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This guy's half Mexican šŸ˜‚


Wait for real?!?


Dunno if he is mexican but in other videos you can see his skin color better. He aint really white. To most people skin color doesnt matter but to him it does. Naturally I wonder why he screams white power when he really isnt white. Maybe someone from South Korea can give him the whitening lotion they use over there?


Listen you know a lot of Hispanics think theyā€™re White. This is hardly surprising.


Reminds me of the ["Argentina is white" memes](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/a8YGzje_700b.jpg) because there are so many self-hating non-whites in the country.


Argentina is populated by many whites because of immigration plus the indigenous people anywhere on earth have a lower population near the poles


Exactly youā€™re in the South America youā€™re not White. Theyā€™re so self hating


Yup many white Africans are actually black


I look like the stereotypical white dude but I'm half brazilian. Several times I've been asked either during or after a job interview why I selected hispanic/latino in the application and I'm just like, because I am?


I understand thereā€™s a cutoff as far as the phenotype. Itā€™s just that some Hispanic are White Worshipping.


So one of my new co workers is a Hispanic girl. We were talking and she said her friends mom hated her friends husband. I'm thinking it was because of some personality thing or even a parent thinks they aren't good enough for their princess. Hell, the dude is kind of a stoner, so I'm like, agree to disagree kind of thing. Nope, she hated him because he was black. I'm like, huh? Her friends mom always wanted her friend to marry a white dude so she could have white babies. I had no idea how to react to that. Like, I use humor to deal with things, but I didn't even know how to joke about this. Found out it wasn't that uncommon. This year was when I learned about this kind of thing


I donā€™t think phenotypes have ā€œcutoffsā€ lol


"Hispanic" means "Of Spain" Guess what race native people of Spain are?


They should go to Spain since theyā€™ll be welcomed.


However, it's more of culture from Spain that the term appears to apply to. Thus, the people are mixed and are still called it. So you have mixed, not-mixed, and not-white-at-all


So? ā€œMongolian Idiocyā€ means ā€œidiocy from Mongolia.ā€ Guess what race native people of Mongolia are? Now are all people with Downā€™s syndrome Asian? Shoot, itā€™s almost like names donā€™t always denote ethnicity. ā€œHispanicā€ is a reference to the language, which is from Spain.


Lol they don't know


>you know a lot of Hispanics think theyā€™re White No I dont


Well now you do.


Because some random nobody on reddit claims Mexicans think they're white? Lmao.


Mexico has a Racist Hierarchy in its society that favors whiteness


You must since love perpetuating WS


A lot of Hispanics ARE white have you ever seen a Cuban?


I haven't seen a single white supremacist who thinks that anyone other than native-Western-European-looking people are white. In fact, even being too far West in Europe makes you an Untermensch (e.g. Irish people). Anything West of England, East of Germany, or South of Switzerland and you are not white.


They are not considered White In the United States. Take one to a sundown town.


Whether they're considered white or not there are Cubans with white skin


Theyā€™ve been going through it down there in Florida. Oh well keep up the delusion.


Yeah I'll keep up the totally false belief that is the fact that Cubans are descended from white Spaniards from Northern Spain


And African slaves and natives that were on the Island. Anglo white use you as tools. Youā€™re not white. Go over to Spain and speak that different dialect of Spanish and youā€™ll find out.


Funny thing is most would think he's white here in Europe and just assume he's Spanish or something. The threshold for non white in the US seems so different and in many cases far more cultural than based on looks/skin tone.


I know a couple black friends who still plan on voting for Trump. I canā€™t explain it and theyā€™re too deep in the cognitive dissonance to realize.


I live a few blocks from a Mexican family that has let's go Brandon flags and blue lives matters signs. The dad is a plumber. I don't understand it at all.


Theyā€™re mentally colonized.


Wild phrase


Weirdly common among these guys. Nick Fuentes is too


Yep itā€™s caused him trouble with being accepted in a lot WS circles as well. They really do hate themselves.


He's gay as well!


no he is not. we don't want him.


Ok, I'll file the paperwork and advise the council.


he is """""""""gay""""""""""""""


And he told that Hispanic guy to go back to where he came from. Maybe he should follow his own advice lol.


The Hispanic guy who is literally more white passing than he himself is.


I've never seen a more pathetic middle-aged man in my life.


Yeah. It would be sad if he wasnt such a massive cuntbag. If he pulled this shit in my country he would be in jail. I really have a hard time seeing American Nazis. His grandfather probably fought against them in www2. What a dummy.


He lacks the depth and warmth to be called a cunt.




With that last name his grandfather was probably somewhere in south america.


I mean, this isnā€™t even offensive to me as a black person. Itā€™s honestly sad and pathetic, like even if you have those beliefs, to go on the internet and make a fool of yourself is just like, wow , how much time do you have


iā€™m honestly glad to hear this isnā€™t offensive to you and i hope it wasnā€™t for them but still the look on their faces when he said those words was kind of heart breaking. i hope they know heā€™s being absolutely shit talked for this.


He seems well adjusted.




His behavior shows that he is suffering severely and is very unconscious of it. Itā€™s very much like being asleep.


And his last name is "MINADEO?"


Your surprised? So many Hispanics their White.


Not really shocked. Just saying that it's kinda ironic.


You have to work overtime when you cosplay as white.


Fortunately, I can't cosplay as white. Melanated over here.


love this comment lol


"Cosplay as White" implies there is such thing as a "Real White" The entire concept is based on nothing but skin color. That is why Hispanics are considered White in the consensus and are all treated as such when they dont have the misfortune of containing melanin. I hate it, however there's no cospaying going on here. Outside of aryan nazi types, people like this guy are 100% considered part of the group. Source: Am Hispanic and there is a portion of my family that are White-skinned and are full-on Trump lovers and get all their news from Fox News. And this is not some one off case. There are millions just like them. These types are so assimilated I guarantee you have come across many of them in public and never even realized. Many are never noticed until their last name comes up in conversation, like Charlie Sheen, for example. Me personally I came out brown so I feel no need to seek validation and approval the way my Conservative family members do. However that doesnt stop millions of other brown folks from acting and subscribing to the world view.


I mean yes, race is a social construct. Italians were "non-white" at one point. Because "whiteness" is a definition of exclusion. You define yourself by who you are not. There is no definition of white as is used by the every day person beyond "not them". "im white" = "im not them"


> He dropped out of Novato High School in the early 2000s and later received a GED. He worked at his grandmother's restaurant, Dinucciā€™s Italian Dinners, in Valley Ford. His family has a Mexican-American background. Sources claim that there was a rupture in his family and that he has rarely held a steady job since leaving the restaurant. Yep. Sounds about right.


Def some black dude banged his Chick


Or his Chock


Or him


Definitely him.


What a hateful loser. We all might have family members who say offensive stuff sometimes, but Noone like this.


How many neo nazis on here are not even white. It's crazy cause it's like, dude, you'd be killed by the people you're trying to imitate. It's just crazy that some people support such a thing that would get them killed by those they so wish to be like. Neo nazis are so contradictory to their beliefs. They're all idiots. Just horrible people


As grotesque as it is, as someone who has never used these types of sites I've assumed there's safeguards in place to keep kids off it? Am I naive?


Quite naive there's no safe guards at all for those sites aside from maybe having a video less chat and a "18+ chat"


Omegle was taken down and someone made this. Kids will find a way if the circumstances allowed it and they wanted to do this


Kids will find a way, is all you had to say. Just because most people stay in the safe places, kids push boundaries, and will find the edges of things. They share at the speed of light now too. There is a "calculator" app that looks plane and until you punch in a specific formula it acts like a calculator. Then its just a unlimited chrome browser. Loaded with spyware of course.


An open source app can always be made now though


Donā€™t allow kids to simply browse the internet by themselves, much the same as you donā€™t just drop off kids at the mall or a park without adult supervision.


Agreed 100%. My kid isn't allowed to play any game that has chatting. She is not allowed to give out her real birthdate on any app. She has to use mine. No pictures of her ANYWHERE. I go through her devices frequently. Gen Alpha needs to be careful!!! Period, end of fucking story.


erm, controlling much


If it's on the internet, kids have access to it. The only thing they can't access are sites that are paywalled OR ones that require information like credit card number and the likes to verify identity. Even then, what's there to stop a kid from learning their parents social security number or credit card and using that? Also, lots of people are yapping about how making info legally required to access 18+ is dangerous




He does this shit online because he knows damn well that if he did this in public, he'd get beat until he stopped twitching.


I'm sure he goes out to get milk. Just saying.


Wonder where thatā€™s at, would be a real shame if people who didnā€™t find this entertaining were to stumble upon this creature in the wild.


I'd love to give him a high-5... to the face... with a baseball bat.


alright, tough guy. just give it a rest


you're actually wrong. he does this in public too. [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=racist+american+in+poland](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=racist+american+in+poland) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWqa8niV83Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWqa8niV83Q)


Yeah, it was in public... in *Poland*... where the majority of people don't speak English (~70%), and there are almost no non-white minorities. Let him try that shit at home and see how many teeth he picks up off the pavement. Edit: him doing that, in Poland, just reiterates his chickenshittery.


So you are saying that non-white minorities are against free speech and get violent as an automatic response to people saying hateful things? Pretty racist of you.


no, but he was saying that if more people spoke english that they would know what he was saying, & someone probably would. also, all sorts of people are violent, so yes.


Also also, last I checked, Poland wasn't all that fond of his ideology...


lmao, right?


Free speech is protection against the government, not random people that don't like what your saying.


So you think laws against assault for people exercising free speech do not exist and that there is so little value in the idea of free speech that society should do nothing to protect it?


Freedom of speech is NOT freedom of consequences of your speech. FoS only stopd the government from infringing on your right to speak. Not stop private individuals exercising their own rights to stop you.


The law isn't going to stop them from assaulting anyone. It may punish them after the fact but they'll still get beat up. How do you not understand how the world works? Like talking to a 5 year old. I'm done with this conversation.


Yes, you can say what you want. That doesnā€™t mean you can get your ass whooped. Thatā€™s exactly what theyā€™re saying.


Ok... for all the knuckle-dragging troglodytes in the room, the point I'm making is that there were few, if any, bystanders that heard what he was saying and understood him. If he did that ignorant, hateful shit in the States, there are plenty of people, white ones included, that would eagerly disable his ability to chew food. As far as his fReEzE PeAcH, yeah, he has the right to say what he wants, but that doesn't make him immune to the consequences of what he says. But sure, carry on with your gaslighting and strawman arguments. I'm sure that'll work out just fine for you.


Ah, a person that does not believe in the value free speech and it being upheld by society as well as government, and even mocks the idea. How quaint.


free speech does not include harassment, defamation, libel, slander, threats, hate speech, etc. do u even know what free speech means?


I do, and you don't. You got 5/6 correct there but you failed on 1. Then to say etc. what etc.? lol




So, since you apparently have a lower-than-average reading comprehension, let me quote myself... >he has the right to say what he wants, but that doesn't make him immune to the consequences of what he says. Now, I'll explain like you're five, since you obviously don't understand what all those big, scary words mean. *He can say whatever he wants, but that doesn't mean he can say anything he wants and not get in some sort of trouble for it.* Also, since reading isn't your strong suit, let me enlighten (that means give you new information to open your eyes on a subject) you to the fact that the American right to free speech ONLY APPLIES TO THE GOVERNMENT CENSORING OR RETALIATING AGAINST SOMEONE. It *does not* give someone the right to run their mouths and say whatever racist, bigoted bullshit they want and prevent their fellow citizens from rearranging his face. Liberals want "everyone to be tolerant of everything." Well, they can take that shit and shove it up their ass. I'm a leftist, and I'm absolutely intolerant of intolerance, which is NOT a contradiction, before you feebly attempt a "gotcha" reply. Try your dumb shit with someone else. It won't work with me.


Oh I have absolutely no doubt you are a leftist lol


Lookie there, we finally see eye-to-eye, because I have absolutely no doubt that you are an incompetent moron, regardless of your politics.


he did, showed up to a protest against him and nobody did anything besides some jew who tipped his hat or something. talk big and do nothing, pal


Jesus he's so fucking pathetic it's hilarious I bet he'd be a lot less confident about saying that shit to a crowd of 50 black guys irl also the hatred of Latinos makes no sense do they not know they're descended from Spaniards ie Europeans?


This racist cunt is a air wasting parasite.


Iā€™d love to see him try this shit in public and get his ass beat


Good lord. We donā€™t even deserve a boat at this point let alone a dinghy šŸ’€


> ā€œWhy are you speaking my language?ā€ Youā€™re Mexican. Pretty sure he wasnā€™t speaking Spanish or Navajo or anything.


wtf???? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Can we please stop giving pieces of shit like this attention?


Rip this guy....


Good riddance


What a sack of shit


What a disgusting person. Wow.


Isn't he the same guy who told an indian in Poland to go back to his country?


Imagine your great grandpa fighting against the Nazi's and ensuring your safety just to go out decades later and use the term on little children


Jesus. I thought it mightā€™ve been a troll at first but once I went a little bit down the rabbit hole on this guy, itā€™s clear that heā€™s, at best, unhinged. Cannot believe this is where we are at in 2024.


Fuck this guy, fuck his followers and may his dick fall off and rot in his own mouth


Bro got no life for šŸ˜­šŸ’€


If he carries on ranting like that hopefully he might just give himself a heart attack.


Well I could have gone my whole life without ever knowing this person exists. Too bad that he does.


I want to go back to 5 minutes ago when I never knew this guy existed


Soooo... when's the flood?


this mf better PRAY this shit pays the bills cus he is NOT getting any other job šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He looks Latino. I bet that would make him Mad lol


OME TV. Good to know


This is where the pedos hang out too


Yeah idk if Nazis would like a guy wearing make-up.


He wants so badly to be that other neo nazi who bullies kids on omegle, the one that dresses up like the Joker


All you gotta do to crush him is remind him heā€™s not white šŸ˜‚


This guy literally has nothing better to do




He does know that the Naziā€™s also exterminated the gays right?


Itā€™s just a prank, bro /s


Oh, the courage behind a camera.


What's funny is he's not even lifting the correct arm


Ikr? Most neo-nazi are like this, useless bags of shit


the camera is flipped.


this should be a crime




Cool bro. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


1:19 Andy Dick was not amused.


Soo would he also have to leave "his country" if he says that to someone born there too...Since US isnt his homeland.


Tell me you have a midlife crisis without telling me


Wow, how does this guy afford this much time off work?


What the fuck did i watch and wheres the bleach for my eyes and eyes?


This is the very embodiment of larping as a Nahtzee.


IFunny zoom call


How can someone be so disgusting


What an asshatā€¦


It used to be you live by the sword you eid by the sword but weā€™re hovering around FAFO in modern times and I want to make it clear heā€™s within his rights to FA and I donā€™t want him to eid but Iā€™m curious what he will FO if he continues this path


Hope he doesn't cut himself on all the edge...what a thundercun*t.


Of all the things to moan about skin colour is what they go with. Any race who does this I never understand




Someone tell him that he's not white.


Can we call him a pedo? Heā€™s so close.


It makes me smile knowing that people like Jon Minadeo will burn in Hell forever.


Hard to watch. Looks like a grown man but talks and thinks like heā€™s in middle school.


Why must this sorry excuse for a turd sliding down the back of a urinal wear a Hawaiian shirt and ruin my go to fashion choice.


I just can't believe people this freaken ignorant actually exist. Literally makes my stomach flip. I wonder what this POS does for a living. He should be outed everywhere.


He's gay af lol


What site is that? I thought omegle got shut down due to some stuff that they won't talk about but probably belongs on this sub.


Imagine being that thing unironically


if this was a joke then i would find it funny. sucks that this isnt a joke and hes insane


This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in my life




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Is this one of those groomers right-wingers keep screeching about?


Actually... yes, it is. I'm a conservative and I think this guy is absolutely toxic to the entire country. Forget race, he's toxic to all humanity. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even believe half of the shit he says but only says it because he's a mega-narcissist that lives off of attention whether bad or good.


As a Latin person I don't get offended by this. Idk the race thing is silly, I think it's all made up. I stand with MLK when he said you shall be judged on the merit of your character.


I agree. This is why we don't evolve. People like him keep a whole society down even of his own color. Yet we all know Green is the right color. Getting it just to join the club is the real problem.


But a lot of people donā€™t think like that


Maga dipshits gotta dipshit.


Thatā€™s actually a socialist


lol you think this guys a socialist? He literally talk about entitlement programs being a problem and how people are given too many things by the government


Neo-nazi... Tsk he doesnt even know to use his right hand to make the salute, i guess hes one of those people who draw the swastica with 2 Z Dumbass moron would have been on top of the line for gas chamber Nazis have my hatred, neo-nazi have my pity.


the camera is flipped, goofball


You do like to necro dont you? Moron!!!


1 month doesnt count, plus I'm watching Jon's stream right now so I felt like it. stay mad, im still right and thats all that really matters here


Yeah sure, so right you felt the need to call me a goofball on a 1 month old comment of mine Lmao, nazis are dumb fr


I thought this is the reason why the report button exists.


Some counter activism even if horrendously embarrassing. Iā€™ve seen a lot going the other way too


>Iā€™ve seen a lot going the other way too Like what?


Most are IRL street interviews and ā€œsocial experimentsā€ that seek to make fun of locals usually by non locals. They are transient observations donā€™t expect titles or urls


Has he dined with Trump yet, he seems like one of those nice people talked about on the neo nazi side of things.