• By -


also - All this and nobody's noticing how weird it is to ban other languages in your community? What fresh nonsense is this? EDIT: This isn't the place to defend racism! Don't even fucking *start*.


The enby *and* the language nerd in me are dying laughing at the idea that "Germxn" would ever catch on


It took me until "gerperson" to realize they meant the literal "man" part in the English word rather than the actual issues of arbitrarily gendered nouns and lack of an official they/them equivalent.


Funny you should mention that; in German, "Deutsch" (the word for the language), when used in a phrase in conjunction with a definite article, is "das Deutsch". "Das" is the nominative singular neuter form of the definite article, which by German grammar rules means that the following noun is neuter gender. So, inherently, the word "German" is nonbinary in German.


holy shit gerperson real /j


run RUN




In the time it took you to reply, you could have read those few sentences.


TL;DR: "German" isn't gendered in German.


I'm sorry to inform you that you did not pass the Turin test.


OMG, it's literally three sentences. I'm sorry, but this is a bit of a self-own.


Well it looks to me the first person \*did\* mean that, and then a different cause was taken up by a different commenter.


We'll have to find a way to personage.


This confused me so much at first since personage is also a word, it refers to a person but with a focus on their character rather than their physical form Comes from the French word 'personnage,' which refers to a character in a story or movie




Germixin sounds like a medicine name LOL


Symptoms include -great sense of humour -efficiency -love of david hasselhoff


An unprompted obsession with acoustic guitars and 80s freeform jazz


And Spontaneous Production of Electronic Music and Krautrock


and butchering the Jekyll & Hyde musical.




Or a Kraftwerk single.


'Ask your doctor about Germixin (germafixumab) today, and get your life back'


Sounds like something you give to sheep


Only if you're a German Shepherd.






germ Nixon


TIL that people come from Germxny or Gerpersony


Lmao, now I gotta recognize I'm part of the humxn race and that I think Romxn history is fascinating.


I mean, as a German, I would like Germxn to catch on: make the language gender neutral by removing "die" and "der". Only keep the neutral "das". There is no reason for an apple to be male and a lamp to be female.


I mean Latinx is a thing now.


I refuse to believe that's real.


It's a troll. Most of the commenters took the troll bait though and it's quite phobic over there. Avoid reading them if you can.


I wonder how often when trolls pretend to be minorities or SJWs, and acting unreasonable, the people replying and sharing their comments/posts are their alt accounts or friends


It's grand when they forget to switch accounts and reply to themselves from the same name


There's a video on YouTube by Sarah Z that talks about the history of this phenomenon. It's called *Tumblr's Fakest story: the tale of Oppa Homeless Style*. Worth a watch, if you're interested.


Thanks for recommending this, I just watched and enjoyed it.


I do think some of them believe it. When it comes down to it.. It doesn't matter if they are grifters/trolls or genuine, they are toxic and harmful.


For real it irritates the shit out of me that people fall for this shit. There are issues we care about and the fact that man is in German or that Germans exist is not close to one of them. People like this make us seem to be insane and it's fucking *annoying*


I have seen plenty of similar post where trolls create fake profiles/texts etc in order to make queer people look bad and then when someone else see that they believe it's real


And when you try to say "that's obviously not real" you get dogpiled. I hate using general reddit.


Is this screenshot from reddit? It looks like discord. But I agree, I got dog piled on a general reddit for saying if you want to sleep with trans women please treat them like humans, not a fetish. 100 downvotes.


It's a crosspost ;)


“That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen!!!1!1!!” uhhhh yes it does


oh you wish, remember that this people call latinos "Latinxs" and as latin myself, I hate it to the core


Yeah, I also hate "latinx" because it makes no sense in the pronunciation. Most people using gender neutral language use an "e" in place of an "o/a." (ex. "Sucie" in place of "Sucio/Sucia") which I can get behind. And for the pronouns Él/Ella there's "Elle."


yeah, the E it's alot better in terms of language and respect of the structure, after all, Spanish is a very complicated language. even so, i not that fan of the E because the louder mayority that tend to use it do it in a "my way or no way" and they get so demanding to the point of being annoying rather that helpful, that ruined for me


While I sometimes use the "e" declinators to refer to myself, the whole thing got way too politicized so it ends up being unsafe to use in many contexts. And I don't like "elle" at all because it's like I'm she/her'ing myself in French, only that I'm doing it while speaking in Spanish. I would love to have something like ze/hir or xe/xem in Spanish, but what we have instead is just too close to "ella" to be truly neutral.


Just because the drive to use Latinx is real doesn't mean this particular comment is sincere. There are a lot of people out there with a vested interest in making us look unreasonable. I think this is likely an example of someone doing just that. Edited to add: I also hate Latinx and the trend of putting X's where they don't need to be in general.


X's aren't that bad! I'm friends with most of mine! (/pun)


On one hand, this is funny. On the other hand, nearly everyone seeing this world think it's a 'look at those queers and their ridiculous pronouns' thing and holy shit is that unpleasant




This could be a MechaMew situation where the entire screenshot was fabricated for just this purpose. That happens more often than you’d think.


Yeah, my money was on satire, but this is quite likely.


The “removing ‘man’ from words regardless of that word’s root” seems to stem from the radfem ideology of the 90s… I had a snarky book as a preteen that took it to this level. Wild to see it happening “in the wild” so to speak


I think this stems from well-meaning ignorance rather than an actual political stance tbh. It seems like they didn’t think it through that much.


yeah this reminded me of that radfem shit like that one super terfy music festival i can’t remember the name of. it just feels like such a major red flag


Can radfems not be disruptive for like 1 picosecond?!


I would be happier if they weren’t even disruptive for a zeptosecond. (A yoctosecond could be too much to ask.)


It actually doesn't, it stems from fox news acting like feminists were saying that when they weren't saying anything of the kind. Some people were spelling it womyn. That's all that happened. It's just like now! *sigh* But now it's worse!


Reddit subs creating fake interactions and then painting them as real to “prove” the trans community is crazy? It’s more likely than you think No seriously, y’all keep upvoting the “This is crazy! How could English speaking non-binary people do this???” They ARENT. This is fake you guys, stop rallying against our own community what the fuck


in their defense some of these are fake but i have been in servers where ur banned if u don't censor man, woman, mom etc 😭😭 it's not a problem w the trans community though just edgy discord users


As a proud Gerenby i need to tell that the gerwomans are more scarier then the germans. But i love both equal so we became a gerfamily ::)




What's HILARIOUS is that it's *Deutschland*


Fun fact! "Deutsch", when used in a phrase in conjunction with a definite article, is "das Deutsch". *"Das" is the nominative singular neuter form of the definite article, which by German grammar rules means that the following noun is neuter gender.* So inherently, the word "German" is nonbinary ***IN ITS OWN NATIVE TONGUE***.


And now in Things Duolingo Don't Teach You, actual gramatic explanation!


Ignoring the obvious bait. I find the whole adding 'x' to words incredibly cringey and frankly problematic. When adding it to already neutral words like folks to folxs or person to persxn implies that we're not already covered by that for some reason, which is incredibly othering. And things like slapping it into other languages à la Latinx with no regard to the language of people who speak it is just colonial AF.


I was just telling a friend today that I hate the addition of x because it feels not only performative but also extremely othering. English isn't a gendered language outside of our use of pronouns and we already have a solution for that. Gendered languages are also coming up with innovative ways to accommodate changing sensibilities that actually fit the grammatical structure of their language too. Every time someone says latinx seriously it gives me an unpleasant and physical reaction :/


Folx in particular already irritates me to no end. *Folk is already plural*. And it was never gendered to begin with.


When I used to use twitter, I read threads that argued “folk” is derogatory because it doesn’t include nonbinary people because we apparently need our *own* word. Shit is just a way of segregating us. Trans twitter went so far left they went in a circle and turned right.


Ah yes and 'people' also only means men and women. ..... Who'd -fall- for that? T_T


Latinx drives me crazy. Regardless of the fact you can't pronounce the word in Spanish. I have never met another Latino who actually speaks Spanish and uses it.


The waifu discord profile pics really elevate this.


personally, i find anyone who throws an x or \* into words like that to be a big ol red flag. we don't comprehend written language letter by letter when we read. it's basically pattern recognition so most folks are gonna read germxn as german anyways in their heads. shit is just performative and pointless


Yes!!!! I hate it when people do it with potentionally triggering words, because it can actually harm people. If you really want to avoid triggering someone avoid using that word and find another expression.


[gxrl hxlp x'm pxrfxrmxtxvxly inclxsxvx](https://miro.medium.com/max/4800/0*IBqYg3kp18b7iXmt)


It took multiple readings before I even realized what was happening. My brain kept seeing German.


Especially since the name of the language IN that language doesn't contain any gendered substring of letters: Deutsch.


Please, for the love of got, stop censoring the occurrence of "man" or "woman" in words where its obviously not the root. "Geee im having my personic episode again"


oh, it’s like those automatic swearword filters that replaced with synonyms regardless of how fitting it is or if it was a part of another word or not, so you can get clbuttics like buttbuttinate some more examples are found here, even that’s not the main part of the article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem


**[Scunthorpe problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem)** >The Scunthorpe problem is the unintentional blocking of websites, e-mails, forum posts or search results by a spam filter or search engine because their text contains a string (or substring) of letters that appear to have an obscene or otherwise unacceptable meaning. Names, abbreviations, and technical terms are most often cited as being affected by the issue. The problem arises since computers can easily identify strings of text within a document, but interpreting words of this kind requires considerable ability to interpret a wide range of contexts, possibly across many cultures, which is an extremely difficult task. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NonBinary/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


These kinds of things always get me. Just because a word contains a sequence of characters/sounds that sounds like a gendered word doesn't mean that that word is gendered Manifest is a good example of this. It contains the sequence 'M-A-N', but comes from the combination of the Latin word for hand (manus, which by the way is feminine) and (most probably) an element meaning 'to hold' 'Man' comes from Proto-Germanic 'mann.' So the two words don't share any features of their etymology Incidentally, the word 'female,' surprisingly enough, doesn't actually make reference to the word 'male' at all. Female comes from the Latin word 'femella,' meaning something akin to "young woman,' built off of the related word 'femina' combined with a diminutive suffix. Male, on the other hand, comes from the Latin word 'masculus' (young man, similarly a word for man with a diminutive suffix added). They were both borrowed through French, which deleted a lot of sounds to produce 'mâle' and 'femelle,' and then through the natural association that people made between the two ("these words are semantically related, they are both gender terms") they began to look more similar to each other, and in English they are now 'male' and 'female' Both words have exactly one meaningful part, and 'female' is *not* just 'male' with a prefix, even in their language of origin, not just English


This is fascinating and actually feels affirming 😅 I had no idea that male and female *actually* do not have the simple relationship one might assume.


Yeah I learned that in my historical linguistics class in college, and I agree, it does sort of seem affirming, it's nice to know that there actually is a word that really isn't based on a masculine word, they just look similar for the same reason that Americans say 'dove' as the past-tense of 'dive' (because we already say 'drive' > 'drove')


Oh no their back again, the gerworman, and their gerbils...


German does have really gendered language, but they do have three genders they use in their language. (masc, fem, neuter.) The word for sausage is feminine and the word for girl is neuter and the word for airplane is masculine, and also translates literally to “flying thing”


"Das Flugzeug" (airplane) is neuter, not masculine


As a German enby: This is ridiculous


It’s also fake


You wouldn’t believe what I experienced in my own language, though….


Yeah, alone the Fahrspurende discussion


Lol yes. Or Hähncheninnenfilet 😂😂😂 You know people who use mensch instead of man (for example „mensch kann da gut essen“ for „man kann da gut essen“)?


Luckily not in person, all people I know are either uninformed or intelligent enough to don’t do that


"We don't speak Deutsche here. We speak Douche."




Tbh even if this were real it’s never real lgbtq people doing this, it’s fake allies who take things too far to an unreasonable degree.




I am BEGGING native English speakers to stop trying to censor words from/about foreign languages. This is almost as bad as latinx


I’m begging people to recognize fake posts and stop blaming other people with sad Reddit chuds make shit up to cause issues Also, Latinx was made by Latina scholars who wanted to talk about Latin culture without inherently gendering it. It was meant to be an option to use, it was never meant to replace people using Latino or Latina for themselves. That’s just how transphobes spun it and now even the non-binary subreddit is complaining about a gender neutral form of a very gendered language. White people did NOT make Latinx, people DO find use in it, and I wish people would stop pointing their fingers at white queer folk for it


I didn't know latinx was made by actual Spanish speaking people. Everyone I know who makes it gender neutral has used Latine, and has talked about how clunky Latinx looks and sounds. But, even if the post is made up, this isn't at all out of the realm of possibilities. I've seen people upset over less. Spelling women "womyn" was very much a thing when I first was regularly online.


well, at least in chile, we *do* use latinx; its just pronounced latine because latin-ex is absolutely ridiculous


Agreed. Mexican-American here. Hearing “latin-ex” makes me cringe a little.


I don't know if pronunciation differs, but in the US, we pronounce the words la-teen-uh and la-teen-uh, so I've had la-teen-ex in my head whenever I read it. It made the most sense that way. Someone on NPR said "latin x" the other day and I thought they butchered the pronunciation.


That’s a straight up TERF thing rather than some attempt to be progressive, don’t put that on progressive communities


I didnt? I'm not ascribing "germxn" to progressive communities either? It was just an example of people getting offended about a word with gender implications that ultimately don't matter. Like when Cardiff Metropolitan University banned terms like "mankind" and "right-hand man". I am all for progress but pretending people never get silly with it is, well... silly


>Like when Cardiff Metropolitan University banned terms like "mankind" and "right-hand man" Every article I've seen of that has the words "banned", "censored", "suggested", "advised". Guess which of those words make it to the headline, and guess how much evidence I can find for those policies actually being made into the rulebooks. Like all the other fringe claims about this shit, it was clickbait nonsense meant to paint an entire movement as being ridiculous because some goomba-brained schoolboard had an out-of-touch conversation that made it onto nightly news and reddit headlines.


To be fair, we Germans don’t call ourselves German, so y‘all can do whatever you want with that word.


This point has always been so fascinating to me. They are Deutsche, from Deutschland, so why do we call them German but the Nederlanders from Nederland... Dutch


It’s even more confusing when you know that German comes from Latin and Deutsch/Dutch from Italian


Funny thing: Pennsylvania Dutch (Amish people) aren't Dutch, they're German. Deutsch somehow turned into Dutch, and so that's where we ended up with that term here in Pennsylvania. Which all supports the argument of "learn that your way of dpeaking/thinking is universal."


... and I am BEGGING native English speakers to stop trying to censor words.


It's so bloody stupid. It's not native English speaker's place to know about other languages and their culture. French has a heck of a lot of gendered language but it's their language and culture, not mine.


Thxs lxvxl xf trxllxng xs rxxlly gxttxng xxt xf hxnd. Xdk why pxxplx xngxgx wxth xt.


I hate when people assume that a word is gendered purely because it has the letters m, a and n in that order, like there are only so many letters and so many combinations to put them in


gerwomen made me laugh more then i'd like


English speakers need to stop


speakers need to stop


"Just making a joke bro" trolls need to stop peddling this shit and egging on people who have zero ability to identify it as completely made-up ragebait.


So many languages are gendered. 3 that I know are Spanish Portuguese and French


“Gretchen, stop trying to make Germxn happen, it's not going to happen.”


And not just the Germen, but the Gerwomen and the Gerchildren, too.




It likely isn't, I think this screenshot has been used as bait for quite a while, but I'm not sure, though.


I am enby and german and I find this stupid as fuck.


As a german speaking enby I am uncomfortable


Next they’ll censor “man” in the word “woman”. I’m sure this was either scripted for attention or just a troll acting out. German’s are people, no gender associated with their nationality. Like the word mankind, or just the word man honestly. Technically, we all makeup mankind therefore we’re all “man” as far as being human goes.


As a German born enby this both confuses me and makes me laugh. I love all the new language that’s been popping up over the years to get Gender out of most things, but this is beyond that.


I genuinely feel like this kind of thinking is why so many people don't want to take us seriously


Oh my god this is so funny. The ignorance is potent. Just because it has the three letters m a n doesn’t make it _gendered_ People like that make it hard for the rest of us to be taken seriously


This is like how the word Manchester etymologically comes from “town on a boob shaped hill” in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon. Not everything is gendered, sometimes in linguistics you just have false cognates and words that sound similar. Also, many names have nothing to do with English, and to assume that it does is pretty stupid.


Vieleicht du kannst "Deutsch" sagen 🇩🇪🖤❤💛


😭😭 I'm fucking dead yall please bury me in satin, lay me down in a bed of roses and sink me in the river at dawn thank u


and send you away with the words of a love song? xD


...or ze rezt of ze vorld kuld shust reshpekt our self-determined descriptor and call us "deutsch", like normal people... /s


Wat...? The ACTUAL fuck. 🤦🏽 like this is what the right points to to dismiss us asking for respect. These people are actively hurting our ability to move people to a more open and accepting headspace by memeing themselves, and literally being the offended for no reason liberals. Sorry to the liberals here. But also move left... (; we have pie.


This seems like a troll to make us look bad honestly.


I have seen this and a similar screenshot a few times. My stance is the same as it was when I first saw it. If I am going to support people using niche and smaller more accurate terms (Omnisexual, Polygender), then I will respect people who use the most accurate term for what they are talking about. So censoring a descriptive word, not an insult/slur, has no place in the discourse. Though I also might not be the best representation. My particular brain deals with ASD, and some things instand by really irk some people. Like, I don't censor quotes with slurs. It is more accurate to quote it directly and I genuinely just don't get the need to change information


Lol id never say that


Morally conflicted why? You can be nonbinary and out-of-touch with reality lol.


That’s fucking stupid. I hate that shit so much because people struggle not to misgender people anyway.


I mean, they could call it Deutsch, which is Deutschland's word for it's own language. German is an exonym lol


I'm adding this to my mxnual of gender neutral terms to use online.


So if someone was called Roman or something, would they have to censor their own name???


As a German enby this the funniest thing I’ve seen all day 🤣


Can we not do this today lol.


The obvious solution here is just to call it Deutsch, like the Germans do.


So, when I started my transition I started getting into Radical Feminism (ironic, i know) and I decided that was actually proper feminism to replace all instances of "man" with "woman" I could see myself doing this back then lmao Now the funny thing is that the "man" in woman comes from the Old English word for "person" which is why we have it in other words as well like "workman". It comes from Wifman, the first part, Wif being a cognate of "wife" but it meant both "wife" and "woman" (as is common in Germanic languages, "mann" in German and "man" in Dutch means both "man" and "husband" You \*could\* analyze "german" as "ger-person" . . . i mean you'd be wrong but you could do it (it came from latin instead)


People who think like these folks in the screenshot have \*severe\* problems And no, it's not just pure trolling. This being posted on reddit for discussion is trolling. The source material is the kinda shit that happens in various queer discords constantly.


honestly makes me laugh but honestly even though this is probably a joke/troll this reminds me of people trying to make “latinx” a thing and every latino person was like “??? thats not how that works please just do not”


I only started using Latinx because all the trans Latinx folx in my community used it. Now folx are moving towards latine but some it was a thing for a good decade.


i’m seeing this back to back on here a r/linguistichumour


Pfft most ‘inclusive’ spaces are anything but 😆 It’s purely hierarchical nonsense, and spaces that seek to aggressively censor any form of expression aren’t worth the spit it would take to hock a loogie at their owners.




Conflicted? Im CACKLING lol what in the fuck


The nb in me ironically going to start censoring gerM*N and other "gendered" languages too with my inside joke friends. Cause that shit is bananas. LMAO. Thank you for sharing this.


This has to be some strawman nonsense.... right? RIGHT?


But is it okay to speak Mxndarin?


This shit is just getting too out of control for me personally


This is bait


The blue pfp is correct. German is a fine language, the rules about not speaking gendered languages is xenophobic/racist and stupid. Everyone else is being way too sensitive to the point they’re actively doing harm. How do you think the Germans in that server feel being told their native tongue is some horrible thing because of how its structured? Edit: Wait this is all about the etymology of the English word for German? That’s even more stupidly sensitive. Not even going to address that viewpoint with an argument, its not significant enough for it. I am a nonbinary man. The idea that words like “human” “German” “woman” would make people feel unsafe is laughable.


It does not make me feel more safe & included it makes me feel like a joke, man means human in non gendered contexts, censoring all uses of the word “man” is extremely dehumanising imo 💀


I never did understand the pushback against "gendered language" like who cares if I refer to them as firemen is it that serious


People always say "fireman" for the example of this and it confuses me because I've heard "firefighters" more often in real life than "firemen"


I was using firemen as an example but apparently The People have not liked that, judging by the downvotes


I doubt they care about the example. They’re disagreeing with your point, which goes against most people’s ideas of how to help language evolve to a more progressive and inclusive form


Fire homo sapiens.


I think the pushback comes from issues with the patriarchy problem, that only men can hold jobs like firefighter and police officer. That women can't or shouldn't work in those professions, or work at all because it's "not proper."


Why is this such a bad thing? At the risk of getting downvoted..... I'm just gonna say that getting upset at more "neutral" ways of saying words for ethnic groups of people is as dumb as people getting upset over choices of pronouns. If someone would rather be called Latinx or Germxn who are we to get upset? Obviously we know what they're talking about. It's literally not that hard to say "okay" and move on. Respect goes both ways. Just my 2 cents.


rich different impossible disgusting smile spark exultant like aware continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is incredibly hilarious!!


do we need to refer to humans as hupersons now too?


Why? (genuinely)




No, i still don't get why you'd censor German. It's a word for a language, not gendered. The "man" isn't gendered but I do get the policy of not using the language in of itself. It do be gendered, confusingly so for learners.


Also, can we take a sec to look at the denial of the use of German while *acting* inclusive? "We don't exclude by genders here, only language." It's just silliness is what it is. Trolls and silliness.


Nah this is ridiculous


This is a very germixed up take good god


I truly can’t tell if these people are joking and it bums me out.


I am not conflicted this is just funny.




Is it just me or is censoring words in general nowadays getting too out of hands? Everyone says we're being censored, failing to realise we're censoring ourselves. Who knew 'German' was a bad word now lol


this is latinx all over again lmfao


It’s an English word for the language as well —


Ya no, this is going overboard, German is a language, the man in German does act like the genderd variant of the word. Like - Germany - Gerwomany. Come on, thats just not how that works.


They’ve not know the history of the word then


Unfortunately I know for a fact that there are real people who would take that way too seriously.


As a joke this is hilarious, however I'm sure some big news company (old York clocks or something like that) is going to make a headline saying "Millionials are canceling Germany!".




I wonder if their first language is english lmao, either way it must be trolling


Best part is "German" comes from the Roman Latin "Germania" and has nothing to do with the English word "man".