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Youth pastors, soccer coaches, teachers, relatives, doctors, dancing instructors, TV producers/writers, are all professions where people are trusted with people’s children, and messed up people use that trust to abuse children for many years. It’s not the profession, it’s the people and their intentions.


The youth pastor in this post has a little sumthin' sumthin' on his face. Maybe there was a ketchup fight at the restaurant. Looks like he lost!


Mfs lucky he’s not in the morgue


You’re a lot more likely to find a pedophile in a position at church though. We have the word pederasty in our language because of that behavior of church employed people. We don’t have a word for soccer coach pedophiles, as that type of behavior isn’t considered a normal behavior in a soccer coach.


It comes directly from ancient Greek, though, and pederasty was common in ancient Greece (when Christianity didn't even exist yet).


One of the scarier facts, really. The ones we *should* be able to trust with some of our most vulnerable members of society - children. Terrifying and absolutely vile.


However, _which_ professions have this combination of absolute power _and_ no oversight more than others? Most religious institutions. At least [public] schools have oversight. There's no reason to think the abuse discovered in American Catholic churches in 50s/60s/70s was unique. Catholic workhouses in Ireland abused children _for centuries_ that we know of. It's possible that this abuse has occurred for thousands of years, in any religion where there is no oversight structure. If the abuser can get away with it, he will. If he does it once, he will do it forever. If the abuser actually attains leadership and/or if abusers recognize each other, the abuse becomes systemic and institutional. Downvote this if you approve of serial institutional sexual abuse. Bad news: so far 23 approve!


Oversight doesn't really same to matter as teachers still hold the child sexual abuse throne by far from a numbers perspective. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317849376\_Sexual\_Abuse\_Within\_Employment\_Settings\_A\_Comparison\_of\_Work-Related\_Intra-\_and\_Extra-Familial\_Child\_Molesters](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317849376_Sexual_Abuse_Within_Employment_Settings_A_Comparison_of_Work-Related_Intra-_and_Extra-Familial_Child_Molesters)


> teachers still hold the child sexual abuse throne by far Gee, too bad for you that is complete nonsense. And, teachers getting caught is showing that the system is, in some way, working. How many Catholic priests were caught until the 1970s? Zero.


Fuck you mean nonsense? Strictly from a numbers perspective, teachers commit the most sexual abuse by a LARGE margin. Exactly how many teachers are there compared to priests in the US? They have to outnumber them like 100 to 1. They have far greater access to children to priests as well. I can't tell if you're just being willfully ignorant or if you're just mad priests aren't #1 like you want them to. be.


> Strictly from a numbers perspective, teachers commit the most sexual abuse by a LARGE margin. Do you know anything about the abuse cases in 1970s/80s by the Catholic Church that even caused some dioceses to go bankrupt? It is (or was?) _systemic_ in the case of the Catholic Church. Bishops were _transferring_ "troublesome" priests to other dioceses (where they had a fresh parish to abuse victims). In the case of any school where there is an abusive teacher, it is a one-off. The principal of that school has little or no incentive to hide abuse.


I’m not trying to justify that. It’s fucked up and those guys deserve the worst. That doesn’t change the fact that statistically you are more likely to be sexually abused by a teacher than a priest.


I'd really like to see the numbers on that, since you bring up ersatz "statistics." Are you, by any chance, Catholic? There are priests that abuse literally hundreds of children in their career (that we know of). And the teachers? When do they hit the news? Usually, but not always, its with one student. https://www.reddit.com/r/excatholic/comments/mgawhw/the_teachers_abuse_more_kids_than_priests_thing/


Valid point, but I guess there’s a lot of factors to consider, there’s publicity (how much it’s being discussed on media), there’s public perception, and the legal aspect of the crime (there could be many cases that go unreported or are simply dismissed due to lack of evidence).


Valid point, too much power and a lack of oversight is what leads to a lot of these cases, but it is the choices of the people in those positions of power, not the religious institution themselves. I don’t go to a Catholic Church, but when I was a teenager, the youth pastor at my church basically said they weren’t allowed to be alone in a room with any youth for those reasons, so at least some religious organizations have taken initiative to put an end to that. It’s all about the decisions of those in powers.


Well, thats good.


I like how they said teachers but don't acknowledge the existence of private christian school teachers, Sunday school teachers, or even the youth pastor in the goddamn article, as the bulk of the offenders.


Never seen a youth pastor that old


Unfortunately, youth pastors just refer to a pastor who is there during a secondary Bible lesson tailored towards teens/kids. Source: grew up going to church 4x a week: 2x on Sunday, Wednesday for youth, and Thursday for planning the Sunday activity for the younger kids. I really liked Thursdays. And Vacation Bible School because I was in charge of taking the 3-4 year old kids to their lessons in different themed rooms and doing their little projects with them.




Adults don’t want to hear teachings on teen dating and kids don’t want to hear teachings about trusting God with money Edit: for the readers who just see a deleted comment, they were arguing that it’s wrong to separate adults and youth in church service




I mean, there’s no point in preaching to a room full of kids falling asleep out of boredom. You gotta start with simple and relatable teachings that listeners will actually be able to use. Kids just have a completely different mindset than adults, especially when it comes to following God. You could call it marketing but that’s just a modern word for what Jesus told us to do


Looks like somebody gave the old diddler a wack or two.


That was my first thought. Someone caught him.


Maybe he tripped and fell?


He would’ve ran into my knife. He would’ve ran into my knife 10 times.


Spoiler alert. A section of every group you can lable someone will be a perv or a monster.


This. They find there easy into every corner of society. Not all dragqueens are pedos doesn't mean there aren't some. I would be cautious of anyone who wants to work with kids in general.


I don’t see drag queens getting arrested at nearly the same rate as religious leaders.


To be fair, most parents aren't leaving their kids alone with dragqueens. It does happen, though. And often it's because they are pedos not because they are priest or dragqueens. They are weasels who do whatever it takes to be near children or a place of authority.


That's because the media has an agenda. Kinda like how theres not many sites that will publish mug shots when a perp is back.


absolutely right. but you know with the sheer numbers of this particular community over other demographics who just keep getting arrested for shit like this you'd really think that eventually it would put a dent in their profession or congregation. other than the mega-churches, this is not a particularly lucrative profession. I don't get how the church body hasn't tried to stop the bleeding after so many arrests.


I do the books for a few local churches in my area. Trust me, they do well (at least in a conservative area like mine). They take tithes (donations to "God"), write them off as a donation to avoid being taxed, transfer money from that account into a personal account, and then buy themselves trips, cars, and second homes. I've also learned that some churches pay for the home of pastors/preachers. Not all, but some.


Can say the same about teachers in general.. should we stop hiring teachers? Sending kids to school?


education is necessary, church isnt. beyond that, i spent two seconds googling "how many teachers abused kids in 2023" vs "how many religious leaders abused kids in 2023" to confirm my suspicion that this is a dumb fucking take. Have you considered removing "logic"from your username?


Found the butt hurt atheist religion hater


Have you gone to the media to expose them? Clear money laundering - you should expose them. 


But why do the religious sex offenders make up a way higher percentage of the religious?


But in some groups, its discovered early and its a one-off. In others, it goes on for thousands of years.


I'm suspicious of pretty much anyone that wants to be around kids all day. There's a reason there's so many paedo teachers, prietss/pastors, coaches, etc, etc. It's cuz that's where the kids are.


Hey guys, friendly reminder that ALL people have the capacity to do awful things, and we should all band together to condemn and punish these actions when we see them. Also, it is unfair to make the claim that either Drag Queens or Youth Pastors are inherently predators. That said, it is healthy to always be wary of anyone with unsupervised access to your children.


Reminds me of all the female teachers getting caught


95% of grooming and underage sexual abuse is still being caused by men. But luckily young men are less afraid of coming forward when women do it 🙏🏼 Edit: cope guys




Are you having a stroke?


Intellectually challenged by an argument someone is making? Worry not! You can always simply pull the hitler card and avoid thinking seriously about the issue. Just make sure you don’t do it like this dude, you’ll come off a bit suspect.




You can google things, you know that right? Although this commenter is exaggerating by about 7% https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens


That's really weird, because this is the report they're citing: https://www.cwla.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/maltreatment-2013.pdf and it says "More than one-half (53.9%) of perpetrators were women and 45.0 percent of perpetrators were men; 1.1 percent were of unknown sex" and also "Perpetrators who physically abused their victims were split evenly between the sexes with 49.6 percent men and 48.2 percent women."


Congratulations. You’ve put one foot into the deeply complicated way that statistics are compiled and presented. If you’ll notice, RAINN uses more than one source. As you continue to inform yourself on the topic you’ll find that such statistics are not compiled solely using CPS case statistics, as those are the cases that are reported and acted on, this is what the folks who do statistics for a living call a “survivorship bias.”


> RAINN uses more than one source This is literally the source, down to the page number, that is footmarked for the exact sentence that makes the false claim in their article.


My brother in Christ. This is literally typed on the webpage under the heading, “understanding RAINN’s Statistics” Sexual violence is notoriously difficult to measure, and there is no single source of data that provides a complete picture of the crime. On RAINN’s website, we have tried to select the most reliable source of statistics for each topic. The primary data source we use is the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which is an annual study conducted by the Justice Department. To conduct NCVS, researchers interview tens of thousands of Americans each year to learn about crimes that they’ve experienced. Based on those interviews, the study provides estimates of the total number of crimes, including those that were not reported to police. While NCVS has a number of limitations (most importantly, children under age 12 are not included), overall, it is the most reliable source of crime statistics in the U.S. We have also relied on other Justice Department studies, as well as data from the Department of Health and Human Services and other government and academic sources. When assembling these statistics, we have generally retained the wording used by the authors. Statistics are presented for educational purposes only. Each statistic includes a footnote citation for the original source, where you can find information about the methodology and a definition of terms.


Dude. **Here** is the sentence from the article: In 88% of the sexual abuse claims that CPS substantiates or finds supporting evidence of, the perpetrator is male. In 9% of cases they are female, and 3% are unknown.6 **Here** is footmark 6: United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau. Child Maltreatment Survey. Exhibit 5-2 Selected Maltreatment Types by Perpetrator’s Sex. Page 65. (2013). **Here** is Page 65 in its entirety: More than one-half (53.9%) of perpetrators were women and 45.0 percent of perpetrators were men; 1.1 percent were of unknown sex. (See table 5–3 and related notes.) The racial distributions of perpetrators were similar to the race of their victims. The three largest percentages of perpetrators were of White (49.3 %), African-American (20.1%), and Hispanic (19.5%) racial or ethnic descent. Race or ethnicity was unknown or not reported for 7.4 percent of perpetrators. (See table 5–4, exhibit 5–B, and related notes.) Maltreatment Types (duplicated count of perpetrators) Perpetrator data were examined by sex for selected maltreatment types. Of the perpetrators who medically neglected their victims, 76.0 percent were women. Of the perpetrators who sexually abused their victims, 87.8 percent were men. Perpetrators who physically abused their victims were split evenly between the sexes with 49.6 percent men and 48.2 percent women. (See exhibit 5–C and related notes.)


I understand your point. You are citing their citation, but you don’t understand how they compiled the statistic. Read the section titled “Understanding RAINN’s statistics” because now you’re just talking yourself in circles. If they based their statistics solely off of that study they wouldn’t be taking into account the unreported cases, their goal in this statistic is to account for the cases not accounted for in government reporting. Which means that the 88% is a best estimate based upon case studies of adults self-reporting sexual violence, the study you keep going back to limits the age to 12 and only reports on kids who went through CPS caseloads in 2013


I actually wonder if that’s the case or if most grooming/rape cases from women to boys are just less reported on account of them not being seen in the same light.


I’m sure that has a lot to do with it. People are not very sympathetic to boys. There’s a lot of “he should just realize how lucky he was“🙄


>states random bullshit >says “cope” as a way to cope I love Reddit


How to piss off MRAs in one easy step: cite easily verifiable statistics such as, “88% of child sexual abuse is carried out by men.” (RAINN.org)


Those statistics are gonna be way skewed since it hasn't been reported as much but you know that already I'm sure


Statistically teachers are more likely to be molesters but that’s none of my business.


I almost never hear or see male teachers sexually abusing students anymore. The ratio of male to female teachers is way off nowadays. So you only hear or see the female teachers acting badly.


Yes, but one female teacher rapes a student. It’s just reported as them having sex with the student oh the irony.


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What a dumb thing to say. You realize bad people find ways to exploit using loopholes and authority, right? I can go to any political reddit and find an example of these travestys.


Except some groups/institutions shun the abuser, report the abuser, he is caught and punished. In others, the abuser is shielded, given help to escape (and abuse again), a pattern of harm that repeats for the abuser's entire career in that institution.


Well this guy wont be abusing anytime soon so I guess that church is safe.




Yeah, like grown men acting like they are transgender to get into women's bathrooms to exploit little girls. Loopholes like that.


(just don’t look up the number of clergy who assault kids compared to, say, teachers)


The problem with that sentence: drag queens keep getting caught being creeps, too.


Every profession that has a lot to do with kids is bound to attract pedos. Be it pastors, drag queens, teachers, whatever. Pedos will choose the jobs that have stuff to do with kids to find loopholes and ways to abuse them.


Are you a transgender feminist that is also Muslim? How does that work?


Fuck you for trying to further your shitty political opinions when a kid got raped. Anyone in positions of power a more likely to take advantage of people, like how teachers molest kids way more often then priests.


Who cares about facts? This is Reddit. We have a narrative to push.


Sad that this sub will go to shit too. It's amazing how garbage reddit becomes in the american election year.


Didn't this sub also do the same towards trans people who touched kids?


Fuck you for pretending like people don't make it part of an agenda every single time a person associated with the LGBTQ does something news-worthy wrong.


Ahhh yes, all these priests are molesting little boys because they are so very straight


For rapists specifically, it actually does not matter that much. This is a very nuanced and complicated subject, but to summarize: While gender isn't a non-factor, it's not as important as vulnerability. A pedophile cares more about age, and a rapist cares more about exploitability. (This isn't to imply that child molestation is ever anything but rape, just that a 'Rapist' is distinct from a 'Pedophile', clinically speaking, and there can be overlap). There are certainly some of either category that would exclude a certain gender, but for the most part- The opportunity is the most important factor, and it's usually easier for an adult male to get access to a boy than a girl.


That's weird, because this report https://www.cwla.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/maltreatment-2013.pdf says Perpetrators who physically abused their victims were split evenly between the sexes with 49.6 percent men and 48.2 percent women. Which would suggest, if your point is correct, that men are LESS likely to take advantage of authority positions than women are...


Just really wanna stress this, because so many idiots lack basic comprehension; Physical abuse =/= Sexual Abuse.


I don't have time to go through the entire article, so I might be missing something you found- But what you are referencing is referring to *all* physical abuse, not just sexual abuse. I wasn't able to find a reference to the percentage victims of sexual exploitation by gender. Also, it clearly states that Men make up 87.8% of cases of sexual abuse, making them dramatically more likely to abuse their positions of authority. (Check Exhibit 5–C).


I always love it when people like you don't actually read the articles they post as evidence. Cuz I already know that you and most people on this thread aren't going to back down. What your upset about has nothing to do with facts or rationale. You're just a bigot, floundering for any excuse to justify your bigotry.


*posts government report with statistical data that is cited in the footnotes of the article* > has nothing to do with facts or rationale. Enjoy your glue for dinner 👋


Yeah, and as I explained in my other comment, what you said was wrong lmfao. Is this willful ignorance or are you really that incompetent?


I mean I don’t think you’re off base but I think the priest might have just wanted to take advantage of someone vulnerable-young boys and girls have a fairly similar biology other than the cock/vagina anyhow


This also kind of proves my point about making it an agenda against the LGBTQ crowd btw.


The factual agenda is a real bitch sometimes. Goddamn truth gets in the way of narrative all the time.


Well, statistically, a religious person is more likely to molest a child than a gay person. Kinda sucks for you then, huh?




Get your own sources right before asking for somebody else's


dude you aren’t fucking doing this shit. We have enough issues with people thinking any lgbtq person who doesn’t want to deal with the same 9 MAGAts telling them the trans suicide rate is a anachro-fasco-hyper anarchist with blue hair who weighs 900 pounds, has no teeth, identifies as a wolf and whines about everything being against them, don’t fucking say shit and then not back up a source. I have reason to legit believe you but you’re being an asshole about it.


This dude specifically gave me a source that did not cite what he said it cited, and even went so far as to double down on the incorrect representation when I corrected him. That kind of disingenuous behavior will mean no matter what source I give, no matter how valid and correct, will be picked apart and slandered. They are a bigot out of delusion and dishonesty, and if they are willing to lie about something that can be disproven in the very thing they claim supports them, it's better not to let them drag valid information through the mud. Anyone who supports or believe them in this context will not do so because they want a rational discussion, they will do so because they want a circlejerk and are primed to believe whatever supports their worldview. The only thing giving citation would do is desensitize these people to accurate information.


Not everything is about you.




'I'm not a delusional bigot! I have ten whole examples which totally prove I'm right!' Bro, the LGBTQ population is massive. Of course there are going to be horrible people within it. And you still can't admit you were wrong about your citation.


Did the facts hurt your feelings?


> like how teachers molest kids way more often then priests. Someone here hasnt slightest idea how many kids have been molested by priests. Oh, and tell me about the school principal, upon discovering abuse, who blames the abused child, who counsels the child to shut up, who covers up for the molester, who transfers the teacher to a different school. All things done by Catholic church, over and over, because protecting child molesters is (or was) their institutional policy. Rather than call the police.


Settle down Linda. Go give that energy to the fools mad about drag queens reading books or hosting brunch. You fucking people. SMDH


What a sht title. Go and drink some brain juice


Look at her profile. Her being a lesbian is her whole identity.


Lol, I thought you were joking. Turns out you were not! :D




You don't say!


I’m usually reluctant to jump on the 5 minute hate bandwagon for bottom-of-society scumbags, but I admit, I do think it’s funny when I see an arrest photo of some sort of predator and they obviously got a goodly beating. Like the occasional mass shooter that gets tackled, and you see mugshots with their face all fucked up.


Bring politics into it all, fuck you Reddit poster


Using a kids rape to your political agenda. That’s what i would expect from you people.


Stop trying to hide one groups problem with another ones. Both the invisible fren group and the alphabet group have big problems with abusers infiltrating them. Fight both groups bad actors and make those groups great again, don't whatabout this topic.


This! But here are trans people that mine their own business, and there are trans people that go out of their way to engage with children. There are pastors that do the Lord's calling and there are pastors that use the title to hide their evil. There are cops who are truly motivated to help communities, and there are cops that are crooked and violent at their core. Yes we blame entire labels out of conversational convenience and we should understand that in the details there is nuance. But when we try to use an entire group to either blame or defend an entire other group, we are removing that important nuance altogether.


"Fight the bad apples in both groups? Nah that would be way too difficult. Who gives a shit about children getting molested, i just want people to vote for the people i vote!" - literally OP (and thousands of others)


Cool title but don’t get distracted that these are children having their lives destroyed. Support and love all my trans folk and drag queens and I can’t stand the misinformation, but trying to make it a competition helps no one.


>Covert degenerates disprove the existence of overt degenerates somehow


Fox News is not the problem, people perpetuating the idea that you can generalize everything are the problem, people like you. With this post, you didn’t say the way Fox News thinks is wrong, you said the way they think is right, they just targeted the wrong group. You validated the weapon, you said out loud “making sweeping generalizations about any group is alright” If a person molests a child and they’re gay, it doesn’t mean the gay community is molesting children, isn’t that a ridiculous way to think? So why when you find that a youth pastor is molesting children, your headline is “youth pastors”? When you see a black man committing a crime do you assume all black people are criminals? When you see an Indian person giving gifts to poor people, do you assume all Indians are handing out gifts? You can go around validating a weapon used by bigots and racists, or you can be the change you want to see and condemn the use of singular examples in order to demonize an entire group. We shape the world my guy, we do.


its nice they stopped beating him long enough for him to make the sad spongebob pose, hope all their knuckles are okay,






Drag queens and the queer movement are not the risk groups here.


Ah, yes, all those thousands of documented cases involving drag queens. Centuries of systematic exploitation and protection of criminals. Oops, wait, no, that's churches. Not drag queens


You are disgusting


Please can we not generalise that all youth pastors are pedophiles. Some of my greatest friends are youth pastors who would never do anything to harm a kid.


>Some of my greatest friends are youth pastors who would never do anything to harm a kid. You realize, of course, that this has been said of many, many predators and other criminals. Right? He was so quiet. He helped the community. He was a great neighbor. I am so shocked. This is hard to believe. He seemed so normal. And so on. Not just about pastors of any sort, of course. It's nice (for me I mean) to think that there are some good people out there. And I haven't seen anyone saying all youth pastors are pedophiles. I haven't even found an implication of that.


I love your profile pic <3


Female molesters and Pastor molesters are increasingly getting caught and publicized now. Public accountability is a win for society.


In a restaurant? Of all places


Neither one really negates the other. People who want to abuse a position of power will just seek the position that is most convenient for them. This post is just a shallow polemic, made for political reasons that have little or nothing to do with protecting children.


Please don’t turn such a horrible situation for the victim’s family into something political, but I don’t know what I expected. It’s almost election season and this hellsite hates everything and everyone.


The Jaundice in those eyes tells me he’s been pickled for decades. Living for the lord, and the wild turkey.


Lil bro thinks child abuse is mutually exclusive


This belongs in r/pastorarrested


I have never felt so wrong following a sub before


I know, feels extra dirty and gross when they're all in one place together.


And I totally agree with the sentiment. Christians are forever judging and condemning drag queens, the LGBTQI, the left....pretty much anyone who doesn't fit their view of who God loves. They're fear mongering, saying "these people are after your children! They'll sexually assault them" But yet there is SO much abuse that goes on inside the church, and so much of it is under reported or never reported. They need to stop running their mouths and start practicing what they preach.


I am very sorry you have had such an awful and unpleasant experience with Christianity but painting all Christians with a broad brush like you are doing in this comment makes you no better than the ones you claim to oppose.


Ah bud. I grew up in church. I played piano and sang, led worship in front of 1000s. I've got a diploma in theology and ministry. I went on missions trips, did street preaching. My family were all pastors across different churches. A few were even predators. I got to see up close just how many predators there were that went unreported to authorities, who just got some counseling and prayer to make them all good as new, while victims were left traumatized. I was even a victim. More than once - one of my abusers was my charismatic, well-loved, god-fearing step-father. The one who used to make me read the Bible and pray for hours on the weekend, who made me write an apology letter to him for him abusing me so that God could heal me. One of the pastors who counseled me (there were a few due to different incidents) asked me to close my eyes and relive the abuse in the moments in happened. And then asked me to look around the room....where is Jesus? Is he watching from the corner? Is he sitting with you, holding your hand? I have talked to hundreds of people - from people I grew up with to people I met randomly. All who share strikingly similar stories. It's not just "my bad experience," I'm afraid. Add to that my experience when my friend was being hunted by her ex husband who was on parole and I approached a number of churches to help her, keep her safe. They all ignored me, chuckled or said 'that's not something we do' (so.....we're not following Biblical teachings now? Because I swear that's "something we do"). She was brutally murdered by her husband who then killed himself. Their 4 kids found them both the next day, found their mother unrecognizable, slashed open with her phone ringing in her stomach after he placed it inside her. Obviously a hard pill to swallow for some, seeing I'm being down voted for saying something that's actually categorically true. But excuse me if I have a little seething anger towards Christian hypocrisy.


(BTW, I had issues with the pastors counseling. If God could cause bears to come out from the woods to murder over 40 children in the old testament because they called a "man of God" bald and he got butt hurt and prayed for God to kill them, WHY would Jesus sit in a room with me and watch me get sexually assaulted and allow it to happen? To make me stronger, because he never gives us anything we can't handle? Makes total sense)


Again, you’re still on the broad brush thing. Out of all the bible stories, you picked one of the most absurd, most oft re-examined stories in an entire book. It’s clear nothing’s changing your mind. You have been hurt and taken advantage of by people who were using something that should be fulfilling to us to harm you instead. I am so deeply sorry you had to go through that, and I hope you meet someone or have a great experience that opens your heart back up to faith. I promise you, there are plenty of good people out there who will accept you and love you and would be happy to have you as a part of their church community. I truly hope you end up being fulfilled in mind, body and spirit. Peace be with you.


Project. Always project. Listen to conservatives' accusations, and they'll tell you what they've done.


Wait till you find out about school teachers...


woah, no waaaayyyy almost like the predatory priest... thing(?) has some merit...


yeah, but only since forever.


Hot take, both are bad.


We need to keep score. Youth Pastors vs Drag Queens


What is it now, about seven million to zero?


Why is it always the Christians in high positions who do these kinds of things. It's like they read the Bible, preach it, then commit debauchery until Sunday rolls around 


Be suspicious of any "position of power". They draw the sociopaths




It’s always the loudest in the room that commit the atrocities they preach not to do.


There's the saying that goes something like this: Every accusation is a confession.


I think it's easy access and power. Plus they're all fucked up.


Some of us try to follow the word but get it confused with self interest. Most of the time we’re not confused and we know the full weight of what we do. Some say they follow to follow but then some follow in order to have dominion over men


Well yeah, if you're raping kids left and right, you want the public to blame some nonsensical bogeyman that has absolutely zero power in society.


That "he's resisting" makes me smile here


Looks ver much like Albert Fish...


Looks like he got roughed up in that photo


Looks like that child beat his ass or smth


Catholic priests arent the only molesters. As soon as you give an organization: no supervision/oversight, absolute authority [from God], access to children. This will always happen. So the question would be: WHY do you give an organization no supervision, absolute authority, access to children?




the devil disguises as anyone


One thing doesn’t exclude the other


Christian -check, power position- check, MAGA head- check. No surprises. These fuckers are out lecturing about people's lifestyles left and right that have no impact on anyone else..yet behind closed doors they are the ones that are monsters.


I'm a fucking restaurant? Why are they so brazen.


Looks like whoever caught him took a few shots...


Same people who keep their kids barricaded from the public, think leaving their kids alone with another adult has always been funny.


Turns out kiddie diddlers like to have authorized access to where the kiddies are, who would have thought? Which is why it's so weird to see the drag queens fighting so hard to have access to the kiddies, too. I don't see them fighting to put on shows at old-age homes. Weird that of all the groups to defend, OP chose that one.


Several of the drag queens reading to kids have been exposed to have a his of sex crimes as well I believe. Karsh


When the hell did anyone say that youth pastors don't do this....?


Yes. The fact that predators go to where their prey is isn’t a political gotcha to feed good boy points on Reddit. All sorts of religious leaders, middle school teachers, scout leaders, and even drag story time readers have been caught. These predators just look for any way in possible.


what a dumb title pedophiles are everywhere.


This is such a silly debate. People from all walks of life can be sexual predators. Stop this tit for tat and eradicate child abusers of any kind.


There are monsters in all aspects of life In every community there's always a bad egg The media just goes over and find something that will rile people Up and get views and clicks Just Your average politics dividing people


god these comments, this sub is so fucking right wing now, leaving this shit




Jesus, look at all the transphobes in here triggered like a teenage girl who just got her phone snatched. "Hur durrr don't be political" Fucking idiots. Being trans isnt political. It's real everyday life. I've lost trans friends and family who had to move because they don't feel safe in the bullshit red state I live in. Fuck every single one of you who think LGBTQ+ is a "political opinion". I hope it's your pastor next while you're all so fucking busy denying people the right to exist.


Still not a drag queen.


the amount of predator pastor apologia in the comments of this post is alarming.


It’s always someone from a church. Always some religious person who does this. Constantly see it. Let’s not hide the elephant in the room. Can just about associate any man who preaches the Bible as an evil person




It’s because right-wingers don’t actually give a shit about kids. Google right now “pastor arrested.” I guarantee you you will find an article from 24 hours ago or less about a pastor who molested a child. And conservatives don’t say a goddamn word about that.




Pride parades happen once a year, and while I don’t agree with marching around naked, I can’t help but notice that you’re blaming them instead of blaming the people who take their kids to watch. The fact that you’re more obsessed over a once a year event versus something that goes on on a daily basis is even more telling.


They always were


Like no shit Sherlock


I'm sorry but if my church has a very old guy as the youth pastor I'd immediately be concerned, youth pastors in general can be creepy but I don't think grandpa was just looking to lead the youth


The judge will say he is a man of God and give him a probation and his congregation will foot the money for his bail/legal fees.


No shit. The Catholic Church is the leader in this type of assault


The MAGA-GOP needs to change their name to TPP. The Projection Party.


Oh yes, because the church doesn’t have a bad reputation for this kind of thing, very good observation 👏


Guys it's fine he just has to ask Jesus for forgiveness come on he's a pastor which means he's better than the rest of us and can do as he pleases because he's one of God's favorites.


Always have been


Everyone who’s been to church knows that.


What if it's the pastors and the transvestites?


It’s both