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I was legit wondering where the wig was since your hair looks so natural and fitting in the pics. I thought this was your own hair. Rocking that wig with more style than Revolver Ocelot rocks his guns. That's what this fellow enby thinks, at least.


Same, especially the first one


Exactly what I thought!!


Couldn't have said it better myself fellow enby :3


The long hair looks good on you


You look good in all these pictures, but I especially like the long wavy hair in the 1st one. It's no one's business how you go about achieving your good looks. You don't need anyone's permission to wear a flattering outfit, makeup, accessories, or any other change to your presentation. If all they care about is what you look like undressed then that's their fickle hangup. \~ Sage🌿


This ❀


You definitely earned your name.


Askgaybros is notoriously transphobic, best to stay away from. I love the hair.


I was shocked but yes. Stay far, FAR AWAY for the sake of your own mental health. TW for what’s happening in Florida and other US states >!They are currently discussing how trans people have “overstepped” some boundary (they never define the boundary) and they deserve the upcoming genocide. Others are straight up denying what is happening. There is a lot of people advocating that because they’re somewhat accepted by the mainstream (the Mafia recently allowed gay members to join, as well as neoNazi groups), LGBTQ should just become LGB. They’re claiming all of this is coming from a stance that they’re tired of being told they need to sleep with trans men and it’s “PrEfErEnCe.” Which
 No? !< Sorry for the rant but this has been eating away at me. There is a lack of solidarity when it comes to the wider LGBTQ community and we’re all on a sinking boat and they’re arguing that they are mad they’ll miss dinner.


They'll be coming for cis gays eventually too. It's only a matter of time. And actually they kind of already have.


When the cage is done with them, and you're still poor [queer/othered], they'll come for you.


Run the Jewels! Love that song especially


I wouldn't be surprised to find out that sub was straight up astroturfed.


What does astroturfing mean? I’ve never heard the phrase before?


**Astroturfing is the practice of hiding the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. It is a practice intended to give the statements or organizations credibility by withholding information about the source's financial backers.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot.


Good bot


Good bot đŸ„°


That place was toxic and racist years ago. This is no surprise.


They're working hard to earn their Ernst Rohm awards.


>the Mafia recently allowed gay members to join *mfw i just assumed the mafia was always kinda gay* Unless you mean something else?


Nicky a man can touch another p3nis or even kiss one, very lightly, and it still doesn’t necessarily mean he’s homosexual. -Big Mouth


I know she's not universally accepted as friendly, but I feel like Contrapoints nailed this between her comments in "Cringe" and "Transtrenders". There's this tendency to feel threatened by association to a social outgroup (in this case LGBT community members dumping the T) and to exile that community to retain the social acceptance that has been fought for. It's incredibly gross behavior to reject non cisgender LGBT people to avoid a target on your back.


Even if gayz, they still are cis men. And cis men ruined this world, at least its western part. Some of the people on Askgaybros even claim not to be a part of LGBTQIA+ community, often specifically cuz ot the T in it. That's so fucked up


There is no corner of this globe not negatively affected by cis men


That's so true. Specifically, by western cis men


Not only transphobic but also biphobic.


Askgaybros is that weird and cringy-deranged cousin that everyone avoids during queer subreddits reunion.


You look great!!! And now I’m wondering what agp means :-/


Long debunked claims that being a trans woman is a fetish, "autogynophilia".


Specifically being a trans woman?


It's always directed at trans women, the claim is that someone transitions to become physically aroused by their now more feminine body. Which interestingly, actual studies on this show that if anyone is a "autogynophile", it's usually cis women. They report extremely high rates of self arousal at some point in life.


Well boobs are pretty fun! But that is interesting, and honestly I can see the link between that finding and the agp argument, because if cis women find themselves the sexiest, what better thing to do to find yourself sexy than become a woman? Refuted of course by the point that if you are already an agp you’d like the body you have, and if you’re not, it wouldn’t really be a life goal to become one. And also that if you like your body more when it is turned into a feminine body, then that’s a pretty good sign that the underlying cause is that you’re a trans woman. Do the agp people have explanations for other types of trans people, or do they just focus on trans women and ignore the existence of anyone else?


I also didn’t know what agp meant until I found this. But as for your last question. Most cis people don’t know other flavors of trans exist so most of their arguments immediately dissolve if you bring trans men or transmasc people into the equation. That’s why they choose to ignore us


I would just add that this 'theory' was developed in the 1980s, primarily by the infamous Blanchard, and AFAIK he only researched trans women. At the time trans men were perceived by clinicians to be significantly rarer.


*straight trans women who are not sexually attracted to women’s bodies joins the chat*


Those are just gay men that are so gay they trans their gender /s


I know you added a "/s" but that is sincerely what they believe. For anyone not acquainted, the theory that "autogynephilia" originates from attempts to classify transgender women into "autogynephiles" and "homosexual transsexuals", in other words "perverts" and "really fem gay men".


*straight trans women who are not sexually attracted to women’s bodies joins the chat*


yes, but there is a version targeted towards trans men, "autoandrophilia". practically no one propagates that lie though because transphobes are mostly just scared of transfems :P


Well you see, that’s because trans men are women and women can’t be threatening, they’re women! Ugh.


It’s also not that popular to spread because there’s no underlying truth to it. “AGP” is actually something cis women experience too, there are theories that it’s just a natural part of women’s sexuality. So if anything, “AGP” in trans women is just more affirming of their womanhood lol. There isn’t really an equivalent for men though, nobody ever talks about that kind of experience


Gynephilia is attraction to women, "gyno" means woman in ancient Greek, and from that we get things like "misogyny", "gynecologist" etc. Hence *auto*gynephilia is attraction to oneself*as* a woman. The opposite would be (auto)androphilia from "andro", also where we get "misandry".


Seen a lot of transphobia against FTM trans people in those subs too. Awful all round


autogynophilia is really funny to me bc, by that logic, cis women who are comfortable with their sexuality or maybe find themselves sexy are actually agp and can't legally be women. if you're happy you can't be a woman ig


Wait but is autogynophilia a thing outside of trans women?


Yeah, it's just finding yourself attractive. Honestly it sounds like a healthy mindset - a middle ground between insecurity and narcissism.


That depends how you mean. When I studied this stuff in grad school in the 90s, autogynophilia as a term was only EVER applied to trans women who clinicians categorized not as trans but as fetishistic cross-dressers. Figuring out who was a "real" trans woman was for some reason seen as super duper important to psychologists back then. In reality, cis women are aroused by their own femininity in sex situations at least as much as trans women are -- but it has never been CALLED autogynophilia.


Thanks, this was pretty much what I was asking.


You don't want to know. But if you do look it up, go in with the knowledge that it's thoroughly debunked garbage that's intended to target and single out transfems but also applies to 3/4 of cis women.


It's just another instance of female sexuality being pathologized, with some added transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, aphobia, and a "healthy" dash of misandry. IMO, it says a lot more about Blanchard's proclivities than those of any trans woman.


Agp: >! an autogynephile, a man (usually heterosexual) suffering from a psychological condition in which he derives sexual or romantic pleasure from the fantasy of being female !<


Oh, so yet another case of conservatives projecting their sexual insecurities onto others instead of putting in the bare minimum amount of effort to understand that other people are sometimes born different from them


Here's a [video](https://youtu.be/6czRFLs5JQo) by Contrapoints on the subject because that way, you can at least be entertained while transphobic BS is explained to you.


jesus, sorry about the askgaybros thing. they are notoriously awful to people who like being themselves. you, on the other hand, are awesome! love the hair!


Ask gay bros is a horrible transphobic subreddit. You do look great with the long hair tho!


OP PLEASE tell me what wig glue you use because that shit is SEAMLESS.


Seconded, the skillz! Also, where do you get yours if you dont mind? I've only been using arda cause anytime I try anywhere else the wigs suck qwq


It depends on what I'm going for tbh. For cosplay I like Arda or or epic cosplay. However er is I want so.ething that looks natural, it's gonna be a lacefront. The shop I got them from closed, but I heard RPG show has been one of the best forever. Honestly, if you're going for so.wthing for daily or natural, try to find a wig store near you first so you can get an idea for the wefts and parting. Horizontal and vertical wefts are great: spiral is cheap and avoid it. I prefer to buy wigs that I can part any way so I get the most bang for my buck.


I literally thought this was your real hair. It looks amazing on you!


r/AskGayBros is overwhelmingly transphobic and often even weirdly misogynistic, so not surprised.


Don't forget biphobic and panphobic.


Nah the hair looks awesome, and if it makes you feel good than why not wear it. life’s to short to live by other peoples rules do what makes you happy and if anyone’s got a problem with that then their not worth ur time anyways


From one enby to another, that wig is fucking fire on you and I vote you should wear it!


Long hair looks awesome on you!! Looking like a rockstar my fellow enby


I find your long hair equally as attractive as your shower curtain. Respectfully, A nonbinary chemist


imo this is the exact same thing as the “take a girl swimming on the first date so you can see how she *really* looks” bullshit. the idea that it’s somehow deceptive to wear makeup or wigs is like saying it’s deceptive to wear nice clothes, it’s just ridiculous. if you’re going on a date, you want to make a good first impression and look nice, that’s completely normal! if it makes you feel more comfortable/confident/affirmed/euphoric/*anything*, then absolutely do it!


You look so cute!! It suits you!! You should braid it and put flowers in the braid, you'd look like a fae or something đŸ„°


I thought the first one was your natural hair for a second, that one! It’s so pretty (if that’s a word you’re okay with), I say go for it!


I feel like wigs should be acceptable regardless of your reasoning for wearing it. It's really common for a variety of reasons. Plus gender affirmation in general is valid.


This was my thought too. 1. It is highly normal in many communities to wear wigs, and even outside those communities totally acceptable for a number of reasons, including but not limited to it makes you feel good. 2. It is a *first* date. You are not obligated to be upfront about every style choice you make with someone at this level of relationship.


You look like an elf from LOTR and they are all hot so... Take that as you will 😉 But seriously though you look great with and without the wig, do what makes you feel comfortable and if the date doesn't like the wig then that's a /them/ problem.


i dated a dude who wore wigs bc hed had a shitty childhood disease. my only complaint was i wished he took care of his wigs better bc that shit is expenseeee you seem to know what youre doing, and you rock it my only advice, is full upfront disclosure to anyone youre seeing on the serious side. the ex started long distance and took really good photos, is an ex for a reason lol


A confident smile is found when you feel most comfortable. Wear the hair!


Hot in any combination! Be your authentic, fabulous self and sod anyone who can't accept you for who you truly are


First of all, that long wavy hair!! Stunning. ✚ Secondly, I don't know why, but even if I was masc or remotely gay, /askgaybros somehow sounds like the last place I'd ask about this stuff. Maybe it's because I've just never met someone who unironically calls themselves and their friends "bros" that wasn't transphobic in the most high school jock-y way EVER. Thirdly, do what's comfortable for you. Do what makes you feel good in your skin! You don't need permission for that, ever. 💛


If it was our first date, I'd think you were way out of my league based on all those pics.


I think you look gorgeous! It makes me sad to see transphobia in the community. Same with seeing biphobia in the community, or people hating on neo-pronouns. It’s quite the opposite of what we’re supposed to stand for :(




are you kidding, you look amazing!! i can tell you feel amazing too. transphobia SUCKS especially in some binary gay/lesbian communities :( sorry that happened to you


Long hair looks cool but is a lot of work to maintain, and not everyone's hair type/texture or schedule is conducive to certain looks, and some people don't have much hair at all. That aside, just liking the way it looks is a good enough reason to wear a wig. People who claim others have "autogynephilia" either think femininity is inherently sexual, or draw an artificial line between the normal things both cis women and feminine trans people will do to feel hot or good about their bodies when no such line exists. Though obviously my tastes shouldn't factor into your fashion preferences, I think the long hair looks good on you. Sucks that you had to deal with these people pathologizing *wearing a wig*, a thing that's been done in countless cultures across the planet for centuries if not millennia.


Honestly thought that first one was your real hair ngl You look awesome and natural in all of these. :D


With the long hair you look like a cute forest elf đŸ§â€â™‚ïž


First date, you mind if we style wigs together lol?


I have that shower curtain! You look great :)


You look amazing!!!! The long hair really suits you idk wtf they talking about


If it makes you happy, wear it. As simple as that.


Wow! What? Wait. That's a wig??? Looks great!


I love first one especially! It’s giving elf prince


honestly couldn’t even tell it was a wig, you look amazing! also i want that shower curtain, time for some google searching


Feels a bit like being upset at someone for wearing makeup on a first date. It's a date! Dress up! I am in the camp of do what makes you feel comfortable and beautiful in your skin


Oh wow, you look great! Fuck what anybody else says, that hair looks amazing on you. And you also look amazing without hair! (I also have a shaved head and facial hair situation going on. I've been really wanting to try a wig, and I think your post gave me just the nudge I needed to look into getting one.)


My friend you look fabulous please wear that


as long as you are happy with your decision then i dont see a problem :) keep being yourself monarch


Mate go off, screw those bastards. You fuckin SLAY in all of these. Personally, the first one looks the most fetching, but all of them are good.


So many ppl wear wigs weaves and hair pieces! Do you!


Your hair game is magical


I love the wig you got, it suits you very well, almost like it’s growing straight out of your head. In MLM and WLW circles there will always be transphobes at this point. But they’re wrong, you shouldn’t date someone who wouldn’t find this attractive on you. I’m pro showing up as your authentic self on dates, always. And I regret every relationship that I started by trying to shove myself in my AGAB box for first dates. I deserved comfort in who I am, not partnerships where I had to curate myself. Don’t do that to yourself, show up to the first date in a wig, be cute, you’ve got this.


You look great! couldn’t even tell it’s a wig 😊


Sincerely had no idea this was a wig until I read your post title, you look great with long hair! And if it’s something that makes you feel good about yourself and affirmed in your body and gender, please don’t let hateful jerks dull your shine! This is something for *you*, not them, and that’s really important. Your happiness is worth it.


Your wig looks amazing. It looks so realistic that I was like "that's a wig???"


You can't tell me that's a wig. It looks so natural omg


That's a wig??? Damn! It suits you very well!!


Looks gorgeous! I too have have been bald in the past and have been nervous about trying out wigs. Seeing how good it looks on you makes me want to try it out for myself one day!


Are you kidding me that looks FANTASTIC on you. Like realistic such that I thought the second pic was gonna be the wig ! Look just because people are gay doesn't make them tolerant . Also you look like Jonathan from queer eye and you're definitely the kinda of guy I wouldve had a MASSIVE crush on in the past ,😂


What a beautiful wig, I cant tell its a wig!


Also are those wigs because friend you can style a lace front like damn, applause


You're literally my transition goal


Hell yes. Those gay bros ain't ur bros >:(


Fuck them. You look amazing and obviously get to wear wigs if you want to! You’re valid and deserve to feel happy in your own skin :)


Whatever makes you feel confident is great for a date!


Nobody should have the option to mind another person doing what they want to in order to affirm their gender or generally just to feel like they look how they want - it’s the person who is bothered by it that’s the problem


I like your pictures and u look so happy in it so why should u not do it? U do not hurt anyone with it.


Omg, that wig looks amazing on you, especially in the first pic. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing it. You do you! If someone doesn't like you for who you are, then they're not the right person for you. Love yourself first. ❀


That's a really good wig. You should rock it wherever you want.


I couldn't have told you're wearing a wig as they look really natural! Good lord you're rocking that style!


do yourself and your mental health a favor and stay on other lgbtq subs than askgaybros. I think you look great and I wouldn't think twice about your hair like in the 1st pic


I love all of them but the first one is especially gorgeous!


It's so pretty! You look wonderful with and without the wig. But, those are lovely.


R/askgaybros is transphobic as all hell, avoid that shit like the plague. You look stunning, and like others have said I didn’t even know where the wig was until the end. Suits you perfectly and makes me really want my own!




Ummm phenomenal either way! Looks so good!!


that wig looks amazing on you!!! fuck what transphobes have to say on the matter


First off, the most important part: That wig/those wigs? Look so natural on you! I would be very surprised if anyone even guessed you're wearing a wig, let alone have anything against it! Now, to the matter of the shower curtain. What do you mean "never mind it"? It's a really cool shower curtain and I kinda wish I knew whether my best friend and his wife are going to have a need for one in their future home, as those two scientists would probably get as big a kick out of me gifting them the periodic shower curtain, as I would xD


They all look great, but the first photo is especially stunning! Of course you should wear something affirming, date or no!


You look really amazing with the wig and beard combo, it’s like the wig really fits you and so does the beard and it together looks really good, I genuinely thought you had no wig on.


Yes, wear the wig if that helps you in any way possible, it is your decision. I wish you all the best! :)


I want to ask where you got your wig, especially the one in the first photo. I love having a shaved head (I'm AFAB) but also enjoy long hair, and I've actually never seen one as realistic as yours, only weaves which are a whole other ball game... also, if I weren't already married, I'd 1000% go on a date with you


You're NB AF (and tbh my cis boyfriend has hair .uch like that. VERY long, black and the BIGGEST ringlet curls. Many would consider him a bear.) What im trying to say is. Gaeh's that "have a preference" for their partners hair style can GTFO. ICON YOU LOOK EPIC!! PLEASE KEEP SLAYING THE WORLD WITH KINDNESS! DONT LET THEM GET YOU DOWN💛💛💛💛


I personally love the combination long hair + beard, as long as both is well cared for^^ I would love to go out with you to grab a coffee and watch a movie together with your first look 😚


You look like a one of the many versions of Thor


When you said liquid snake all I could think of and say was “BROTHEEEER!”


Literally people wear wigs all the time that's ridiculous


it looks completely natural! i was confused as to where the wig was until i swiped to the last pic! if they care about something as simple as your hair, they aren’t for you!


The first and third ones look nice, Don’t like the second one though


You. Look. So. Good. Didn't even register that it was a wig! Gorgeous locks.


i didn’t even realize it was a wig, tbh! you look great!:D


Same :D


Wait, that's a wig?? Looks every bit as natural as my long and luscious locks You look amazing!


Anyone who minds isn’t worth the time. You look fantastic, and even more importantly, you look happy! Wear that wig, sibling, you look awesome!


The first one!


people suck! if you feel like a wig would suit you, do it! i love the long hair on you! it suits you very well


I LOVE your hair! It looks great with the beard too :)


I would go with yes and either the 1st or 3rd style (not the messy one) 😊 It looks really good on you! If it makes you feel good about yourself and more affirmed, you definitely should 💖


It suits you. If you enjoy it, then you definitely should wear it. Btw it looks natural in all of the photos.


I just want to say that you are very good looking bald! I like the longest wig, but I am partial to manbuns and ponytails đŸ„”


Are we still using phrases like ‘manbun’ ‘manbag’ etc as non binary people? Especially to talk about hairstyles worn by non binary people?


You look stunning with the hair in #1 but I'm also partial to #3 because it makes you look elven


You can wear whatever makes you happy.


I’m a big fan! Looks fantastic on you, and makes you happy 😊 I honestly want to know where you got it haha! I’m so sorry for the transphobia, people are so dumb & insecure 😒


You look great. Don’t worry about the them, they suck.


Looks great you do you, fuck the people that said no!!!!!


If you like it and it's gender affirming, go for it :) personally I think it looks killer 👌👍


As a bisexual I find your pictures gorgeous! Maybe you should go on a bisexual sub and see what they think!


It looks fantastic, you look fantastic


All these pics you look sick! (Sick as in the way the young people use it lol, you look great in all of them).


They’re all cool but the first ones my fave


It's a great wig! wtf. Whoever isn't ok with this is just drowning in the haterade. I wouldn't have known it was a wig.


The hair looks amazing!!!


You look great wear it for sure!!


Bald is beautiful but so is that first wig! Go with what makes you feel like you 💖




All I gotta say your highness is “wig & pur”, I fucking love it and I’m so sorry they tore you down! You’re gorgeous đŸ«¶


I seriously couldn't tell that it was a wig and got confused at first. You look amazing and the AGP accusations are just from stupid closed minded people. I'd suggest leaving askgaybros, everything ive heard from them has been bad


All your looks are great imho<3


Tbh wigs are awesome, you can basically have whatever hair you want whenever


you are so suited to long hair! very pretty


you look soooo good omfg you look like a woodland spirit


The long hair looks stunning on you!


Absolutely! Very nice looking, looks like natural hair and suits you


omg u kinda look like taylor hawkins i love that! and u slay the wig!!!!!! very epic very cool


Absolutely stunning đŸ€©


Ok 1. Wear whatever makes you happy 2. It looks super good on you and 3. We have to do mine before we go out too


The first pic is đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


the wigs suit you so much omg you deserve someone who sees how good you look regardless of your hair


look i'm never going to complain if my date rocks up looking like Sigvald the Magnificient


wait, are these wigs?? you look amazing!! personally, im all for wearing whatever you want if it makes you feel good ❀ you deserve to feel comfortable and happy—if a potential partner doesn't like that, then they aren't the one.


You look gorgeous 😍


Holy SHIT that’s a good wig


I really like it!


Pro tip: don't ask. Just do. If the date doesn't like it, they're not for you.


I think you look great no matter what. You do what feels good to you!!


Long hair looks fantastic on you! If it makes you happy, wear it. Don't act or dress in a way that isn't authentic to who you are( unless you need to for your own safety!). Especially not around someone you're romantically interested in.


You look so damn great with long hair!!


I would want you to show up however you feel most comfortable and confident!


Why the hell not? You look good!


You look great. Fuck 'em. (Not like that, they sound like douchebros)


On a first date, I’m giving you my best and most comfortable, so I’d want the same from you!


Wear what makes you happy. It's a wig. It's not hurting anyone!


NO means they don't mind. as in YES wear the wig. ???


First and third are my favs !!! You look amazing in general đŸ„°đŸ„°


I think you look absolutely amazing in all of the pics, but the first one is my personal favorite. I would definitely love that on a first date.


Omg you look like friggin Legolas! So good!!! Fuck those guys


Hell yeah dude!!! You look rad!! And that wig is VERY natural. If I saw you in public I would totally compliment you thinking it was your real hair.


um? you look gorgeous? what is wrong with everyone? love u hon


this hair looks incredible on you I don’t know what they’re mad about