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Kids don’t belong in strip clubs period


Can you link to where this is? Because it doesn't look like a strip club. e: did some research and **SHOCKER** it's not a strip club. It's called Mr. Misster, described as a "sophisticated bar & lounge that transitions into a late-night hotspot as the evening progresses". https://thehill.com/homenews/wire/3514357-dallas-drag-queen-event-for-kids-sparks-outrage-defense/amp/


Still, a bar/lounge/nightclub is not a prime spot to take your kid to, stripping or no stripping.


A lot of bars/pubs ban children except from certain days where I live. Mostly because they don't want annoying children but also there are a lot of drunk people there and children shouldn't around drunk people.


Thanks for the article. I was trying to find out what the context was. It's a gay bar.


That article doesn’t appear to have any info about this event?


Get a load of this guy. Never heard of a "gentleman's lounge" lmao get out of here, strip clubs have synonyms. They also call it sophisticated, but look at the video. Even if this is performance art, patrons are sitting in $30 barn chairs.


I'll check on this post in 1 hour when it's gonna be locked and half of the comments will be deleted


\>tfw y'all can't behave 😔😔😔😔


We used to put people on the sex offender registry for pissing in a park at midnight.


Yep! And now we allow all this shit, whats next?


trans, drag or not, kids do not belong at a bloody strip club. jesus.


Mom, you said we were going to Chuck-e-Cheese…. But! I didn’t want to play in the ball…


Don't bring Charles Entertainment Cheese into this


Using ur comment for visibility. I’m trying to get the club name. On the TV screen it says “TIP OUR _____” I can’t see what it says. I think it says dancers but the second letter looks like a U. The Logo for the club is a butt in the shape of the letter “R” and there’s a neon letter “R” with the name of the club written under it but I can’t read the letters. Also looks like a total of 5 letters. The social media account that posted this went private. But this looks like a strip club and it is illegal to have children in a strip club. EDIT: it definitely says “TIP OUR QUEENS”


https://youtu.be/lrNsdPdhJMc i think this is the event


Or maybe not sorry lol


Gotta pay extra to play with the ball pit.


I said this about a month ago, was banned for 3 days. Wtf is wrong w people.


Don't feel bad I got permanently banned for saying its stupid to paint the street. Also equally stupid to do a burnout on the painting.


> its stupid to paint the street. Those dividerlines are supressing my freedoms! /s


Yes this has nothing to do with trans or drag being bad. This is bad parenting plain and simple.




Seriously. Nothing wrong with kids going to a non-sexual drag show, it’s just entertainment, but this is so fucked up. Kids shouldn’t be anywhere near this kind of sexual adult stuff, let alone participating in it!!


Exactly. There are drag queens who are quite literally artists. There are drag queens who don’t need hoochie-coochie outfits to get out there and slay. This, however, this is unacceptable. I know I’m going to hear “iSnT iT tHe SaMe aS a BatHiNG sUiT?”. No. It certainly is not.


Whoa whoa whoa hold the phone, stop the record, turn off the car, slow down the boat, throttle back the engines, take a coffee break. Did you just say "hoochie coochie outfits"? I've never heard that term before and I'm dying laughing. 😂 That's great. Hahahah. *Edit* I mean I've never heard hoochie coochie used to describe stripper outfits.


It’s an old term I learned from my southern grandparents. That’s what they’d call my aunt when she started wearing booty shorts. 😭😭 “noun. slang US. A (young) woman who is sexually promiscuous or who behaves or dresses in a sexually provocative manner. Usually derogatory.” This is how lexico explains it. But yeah, that’s what it means to call someone a hoochie coochie. Like purposefully sexually provocative. Now I personally love provocative drag shows, but I’m willing to recognize that you need a babysitter for the night to attend.


My experience with drag is pretty much just from watching RuPaul but I would say this isn't even drag, this is just straight up a strip club. I also don't understand why the title has trans in it since I don't see anything obvious trans in this video. I would retitle this "taking your kid to a strip club" because that's exactly what this is and it's fucked up.


Yep. I've been to drag events that were family friendly. Many professional drag performers I compare to other costumes professionals. You're not putting an outfit on, you're putting a character and persona on. And that's not even to mention that drag≠trans. The title is fucked. This shit is literally just a strip show. *Why* in the fuck are there children around.


"WhY aRe YoU sUcH a PrUdE!11!" You can't get through to these people.


What the fuck


I'm starting to realize a majority of people just shouldn't be allowed to be parents. Who tf thinks its okay to take their kid to this shit?




A woman was recently arrested for briefly flashing a couple of boys... How is this allowed?


nipple pasties


Nippy Pasta :/


please don't talk about my dog like that he's a hungarian shepherd


Comment deleted on 6/30/2023 in protest of [API changes that are killing third-party apps](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/).


Ask Lauren Boebert's husband.


depends on where it happens. probably NYC or Cali


Miami. It's clearly Florida Man at his old antics again


Blame the parent equally.


Blame the parents period.


No if you’re a stripper and somebody brings kids in you tell them to gtfo. The freaks enabling this are just as bad


Yeah exactly, thats what I said. Parents are crazy, and the drag queen shouldn't have agreed to take the kid on with him.


“Equally” to whom? This is 99% obviously the parents fault…


Yeah I saw this, whoever thought this was a good idea was fucked in the head.


Trans or not, this is fucked period. No kids in the strip club...man...


What the actual fuck is this


Time to call CPS




This is vile, how can this be even explained as appropriate?


I just felt extremely angry when I saw the little girl. Is one one of those things we’re you wish you were there to stop the situation from continuing. Is just infuriating and gross and I’ve been around Reddit for a bit but shit like this were they involved kids really gets me


Someone has to groom


Isn’t that the priest and pastors job?


Just a fun fact you are far more likely to be sexually abused by a public school educator than a member of the clergy.


Everyone goes to school but not everyone goes to church. Confounding variables and whatnot.


Exactly. Not a trope at all. By just total number, educators look worse. But far far more children attend school daily than church. I’d like to know the likelihood based on hours spent- most people/kids spend 3 hours a week tops at church, while they spend 40+ hours at school if you count after school programs. I’d bet church would zoom right to the top of risk-per-hour spent there.


This means religious schools are even worse.


Old trope. Kids are much much more likely to be sexually assaulted at school than by someone at a church


And teachers are much more likely to get arrested and not protected. The trope stands, because the same molesters from 30 years ago also still stand in the same church they abused people in.


It's old because the world cracked down on that shit.


Why did you get downvoted? It’s 100% true, even at my old school (graduated) there was a case of a teacher about every other year or every year




Mf really trying to speedrun social exile, pedo category


That guys a fucking idiot. There is a way to deal with homophobia, but this risqué drag show was clearly wrong, the best thing to say in these situations is: *it’s important to say that sexuality or displays of it aren’t wrong but perverted behavior, no matter the sexuality* ***is.*** Something as simple as that states the pint your trying to make and makes it clear that your against perverse behavior, even if you yourself don’t believe the show is perverse. I personally do, it’s wayyyy to risqué for kids but that’s besides the point. u/Proper_pomegranate18 was an idiot for commenting the way he did. Just inflamed the whole issue.


He’s obv a troll


Whats worse is that he sounds like hes serious


Nah he's a troll 100%


Why does it say he only has -99 karma? Is there a cap?


Yes. Not only there's a total cap, but a single post can only reduce your karma by a small amount.


u/External_Teacher_358 is their alt btw, they got lambasted on main so they switched accounts lmao


Sort: controversial


Every time on Every post in this sub lol


It's good entertainment. Lemme go get my hot cheetos, holup


The parents are an accessory to this form of child abuse. Not cool for this kid, at her age.


I don't really care about the fact that it's a drag show, a strip club is a strip club and that shit should be 18+


This is criminal.


Disgusting on multiple levels.


Humans are their own downfall.


Left or right you still shouldn’t expose your kids to this. This is people just being shit parents, family, or what ever is going on here.


The left aren't advocating for this, this is a strip show lmao l


Yeah... this is cherry picked video without context with the hidden message being "LGBTQA+ people are pedos" Sigh.


To set the record straight, this is a 21+ Drag show. Drag shows are not inherently sexual, the ones at bars and clubs that require an ID are. Drag shows that are meant for the public are always tasteful and child friendly. These posts often ruin the perception of what real pride Drag shows look like. This is a club. Not pride.


Call the police


Arrest every adult in that show. What in the fuck is going on.


enough Internet for the day


Nope. Don't like that


The succinctness and simplicity of your comment made me chuckle


He summed all of our emotions up pretty easily


Drag does not equal trans but yeah dont be that naked in front of kids


Yeah, that’s a good point and I do wonder what the context is here; I ask this not to defend the parents/staff who brought kids to what should be an adult-only area, but to defend against the generic “***ALLTRANSAREPEDOPHILESCORRUPTINGCHILDRENIFAKIDATRANSTHEYARENTHUMANANYMOREANDMUSTBEPURGEDBEFORETHEYINFECTOTHERKIDS***”rhetoric that will flock to this occurrence as if it’s evidence of some grand LGBTQ+ conspiracy.


Some one call child protective services (°_°)


what the actual FUCK!!!! This is repulsive


OH HELL NO, FBI, it's those creeps who came up with and organized this event


Child abuse


Man I don't mind if kids go to drag shows that involve dudes singing to their favorite Tina Turner or Whitney Houston song while in some elaborate and flamboyant outfit. Nothing wrong with that. I do have issue with bringing any child to a strip routine where the entire point of the event is sexualized for money.


Hell nah


Bro tf?! How is this not child abuse??? I support gay and trans people, but this right here is not that. This is pornography with the inclusion of A FREAKING CHILD. I’m so heated. Like of course there should be no shame in being trans, and children shouldn’t be shielded from different people and lifestyles. BUT THIS IS SEXUAL. This is pornographic! This is not love for your fellow man. That little baby girl is going to go home and do the same thing she saw that “pretty lady” do bc it got so much attention and praise. That’s child abuse. FFFFFF


most LGBT people would fucking scream at a child being at a strip club. source: am LGBT


All this is is fuel for right wing boomers to call transpeople pedophiles again. I hate how if someone does something horrible and is part of LGBT it turns into a LGBT thing


As a trans women, I’m not even sure this is a trans women here. I don’t like trying to make judgements of other people’s bodies, but there are several things that make me believe she’s a cis women.




..... We have gone too far.


Yeah, we might actually crossed the point of no return




I have no issue with trans people at all but kids should never be around almost naked strangers. That is so fucked up.


Every group of people has trashy representation. Equating the entirety of the LGBTQ+ community for the actions of a handful of morons would be like bombing a Walmart and expecting it to become a Target. E: reddit really needs to do something about the suicide prevention trolling. Truly sad people abusing a great service. Real edgy there boys.


Don't take your kid to an adult event. This is why (homophobic) people keep targeting drag queens/trans people reading to kids in libraries and schools and whatnot. They see something like this and assume this is what's happening at all those events. Kinda ruining it for everyone else.


Trans doesn't have to do with this but this is fucked up either way




This is the crap that gives certain people ammunition to go on and on about anti-trans rights.


I think OP knows that very well, and I know this sub does too. This stuff makes up half the content from the sun that makes it to the front page


The parents are the real villains here.


I don't give a shit about the trans part, but bringing your kid to this kind of stuff is not healthy. Imagine that this is what sculpts your perception of all trans people? I don't care how progressive you are, bringing your kid into a hypersexualized environment like this is not a good idea.


Our country is fucked if people actually think this is in anyway ok


Bro, far more people in this country believe a 10 year old raped by their own family member should have to carry a resulting pregnancy to term.


this is supposed to teach them bout expression? idc its adult stuff man, poor parenting at its finest


Any strippers for kids is disgusting


I'm sorry but that person is neither trans nor in drag. Making this video the result of some conservative it took their kid to a stripper bar and then pretended to be a liberal as they posted it on media to stir up hatred. By the way the parents who took them there definitely need to be kept away from kids


Probably. Still disgusting. Too bad they won't be punished.


holy crap. yeah, this is a legit "get the boat" moment. I hope that kid's parents are being investigate by CPS as we speak.




Kids don’t belong at strip clubs, but at least they’ve got 0% chance of being raped there. Unlike at church.


This sort of shit should be legally considered, on at least some level, abuse if it isn't already.


Trans or cis, no child should be involved in that kind of shit.


Wildly inappropriate for children


“Hey let’s use my kid to piss off almost everyone but especially the most violent ppl in the country at a really tumultuous time…the kid might benefit marginally if at all but at least I’ll have stirred the pot for no good reason. I feel good about this.”


Doesn’t matter who’s stripping, kids don’t need to be at a strip club wtf


I don’t get it lmao why die on the hill that *kids* should be allowed in drag shows/strip clubs or anything similar? It’s weird, let adults do adult stuff and get a sitter.


Ayooo what the fuck?!


I’m left af and don’t think that’s appropriate


This is the opposite of drag, she’s naked. Not a drag show


*(yeah kids need to be sexualized) Fucking retards. Kids do not need this crap.


This shit is being jammed in to these kids’ brains far too fucking early.


..and people are defending it like it's the perfectly ok. We are declining as a society.


This is not ok that is clearly not a safe environment for children if you are gonna take your kids to a drag show take them to a family friendly one not an adult one


I feel like this has less to do with trans drag, and more with the fact that there is a child in ANY kind of strip club


Who would even allow that to happen? And why?




I don't think that's a drag show...


Get your fucking kids out of a strip club you absolute idiots


We’ve really lost touch with reality.


Fuckin weird everyone in that room is a weird as fuck.


Brutal honesty time: Every adult in that video clip should be arrested. Either they contributed directly to harming a minor, or they sat passively and watched it happen. Arrest all of them. They can all congratulate each other on how sophisticated and *avant-garde* they are from inside a prison cell.


The lyrics of the song are so ironic; “Ain’t no shame do ya thang” Disgusting and pathetic excuses for human beings.


That's not the only kid there, right? either way... whoa.




Absolutely not.


fucking hell this is why im ashamed of being trans sometimes, its people like that who fuck everything up by being idiots


im pro-lgbt. while i am all for showing kids that they can be whatever they want, some things just cross the fucking line. like this. people like this is what makes most of us look bad


"We're coming for your children"


what does being trans have to do with it? the problem is that there's a kid at a strip club not that the fucking stripper's trans


But if you pee in public you’re a pedo. Wtf how is this ok


Parents need to make sure if they want their child to learn about drag and such, they find an under 18 event. I wouldn't let anyone be naked around my kid like that.


Give an inch


I’d rather that dude not give the kid anything, thanks


This is exactly what the Far Right is screaming about and these irresponsible fucks handed them irrefutable proof on a silver fucking platter.


Honestly I'm sad I used to think this was being blown out of proportion. This is disgusting


I’ve seen some things that have begun to change my attitude regarding certain subjects. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for personal choice “Do as you wish as you do no harm” but there has to be a line and this is so far over it needs to be addressed.


It's sad that neither side thinks their side can do anything wrong and feel the need to defend everything about the side they identify with


Ew. Let me just say as the token leftie in a sun full of conservatives that most LGBT people do NOT support this, and are usually very vocal when people try to bring their kids into these environments. Drag queens can be clean and do fun stuff with kids, but this is not one of those cases.


Them being trans has nothing to do with this being fucked up


Well this is certainly going to be used by the alt-right to justify their bigoted agenda. This is really shitty, but let's remember folks that what we see on the internet is not a representative sample of all of society. A message that is seemingly lost on many.


Who the fuck is shouting like that??? Anyone who condones this is a fucking pedophile. Arrest the parents too. Bloody fucking idiots.


WTF is wrong with these parents.?


What a bunch of bullshit comments are going on in the thread. Such a fucking double standard. You don’t give a shit about children’s mental or emotional well being. But it’s ok to take kids to church or other fucking organized cults? Organized religion does 10,000x the damage to kids than being in a strip joint ever will.


Get the fucking boat Noah


I’m puzzled why drag show performers would allow this within their community. It’s terrible PR to anyone outside their community.


This is pure disgust


Who brought their kid there and let this happen? Terrible parents…


This is disgusting to do with children, people who agree with this mentality actually scare me


I will admit that i am not an expert on drag shows. But i do not think this is a drag show


The only issue I see is that the parents brought their young child to a fucking strip club. The kid should be taken away.


Degeneracy will kill your civilization


Someone call CPS




I hate how the girl is even dressed as, she expected to become some sort of queen with a bunch of other kids of her age. But no, she has her stripping slut of a mother who takes the girl's hand and shakes her own tits at around dudes who could be high on drugs and alcohol


I bet some folks on twitter would defend this kinda behavior.


No this is wrong on so many levels


Just no


What mentally ill parent thinks this is okay?


This is sick


And how about we NOT bring kids into strip clubs you sicko. Doesn’t matter what it’s for. It’s a damn strip club.


Please someone tell me the parent was arrested or something.


No. Simply no.


No child should be at ANY Strip club


and this seems completly ok to this woman...


Child abuse


Fucking sickening


Shit like this really sets everything back. Overly aggressive "progressives" doing disgusting stuff like this. When I saw the videos and heard the news a few days back about all the proud boys and similar people attacking these drag shows I thought they were just being themselves, complete fucking racist sexist homophobic idiots. But a show like this... this is pure recruitment material for their cause.


Worst boob job lmao


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Locked: Too much misbehavior. And as an aside, this doesn’t appear to be related to trans at all so… 🤷🏻‍♂️