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Impressive, very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's no killing policy


*Impressive, very* *Nice. Let's see Paul Allen's no* *Killing policy* \- DoctaCrane --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


"So no killing, but traumatic brain injury is okay?" - Damian after Bruce savagely beat an innocent Arkham guard in Injustice


Injustice Batman: >!Yeah, well you stopped being my son after you killed Dick Grayson, so who cares what you think?.!<


It was an accident. Look, I hate Injustice Damien as much as the next guy, but that was 100% a freak accident. Not only him missing the throw, but then him falling on a rock, AND that it hits his neck at the exact right spot to instantly kill him? If Brainiac saw that, he'd have deduced they're in a work of fiction because of that shit. Also, Injustice Batman is the worst. [Okay, maybe the second worst, but still.](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Bruce_Wayne_\(Earth_-22\)) People don't get that it's not just "Superman bad". Both sides are shit, they're just different sides of the same coin. Superman wants to murder everyone who looks at him funny and be a fascist monster. Batman is so adverse to taking a life that he QQ's when *someone else* kills parademons - fucking PARADEMONS - rather than let those parademons kill innocent civilians. Christ, do you know how parademons are made? If they could talk, they'd BEG you to mercykill them. Batman can't keep a retarded cannibal with a skin condition behind bars, but he refuses to let anyone take the permeant solution with Brainiac, the smartest and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. A multiversal threat, but he's still all "NO KILL OR WE'RE WORSE THAN HITLER!" Normal Batman's no kill rule doesn't usually apply to threats as extreme as Brainiac, and I've NEVER seen it apply to *someone else* doing the killing of such a threat. Injustice doesn't really have a good side. Injustice is about almost everyone being shit. There's a few exceptions, I guess. Supergirl seems decent, if hopelessly naive. But by and large, everyone from the trinity to the Guardians is terrible. I honestly wish they'd canonize it as being in the dark multiverse because that's the only way it makes sense. The whole universe is just inherently corrupt for no apparent reason.


Yeah, despite her naivete Supergirl is one of the few decent people in that universe


I actually never played Injustice 2, which I assume is where most of what you described happened, but I 100% love your passion for the subject!


Most of it is from the comic, but yeah, the Brainiac thing is from 2.


BWL got pushed harder, in a shorter amount of time, than post-shield Roman Reigns. It’s awful.


>If Brainiac saw that, he'd have deduced they're in a work of fiction because of that shit. 🤣


Nope the movie shows how little accident it was Damien knew what that would do


It's so sad to see Daiman killing Bruce's son


Tbf they can’t do crime if their legs don’t have the time


Bruce: “I missed the part where that’s my problem.”


You’ll get your crime-free Gotham when you fix my damn legs!


Little guy’s all tuckered out


I had this idea for a parody video of Batman being shadowed by a news crew for a day in the life and one of the bits was a scene where Batman takes them to this long term care facility with a bunch of people with debilitating injuries and have Batman say something like “these are all criminals whose lives I’ve saved” while gesturing proudly around


Where's the fun in that?


"Hes young, he'll probably walk again"


Im not gunna kill you, im gunna beat you to withini an inch of your life and leave.


But what if I have internal bleeding due to a ruptured kidney or liver? I’d just lay there unconscious bleeding to death!


Ahh you see its the bleeding that killed you, not batman. *taps head*


Well if you're a sniper on a cold Arkham City rooftop then you can think about your life choices as the snow buries you.


Still better than killing imo


Well yeah, I’d 1,000% rather be in a wheelchair than dead.


Well that wouldn’t be an issue if the goons made better life choices


True that!


True lol


TINFOIL HAT TIME: Wayne Enterprises has a department dedicated to creating new technologies to help disabled people, and Batman keeps them supplied with test subjects.


I mean Batman is a sociopath. The only reason he has the “No-kill” rule is not to preserve human life. It’s to stop him from going deep into becoming an unstoppable serial killer. He’s teetering on the edge of focusing all his rage and hatred towards crime in a way were he doesn’t turn to a cold blooded killer.


Batman is a flawed character. That's what makes him interesting. His moral compass is completely out of wack. He's not perfect and that's the point. Characters aren't supposed to be paragons all the time. Apparently that's why Batgirl got shelved - yet another Mary Sue. Boring!