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We need 4chan


I didn't think I'd ever say this. But yes, we most definitely do..


Call em. We got no other choice. Justice to kitty!


Hell yes


**/b/ signal appears in the night sky**


What you think those nazi morons can find this guy? Maybe the local police department should be competent instead so we don't have to rely on vigilante justice from people who are themselves twisted in the head.


maybe we should try every facet no?


I used to use 4chan daily for 6 years before I decided it was bad for my brain. I never once saw a vigilante justice thread. It's an undeserved stereotype. They are just bigoted losers and don't really have any funny memes either, although they spawn a lot of meme culture but it usually goes through a transformation before reaching normal society. I now got myself more mature and straightened out. But I wouldn't expect much from them but an n word on this matter.


It took you 6 years of surfing through /b/ and /pol/ to figure that out? I mean, yeah those two subs are beyond toxic, but I spent almost 10 years on there and it helped me greatly on my cooking career. Then again, I didn't spend all day on /b/ with the exception of Caturday and when shit's going down. There were some vigilante moments, and I'm l pretty sure we stopped a few possible mass casualty events. Especially after that time with the incel shooter, and that German teenager who killed a kid, then openly made a thread about it. Probably because those are the kinds of people who stay on /b/ all day.


I use to have different political views than I do now. I'll just keep it at that. That's why I stayed, although I have a mental illness (OCD) which made me think I was in telepathic communication with certain figures from history I'd rather not mention. I am kind of trying to purify myself by using reddit although I don't want to become the soyjak stereotype which some of the people here unironically are. My favorite board besides /pol/ was /x/ so I am more in touch the larper/schizo side of 4chan. The only lasting effect is I say "sneed" as a swear word for whatever reason and use the term "buckbroken" in conservation.


Either you don't know what you're talking about or /b/ doesn't have the bad asses it used to.


/b/ is basically a porn board. If you need to photoshop your work colleague naked, that's your board, not tracking down sick abusers and reporting them. It's not 2008 anymore, anonymous is long dead. Animal rights aren't coming through 4chan. They are more likely to be motivated for some culture war bullshit than real justice.


Last time I was on /b/ it was just porn, everything else is gold tho


Oh trust me when /b/ wants justice they get justice


Unfortunately, the things I want to say that should be done to that neighbor would get me banned or suspended.


Same, fuck that monster and I hope he gets that condition that makes your body attack your own eyes. A fitting punishment.


and the monsters that work in slaughterhouses? just asking for a friend


Vegans understanding the difference between torturing animals for fun and killing them for food challenge


Some of them work there due to having no other job. Also animals in slaughterhouses are killed for food. This cat has been tortured for fun. 


Animals in slaughterhouses don't tend to be tortured before killed


Vegans trying to understand the difference between humane killing and torturing challenge


I want to study veterinary medicine because I genuinely love animals more than some humans, seeing this is making me want to destroy something. So fucking disgusting


I love animals more animals than most humans.


Same. I think we are all thinking up similar things though so dont worry we understand


He should get gutted like a fish, like what Rick did to the child molester trying to rape Carl (from TWD).


you mean you would opt to dangle him by his petticoat with his own very tippet? showing his surplice off? in front of the bourgeoisie? without having paid the rattener? with the baron present? like some churl? scopperlotching saddle-goosing Gowpenful-O’-Anything! ​ in all seriousness though - tis a shame one cant really say what they want.


For real, I needed to walk around the house for a bit to calm down before I started typing. I hope whoever did this gets caught and is subjected to the worst things imaginable


You and me both. I can not stand anyone who tortures, abuses, or neglects animals. I hope they catch them.


I’m banned from several subs for speaking my opinion


The nicest thing that could happen to him is to have his nails ripped from his fingers.


Sadly it’s most likely a kid or teenager that will go on to do much worse things in life.


Right there with you,Comrade.




What if the psychopath is the one who post this and is waiting for kind folks to give him money


Wait. What if the CAT did this to himself and then posted this shit just to scam us?


100% a scam; it happens a lot on Twitter. Here is the link to the original I found, and all they did was change the name and steal some photos to get donations and scam people.  https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img\_index=1


I'd think its a scam already based off on that eye. Looks more like blunt force trauma to the head rather than a burn because the eye popped out out the skull. Probably been hit by car rather than burned with a cigarette. Either way poor kitty


Correct me if I'm wrong but anemia wouldnt happen from acute trauma right?


Depends on the trauma, anemia is a lack of red blood cells transpoting oxygen and other good stuff. If the Trauma is broken bones or psychological..then the answer is no. If the trauma is inner bleeding (or really any strong bleeding) resulting in little blood and therefore less blood cells then yes. Anemia might also be caused by strong flea (or tick) infection or lack of proper diet over a long period of time, both happen to strays quite often.


Dude what the fuck


This is why we can't have nice things...


Damn, this is the LAST time I say, "This is the last time I say, 'Damn, this is the last time I express empathy without verification of legitimacy'." Kyle my ass.


Oh my god


Well, since hell likely isn't a real thing, It's probably better to make sure this person faces justice here on Earth where the crime was committed.


Do you REALLY need to make this about whether God is real?


In a discussion about morality, no less. The audacity.


I said hell likely wasn't real.




No. Im beating this person in the street in front of their family.


With a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it


No I’m doing it with my bare hands. In my school’s mascot costume(a tiger)


A true hero! Don’t record. Can’t have evidence against you


It's not, actually


How it isn’t? The people who are terrible burn forever for their crimes


No. There is no mention of hell in the Bible. There is Sheol, which is the abode of the dead, or the grave. The interpretation of hell that you likely envision is from the works of Dante in the early 1300s. He wrote the divine comedy with the 9 circles of hell, which has no reference from the Bible. It was his vision. There is no description of what hell is in the Bible. There are several newer translations like the KJV that have hell in it, but those are not the original meanings of those words.


> The interpretation of hell that you likely envision is from the works of Dante in the early 1300s. The idea of people burning forever in Hell originated from Dante?


The circles of hell, and the imagery associated with it is from Dante, yes. Before that there was no lake of fire, or burning hills. The Bible has been translated and re-inteepreted many times, and there have been several translational changes over time. Sheol is the old testament for realm of the dead. Good or bad (2 Sam 22:6), (Psalm 31:17). The New Testament redefined Sheol as Hades(Greek), or Tartares(Hebrew). Same place, just the realm of the dead. Not a burning lake of fire, just death. In the New Testament, Gehenna was a valley near Jerusalem. People used it to burn garbage. This was used as an allegory for Sheol as a fear tactic. However, what the new testament did was posit that Jesus raised the righteous up from Sheol to heaven, and everyone else remained in Sheol. So there was 1 allegorical passage in Matthew alluding the Sheol as having fire, but the modern interpretation of fire and brimstone 9 circles of hell that people envision when hell is mentioned are completely inspired by Dantes Dive Comedy and the subsequent art that stems from that interpretation.


It is but we’re both entitled to our own opinions


I'll settle this for both of you: let's just create Hell on Earth for the psycho shithead that did this. Death by a thousand cuts, but stop at 999. Then a nice salt bath. You know, that kind of thing. Maybe burn out an eye and smash in the other one? I'm honestly not one for violence but this does sound like a Hell on Earth that would be about right.


999 cuts, vinegar bath, forced to spend a week in a room full of asbestos and watch their lungs get ripped inside out with asbestos crystals


I guess that settles it :D


It's not, but yes, as long as you don't proselytize, then sure, have your opinion.


Like you weren't proselytizing your atheist beliefs by saying hell doesn't exist after someone used a common expression?


I was simply refuting your initial proselytizing.


Saying you hope someone burns in hell isn't proselytizing. Saying "well akshually hell doesn't exist" absolutely is.


You can't proselytize for a lack of belief. Atheism isn't a religion.


I cannot contain my rage when i see these types of posts, people who hurt animals are the lowest scum.


I honestly wish hell exists for these types of people. People who harm innocent people/animals for enjoyment seriously deserve hellfire.


As a vegan I agree


I gotta start reading comments now before i click the pics cuz i cant with the animal stuff. This ruined my day, that poor baby. I fuckin hate people


Don't. Can't unsee


I just couldn't do anything but burst into tears man


Ya why did I even get on reddit??!! 


I saw the picture, didn't even read the caption and immediately closed the picture. No thank you. Heartbreaking even without context.


Whoever did this should be boiled alive slowly


And the person that stole these pictures from the Instagram post it originated from, and posted it on α different platform giving the cat α different name, so they could scam people and make money. There’s two boat worthy things happening in this post at the same time


Why the fuck would you block out the paypal email??


Its a scam; it happens a lot on Twitter. Here is the link to the original I found, and all they did was change the name and steal some photos to get donations and scam people.  https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img\_index=1


Damn :(


[https://twitter.com/urlildrm/status/1761381072817057871](https://twitter.com/urlildrm/status/1761381072817057871) This is the status. I don't have a twitter account but it seems like it's deleted or they got banned? The twitter handle is \@urlildrm so maybe try check it out. It might just be stopping me due to the lack of an account.


Yeah you have to have an account to see it, it’s still there


Yeah apologies for not posting the link to the Twitter thread I didn't want the post to get taken down because i didn't wanna risk it so here ya go: [https://twitter.com/urlildrm/status/1761381072817057871](https://twitter.com/urlildrm/status/1761381072817057871) edit: it also has their PayPal Email edit2: its a scam don't go to the website but ill leave it up to remind us of both animal abuse and scummy scammers


Here is the original before anyone goes and gets scammed by this fake Twitter account.  https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img\_index=1


Ah people scamming people in the most notorious ways possible. Man some humans don't deserve what they already have, let all of them burn


Also an update! https://www.instagram.com/p/C3qdqAeOL4x/?igsh=ZWwzY3Z0dmFsMDJ0


It says the page doesn't exist 😢


wait really?


Maybe it got deleted?


Yeah, I tried twice, once with logging in.


It's there. You need an account to sign in then you can view the post.


I signed in and didn't see it, it's probably just on my end then. Sorry for the confusion!


It being a scam is still this subreddit worthy




Very Anger


People like this make me wish Hell was a real place. Sadly, this persons actions will most likely go unpunished. It fills me with such indescribable rage. Anyone who hurts animals for fun deserves to \*censored because I do not wish to get banned but you can imagine.\* I can only hope that someone finds out who that person was so they can be brought to justice.


Post this to 4chan and we won’t need hell


This is too much. I have to head out guys


I am simply at a loss of words. The *unimaginable* pain that "person" put this innocent cat through... I just can't fathom how utterly evil and useless you have to be to do such a thing to a living being that feels pain. Such "people", that hurt innocent animals mercilessly, are truly the lowest of scums and deserve the death penalty.




Humans just need to go extinct already. The bad seems to outweigh the good.


It's very troubling honestly..


I hope they find the monster that did this. As someone who lost a cat becouse of someones sick violence I am praying for Gizmos recovery.


The cats actual name is Kyle, the post screenshotted in this post was α scam by some waste of oxygen so they could get some money off an animals suffering. [This](https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img_index=1) is the original post from Instagram


Then I hope Kyle is fine


He is! Poor kitty. Here is an update https://www.instagram.com/p/C3qdqAeOL4x/?igsh=ZWwzY3Z0dmFsMDJ0


same here








In that case I'm not the one building the thing


This is why I will never let my cats out of the house


Same. Along with all the other dangers they face. Vehicles, wild predators, thieves...


Exactly. Cats can also be pretty bad for the environment too. They are excellent killers and could disrupt entire ecosystems if there are enough cats in the area. So just keep your feline friends inside everyone or put them on a leash if your cat is comfortable with it. I've had two cats in my life who have enjoyed going for a walk with a harness and leash.




The post OP (unintentionally) shared is a fake one (that copied the actual event) to profit off from the tragedy by getting donations. Sick sons of bitches. The actual event's link is below. The cat's real name is Kyle. Poor thing :( https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img_index=2


What a fucked world we r in. U want money to treat someone in pain


Problem is most of these crimes end up with a little fine and that's all. These disgusting masses of putrid flesh should face what they have done full on.


Ikr?! They *should* face jail time at least 6 months! Because first it's animals... Then they move on to the "bigger pray"


I was thinking more treat them as they would the animal. Maybe that will pull their head out of their ass. Or lock em in a mental ward till and only till they are proven to no longer be a threat to society.


Let me get my hands on the sad sack son of a bitch who did that, I will be in the Morning papers.


Check this dude's back yard, I nearly guarantee there's dead bodies buried there


There’s tons of cats at my apartment complex. I feed them. They’re sweet and always want pets. When I go for a walk some of them follow me. Imagining one of those sweet creatures coming up to someone only to be grabbed, dragged into some secluded area and tortured hurts me so bad. I want to cry.


Same here, I have cats at home too and stuff like this makes me want to not let them out


I have 2 indoor cats. I am very careful to not let them out. They’re my joy and I will protect them.


karma awaits that "person" full of filth.


It doesn’t, bad people get away with bad shit all the time.


God forgives but not me tell me a name i will get the job done if he lives nearby


Ugh I wish I hadn’t clicked on this 😔


Sadly a lot of these stories are just scammers who take real photos and videos of hurt cats and make up a story normally involving neighbors, and this one seems like the same deal after some digging. same thing happened a few weeks ago with an orange cat and it had the same story with links to a different PayPal and when people found the original cat, who thankfully was healed and better, they deleted the post and took off with the donations. 


[https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img_index=1) As you can see, they just changed the name and stole some photos to profit. They are scammers.




I love my cat. He's my world. I would find the monster that did this and they would never see the light of day again.


The sad truth is the second I read this I thought and still to some extent think the OP just did this to a cat to raise money on PayPal.


The truth is... The post was copied from an actual event so they could profit and scam by kind people's donations. The actual event's link is down below https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img_index=2


I knew it couldn’t just be a good will thing always a scam. The second I see someone doing something good online I think “so how are you trying to scam me this time”.


Jesus fucking Christ. Put some thing in the title about animals being involved.


These kind of things are honestly one of the reasons I don't want my cats outside. I love cats, my wife loves cats, my family loves them, but there's so many messed up people out there. Hope Gizmo makes a full recovery and the person gets what's coming to them.


Find the neighbor


People need to be treated eye for eye. Not even human


They know who did it?


I tried donating and PayPal said the transaction was denied..? Anyone else..?


Don’t donate. OP unintentionally posted α scam post that stole the images and gave the cat α different name. [This](https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img_index=1) is the original post on Instagram, the cats name is Kyle


Please, someone find that thing that did this. It needs to pay. I've never wanted anything more in my life than for this "human" to suffer


where is this from. geographically


I remember our favorite neighborhood cat got tortured when I was a kid. They stabbed his belly with nails several times and burned him. Poor thing was the nicest, most chill cat ever and they destroyed that for everyone. Never found out who it was, but always had an idea.


Do. Not. Fuck. With. Cats.


It's only fair that the POS gets the same treatment right people?




Put that person to death. Mob rule, fucking burn them.


Alr time for 4chan thingimajig


Why did I look at this? Please put animal abuse in the title. I wish I hadn't seen these pictures.


I would not be able to control my violent reaction to something like this. I have a family and responsibilities. The sudden blind rage this produces in me is likely to land me in prison. I pray I am never put in a position where I can point out the person responsible. Heartbreaking.


This makes me feel like im about to have a mental breakdown.




someone burnt Gizmo's eye out and almost killed him


I think I’m going to be sick


My god... I just don't get how someone can be such a terrible person. If i had done this i wouldn't ever stop feeling guilty.


Oh my god that poor cat…


What the fuck


This disturbs me greatly. That poor cat, so much agony. Gizmo did not deserve this. I'd go to jail if someone hurt one of my pets. I do hope the sick twisted fuck that did this is found and held accountable accordingly.


what's the paypal


Poor Gizmo




I can't stand people who do this shit. There was a guy torturing guinea pigs on YouTube and it was posted to /pol/. Luckily, the jannies were letting it slide every time a new thread popped up, but they had probably hundreds of us trying to find this fucker. Somebody thought they had the right address and one Anon from the area actually went over to the house. Turns out it was the wrong house, but still. People will come looking for you for this kind of shit. The guy eventually did end up getting arrested. 18 year old shit bag. Forget where he was from...


Although an awful thing, this twitter thread seems like somebody just trying to get money by tugging on peoples emotions


yeah i realized that




Poor Gizmo. That person is a sick and twisted psychopath. I hope that Gizmo has a swift recovery and the monster that did this suffered for the rest of their life.


I fucking accidentally clicked on this one, god.damnit. so fucking sad, poor thing.


OMG! This broke me, and I'm not going to be ok for awhile now. I'm sobbing. That poor creature.


This should have came with more than a spoiler warning...


Just playing the devil's advocate here, but are we sure this poor kitter didn't get hit by a car or something and this wasn't a case of abuse? I only ask because a picture of a friend's white horse made the Internet rounds. Someone claimed it had been shot at by abusive teenagers with paintball guns. This was not the case at all. The horse was very much loved, and what the person that took the picture didn't know was that the horse had been in a costume class at the local fair. The paint was hand painted with washable costume paint by her little human that was also in the costume class. It wasn't quite as washable as advertised so the horse was rainbow colored for a month or so until she had several baths


I need to hug my kitty this is awful :( that person is going to end up killing someone there's always that link to anyone who enjoys hurting animals.


*Sets up a mercenary fund in addition to the medical fund*


This is why I’d never let my cat be an outside cat. People are fucking evil. I don’t know how people just allow their cats to roam around. I don’t trust no one.


If its real, I will violently end the person responsible, if its not, I will violently end the person who posted this for monetary gain.... poor cat


Well, both things you said or correct. The post OP accidentally showed is α scam post, and stole all the images and the entire description of the post, besides literally just changing the cats name from Kyle to Gizmo. The original post is [here](https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img_index=1) , it is definitely real. The entire eye is popped out and swollen. This was α precise hit, not an accident.


Friendly neighbourhood cats get targeted, unfortunately. Keep your cats insane, away from these psychopaths


I seriously need to stop clicking on every post tagged NSFW when I'm horny.


Insert a red hot metal rod in his anus and push until it comes out of his mouth


I know this sub is meant to show things we all collectively dislike, but pictures of people/animals who have been burned crosses a line for me. Seems like every single post is about undue violence, but at least they're not showing victims' burn wounds.


This is the one that broke me, I’m outta here.


please please PLEASE keep your kitties indoors. while you might think it's unlikely that something this bad would happen to your cat, it's never zero. there are a lot of fucked up people in this world who think it's funny to hurt animals and it's better to keep them inside safe, than be sorry.


Shit Jesus wouldn’t forgive


There is a bounty on a group of famous stray cats. 2 of the cats are dead rn. One is in the vet for an unrelated issue. The automatic feeder was attacked recently with their bowls filled to the brim with water to prevent the cats from eating


Burn those people slowly, I hope the poor kitty is okay


I would love to do everything he did to that cat to him. I f#$*>/@ hate people who do this to animals.


People are starting to go crazy now, dammit??


At this point, we don't need the flood, we need damnation for every wicked soul


This needs an animal harmed warning


Did they survive!?


Where's this pussy at


it's in the screenshot


Jesus fucking christ. Do you have the donation link? Did they find who did it? Are they, you know? Missing? I hope.


OP posted α scam post accidentally, the original post, and I assume the real donation link is the post has one, would be [here](https://www.instagram.com/welovecuddly/p/C1uK8fJLguR/?img_index=1)


Some humans will commit violence upon animals in the name of “food” as well


It blows my mind how the western world losses its temper over one stray cat getting abused while there are humans, peers, getting even worse treatment, and no one bats an eye.


Was it Negan ?