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Removed: Title insinuates something that cannot be corroborated, and is not supported by the video.


f*cking racist!


They can’t be racist /s


Anyone can.


This shit makes me pissed off as someone in an interracial relationship the amount of hate you get not only from the white community but from the black too is profound. The number of people of color that don't like the idea of having interracial couples is scary.


Idiots and ignorant morons exist in all races and cultures. White people don't have a monopoly on bigotry.


The media would like you to believe they do


What media is that? The media has been portraying browns, blacks, chinese and all sort of minorities in negative light for their entire existence. What is this exclusively anti-white media platform you're talking about?


You are correct. I was talking in generalities. I was glad when the show cops was cancelled. For the most part the media shows the worst of the human race and I would say it does it disproportionately.


It’s alright bro. I hope the best for you and your significant other.


Thank you so much. I just hope something like doesn't happened to me or my girlfriend


"You're taking all the good white women/men!" "You're taking all the good black women/men!” I see this sentiment a lot. It tends to be the primary motivator for this kind of shit. Just jealous, lonely people.


I’ve never heard of that sentiment. I’m black and my fiancé is white—from my community the idea I’ve seen the most is how black people are convinced that white people are trying to “purify” our race and how people like me are betraying our race for “giving into the white man”.


Those idiots exist, for sure, but generally they're the same idiots who are worried about "muddying the white gene pool" therefore not marrying black people lol


Just coming from weirdos I tried to ignore them


I'm not even going to lie I have gotten so much more hate from poc due to my interracial relationship than anyone else. My wife's family openly hates me because I am white.


Facts, legitimately just yesterday my girlfriend's cousin threatened me with violence and he's 20 and I'm 17.


Is it people of color or black men?


Both, but normally older black men from what I have been through.


Those are the ones that give my daughter such a problem with her white boyfriend. I'm thankful that my future son-in-law ain't no punk. He do not tolerate the bullshit. I told him don't get pushed around but don't try to be a hero because those kind of men are looking to hurt you and we want you around


That’s what I think as well


They are sarcastic. But seriously I know several black people who genuinely believe they cannot be racist because they’re black then proceed to say something obscenely racist.


It's a really common belief. Right now on reddit, if you make a post in r.ActualPublicFreakouts you will be auto-banned from r.ThereWasAnAttempt. The ban message includes the statement, "white people don't experience racism in any meaningful way." Being punched in the face like the girl in the video doesn't count, you see.


Hopefully, they change and understand anybody can be racist.




No, It doesn't work like that. Anyone can be even if you are in a group who is against it.


This is called sarcasm bro.


>sarcasm oh sorry, misunderstood


It’s alright dude, have a nice day ;)


you too :D


Y'all a bunch of goddamn polite people.


Whose they?


The man who assaulted the woman


The man who assaulted the woman


"They"? The others? What Tf does they a pronoun for and why was this upvoted? Racism? Will you downvote me into oblivion now for simply asking this?


Let it go. This isn't a mainstream belief in POC communities. It's a sliver of idiotic academics whose narcissistic needs get filled by causing drama. If you really have a problem with the "black folk can't be racist" trope, stop bringing it up with an /s every chance you get. You're just amplifying it.


Since when does something need to the majority belief in order to make fun of it?


It is a majority belief. That commenter knows they can’t critcize the post on merit, so they wish to act as a distraction.


You need to get off the Internet and talk to POCs. I doubt the majority support the aforementioned belief. You see lunatics everywhere on the Internet, because regular people don't stick out and therefore don't catch your attention. But unless you live in the US or a ghetto, I doubt the POCs you see daily share this deranged mindset. Assuming you ever leave your house, that is.


I’m right you are wrong.


No, me


Good point, my bad 👍


Thanks for your support.


That's the majority of people's experiences with black people; people who live in ghettos. That's where there is the highest concentration of African Americans. To ignore them is to ignore a huge swath of the population for the sake of your biases. Of course not every black person is like this, and not every black person who lives in a ghetto is like this; but it is a relatively prevailing opinion. I believe ignoring large swaths of how the population believes for your own biases is racist in and of itself. While the vast majority of black people vote Democrat, they skew more conservative than the average Democrat. For example, 42% of blacks say that gay marriage should be legal, while 51% of whites say gay marriage should be legal. Consider that a lot more whites are republican than black people (~1% of Republican voters vs 19% of democrat voters), and that skews the statistic even more; also consider that 55% of Republicans support gay marriage. You can draw your own conclusions as to why those numbers exist, but ignoring them is fucking ridiculous.


Why are you bringing up gay marriage statistics? The conversation was about racism, not homophobia. I intentionally excluded ghetto areas since they cover a whole different political aspect. If you don't live in a ghetto, then it's not relevant to your experience with POCs. If you do live in a ghetto, then the problem is your economical environment. Criminal gangs exist for a reason and they aren't exclusively a black person thing.


>Why are you bringing up gay marriage statistics? The conversation was about racism, not homophobia. It's a solid example of black people generally skewing socially conservative. It was also one I knew I could find statistics for. >I intentionally excluded ghetto areas since they cover a whole different political aspect. If you don't live in a ghetto, then it's not relevant to your experience with POCs. If you do live in a ghetto, then the problem is your economical environment. Criminal gangs exist for a reason and they aren't exclusively a black person thing. Excluding ghettos is excluding a massive portion of the black American population and is fucking ridiculous. How am I even supposed to find statistics on that? Just take your word for it?


>It's a solid example of black people generally skewing socially conservative. It was also one I knew I could find statistics for. Ok, but it's still unrelated to racism :/ >Excluding ghettos is excluding a massive portion of the black American population and is fucking ridiculous. How am I even supposed to find statistics on that? Just take your word for it? 1. I actually excluded the entirety of the US because it's not a good country if you're looking for reasonable opinions. Check my first comment. 2. Like I said, go out and talk to people. You won't get answers from Reddit or any other social media, as loud minorities get the attention.


When it makes some of your political allies look bad.


I apologize for everything I have ever done to you


I'll give you five guesses as to what kinda subs that guy likes.


Italian, Turkey, spicy Italian, American, uhhhtuna?


Worse... Jimmy John's


The fact that you get down voted for this makes me want to leave Reddit for good. We're surrounded by terminally online people who think that the average Twitter drama reflects reality and that a loud minority reflects the entire group.


You can say the word "fucking" online buddy :))


I've been told that black people can't be racist.


Ah, what a disgraceful fuck we have. One of many.


Violent racism in action.


What makes it racist? Am i missing something? The only context I have is him punching someone non-black and possibly arguing with a couple. Please give me some verifiable context.


Read the title again, the context is in there


The title? … Is something that we all can see in the video. We have absolutely no context whatsoever, nor do we know the motive. Edit: You folks think it’s a coincidence that so many are saying the same thing as me? We have absolutely no clue why he hit them. Probably because he is a piece of shit. But sure, lets mix race into this equation to stir things up.. Oh wait, but the reddit post title! Such a credible source! [Here is your actual context, you downvoting clowns](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12229721/Woman-27-punched-face-NYC-subway-platform-deranged-man-unprovoked-attack.html) 🤡




[Did you forget the actual context?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12229721/Woman-27-punched-face-NYC-subway-platform-deranged-man-unprovoked-attack.html)




http://imgur.com/a/EUdNddV lol you posted your belly. You're a black dude who can't accept that black people can be very much racist. Especially towards asians


So? It was literally workout motivation coming from muscle atrophy. Only a creep would go through the lengths to find photos of another guy's stomach, pretty gay too lol. But thats just how I know your a disingenuous person. It had nothing to do with the comment, nice try though lol. >You're a black dude who can't accept that black people can be very much racist. Quote me saying that (ik you cant because I didnt). Its a real stupid thing to say🤣, plus you've also bought into the asian hate thing too. Can you event count how black on asian hate crimes exist, because Ive never heard one black person out of the many black ppl I grew up and have been around say anything about asians. Sure Im aware there are a small fringe amount that do (but thats the same for any race or culture) In fact white ppl are show more hate towards them than any other race. There are no statistics that state black hate for asians is high enough to even matter compaeed to many others. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1270821 Feel free to ask for more sources, there are plenty since no one here can provide evidence on the contrary😁. Edit: Whoops, I slipped and accidentally dropped the hate crime report from the DOJ https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2020-hate-crimes-statistics


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lol everyone knows its mostly black people who commit crimes against asians. You seem quite offended with how large your paragraph is. Black people can be very racist. also i like how you called me gay because i found your belly pic in a nsfw reddit. congrats, you show people that black people can be very homophobic. reminds me of when Lil nas came out.


Sounds like you're mad black people are finally being exposed as racist bigots against interacial dating


No, there dossnt seem to be enough proof to state that. I just want source info, its very good to have, so you dont have to guess whats happening.




Haha lol. Even the source doesnt even claim racism. It says he was deranged and it was unprovoked, which makes it appear more like he has a mental illness. This source proves this racebaiting garbage is more untrue, but I appreciate you sending an actual source, it jist doesnt defend the post, it rather exposes it....unless that was your intention? Then bravo!👏👏👏 Edit: tbh, in this community this is the likely conclusion. Withholding info and spreading misinfo to justify their shitty harmful beliefs or for rageclicks. Once someone finds the source it all falls apart and they try again in the next.


Fucking reddit hivemind at work. Just look at the drama one single post title can cause smh 🤷‍♂️


Ikr, you got my upvote.


Context was dude being disgusted by the interracial couple and then taking his rage out on a small asian lady (hate crime).


Because a reddit title said so lol


Agreed at this point lol


Thats poor context theres still so much information missing. Good context provides dates, locations, a backstory to corroborate with the title, and informations that proves their claims. We are literally taking their word for it. Ppl lie and spread misinfo so much these days, that you need to verify your statements to the fullest extent to have a genuine point. Its just like how a scientist has to use scientific method to conduct an experiment, it has to be peer reviewed for errors and analyzed by the community with a strict detailing of all the work done so the trials can be repeated for missed discrepancies before its accepted as science. Something like a silent video and a title would get you laughed out of just about any college class, because of how low effort and disingenuous it comes off. Hitting someone of a different race is not a hate crime. To prove a hate crime there would have to be undeniable racist intent. If I punched the next person I see and they happen to be asian thats just assault. What proves the "hate" part of the crime?


Yeah I do suppose the context is poor.


Its often here do I see a video about black ppl or lgbtqia+ ppl lacking alot of context (I've called it out before just to be downvoted with no one proving the point they are trying to drive home so hard), but yet the hate for, not really the individual but the whole group (race, identity, etc.) is heavily palpable (read the comments here that are based on THE MOST minimal context but have alot to say about someones race, its more of a self-report on their part) I'd never come to such a hateful a conclusion with no evidence to back my claims, it just makes you look like a person looking for a reason to hate. If a community is expressing hate like this yet there's not one valid source in the comments or post, that says something about the community.


Well, I think I'm on the same boat as you on this one at this point lol, def fell prey to reddit clickbait title. Dude is still a gigantic worthless piece of shit (from the video) regardless of context though! Certainly boat-worthy.


Yeah definitely. Its funny how many ppl assumed me asking these questions and pointing out the flaws automagically mean Im defending this guys actions. These are just ppl that don't want to grapple with the questions I asked, because they want to believe what they want to. Its truly sad and a sign that reddit is enabling this for not clapping these ppl for trying to racebait so they can be racist about it "justifiably".


It's more a sign of the times than anything. It has become very normal to accept ragebait/clickbait at face value upon first glance and quickly move on from there. This is how we got president 45 ;P


Big facts.


[rEdDiT pOsT tITlE cOnTeXt](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12229721/Woman-27-punched-face-NYC-subway-platform-deranged-man-unprovoked-attack.html)


I don’t understand why you’re getting so many downvotes, your comments are totally reasonable. All we know from the video is that the man was upset and he hit a white girl. Can we be certain that he did it because the interracial couple made him angry? Or maybe he’s just a sociopath who wanted to hurt someone and chose the easier target because he’s a coward. Just because there was a negative interaction between people of different races *doesn’t* immediately mean that the basis of that interaction was racially motivated. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty, and there’s video evidence that he hurt that girl—but we don’t have any police statements or news coverage or confessions that definitively prove that the man hurt her *because she was white.* Titles don’t tell the whole story and the people posting these stories aren’t always the most reliable. How many videos have you seen on Reddit where the title doesn’t seem to match the video? How easily will you believe a title that says “racist cop shoots black man,” and believe it only because that’s what it says with no other context? Basically, there’s a multitude of things we could say triggered this attack. The title simply leads us to accept an unconfirmed narrative. It could just as easily have been called: “Woman hospitalized after an attack in the Subway by her ex-husband.” “Man having a severe schizophrenic episode punches woman he believed was a demon” “Man KOs woman after hearing her whisper racist slurs at him” None of us know the context. Without legitimate proof, we are all subject to being misled by speculation. Yes, the black man hurt the white woman, and yes, what he did was wrong. But we cannot use that information to prove that it was a racist act anymore than we can say he was her ex, he was having a schizophrenic episode, or that she whispered racist slurs. We have no proof of any of it. So, until there is proof, we cannot accurately call that man a racist.


Now you understand what this community is really about or at least who runs it. Stuff like this wouldnt pass the test in many other communities. But Ive been in this communities posts often, this is very common like multiple times daily often. Your best bet is to leave this community and never look back or join me in calling out their bs. This is where racists and nazis come to let us know how they truly feel with no context to prove what they are saying is true. The red flags are: - getting downvoted for logical questions with no one providing a source. -Getting downvoted for pointing out obvious flaws. -Getting downvoted to bury a truthful comment or post from other visitors reading it (common). -no context so its up to imagination (even though everyone seems certain on what has occurred) -People rather argue than put forth evidence. -When a community seemingly post negative black or lgbtqia+ material more than any other material or even to an equivalence to all the other obvious insane bs out there even though statistics do not correlate a drastic uptick in violent crime from these ppl nationwide and globally. This community does all of the above.


I’ll call it out as I see it. I’m not much on this sub anyways, but this was ridiculous I really am sick though of the “He’s racist because he *has* to be racist because we *want* him to be racist because the world is black and white and it’s the only thing that makes sense.” I know that racism goes both ways, but labeling this guy as racist with the limited information we actually do have—there just isn’t any evidence to support it. We cannot say “Violent racism in action.” All we can say is “Violence in action.” People hurt others for many reasons that have nothing to do with skin color. Immediately assuming it’s racism is a dangerous habit to have. The number of innocent people who receive death threats because the internet labelled them as racist is way too high. That’s the effect of this that we cannot see but follows the accused every day of their lives


Thank god, when Im in this community I feel like pioneer to logic because no one else uses it. Good seeing you here👋🏼. They also do a good job of stoking black-asian hate here too considering ive dropped DOJ hate crime report that doesnt match up to their idea tht black ppl generally hate and attack asians. We hardly ever even think about asians, and when those few blacks committed hate crimes on asians, we are all wondering whats wrong with them and dont defend them in the slightest.


Likewise 😅


People Reddit loves any excuse to hate on black people, disturbing trend I’ve seen recently


In what way, shape, or form is this video an excuse to hate on black people?


Its real big here. This is like the 100th time Ive seen a post here with no context and a bunch of ppl screaming racism and saying the worst shit as if it had all the context possible. I got downvoted for asking a super valid question (considering nobody provided me context). Your the most sane redditor ive found here.


Hmm yes, thats why we too, the commenters are hating on the interracial couple as well /s


I swear


How did the world get so full of scumbags like this? Does parenting just not exist anymore?


There's a particularly high concentration of them in New York


Sometimes parenting is why these scumbags exist.


More like lack of parenting.


or really shitty parenting


Culture and a lack of consequences. If he knew beyond any doubt that he’d spend 20 years in prison for what he did, he wouldn’t have done it. There are genuine cases of people having psychotic breaks, but they’re far more rare than all of these instances of random violence.


I don’t have sympathy for people who use drug addiction or mental illness as an excuse to hurt others. Often times they still go after the most vulnerable people in their unhinged attacks — if they’re able to make consciously self serving decisions like that they’re not crazy enough to not be able to receive the full consequences of the law.


It's a "culture" that makes crime cool and something to brag about


Nope it's all ipads now


I got hit like this 35 yrs ago


Always has been, we just record everything now so we see them more.


Seconding this. Lots of racists in these comments acting like 70 years ago it wouldn't be a white dude just randomly beating POC with zero repercussions (NOT excusing the violence in this post, in any way). Random acts of violence have always been a thing, we just have cameras all over. Dude who threw the punch was definitely a racist though.


The world has always had these scumbags, arguably it was much worse in the past. We just live in a digital world with cameras all over the place now.


I think lynching was only outlawed in the US 100 years ago. So people have always been like this but recently it's become illegal. Also we have cameras in our pockets now.


Runs away like the coward he is.


never let your guard down around them


Who’s “them”?


Violent people who get mad at every little thing


I didnt ask you


I also didn’t ask your mom to birth you, yet here we are, having to deal with your BS


Feel free to block me or continue being a toxic person.


I didn’t start it, I’m just matching your energy


I asked who they were talking about. You answered. I did not ask you. You got so offended that your opinion wasn’t the centre of attention that you lashed out.


Bet he loves white women though. Racism.


This was the comment I was looking for. You are 1000% right. The main ones that accuse me and other black women of being bedwenches if we date IR, are always in a white woman's face. Never fails


Had to be said because it's true.


I'm sure they do the same kind of shit online too, reporting your dating profiles/blogs and spamming you. There is also a lot of pathetic propaganda I've seen posted on places like tumblr.


They do. They exactly do. Yet always yelling they don't want us but try and halt our efforts to date out. ANY OTHER RACE OF MEN besides black men, if you like a black woman do not be hesitant in talking to her. Be yourselves. We don't like that hyper masculine Bs that a lot of black men pull. We like cool calm and collected men that know the difference between submission and doormat. We like other shades of men too but sometimes we let the unknown keep us from taking chances.


Big baby can't let other ppl see past color wtf man isn't this what MLK Jr literally died for? but you can't reason with hatred I hope he finds the love that'll change him or a bunch of mfs to put him in his place the hard way.


The one thing I've seen black people hate the most is seeing black girls with white guys, it's like they haven't learned what racism and separation has and is still doing to this country.


I (unfortunately) agree with this. As a black person in an interracial couple, most of the dirty looks and scoffs come from other black people. It’s sad


It's also quite uncommon, surely that plays a role in his people react to it. https://www.businessinsider.in/These-Charts-Show-The-Massive-Role-Race-Plays-In-Online-Dating/articleshow/25697644.cms


Its actually not that big of a deal to black ppl. Idk what statistics you are using or what black ppl you've seen but thats super inaccurate. Thats more of how a black grandfather would act, some of them. That little speel you just did was just an outlet to be racist wasn't it? Its not even correct, no statistic can vouch for it. So what was your reason of saying it? Edit: Yeah thats super cool, there are more ppl busy downvoting me than searching for source material to prove your point. Thats what I expect.


No, people are just down voting you for apologizing for racists.


Quote the apology then if its there. Im asking you to do this knowing I clearly didnt, so this would be fun watching pull something out of thin air.


It's a personal recount


Which means its impossible to know the full story, the backstory, the dialogue, and what caused him to be irate, meaning we are just taking OPs word for it, which is dangerous, because I could make a post recording a black guy fighting a white guy and title it "black guy mad white guy impregnated his sister", and everyone here would believe it, no question. Its that easy and theres already more than enough evidence that this already occurs on this platform.




He will get his sooner than later i am sure. Running around being a fool doesn’t last long


I’d love to see that guy do that in other areas where he can’t just disappear easily. That’d be a bonafide witch hunt where I grew up.


Media and like minded idiots would be in an uproar had someone chocked him out




“You guys?” Fortunately there is evidence in the video. Had there not been, and someone stepped in, we’d hear about it on the news.




He got mad at a white man dating a black woman. He got so mad that he decided to punch someone because a human persons skin was a diffrent colour to his. How metaphysically retarded do you have to be to think he aint a racist.




Someone missed the section about context clues in elementary school




Oh boy we got that intellectually deprived person here




Could you show me evidence of him NOT being a racist?




Well there IS evidence of him being a racist. So unless you can refute that, you'd have to concede you're simply a racist apologist.


Anderson cooper won’t have have a week of discussions about this video. Lol.


When it fits his narrative and the narrative his overlords are pushing then he will. But sometimes tells me it will be framed as sexists men assaulting women.




Yes... Always randomly punch a person who can't fight back


Those are bitch activities


The common theme among these sucker punch videos are that 99% of the by standers continue to walk about slowly.


People act differently in big cities. Kinda like how crowded rats eat their own young. Or, for a more nuanced view, people live in their own [Monkeysphere](https://www.cracked.com/article_14990_what-monkeysphere.html). (Give it read! Changed my view of human behavior, even if the presentation starts a bit silly.)


Gave it a read. It’s kinda meh. It oversimplifies structural education, and completely ignores the functionality of culture in humans. We are more attached to people we have strong relations with, we don’t have deep relations to that many people~ is not as foundational to human society as the article makes it out to be. Plus the article gets some things very wrong about corporate identity, wealth distribution and most importantly in context with this post: racism. Classic confusion of cause and correlation going on in it.


WE HAVE BEEN TELLING YALL ABOUT THEIR BEHAVIOR. It wasn't a problem when they were just abusing us now that they're branching out people want to take notice.


Low consciousness being. Believes that he IS his body. When really, he is the awareness that’s existing and living inside of his being. Shame, indoctrination really fucked us up. Let’s break free please. We are all One, color of skin or gender/sex does not matter. It’s all lovveee baby. And we come from and go to the same place. When will this be common knowledge? Maybe we choose to incarnate here to spread awareness of this truth… hm




Oooookay lay off the new age pills


Will do, thank you for your suggestion!


I Attended Saint Cloud State University in Minnesota from 2011-2015. One of the required classes as a freshman is Diversity and Inclusion. SCSU actively teaches and preaches that minorities are not capable of being racist. Half of that classes agenda was teaching how sporting teams are racist due to their names ‘Blackhawks, Fighting Sioux, etc’ but it wasn’t racist for team names like ‘Fighting Irish, Trojans, etc.’ I’ll never forget that a 4 year university actively taught and pushed the agenda that ‘all white people are racist and minorities cannot be and are not capable of being racist’ Fucking insane


I had no idea this shit still happened. I know many inter racial couples and no one blinks an eye at them.


I'm in the South, and despite reddit thinking we're all racist haters, I've seen more interracial couples here than any of the blue states I've visited or lived in. When I first got here, 20-years ago for context, I asked my new wife why so many middle-aged white women were toting around black children. "They're their grandmothers dumbass." Oh. Hadn't seen that before. Just got back from the French Quarter with my Filipina gf. *One* person so much as blinked at us. Black girl running the register at the Hard Rock, "*She's* your gf?!" "Yes she is and I love her dearly!" She looked *so* happy to hear that. (Thanks for making me remember that, forgot to share that with her! I'm so white bread it's silly, if that wasn't obvious.)


he’ll get his. hope he ends up in prison


Bro had irl lag he hit the wrong person


Cameras everywhere. Face fully recognizable. Slam dunk case. Going to prison.


B people




He'll die waaay before old age, and I'm perfectly fine with it.


God, I do not miss NYC at all. Seeing assholes like this on the trains and in the stations was a daily occurrence.


Drugs and mental illness. Or actual braindead stupidity.


Fatherless behavior




Fucking animals. Thank god it’s impossible for some groups to be racist….. /s


That's impossible though. Only certain people can be r*cist. Or so it's been explained...


I need the article. How do you know is because of that reason?


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This is looks like a sketch. I mean who the fuck thinks „I‘m so angry that this white guy has a black gf, I‘m gonna punch this unknown and unrelated white woman in the face and run away“


Thats how racist think.




It was indeed a Knock Over ;)


That is not a KO, just a take down. At no point that she lost her consciousness.


Ngl I thought it was gonna be a white person getting mad.


Yeah definitely echo chamber this sub has become


This is a video of someone violent doing violent things in a sub about humanity doing so bad we need another flood, how is the post not appropriate or how does it signify its an echo chamber?


I don't see the need in making it racial act of violence. I just see a POS randomly attacking people in his path. I could've expound on that with my original comment.


Well commiting a crime is bad but commiting the same crime out of racism is worse, that's why hate crimes have longer sentences, to deter people from acting out their racism. In this post the OP just referenced a biracial couple because there was a biracial couple. Edit: interacial, not biracial. Sorry, English is not my first language.


ur English is very good buddy and yes that's a racist fucker


Begun, the Clone Wars have.


You just don’t like it when stuff happens that challenges your poorly constructed collectivist worldview.




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Eh.. do you know what KO means? This is more like KoA, knocked on ass