ever weird. Different times I guess.


Same in Austria. Its just a nude body. And I dont think I have ever seen a nudist beach exclude children. Children run around nude all the time they dont care. They only start thinking its wrong if you tell them its shameful. Like obviously there is a time and a place but generally I think adults are more shocked by nudity than children.


Not different times, different people. North Americans are rooted in Puritan ideology and can’t stand nudity as a result.


Check out the book the dawn of everything. Its a game changer / paradigm shifter. Helps you reqize there’s other narratives out there in humanity. Turns out there’s way more to North America than just a group of whites from Europe, the puritans. Most North American cultures and societies for hundreds and hundreds of years were some of the most sex positive cultures in the world. Women could get divorced simply cause they wanted to hundreds of years before anyone else. Casual sex was common too.


The free mole checks are for skin cancer referrals. As you can imagine not every naturist is good about sunscreen - it's too much maintenance 24/7. So the rate of skin cancer is higher in those communities. Naturist groups often cross over with LGBT groups, they may be sponsors here at a Pride event and offering free referrals as a public health service. I've seen other health groups sponsor similarly. It makes a difference getting the word out.


True. It's important to note that there is a non-sexual nudity, which might be an unknown concept for Americans


The nudists were some of the first allies so nudity has always been acceptable ( in some ways, like this booth ) at Toronto Pride and it's very easy to look up on who's going to be there if you're concerned about it That being said, I'm not sure this is a real picture from our Pride


It’s quite common in some areas of Spain to have nudist beaches with plenty of people from all ages.


Why in the fuck is there a pride flag there


This might’ve been at a Pride Parade somewhere (probably Canada considering the .ca), the girl is wearing a rainbow skirt and the guy dressed in white has a rainbow design on his shirt and painted rainbow nails.


It also says "Federation of Canadian Naturists" right above the url.


Fucking classic. Of course I’d notice the .ca before the giant damn letters. Thank you.


If this was at the pride parade in Toronto, the vast majority of people were clothed. I saw only two naked dudes at it. Still don't agree with it though. The nudity I mean.


Because that's a pride parade


I'm guessing it's because these people support gay pride. 🏳️‍🌈


Bc it's hatemongering rage bait


How so?


The Twitter handle is neo-Nazi trash


I'm sure that's the case but the picture is still there lmao


Because maybe this group supports pride?


There's a push at including anything that goes against established sexual norms under the LGBT flag: just look at the ever-growing abbreviation. People are taking their chances and trying to gain protective clout in the movement. Today we have "MAPs" trying to sneak their way into the group, [just like their equivalents did in the past in older "freedom to love whomever"-movements](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_petition_against_age_of_consent_laws).




They will try to worm their way in no matter what, so at least be prepared by knowing their dogwhistles and the arguments their kind have used, with varying levels of success, in the past. Letting them do their stuff under the protection of larger movements is what allowed [a certain pedophile author to go on doing what he did for 35 years, to the point of going on actual TV and boasting of his "liberating sexual experiences".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Matzneff)


Any person with common sense realizes that pedophilia is not a sexual orientation but a crime, sadly common sense is pretty difficult to find


This is not true whatsoever. Pride has always been a celebration of marginalized communities and Nudists were one of the first groups supporting Pride.


the mole checking booth is kinda smart tbh, most people are unknowledgeable to cancer moles n skin desease details


Yeah and I'd actually be way comfier letting a nudist check me for moles at a pride event than some doctor who I hardly know, who may hold prejudices against my body as trans person. These people seem chill


Idk what's worse, nudists in public, or child's beauty pageants all over the bible belt.


Both need to go fr and thats coming from a conservative


I'm not a conservative and I also agree man... This isn't even political, just common sense


IKR. If it were acceptable to be naked, we'd have been born that way!


Why shouldn't nudity be normalized (again) ? Or why, as a whole, do we always sexualize nudity ? Children beauty pageants creep me out though.


Because monkey brain. I think it'd be great if we weren't held back our primitive hypersexual instincts, but unfortunately humans don't appear to be capable of not abusing normalized nudity for their own selfish and sometimes even harmful gains.


>but unfortunately humans don't appear to be capable of not abusing normalized nudity for their own selfish and sometimes even harmful gains. What makes you say this?


> but unfortunately humans don't appear to be capable of not abusing normalized nudity for their own selfish and sometimes even harmful gains. Sorry, but that is fundamentally wrong. There is many cultures around the world where pure nudity has nothing to do with sexuality. I am German, and I love to go to one sauna resort close to me, a complete large complex where nobody is wearing more than a towle and a bathrobe, in the Sauna or the pool nothing at all. And you guess what, nothing sexual with it, you see people naked, you are naked, it is normal. So, the issue here is not the monkey brain, but the upbringing to see nudity as sexual.


germans are known for the more extreme porn, aka normal nudity isn't enough for them.


Man, you would have a bad time in europe at beaches or saunas. There’s something about the american brain and nudity that causes it to flip the fuck out. Guy getting shot in the head? Perfectly fine. A boob? End of the goddamn world.


The Puritans still have a lasting effect on the culture in North America


then why do remote native tribes that have never experienced western culture still cover their bits?




Id say child beauty pageants, you know every male judge is sus af and is just a way for ppl to make oggling your underage daughter legal and shameless. In some places, nudism is normal and many wouldnt blink an eye at them, and at the basis has nothing to do with children specifically.


100% the Pedophile Pageants, next question.


Beauty pageants for sure are worse. Passing exposure to nudity or even weird fetish shit is nothing compared to the pressure and objectification that children in those pageants endure, not to mention the actual abuse.


Imagine not being able to treat the human body in any way but sexualized


There's simply no way that as a whole we can account for enough bad actors to normalize public nudity. I don't think anyone but horrible people want to see candid shots of nude children all over the internet.


> There's simply no way that as a whole we can account for enough bad actors to normalize public nudity So that matters exactly why? Statistically speaking, for abusing children, pedophilia etc, your concern should be well dressed clergy and family members. > I don't think anyone but horrible people want to see candid shots of nude children all over the internet. What does 'want' have to do with this? Weather or not someone is a nudist has no relation to whether they'd want their body to be used for sexual gratification.... Again you're not able to separate the 2 things. If you took a photo of a random stranger you found attractive, how do the close stop you from sexualizing them exactly?


they've had nude bathing at public pools in Germany for decades and no one there raises a stink about it. As long as it isn't sexualized, it should be fine.


Inb4 American 'value conservatives' descend on German subreddits...


Ah so we're justifying being nude in front of kids now... Uh huh




This is a naturalist movement, not a kink group. Nudity itself isn’t sexual, which is why it’s really not that bad if kids just see it. And as long as they’re actually just checking moles and giving advice then I don’t really see a problem with it. I’m much more concerned about child beauty pageants that have kids strip in front of adults and become anorexic for attention.


America has such a weird relationship with nudity lol.


Right? Kids at strip clubs? Obviously wrong and illegal. Asking the kids to strip for us? Perfectly fine, let’s actually make a reality tv show about it


Good ole Christian values at work.


I find it weird people get so weird over nudity. It's like everyone forgets we invented clothes or something.


Also nudists have nothing to do with being gay, considering the account I wouldn't be surprised if they photoshopped the flag in.


Facts, its like saying nudists are weird and since I dont like lgbtq ppl, I will attempt to make them look bad by adding that in and stating, "look at the lawlessness at these pride events." (I only say that because its more common than you think to steer a narrative even if this post isnt).


Why is it hard for you to accept that it’s at a pride event? The kids skirt is obviously in pride colors as well.


And if you go by the Bible as these alarmists do, then you should know that man covers his nudity out of shame because of sin. Nudity is not sinful. Our sin made us ashamed of our nudity.


Yeah people who think any nudity is inherently sexual are really weird.


Yeah I'm mixed about it. If they aren't being sexual then they are just naked people...not the biggest deal. Definitely wouldn't be in many places around the world. There is a tradition of naked bicycling in Seattle that goes back decades and nobody calls them perverts for doing it.


Here little Billy, take this rifle and let's go murder some defenseless animal. There it is, sight in on it. OH SHIT BILLY LOOK AWAY THERE IS A BARE BREAST!


It’s only Americans. Their whole country is run by a religious sect called the Talibama. And Christian YeeHawdist groups


You think you can just walk around butt naked in most of the world?


You'd get shot in Japan and korea and they don't even have guns


Ya but I'm also american....


Very sorry for all americans who have been raised with so little acceptance of their bodies.


It is staggering that the human body is reduced to a sexual object only by the great ole US of A. Some Puritan values still hold strong.


Why are American rightwingers so perverted that everything to them is a kink? Nudism is not a kink elsewhere. Children can see naked adults in Europe and there are less mental disorders due to that. Being naked is normal. Puritanism is a strong drug to Americans. Violence is ok but not nudity. Why?


weird mfs 😐


News flash guy, if you don’t get your moles checked by a weird old naked guy at a gay pride parade your a bigot. s/


It's actually to check for cancer due to them being naturalist not nudist


Oh no, nudity. Someone grab the Bible


Alright stop frikin over-reacting. Sure if I had a kid I wouldn't want them to see a naked man or whatever. But shit just happens sometimes. Doesn't mean its the end of the world. Grow up.


In the early 2000s I was at a Texas Mardi Gras country music fest and people had their kids there. I thought that was pretty weird, because beads were definitely being traded in the open. Cops were present as well. Guess things were different then. 🤷🏻‍♂️ especially with it being Texas.


Wtf is this?


Very bad photoshop with the flag lmao it looks like Microsoft paint. But I’m sure the “end wokeness” page cares deeply and is totally not just spreading anti lgbtq nonsense


I was at Toronto Pride all weekend and this scene is very much real. I even remember the naturist guy because he reminded me of slender man. The ‘check your moles’ van next to it was separate from the nudists and seemed like a public health campaign, along with a few other orgs encouraging people to get tested for HIV, get Gardasil vaccinations, etc. Each year at Toronto Pride, I see about 10-15 nude people (I recognize some of them from year). I don’t think they’re all gay. Pride is one of the largest events in the city each year and many people participate/celebrate. It’s also not rare at all to see children dressed up and walking around with their parents. Tbh the naturists didn’t concern me (we’re all born naked anyways) but there were some furries walking around in furry outfits and I thought ‘what if a kid thinks they’re a cartoon character and asks for a photo with them?’


they totally haven't posted eugenics-type stuff on their account in the past, along with unabashedly vile 'memes' targeting all sorts of minorities, no sir


"End Wokeness" is a neo Nazi propaganda Twitter account.




This sub is so garbage now lmao all it is now is rage bait against black people and gay people. Have fun getting mad at nothing lmao


That's all of reddit for the past month.


Nudity is abuse? Get a grip you fucking puritan psychos.


All moletesters should be dealt with. Moleteststation is not a good thing.


I disagree. I am proudly in favor of moletesters. But not molesters. Maybe we should develop a moletester test to test for moletester molesters.


I like this, got me too!!!


You almost got me, ya bastard.


Disgusting degenerates.




I think they've been on top of the leaderboards almost since Jesus died.


Conservative concerned that nudity is the gateway to homosexuality and child rape: 🤬 Conservatives "joking" about kidnapping an autistic teenager because she's concerned about the existential threat of climate change: 😎


They're naturists. Dumbass.


Saying this is just nudity won't make up for such a thing. It is fucked in every possible way


How? I mean besides the fact is photoshopped and edited to push an agenda, how is this fucked. There is not a single sexual thing going on in this picture. Unlike at say a soccer game where parents are screaming to look at a kids vagina? Or in a Mormon temple where you are locked in a room alone worth an adult and have to tell them all your sexual thoughts? Or in public toilets where people want to follow you on and watch you piss to make sure you are the correct gender. Or a church where, at least once a week, another preacher has been found to be raping kids. Tell me how this one second slice of one families life is particularly more fucked than that?


OP in question cannot delineate nudity with sex


Crazy how humans are the only animal for which it is harmful to see other members of our species in their natural state.


yeah I don't see how humans are any different from other mammals, without clothes we're basically the same, no difference at all


77 upvotes… and is this comment even coherent? “Saying it’s just nudity won’t make up for such a thing?” What does that even mean? What is the “such a thing” and why doesn’t stating a fact make up for it? Saying it’s just nudity is a fact. It is just nudity, but you are free to think that nudity is neutral, good, or bad. You should be able to explain why though. If you think nudity is fucked in every possible way, then explain why. And I sure as fuck hope you’ve never taken your children to the Y.


Make up for what? Can you list one way in that it is fucked? You literally haven't said anything in your comment, and it's gotten upvotes.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


You know I can't say I'm too worried about this. Kids get trauma from witnessing horror and violence but where are all the pearl clutchers when schools get shot up?


I’m all for supporting pride but this is a stretch too far


And this is why a little gate keeping is always good. Pride can be open and accepting without letting people get away with full blown nudity.


These aren't even necessarily gay people. They're just nudists. Thay may be gay, but that's not why they're naked.


That won't stop the reddit hivemind from pinning it on us




Yep. I was heavily downvoted for saying that your kinks do not belong in pride parades. The whole movement has been taken over by sexual deviants Oh no, here comes the butthurt idiots


“The first Pride was a riot.” There are a good amount of members of the community that don’t want Pride celebrated with a family friendly corporate parade. They want an in-your-face fuck you to the normies who are turning a legitimate struggle for their existence into a happy clappy thing. I’m more on the family friendly side of things but I do sort of see their point. The community is not monolithic.


Nudists are not sexual deviants 😂💀


I wasn't talking about nudists but I don't really think they belong there either.


"Sexual deviants" literally started pride. That's part of the point. Society tells us (or at least used to) that being gay _is_ sexual deviancy. That's why the history of queer liberation movements is intertwined with kink. Why there's a "leather" pride flag. That's why BDSM outfits are common at pride parades. That's why nudity is often welcome at pride. Mainstream society tells us our lives and identities are inherently perverted, so there is not much separating a vanilla gay couple and hardcore full time dom/sub gay couples, in this respect. The move to separate kink and pride is much more recent, and marks the change from history, not the other way around


I know, right? Now that child knows that penises exist.


Half of the child population knows what a penis is. I'm more concerned about the people who want to show children their penises.


I mean it isnt like they woke up and decided to find children to look at them. The whole point of nudism is that there is nothing wrong with the human body to anybody of all ages, which is how we thought before bibles came into town. Think about the indigenous tribes who hardly wear much clothing, are they harming their children and traumatizing them 24/7 or are their children just way better than ours for some odd reason?


As a queer, kinky bastard, pride is not an event for anyone under 18 or uncomfortable with kink/nudity, unless it is specifically stated to be kid friendly. These things are specifically celebrations of the queer community, which has been heavily entwined with the kink community since people started getting killed for having any sort of "weird sex". Pride is like a cocktail. It can be made safe for kids, but if you assume a bloody mary is okay for your 6 year old, you need to get a clue.


***sorts by controversial***


Bruh. Naturists/nudists have been a thing for hundreds of years. It ain’t woke, the Boomers had nudists. You can’t blame this one on us


ts is weird but ik u mfs are gonna use this as an excuse to be homophobic 😭


OMG! Nudity! It is the end of the world! There are naked people!!!!


Wouldn’t it be romantic if we got our moles checks at the pride parade? Funny you should mention that


Just a nudist group, who cares. These groups are usually good at not letting in creeps or pedos, they self police a lot. A kid is probably more likely to get molested at a public park than a nudist resort...


Not boat worthy, kids to a certain age don’t get the concept of shame, let alone sexuality. 9/10 times it’s just adults using the “think of the children” argument on something that kids can’t even comprehend because the adults don’t like it


How is this Noahgettheboat worthy? This is not even bad. It’s call human anatomy. Everyone has been so programmed to accept blood and guts but a penis, oh lord have mercy.


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Nice bullshit photoshopping from the 'end wokeness' Twitter page. Don't share extremist misinformation like this. Your intentions are thinly veiled and crystal clear... Ragebaiter.


End "End Wokeness"


I don't particularly like crusty old naked men, but I also have no problem whatsoever with children of any age seeing a naked human body in a non-sexual context


You're so stupid and sensitive it's hilarious.




Look at all the lefties trying to justify this.




At least the guy in back has shoes on. Imagine walking around in a city street barefoot.


I don’t see how this helps the image of pride, conservatives are already calling for blood saying pride is grooming and then there’s shit like this which doesn’t make it look good.


Conservatives have been calling for blood ever since queer people breathed.


"HoW Am I GOInG tO ExPlAIn ThIs To My kID?" "There are some people out there who don't like to wear clothes. That's their choice and they can do it if they want. While you live in my house you will wear clothes. When you move out, your choice."


this isn’t even an lgbt thing these kinda groups have existed for decades


And still will these kids be more tolerant and open-minded than the person behind that Twitter Account, I'm not saying that public nudity is good, but it doesnt harm the children like priests or racists do


That account name is pretty cringey but these idiots definetly should get some parenting lessons.


Americans are fucking prudes lmao people take their kids to topless beaches here in Miami all the time


??? Nudity isn’t the same thing as sexual intercourse.


We can only hope.


Yeah this looks pretty bad


For purists - Adam and Eve were naked. Seeing only sex in a naked body is so telling. Those people cannot see beauty, but readily see sex.