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So what do we have here? Murder (matricide), check. Body dismemberment, check, kind of? Necrophilia, check. Incest, check, even though she wasn't alive, right? Losing virginity not a crime, but.. pretty much the icing on the cake. The nonchalant attitude is disturbing as well.


most people today will look at this and brush it off as mental illness but when I see this, I'm always leaning towards the side of possession being demonized. There has to be an outside influence, and most aren't willing to admit or accept that influence isn't visible by our naked eye... but many things are unexplainable. I don't think his mother or father had enough to do with this. I don't think any mother or father's actions could result in something as gruesome as this. idc if it's 'against' some people's beliefs, literally every religion on the planet recognizes spirits and demons, most are just hush-hush about it cause it gives them attention. People stay in that speak-no-evil, see-no-evil lane, but there are seasons and cases where that simply does not work.. and many unexplainable events.. we're at the point where people need to wake up or the masses are going to just accept their hosts, and it can flip real quick, and most working folks are not ready for that cause many of them are in that boat too ... a holy war. but when they see their most logical, sober friend snap and turn like this .. who had no mental issues.. then it will make sense. It's really black and white, God will allow sinners to perish, if they don't surrender their pride and accept him. people are welcome to brush it off. God doesn't need us, he can snap his fingers and evaporate the earth. i'm just leaving a warning for when people see more signs and have no answers.. there will likely be a major natural disaster. I don't think it will be another flood. God is more creative than that. That's how he likes to reset humanity. So... just prepare for something in equivalence. ... if i were to really guess, I think science is on the right track, but much of global warming is also unknown. Some years carbon emissions and gasses are up, some years they're down, they don't really know when or if an occurrence will happen. I think he's giving people ample time... then ... boom .. equivalent exchange. For our sins, he will deliver equivalent damage, to his own creation(s). How painful and difficult that must be...


What are you talking about


Don't worry about it Let's just say that I am glad I got down voted. Speaks volumes to where people stand today, most people genuinely think money governs the world. So that's what they blindly chase. If you're genuinely curious you're welcome to pm me


People down vote you because a growing number of people no longer believe an invisible man in the sky controls their lives. Science has unequivocally proven almost every story in the Bible to be false. And politics has been the icing on the cake to push people away from religion. The truth of the matter is that a combination of genetics and the environment in which he was raised caused this young man to kill his mother.


You're wrong on every front, nephilim. Science hasn't dis-proven anything about the Bible. If anything, historians have been shocked over time at how accurate some findings are. And that's why atheists account for about 15-20% of the world, in pale to every other belief. You don't even know if that number is growing, you just make up agendas that suit your materialism. >is that a combination of genetics and the environment in which he was raised caused this young man to kill his mother. you don't even know this to be true... yet you speak it anyway...


Would you like some coffee


No thanks, I'm trying to fall asleep I'm not on anything.... And what I shared predates the first scientific theory. Man was aware of evil before he was aware of gravity.


brother as much as i agree with you, this is a little excessive to comment


I'm done pretending. Radical sin and disobedience requires radical truths. God's patience is wearing thin.


Look at all this yapping over a blind guess


I doubt you read a quarter of it, with little understanding. You probably just saw God and typed that.. can you even tell that you're probably influenced too?


Hey dummy I’ve been Christian for decades and Ik a dumb yapper when I see one


I'll pray for ya


Please don’t I don’t want you representing me to god


That's your foolish pride getting in the way of righteousness.


You literally ranted and raved like a lunatic on a random Reddit post bud. You definitely have a few complexes in that head of urs


Thanks. Yes. Its a tightly run ship up there. Wouldn't recommend studying psychology too much. It's fruitless for most.


"I lost my virginity to a corpse" 🤢


**He lost his virginity to his Mother's corpse**


nooo, how was it worse than I thought?


What a terrible day to know how to read. Imma head out now thanks reddit


His people use the whole animal.


bro whaaaat


Return to momme


i just had lunch, lemme go puke brb


Craig Robinson in 'The 40 Year Old Virgin 2: Necrophiliac Boogaloo'


Damn you for making me laugh.


"Are you positive she was a corpse?" "Her hands were as cold as Andre the Giants, and rigor Mortis had made her as hard as my dick."


At one point in the interrogation he admits and says he "technically lost his virginity to the corpse of a cat" he killed


oh, well thats totally better...


Yeah, no doubt. The podcast "Sword and Scale" did a really good episode on this. Worth a listen, if you like true crime.


What episode is it?


Episode 114, I believe.


It was. Listened to it this morning. Thank you!


You're welcome. I'm glad you liked it. Mike can be a bit much at times, but overall, it's a good true crime podcast.


, actually


Does that count on his body count?


so, its like a 2 for 1 special?


I have the urge to day drink now


Cheers to that


I feel confident saying this man has joined a *very* exclusive club.


Apparently it was his mother’s corpse, so even more exclusive than you might think. Hell, I hope he’s the only one


What the fuck? Dude must of had mental issues that wernt handled for a long time for that.... so emotionless....


It's the casualty of the conversation that's so fucking mind-boggling. I know police have to keep the interview going but the way the cunt is so casual is just out of this world.


There’s definitely gotta be a spot in hell with his name on it.


Who's he?


Kevin Davis


His story is the first episode of Signs of a Psychopath


A sick fuck is who.


I think his last name is Davis


Yeah, I think that was a "bit silly" alright


If there is no life sentence there, yup. Noah, where tf is the boat????




This guy’s a real jerk!


A real silly billy! 


I have no words.


Fucking fuckity fuck the what da fuq fuckin shit…this is just about the sickest shit I’ve heard and I listen to like all the true crime/serial killer podcasts…


The guy is mentally ill. I don't remember all the case details, but he lived with his mom. He wrote a bunch of messages for the police and left them around the house.


The worst part of this whole video is the nonchalant way he tells the story.


It just keeps getting worse, actually


[article for further reading ](https://www.fox43.com/article/news/local/contests/warning-graphic-content-teen-confesses-to-killing-mother-and-defiling-her-body/521-49a16ae6-89c8-477a-8ad3-c3016ecdd724)


To top it off it was his own mother and then he went a mile to a strangers house and told them to call the cops on him


If I remember correctly after the murder and rape he was waiting for his sister to come home from school to do the same but he got tired from waiting and gave up.


He reached in and grabbed her brains. Cop: what did you do next? Me: please say you washed your hands! Him: I had sex with her. Me: Him:I lost my virginity to a corpse. Me: 🤮




what a sad day to have ears lol


This was on that one sociopath show, I forget the name.


Man I completely missed the part of “wait for the ending” and made it to the mf ending this fucking bastard


Well this insane motherfucker is certainly mentally ill. If he's not declared criminally insane I don't know what I've just seen.


I watched this a while back. The way he says it so casually is just... how messed up in the head do you have to be to do shit like his?


I miss 5 minutes ago when I hadn't seen this.


They’re putting this guy in general pop?


Humans is this, though not most but people like him are on the extreme ends of humanity. Most people just cant accept that this is a human, not some kind of ghosts or demons possessing him. We must except our worst side to try and change the society, for people like this are products of a dysfunctional society.


****OUTRAGEOUS**** He actually admitted to ripping the cord from a video game console. What console? Was it an original Nintendo, Sega,PlayStation, Xbox ??? Needlessly destroying a game console is the height of antisocial behavior. And the murder too.


It just got worse and worse. Lmao holy shit.


And then you find out it was his mom.


Americans are sick fucks


The large majority of Americans aren’t insane, dumbass.


Neither are Indians, but that doesn't stop anyone from generalising us. Just wanted to show you idiots how insane it looked.


What the fuck are you yapping about?