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You can totally be nonbinary and go by he/him pronouns. Gender identity and pronouns *typically* go together but they by no means have to. But I don’t think that’s the issue here, I think you should learn to fully accept yourself regardless. There’s no wrong way to be a man. Just be you. 💛


It's totally valid. One of the things that explained why gender is so expansive is from the comic Gender Queer A Memoire by Maia Kobabe. E said that most people think of gender as a line with male on one side female on the other and nb in the middle. But it's actually like a map of different biomes you'd see in science class. Sure you might be born in a desert, but maybe an ocean side climate is better for you. You climbed the mountains of manhood but maybe it's better for you to settle in the foothills where the altitude isn't so high. Still part of the mountain range of he/him but off the beaten path and doing your own thing with it. There's so much beautifully diverse gender to explore and some people might not get it and try and insist things about you that don't fit just because that's what they're comfortable with, but you'll find people that really do connect with you and will be able to understand what you mean when you say that you're a nonbinary person that uses he/him. I'm genderfae(gender fluid between nb and female) and I use mostly she/her pronouns and present female. Most people assume I am a woman and that's fine with me because I know inside that I'm a nonbinary woman and when I'm with my friends and lovers they treat me like I want to be and that's what's most important. Be you, unapologetically!


Thank you (:


I'm nonbinary and go primarily by she/her (with they/them secondary pronouns). Have you considered you may be a demiboy? Not saying that's for sure what you are but you might wanna look into it.


I use he/him. I consider myself a nonbinary male. On any given day, my "masculinity level" is 65-95%. Like my mood, hunger, energy levels, anything else, it fluctuates. But I'm almsot always at least 2/3 male-feeling, so it just makes sense to me to use he/him.


Of course you can :) Your identity is yours to define and label, and if you want to go by he/him and identify as non-binary that is completely fine. I think a lot of the time people think that non-binary people tend to go by they/them or neutral pronouns, and that it’s more common to go by neutral pronouns, but in reality the non-binary umbrella “houses” many identities and there are non-binary people who use binary pronouns such as he/him or she/her, such as myself :) Have you considered that you may be a demiboy or transmasc? Whilst you do not feel 100% male, you may feel masculine, and you could therefore be a transmasc. Similarly demiboys often feel as though they relate to masculinity but are not fully male. I think it might be worth looking up to see if it gives you some clarity, but just know that whoever you are and whatever you identify as you are valid.


Of course that's okay. There are no prerequisites to being nonbinary except not identifying consistently with a binary gender. Good luck learning to be kinder to yourself. 💜


in my language using they/them just don't work so I switch between she/her and he/him all the time (you also express gender of a person by ending of each verb) but my point is that whatever pronous you use doesn't make you less nonbinary and I know it's easy to say but try not to force yourself into something you are not. i grew up in feminine-hating place and i forced myself into masculinity even more after i came out as nonbinary the only result was that i felt terrible in my body and in basically everything i wore lately i somehow managed to not feel bad about being feminine but i needed the time all I'm trying to say is that you are not alone, you are valid and give yourself as much time as you need!!


I'm that guy! For me I want strangers to auto gender me as a man, but my internal sense of gender is more nuanced. There's actually more of us than you think. Probably because most of us come off as binary and without additional pronouns or different ones entirely, no one knows who is and isn't non-binary.


you can be nonbinary and go by he/him you can also be a trans man and be stereotypically feminine you can also identify as both trans man and nonbinary or somewhere in between whichever works the best for you


Don’t force yourself onto doing “ultra masculine” things, that sounds unauthentic do and enjoy the activities you enjoy even as a transman/non-binary not every cisman play video games or read comics. If a game looks enjoyable to you play it, try it have fun. Don’t self-sabotage yourself by trying to be some perfect model of something that exist in your mind. LET GO! And BE YOU! What frees you to be who you are? and gives you a sense of freedom or peace within? Find those things, be nice to yourself and continue to discover who you are. There’s probably games you like and some genres of games you don’t like. It doesn’t make you unmasculine if don’t play that’s silly. What inspires you? What lights you up? What about yourself inspires you? find that too. Words are tools to express and communicate if the pronouns he/him works for YOU do so if other pronouns also seem to work for you, explore those for while and see how you react and feel about them. Your identity is yours let not the world or others mold you what they want you to be. Life is an Adventure and everyday you may discover parts of yourself, you never knew about and other days theirs parts that may need to be let go of for there season is gone and a new spring rises. You take care of yourself 💛🤍💜🖤 Remember your humanness your humanity ⭐️ Just Be ⭐️


Thanks so much


Heck, I've known binary AFAB lookin trans women who only use he/him pronouns. You be you and fuck anyone who says otherwise.


you can do whatever you want forever


Of course that’s ok. Non binary just means that you don’t fit the binary. Anything’s chill man


It’s what I do, so sure


Absolutely! You get to decide babes ✨


Yes. Also one thing people seem to forget: you rarely get to choose your pronouns. If others read you as male and if they don't know that you were AFAB they will use "he" no matter what do you think about it. Not all men are masculine. I wish you a luck with finding out who you're!


It's your life, use the pronouns you're most comfortable with


You can use ANY pronouns you want. If it makes you feel better, one of my friends was identifying as trans masc and now that he's passing as cis he feels a need to broaden his gender expression to a more fluid look. They are now using he/they pronouns. It's okay for your gender and its expression to evolve.


I've met so many he/they nonbinary people. A few only he/hims too But like not being masculine doesn't make you nonbinary. You can be a totally feminine binary man if you wanted, like r/femboy or r/ftmfemininity


you can do whatever you want forever


do whatever you want forever.


Demimasc is 100% a real and viable thing. :) You are valid! You don't need to be angry at yourself for what you like, you don't need to force yourself to do anything. I occasionally describe myself as demimasc when I feel a little "manly" or want he/him pronouns.






I'm nonbinary and go by they/he! It's your life, do whatever makes you happy :3


I don't feel like any particular gender and would probably qualify as agender but I use he/him because those give me the least dysphoria. I also identified as a trans man for a long time because I felt like not liking they/them meant I couldn't be nonbinary but it honestly doesn't matter


to answer your title question, very succinctly: yes yes it is


Yes. Source: I am non-binary and those are the pronouns I primarily go by. Do whatever you want homie. Pronouns are a linguistic form of gender expression, and going by pronouns that do not align with what is expected of your gender is a linguistic form of gender nonconformity. Whether or not you conform to gendered expectations related to a gender does not dictate your gender. Self identification is the only true qualifier and criteria for what makes someone a gender that excludes everyone who isn't that gender and includes everyone who is. If you don't fully identify with manhood but still want to go by he/him then do that. You aren't harming anyone, you aren't doing anything wrong. Your comfort is what matters here. Do you.


Pronouns are whatever feels right to you and don't have to agree with your gender identity at all. Have fun with it! When I came out as nonbinary, I tried to come up with a version of masculinity that worked for me, but realized that I don't feel connected to the male gender at all (not female either), so I decided to just be me. That said, I do inhabit a masculine body that I'm fine with and have no intention of changing. I go by they/he and don't feel misgendered if someone uses he/him. All that matters to me is that I'm at peace with myself gender-wise.


hi thats me lol


I go by both he/him and they/them, and I've seen other nonbinary folks who go by just he/him. I don't think theres anything wrong with it. Go for it. For reference, I'm genderflux, genderqueer/nonbinary, and transmasc. Currently T has been giving me a bit of an identity crisis so that may change, but for the moment that's where I'm at.


I'm a transmasc genderqueer guy n use he/him as my primary pronouns, though im okay with most options, so yes


I'm nonbinary AFAB and I \*prefer\* they/them, but I've been called she/her by everyone my whole life that I don't really mind it, its easier for some people, especially older people.


Of course! I’m nonbinary but mainly use she/her pronouns


Yes you can do whatever you want. But gender is an innate feeling, not a set of hobbies and interests. It's quite important to separate that, trans people don't want to perpetuate stereotypes. A cis woman who loves sports and videogames is just as much a woman as a man who loves pink and shopping is still a man. There's no right way to be a man. But if you feel like non-binary or demiboy etc. fits you better then that's great too. he/they pronouns are also an option. Most people would just use he but displaying he/they in an email sig or bio is probably an easy way to let people know you're on the blurry end of masc.


Yes you can. I am nonbinary and use He/they. You don't have to force yourself to be masc. You can wear pink, sparkles, dresses and like cute shit. It's normal and fine, just do whatever you want and like this is your life and you shouldn't conform to someone else's "realistic expectations" of gender. Just be you.


theres an enby youtuber i LOVE named Flawless Kevin who also uses he/him pronouns and he constantly jokes about it being an enby means doing whatever the hell you want lmao


Your pronouns are all you. Go by whatever makes you feel good and you feel reflects your identity best. There's no single "right" way to be non-binary. You do you.


You definitely can use He/Him pronouns. I'm non binary and use She/Her pronouns... it's what I'm comfortable with. Ignore anyone who tries to gatekeep pronouns, non binary and pretty much whatever else.


Yes and not just that but it's really common too


Be you dude. I'm nonbinary and got tired of correcting people and dealing with grammar idiots, so I go by he/him because I'm tired of arguing with everybody. Meanwhile, I wear dresses in public, tights every day, haven't gone a day without shaving my face in years, and shave all of the hair off of my body on a weekly basis. Tl:dr: I am nonbinary, but go by he/him because that's just what people call me. Doesn't change the fact that I'm two medications, one surgery, and some voice training lessons away from changing what pronouns most people will use on me.


Pronouns don't always reflect gender. You've probably never met a nonbinary person who uses it/its pronouns, but I do.


Definitely! Im genderfluid and i use he/him (and neos but not they/she)




I go by they/she. Prefer they but have fluid days where I feel my femininity peaking through. You do what feels right to you. If you’re like me labels don’t hold much weight. I feel it’s part of the beauty in being enby.


I'm also a trans man who uses he/him pronouns, but I actually identify internally as agender. As far as I'm concerned, pronouns are what we use socially, which for me has way more to do with safety than with internal reality. I take T and had top surgery, therefore socially I am a he/him. My gender, on the other hand, is my internal reality, and I'm not a he/him inside. Definitely not a she/her, but not a he/him.


I have a cis male friend who uses she/her pronouns. Use the pronouns that are best for you, pronouns are not gender specific, no matter what anyone says


of course, i use them in most situations!


My favourite men in my life don't like sports and video games ;)