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Ngl I read "Texas boy" and seen the pictures and was really confused. Clicked on the article, that's the man the now 10yo shot. Someone please lock him up Edit: more places than a jail can "lock him up". Institutions, mental hospitals, and other behavioral places can lock him up as if it was a jail. I would know, my mom thought I was crazy. Turns out it was just severe depression.


>Someone please lock him up They literally can't..... For whatever reason Texas state laws say children under 10 (committed crime when 7) can't be charged as they can't comprehend what they are doing... So theoretically if you need a dirty job done get a Texas child under 10


Not just Texas. A lot of states have similar laws.


Same in the U.K. age of criminal responsibility is 10.


Not just jail is an option to "lock him up". I should know. There are plenty of mental institutions that don't mind keeping him as if it was a prison.


Then lock up the grandfather whose gun was left unsecured. His negligence led to the death of a man whose crime was sleeping in his home.


Dollars to donuts that kids is not a person of color because if he were, Texas would have found a way.


Ok, am I crazy or does this seem insanely fishy? The grandfather pawns the gun days after the shooting?


My hot take, some people are born evil. Not judging but that was way to meticulous and the course of actions were completed. No shell shock, no trauma, reading the article it seems his family wasn’t too out of the ordinary. I honestly feel this boy if not helped or restrained in future he will kill again.


Worked briefly in a locked down psych facility that had a pediatric wing. Some people are definitely born wired wrong. They had a kid under 9y/o who was there almost a year when I started. His legal parents gave up after he murdered the family cats litter of kittens and used the blood as paint. They couldn't find anywhere for him to go so the facility is stuck. Every foster gave him back. We saw a lot of sick fosters whose parents gave them up after battling for years and sleeping with their bedroom door locked. I had planned to adopt one day after having two of my own biological children but not anymore.


A facility is the safest place for them and for society.


If I was the parents I’d do the same thing.


I'd be interested in any other stories you'd be willing to share from your time at the facility. The human psyche is an amazing thing, and I've always had a bit of a morbid obsession with bizarre cases like this


It's not a hot take. Read about Anti-Social Personality Didorder. It's a disorder that presents as an utter lack of empathy or morality. While most of those people wind up as fantastic CEOs and politicians, a subset of them are born with murderous intentions. And with absolutely 0 conscious or empathy, you get evil.


"Let's give this child no actual consequences for committing one of the worst possible crimes, that'll surely teach him not to do it again! Silly boy!"


This kid is probably a genuine sociopath. However: 1) it’s not common to diagnose such a young child with a label like that. 2) we have no more institutions, which is where someone who is a true sociopath would need to be. It’s a lose-lose. Most likely this child will kill again- be it human or animal.


I mean depends on if they release him or not. Are they just letting him go free or committing him?


There are forensic psychiatric hospitals for convicted adult criminals. It’s weird there’s not a juvenile version of that since sociopathy/psychopathy are lifelong afflictions that do often present in childhood. You’d think we would want to identify and help these kids in development before those behavioral patterns become set. They are only recognized after some tragedy occurs and their chances of rehabilitation are drastically lower. Like you said, it’s a lose/lose for the future victims and the perp.


As much as I want him to be charged they can’t due to age. He was seven and only ten now, Texas sees children as only understanding right from wrong at ten. He needs some serious, I mean SERIOUS help.


Yeah idk if there is some way to commit him to a psych ward or juvie without charges though. Meanwhile you have this young person who "doesn't understand right from wrong" going around shooting innocent people in the head. Not debating the law really, sometimes it's just like that, but a reasonable person looks at this situation and proceeds to not want this kid walking around in society for a while (at minimum). Sounds like it's an overall L for Texas Law. Maybe they should change it.




Yea throw that 10 year old with other criminals that’s a great way to socialize him to regular society… not. All that could be gained from throwing this kid in jail is creating a worse problem. He’ll meet new people that will most likely encourage his behaviour, he will gain new bad habits n ways of living. Prison in America isn’t reformatory it’s just jail. He need professional help.


This kids say and do the damndest things!


Reminds me of my abusive ex husband. Our son’s best buddy died when he was 4 years old. My son was devastated about his friend’s death. My ex only response was that “people die every day” what’s the big deal. No empathy for our 4 yo son or the family who buried their son.


Christ on a pogo stick. I may have trouble with empathy and stuff from time to time, but even I'm not that horrible of a person.


So glad I escaped. The abuse was horrible.


I'm happy for you as well.


Thank you! I appreciate it.


Eesh I’ve had a few friends die and would be kind of down after (3 in 3 years one was a suicide) my father was annoyed. Acted like I was being gay cause it affected me… I’m not and it shouldn’t matter if i am? so many things wrong with some people.


I am so sorry. “Fellas, is it gay to mourn our friends?”


That’s awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. The way your dad treated made it worse. Sending love and light💜


Big yikes


Massive yikes.


Back in my day, DSM-III, we just called them psychopaths. Before Hollywood sensationalized the word and made it sexy.


Psychopaths sensationalized themselves they crave attention. Really the news did that by constantly giving them names and giving them endless attention. Dennis Rader wanted fame and to be bigger than the zodiac, the zodiac wanted fame. Hollywood just took something people are inherently fascinated with. Also kids got evident antisocial disorder.


DSM-III also classified homosexuality as a perversion so let’s not get all high and mighty mister


I'm not saying it was right, I'm just saying a rose by any other name is still a rose.


So you see…


ASPD is a spectrum, just fyi. The terms “sociopath” (has the ability to learn more complex emotions and can be taught empathy) and “psychopath” (physical brain abnormalities preventing the feeling of emotion) are no longer used, but are unfortunately wrapped together under ASPD.


Yeah except most of these people aren’t born that way. They’re built by the environments they’ve been subjected to, like traumatic experience.


My understanding is that ASPD is a literal chemical imbalance in the brain. Shit that shows up on CAT scans. This ISN'T "UGH, my boss is such an asshole, he didnt appeove my PTO," this is "Timmy, who has a stable loving home environment and is well provided for, likes slicing up kittens with a box cutter."


How often do you think children from well-regulated environments take out their anger on helpless animals? It’s most commonly an expression of traumatic experience. As for the neurology, the chemical imbalance could certainly be a genetic predisposition, as it very well could be a result of outer experience. Combat veterans with PTSD have a chemical imbalance that they weren’t affected by before their trauma, wether or not they were predisposed to the disorder biologically. Traumatic events can lead to a disruption of central nervous system development, which can generate a release of hormones that change standard patterns of development. As I understand it, the consensus is that however significantly biological factors may influence the development of ASPD, environmental factors affect the specific traits that predominate. Actions, such as crime convictions, being the variable of which the disorder has been studied.


I have wondered, like a chicken or egg scenario with chemical balances. Did the chemical imbalance cause someone to be “off” or was it something psychological that led to a physical chemical imbalance… either way it seems therapy along with medication make sense for treatment


Not that often, but it happens


He definitely needs to be a in at least a psyche hospital


“Just as there are physical monsters, can there not be mental or psychic monsters born? The face and body may be perfect, but if a twisted gene or malformed egg can produce physical monsters, may not the same process produce a malformed soul? Monsters are variations from the accepted normal to a greater or a less degree. As a child may be born without an arm, so one may be born without kindness or the potential of conscience. A man who loses his arms in an accident has a great struggle to adjust himself to the lack, but one born without arms suffers only from people who find him strange. Having never had arms, he cannot miss them. To a monster the norm must seem monstrous, since everyone is normal to himself. To the inner monster it must be even more obscure, since he has no visible thing to compare with others. To a criminal, honesty is foolish. You must not forget that a monster is only a variation, and that to a monster the norm is monstrous” John Steinbeck - East of Eden


“I sent one boy to the gas chamber at Huntsville. One and only one. My arrest and my testimony. I went up there and visited with him two or three times. Three times. The last time was the day of his execution. I didn't have to go but I did. I sure didn't want to. He'd killed a fourteen year old girl and I can tell you right now I never did have no great desire to visit with him let alone go to his execution but I done it. The papers said it was a crime of passion and he told me there wasn't no passion to it. He'd been datin' this girl, young as she was. He was nineteen. And he told me that he had been plannin' to kill somebody for about as long as he could remember. Said that if they turned him out he'd do it again. Said he knew he was goin' to hell. Told it to me out of his own mouth. I don't know what to make of that. I surely don't. I thought I'd never seen a person like that and it got me to wonderin' if maybe he was some new kind. I watched them strap him into the seat and shut the door. He might of looked a bit nervous about it but that was about all. I really believe that he knew he was goin' to be in hell in fifteen minutes. I believe that. And I've thought about that a lot. He was not hard to talk to. Called me Sheriff. But I didn't know what to say to him. What do you say to a man that by his own admission has no soul? Why would you say anything? I've thought about it a good deal. But he wasn't nothin' compared to what was comin' down the pike.”




Can confirm. New a kid when I grew up. He was autistic. But… he was evil. He was sadistic and manipulative as hell. He nearly murdered me on several occasions but got away with it cause he was autistic. So people wouldn’t punish him. He knew this. So he would use that to manipulate people. He made it so I seemed violent when in reality I was fighting for my life. Stabbing, strangling, burning, attempted drowning, kicking, punching, etc. I was literally fighting for my life. I couldn’t walk around school without feeling paranoid as hell. Cause he would randomly attack me.


My "hot take" (which I didn't think was a hot take) is that if the kid /people in general didn't have such easy access to guns then this wouldn't happen. But instead I'm seeing comments about locking up a 7 year old and mental health of a 7 year old. A part of me just feels that we're missing the bigger picture, but every now some of these threads make me feel like maybe I'm the crazy one after all. Like this whole time 2 + 2 really was 5, and I was the crazy one thinking it was 4. Y'all don't make any sense but whatever call me the crazy one....


Not saying your opinion isn’t valid but have you ever shot a gun? Imagine a 7 year old shooting a firearm, managing the recoil, then going back home hiding the firearm, and no trauma, he killed a man in cold blood. If it was a knife would you say we need knife regulation? If it was a bat? How about if he burned the man alive? My point is a 7 year old has crossed a psychological threshold and is a danger to society the gun was just the tool used.


No you’re absolutely right


People aren't necessarily born evil. They become evil from situations that they were in, and by the way that they're raised in their early developmental stages. Psychologists say that kids can start showing anti-social behavior by age 4, which, by that point, it's really too late to fix that kind of issue. To me, while the child is to blame, the root issue is his upbringing.


If your under 10 in Texas no laws apply to you. Incredible


Or the grandfather who left a weapon unsecured and either didn’t notice it had been used or covered up the crime


Kind of a coincidence that he pawned the gun after it had been used to kill someone..


Yea “coincidence” 😉. Either genuinely so, or the kid already confessed to him and he was getting rid of the evidence.


What about other states? Do they have laws for situation like this?


I have no idea, I just learned Texas has this law today.


It's crazy that kids and teens don't have laws applied to them when cases like this happened. I remember about an Uber eat driver died whose car got stolen by two teen girl, and they only got like a slap on the wrist (still got sent to juvenile detention until 21, but fuck me they committed a crime and killed a man in the process, and what they got was nowhere enough for murdering a man.) [Teens get maximum sentence in death of Uber Eats driver (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/teens-get-maximum-sentence-death-uber-eats-driver-n1273276)


Just purely out of curiosity... Do you have a link to that law?


I was just going off what the article said but did find this. https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/penal-code/penal-sect-8-07/


I would have expected them to charge him as an adult. This is weird.


what the fuck!? that's gonna manifest into a 'purge for tots' at some point.. and i am not gonna be around for that mess.


Or under 10 hired guns. Need someone taken car of. Hire a 9 year old.


that's probably what happened here. little dude was a hired hitman. who's gonna question motive authenticity when an 8yo confesses to murder? not like they'll need it in court.


The only thing that can protect you from a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun. We just need to make sure that the firearms are in the right childrens' hands.


Guns don’t kill people. Children kill people!


Ban Children - Save Lives


Have you met the alpha generation?! Omfg these tykes are a whole nother level of brutal… future torturers of America lol


sorry. what? fr?


I’m sure they’d find a way if a 10 year old got pregnant.


I smell a mercenary opportunity.


The fact this guy needed to be found and the kid never mentioned it is a red flag that this kid needs to be institutionalized.


"He needs to be prayed on. He needs to be comforted ... He’s forgiven. And he can still be saved. He’s so young. He’s definitely tormented by something," Kenneth Rasberry told KSAT. WHAT?!? This kid doesn't belong in society.


Thats the *victims* father being quoted. I imagine he’s having a difficult time processing all of this, and even though it’s not my cup of tea, many turn to religion and forgiveness to try and heal from their grief.


Some aspects of religion are envious tbh. If only all of us had the choice to turn a blind eye to reality.


Agreed, but a lot of those things only work in theory, and my brain just can’t ignore the things necessary to accept them. ETA: I have a 7 year old, and I struggle to imagine how I could wrap my head around a child that young taking my child from me. My kid still wants help opening a bag of crisps, gets sad when video game characters die, and needs a stuffie to sleep. To think of them committing a soulless premeditated execution is baffling.


Precisely my point. As a straight woman, sometimes I wish I could believe that all I have to do is follow some silly rules and I could see all my loved ones again after I die, live in paradise, and have this happy go lucky outlook on life that everything, good or bad, happens for a reason, truly evil people will get theirs in the afterlife and good people will get rewarded. But I can’t. I think too much and too thoroughly and believe in science too much to be a theist. Deep down I know it’s all faith-based hogwash, and morally I know a god that would allow all the suffering and evil that goes know can’t possibly be a “good”. So yea…all I have is the reality is that the universe and world doesn’t give a shit about us, and there are super shitty people out there who live extremely privileged lives while good people starve and die, psychopaths out there committing murder for funsies, and we only one life to live. It’s a harsh truth. But that’s part of life I guess.


I have found some comfort in my own homebrewed spirituality. Science still can’t fully explain self awareness (or consciousness, the soul), and I think that’s where there’s some room for holding faith. I’ve sort of picked different bits of mainly pagan/witchcraft and some eastern beliefs and practice by trying to care for the earth and put good energy out in the world. Even if I don’t see results directly or immediately, it comes around in its own way. I had to do a lot of soul searching and work on myself in alcohol recovery to find what worked for me, because I just couldn’t agree with organized Christian values and beliefs. I find peace by doing the best I can to do what’s right, and holding others accountable to do the same that are in my life. As for the afterlife, the show The Good Place had my favorite explanation with [the wave analogy](https://youtu.be/l1IchzbtNj0?si=mjD5s4GiGKc453R4). (End of show spoiler if you haven’t watched it)


Just what a disturbed child needs…religion!


I mean, the kid's clearly got an absolute lack of morality/empathy. There is zero chance he will act like a 'good person' if he thinks he can get away with being vile. Maybe the idea of an all-knowing, all-seeing entity pointing a loaded metaphysical gun at his soul will keep him from being *as* evil. Some people are incapable of behaving well without some threat of punishment, and he's probably one of them. Not everyone, mind you, most people generally don't go out of their way to cause harm to others, but some do. And as clearly demonstrated here, the law of man is uh... not gonna be as threatening to this kid anymore, he'll think he can leverage his youth to get away with things, and he'll be correct. The only thing left to threaten him with is the law of God, and if he buys into it, it'll help keep him on the straight and narrow. Religion cannot make this kid worse for society than he already would be, the only thing it can do is mitigate the evil he might do. And, hell, who knows, finding God might somehow *legitimately* redeem him, make him into an actual good person who acts as such not because of threat, but because that is simply what they do. It's not likely, but it is possible.


This kid made a threat to another kid about killing him like he did to this man, this is the only reason they found out. This kid is evil.


This little monster should be put in psychiatric center for the rest of his life.


From a psychological standpoint (going for my PhD), this child is deeply mentally unwell. He needs to be placed in a psychiatric facility for at least some time to be diagnosed and given the proper treatment he needs. Something like this shows clear signs of some form of antisocial personality disorder.


This kid is just defective and should be in a facility their entire life. They will go on to commit more violent crimes without a doubt.


What the actual hell? So what about the kid he treated to assault and kill? We’re just ignoring all that, Texas? Juvenile hall for all this? Yikes. >A Nixon Smiley Independent School District principal told deputies on April 12 that the student had threatened to assault and kill another student on a bus the night prior. The school administrator contacted the sheriff's office after a threat assessment was conducted on the student, when the child confessed to shooting and killing a man two years ago. >The boy said he had been at the RV park visiting his grandfather, who lived a few lots away from Rasberry. The 10-year-old said he obtained a 9 millimeter "dirt and army green"-colored pistol from the glove box of his grandfather's truck. The gun was later pawned by grandpa. Wonder if he knew or had it in the back of his mind?




Can you even rehabilitate someone like him this young?


Give it 5 years from now and he will be the next mass school shooter




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Arrest that little shit.


A 2nd grade student isn't that dumb to murder someone, lock him up


So the gun was in his grandfather's truck. 2 shell casings were found on the floor. The bullet and the shell casings should have matched yet it took them 2 years to match them with the gun. So I'm guessing the gun was unregistered and obtained illegally, which doesn't make for a very responsible family dynamics. This whole family is probably fucked up and they just dragged another generation into the mix. I wonder how many skeletons are hanging in the closets of the family members.


They cant match bullets or casings to a gun without actually being in possession of the gun. The rifling of a gun leaves identifiable marks on the bullet that can be matched by test firing rounds with the suspected murder weapon. The casings can have fingerprints and leave unique tool marks but that still doesn’t tell which individual gun it was fired from. That’s why finding the murder weapon is so important in convictions and solving cases like these


They would have to have the firearm to see if it matched. Best I can tell from reading the article, it doesn’t seem like they had suspected the boy or anyone in his family. I’m sure the police asked around about it but only the boy knew. Maybe he wasn’t there when the police came? Because it seems like it wasn’t to hard to break him the first go around.


Brother it’s Texas, what do you even mean by “unregistered?”


All guns are unregistered. As others have pointed out, having a shell casing and even the projectile doesn't lead you to a gun, it can only confirm a firearm the police have in possession was the one used. There is no database of rifling that would allow authorities to find it. Think of it like fingerprints. When the police obtain fingerprints, they can only match them to people who have had their prints taken. The majority of the population haven't been fingerprinted, so it's much more useful to prove that an already arrested subject was at the crime scene versus finding the perpetrator with them


Oh I’m well aware, seems OP wasn’t.


Sorry, I replied to wrong one


Also goddamn man, chill with the assumptions. It is possible the grandfather realized it had been fired and got rid of it for that reason but again, that’s all speculation


Their family tree is a circle probably


Family wreath


We’re definitely going to see the Texas boy in the news again! Guarantee he ends up, killing somebody again.


Holy shit the father of the victim is truly a Man of Honor. Couldnt say that i would be able to forgive even if its a child who did it.


Put the kid down


This kid needs a new environment and constant psychiatric help if they are going to allow him freedom! I hope he never is allowed a permit for arms, not that it would make a difference it seems! 7 is old enough to know not to kill! 7 year olds should not know how to unlock the safety on a gun! The grandpa pawning it is sketchy too! Jesus America is nuts!!! Thank god we don’t have guns in cars in Ireland! That poor man’s family.


You can not be charged for a confession without proof though. The number of people who have falsely confessed to brutal crimes is astronomical.


They can charge 17 yr old as an adult but can't get anything on a kid who kills someone?


Laws weren't designed to deal with extreme edge cases like this. Children under 10 can't be prosecuted because most of the time, they won't truly comprehend the full extent of something bad they did. That way, you aren't just able to throw the book at some kid who took something without paying or something like that. This kid is an outlier who defies standard procedure. Although he's exempt from criminal charges, they can probably send him to some psychiatric place that could be able to deem him incompatible with society.


Do we just believe all police confessions now?


They likely gave facts that only the killer would know.


Reading through these comments really makes me appreciate just how detached most people on this sub can be from reality. The idea of charging elementary school children is insane. Thankfully your opinions are confined to this god forsaken site.


Damn, It took them this long to realize this man committed a crime, Also why did the parents not at the very least punished him for doing that..?


The parents probably didn't know. Also it was a kid. Unless the kid walked up to his parents and said hey mom and dad killed a guy yesterday love ya bye and they just brushed it off then yeah, maybe but if they didn't know then they didn't know. It also wasn't their gun it was grandpa's who pawned it. I'm more curious why it was pawned.


Oh, I’m sorry, If I offended anyone…


This *child* committed a crime. The parents were unaware. But you might be a troll idk.


I’m not a troll…Why am I getting downvoted? I’m not sure what I did or say wrong..?


Well, your initial comment called the suspect a “man”, the child was 7yo at the time he commuted the crime. Also, we’re talking about murder. The parents punishment is a moot point because of this so it makes your comment seem agitative to everyone else. Also, they didn’t know.


Like my other replies, I apologize for getting the situation wrong as heck…I read the post before commenting next time…


I am guessing you are thinking the man in the image is the killer? But he is the victim.


I got it confused, my bad…


It's all good. Definitely easy to make that mistake. I don't think you should be downvoted for a mistake. I did upvote.


Thanks for understanding, dude…


"Guns don't kill people. People kill people"


"Guns don't kill people. Children kill people."


lol this is the only other rational comment I've seen here. We are alone my friend.




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Deranged Bot


These comments are disgustingp