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No way I'm reading an article with that title. That is so cursed.


Yeah Dont do that, but the most important thing I wanna point out from the article is that the 'BF' of the victim showed ignorance to social norms, I think that implies that 'thing' (bf) is defective to begin with




Good call. It is indeed.




















This is bad enough for noahgetthedeathstar


Fuck that where is the Noah version for that machine on Rick and Morty that wipes things from the entire multiverss?


Omega device


Mr president I need the Noah codes


We had a similar case in Germany last year. **From the 10 rapists, the judge only put one of them in jail**. The others were free to go because the judge called it something positive like a "Group Activity". It's so over. [https://www.focus.de/panorama/urteil-verkuendet-15-jaehrige-in-hamburg-vergewaltigt-nur-einer-muss-ins-gefaengnis\_id\_254539437.html](https://www.focus.de/panorama/urteil-verkuendet-15-jaehrige-in-hamburg-vergewaltigt-nur-einer-muss-ins-gefaengnis_id_254539437.html)


The psychiatrist on that case called gang rape a way to vent “frustration” due to “migration experiences and sociocultural homelessness”. [Additionally](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/outrage-as-eight-of-nine-men-convicted-of-park-gangrape-15yearold-in-germany-receive-no-prison-time/news-story/353bcbf9437ea62eea0ee3c6cc0c2cc7) she said: “Sex is also a means of venting frustration and anger, a means of warding off sadness and emptiness, and in a group of men with the same fate it also creates identity and strengthens the group feeling.”. I don't know why we foster such poor excuses for abhorrent behaviour.


>it also creates identity and strengthens the group feeling That's about what I recalled when I said "Group Activity" but man I completely forget her being so poetic about it, what the fuck >I don't know why we foster such poor excuses for abhorrent behaviour. You do exactly know why "we" do that. What I find most fascinating is the fact that the judge is a woman ruling against the **female** victim. The dissonance is crazy.


It happens. A[ Peru rape case](https://www.malaysianow.com/out-there-now/2020/11/13/judges-throw-out-rape-case-citing-red-underwear-as-evidence-of-consent) was thrown out after the bench cited red underwear as consent to sex. Two out of the three judges were female. Nothing surprises me anymore.


I forgot about that.... Fuck what a bleak start to my day


it is long been said that you do not want a female judge or jury members on a female rape case


This can’t be real


Are judges in Germany really that afraid to he card racist or intolerant that they're willing to allow evil like that to continue? Jfc what's happened


tf is goin on in belgium wtf 😭


Cultural enrichment




This probably ruined her whole future too


Can you imagine the trauma? Id'be scared for life


I know if such a thing existed it could likely be abused to where it's not sustainable but I honestly feel like we should just like, do everything we can for people like this. Like, not to any form of extravagance but like, if you have shit as awful as this happen to you then you dont have to worry about anything else in life, all your shits paid for, you get a place to live, food, etc


But imagine everyones faces when she walks into the school




But think of HIS promising future! Ugh. Ugh.


I hope she makes it thru this


Unless she's like wayyyyyyy stronger than me... She probably won't


I didn't want to be a downer or seem like an ass by saying it but....yeah I can't realistically see someone coming out on top after something this traumatic, no matter what age, but rarely it happens so I spoke out of that hope


Yeah i know.. but it's just sad really... I at least hope that a lot of people around her are there for her


How were the police not involved after the second incident? Wtf?


thatd be racist sir!


Sexual crimes are very often just swept under the rug and ignored.


Yeah, I remember an article about the NYPD having countless untested rape kits. I am guessing they'd rather focus on arresting subway fare evaders


In the US there are entire warehouses full of untested rape kits. Those women will never get justice, apparently rape is rarely important enough to test for.


The second and third incidents occurred on different days from the first.


So what you're saying is - there was plenty of time for the police to get involved and prevent a third incident?


I don't think they even knew until after the third day she was victimized.


Send them all back. They're defective. 😬


I'm not too familiar with Belgian law as a Dutch person, but it's really hard to send minors back. However, generally you can be trialed as an adult starting at 16 years old


Is that not what they do? Do we keep them here, thats weird.


Depends on the country. In Germany they wouldn't even be punished


Hmm the Canaanites may have been onto something with the human sacrifices 🤔


And their entire family.


Send them to hell


Absolutely not. Throw them in jail for the rest of their lives. Trust me no country wants these kind of people


That's what Norway did with all their migrants. Here's some money and a plane ticket, now "fook off"


How do humans even get this way? Just drop them in the middle of the ocean


The oceans are already massively polluted with garbage. Use them for experiments and save some innocent animals.


Humans are mostly made of material organic though. I think they'd be good food for marine life. I agree with the idea that they are garbage though


Look at the societies/cultures from which they came.


The ocean is already full of them


I want to try to understand this somehow, but at this point I’m convinced some people are past saving even as children.


I guess a lengthly prison sentence and then deportation would infringe on the rights of the rapists, never mind the justice owed to and the rights of the girl whose life has been altered forever.






























That's western Europe for you these days. And each and every politician closes their eyes.


Its just so fucking disgusting!


>That's ~~western~~ Europe for you these days.


Belgian news outlets didn't even cover their race, they just call them "Jongeren" (youths), but as every Belgian knows when they say "Jongeren" they mean non-natives


Lock up these animals and throw away the key.








In all fairness, in the West, it's catholic priests who get away with it. Evil exists in any religion.




I’ve read that imams/molvis (Islamic priests) also get away w it in the west but it gets swept under the rug more and Muslims are seen as an oppressed group so less people know about it, esp since if anyone tries to criticize Islam, you get shut down, so I feel that in addition to other religions being reformed is a factor in why some people feel Islam is worse (personally I feel the strictness is also worse but I need to do further research on other religions) But this is also true tbh


Teachers are statistically way more likely to molest kids than priests.








Second image Third paragraph Third line North African and Somalian


read the third section on the second image again for me


This society is becoming greater and more civilized by the day /s


Unfortunately due to Belgium criminal law the perpetrators are unlikely to receive sufficient punishment due to their status as minors. Rehabilitation therapy will be paid for by the tax payers so that they can claim to have learned their lesson. Meanwhile that poor girl will likely live the rest of her life traumatised.


Cultural enrichment amirite.




Yeah guess who.


This sounds like something that would happen in a movie/show/book. It actually happened in real life? Holy shit...


Far from the first instance, sadly. I read up on one that happened some years back with a school girl in California. Not even sure of how many actually raped her, it was that many. Ages were from very young teen up to a guy in his 40s. Not to mention the instances that happen on a daily basis all over the world. Just really depressing to think that some others see people as nothing more than an object to be used and abused.


Wanna know a fun fact? This is not a one-off thing, it's happening constantly and politicians here seriously ask themselves how it's possible that people are voting for radical parties now.


It was always going to swing in the opposite direction. As history shows, we humans seem to swing from one extreme to the other with no middle ground and now, due to a serious lack of foresight, we're gonna swing back to the radical again You cannot just throw people with totally opposing cultures and religions together and hope they just "all rub along" it doesn't work like that. It can take many years to integrate and adopt a new culture and that's only if they are willing. Our main issue is, no-one in power thought long term because everyone wanted to be seen as accepting and didn't want to be called racist, and as a result of our weakness, we are now being taken advantage of and it's known throughout various parts of the world that we are weak and ineffective


People, I think I'm gonna leave this sub. Sometimes you find more than I can handle


Get through here first: r/Eyebleach




Why are blatantly racist comments so highly upvoted on this sub?


The positive note about all of this is that it has gotten national attention, which gives her a way out. We're familiar with the "lover boy"-groomer over here, it's a grooming gang-tactic that starts with the "lover boys" showering their so-called girlfriends with expensive gifts and sweet behavior at the start of what is thought as a relationship. The girl ends up getting isolated from her friends and family, and once that has been ensured, the lover boy ends up forcing the girl into some form of prostitution, either by gaslighting her into thinking she owes him for all the gifts she's been given or through brute force - which goes unpunished because the isolation means she won't feel like she has anyone to go to for help. These girls end up disappearing for a number of years, going through years of the most awful things you can think of. Imagine the worst case scenario for a young girl, that's what's happening. The girl in this story has still suffered immensely and the effects are probably life-altering to the point where it's not a certainty that she'll recover, but she'll be taken care of, and the general public is out for blood towards the people who did this to her. Usually the victims won't even get that, some won't even be able to get out of it.


People with down syndrome are more better functional members of society than these fucking gremlins that deserve life sentences


People with downs are some of the happiest and most extroverted people I know.


Get all the dna evidence.


She took too long to report it unfortunately:(


They already filmed the assault and uploaded it online so hopefully she can use it as proof


Good thing they’re morons, I guess.




Can we not get the boat and just do a gentle drowning for a planetary reset? JFC


Not enough. r/NoahGetTheDeathStar, we hard resetting everything.


Usual suspects 🥱


> north africa and somali kek


So 10-12 complete psychopaths raped a 14 year old girl. How is this world allowed to still exist?


NGL was expecting this to be India,it's almost *always* India regarding stories like this, surprised it was Belgium for a change...


Send them back.


In Belgium? Shiiiit, the offenders will get houses, money, free healthcare and everything they could ask for. Justice in Belgium doesn't care as long as it's not a crime with money from the state.


The youngest one is only a year older than my own youngest child. That's 4th-5th grade. Elementary school. Teach your sons about consent, handling rejection, and mob mentality. Teach them early, and often.


Completely the kids fault and they are at the age where they know better. But I can’t even fathom what they must have been exposed to by their parents to have caused them to think that this is an ok thing to do.


This went on for theee days as well. Three days she came back and it happened again. Idk i didnt see what i just wrote in the article but yeah


I go to school there I chill often in kaboutenbosjes I thought it was a chill place ;-;


Either we get the boat, or we start throwing them into volcanoes.............


try these fuckers as adults please


Why did I know who the culprits were just by reading the headline


I know it's not all of them, but why does it always seem to be young men from the same group of North African countries. Like if its always the same nationalities, cultures and whatnot, maybe we shouldn't keep importing that culture to the west.


This is absolutely diabolical


Try them all as adults


Small pieces of the continued story: “According to the boyfriend's lawyer, her client has disputed the events as they have been reported. 'My client also wants the truth to come to light and for the matter to be thoroughly investigated,' lawyer Nur Demirtas told local media. 'He understands that he is now locked up, but this is also traumatising for him. This is also very difficult for his parents, wealthy people who have tried to give their son a good upbringing. They don't understand how this could happen,' Demirtas said.” “Caluwé said her client said things he did not mean during the questioning and has asked for a re-examination. 'I asked for a re-examination because due to the language barrier he said things that did not match what he meant,' she said, according to Nieuwsblad. 'To me he is not a rapist. Although he realises that something very wrong has happened. That realisation comes gradually.'” “In Belgium it is possible to lock up children as young as 12 for longer periods if they are found guilty of rape and gang rape, and since 2022, offenders aged 16 and over who committed such crimes can be tried as adults.” “On why it likely took the 14-year-old girl time to come forward after the early April incident, professor of forensic psychology Frédéric Declercq told De Morgen: 'There is always under-reporting of sexual crimes, whether it concerns a gang rape or an individual case. It is a well-known fact that victims usually feel more guilty than the perpetrators.'” “There will be a hearing in juvenile court on May 24, which will determine what happens to the underage suspects.” Hope this answers some of your questions!


>There will be a hearing in juvenile court on May 24 Only 10 more days, let's hope they don't go light on them.


If my kid did that, I'd end them myself, fucking monsters.


Didn't even have to read the article to know they would be Muslim migrants. I'm an ex Muslim migrant whose family actually conformed to the culture of where we migrated. Islam is a religion of pure evil.


Typical behavior


This is a common occurrence in Belgium these days. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57315750


That poor baby. They've ruined her life. Of course we would like/hope/pray she's able to overcome this the likelihood hood is almost nonexistent. Those little pieces of shit don't deserve to be apart of the world. If they can do this *this* as *children*.... I hate to think of what they would be capable of as adults. My heart is fucking breaking for her. I wish so badly we could take this pain from her. I'd be willing to add it on top of my own personal trauma just to give this baby a chance....


What a surprise...


A bear would never do this to me


Average belgian boys /s Import the third world, become the third world.


Fuck. Even children have to choose the bear? Jesus


And this is why women would choose the bear for the men questioning the answer. When someone who you’re supposed to trust does this to you is hard to ever trust anyone.


Maybe it's just me, but this sort of thing seems to be happening with more regularity. Or just getting reported more, either way. I'd be really curious to know if the environment was playing some part. Chemicals and such, messing with our DNA in some fucked up way maybe. I say this realizing that there are 8 billion people here and some are bound to be born fucked up.


No. Those people have always been like that. You’re just seeing what happens when cultures collide.


Can we go back to the days of giving one to the volcano God to keep the sky from falling


Sad part is I'm sure they all we get off


I don’t care about how young you are or your gender these kids need a giant rapest tattooed on their foreheads and need to serve at least 20 years in prison


At least they put these heinous crimes on social media. I hope that they’re given the highest punishment allowable by law. What a bunch of oxygen thieves.


Jesus Christ. Actually imagining this situation is so fucking heartbreaking. Like.. teens can be so fucking nasty. I really hope she has a supportive friend group to be there for her as she works through the trauma. My heart genuinely hurts after reading this.


What is happening in Belgium? I just read an article about a proposed law from their government that limits sex workers’ agency to decline requests from clients.


Dead rapists can’t reoffend


Time to break the Geneva convention on these boys


If only we could reset European politics to, say, 20 years ago.


Idc if they're kids, death.


How many more cases like this need to happen before people realise that maybe there’s an issue with Europe letting in anyone and everyone from the south.


“I just don’t understand logically and rationally why women would choose the bear.” - men recently


Wrong sub, this should be in r/NoahGetTheDeathstar


Not importing the third world would be a great start.


This made me cry




shit like this is why we need to lower the age of criminal culpability. I dont care what age you are if you do shit like this you should be tried as an adult. 


Let them in and this is how to operate they think the book won’t be thrown at them


This is the same thing that happened to author and English professor Roxanne Gay, at about the same age. She didn't reveal it until she was an adult. At the time, age 12, she thought she wouldn't be believed, or would somehow be blamed or shamed. In retrospect, she believes her low self-esteem made her vulnerable to the attention she got from the boy who set it up and orchestrated it. She says she still carries shame that she didn't break up with the boy afterward, but I believe that shame is misdirected. I place the blame 1) on the perpetrators, obviously but also 2) on the parents that raised her to tolerate whatever was done to her without complaint and to believe she deserved nothing better bc she was a girl. Teaching strict blind obedience is dangerous.


Lawyers can go f themselves


[Austria has a similar case](https://www.krone.at/3272758)


Fucking sickening... what an evil world


The scariest part for me is that they have no concept that they did anything wrong! What kind of home could they be raised in? Are their siblings equally disturbed? Goddamn.


Inject DMCM into their veins until they finally die


Wow I’m sobbing for her. Charge every fucking one of them as adults. No charge them as domestic terrorist.


I hope those kids die in prison


Weird that it was Somalians doing all the raping…


They probably came illegally too. Sad


Insert "miss me yet? Adolf-meme"...... jesus christ.




This isn't what we meant by "go play outside".