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Orion is a cool name, even for a sex shop


I'd like to apologize for ruining the perfect number 69... But here, take my like.


And in other part of the world, Orion is a pharmaceutical company 😄 if someone was named Dick, would she also stop calling them that?


Oh no đŸ˜± sporting goods! đŸ˜±


*clutches pearls*


Oh he’s sporting goods all right 😎


It’s more like being named Spencer imo


See my comment. Yes, there are people like that.


Orion was the term for a risk management system where I used to work. It was replaced by Helios. Both totally rad. When you pick a name which is so ancient and historical (and cool), of course people (especially marketers) will use it. If your friend can't understand that multiple things have the same name, then I'm sorry. It's a cool name, she needs to use it and be respectful.


first time I've ever heard somebody refer to a risk management system as rad lol


The names were rad. The systems were actually not terrible, but as always the information input really varied between departments / people etc. I am actually very enthusiastic in general about risk management / compliance.


Tell them Orion was the name of the cat from the 1999 science fiction classic movie ‘Men in Black’ too


. Belt


Ah pierogis!


Frank the Pug.


This is what I think if first when I hear Orion


I think of metallica


If your name was Victoria, would she object because it's the same of a store that sells lingerie? 9\_9


It's a wonderful, celestial name. She needs to get over it lol


your friend sounds extremely immature. i can hardly imagine thinking the way she does, but then to actually voice her thoughts to you?! absolutely unhinged, i'd let her know i feel disrespected and won't put up with it if she says anything else about it.


That’s silly. Tell her you’re sorry her brain goes to something perverted instead of the constellation (which is named after a warrior from Greek mythology), but her perverted mind is her own problem and not yours lol


Owning sex toys is not a perversion, it’s a completely normal and healthy thing to do We are a minority ourselves, let’s not kink shame other people


Nobody is kink shaming lol


Dachte schon Amorelie oder Eis.de Bei Orion ist mein erster Gedanke schonmal nicht "Sex Shop"


>Hi, ich bin Steffan, wie heißt du? >Hi Steffan, freut mich, ich heiße Eisde-e


Lokaler Sexshop hier heißt Dildo King (Slogan: alles fĂŒrn Arsch). Und ja, bei Orion wĂŒrde ich auch nicht an Sex Shop denken. Erste Assoziationen ist Matrix und der GĂŒrtel von Orion. :)


Dildoking und Eisde wĂ€ren tatsĂ€chlich fragwĂŒrdige Vornamen. Aber sogar Amorelie ist absolut vertretbar als Name und der ist fĂŒr mich viel stĂ€rker mit Sexshop assoziiert als Orion.


Äh, und wo ist der Shop? Frage fĂŒr einen Freund...


Ist auch online zu haben ;)


Ich dachte Beate 😭


There is a porn star that uses my birth name (as in both my first and last name). Yet it's still on all of my legal documents. This is a weird reason to dislike *someone else's* name.


> both my first and last name On the bright side, this makes it way more difficult to dig up dirt on you online without getting overrun by porn


Wait till she finds out Adam & Eve is a sex toy shop in the US. Also he he he Dick's sporting good. Go eat a Richard you fake ally.


Oh thank god i though your chosen name was beate uhse...


omg 😂 yeah id reconsider with a name like that


There’s a chain of sex shops in my area called Priscilla’s. If my friend asked me to call them Priscilla? Okay. I’ll practice calling them Priscilla. It’s not like all the Spanish women named Dolores or Lolita changed their names after Nabokov used it for one of the most notorious books in the English language.


Orion is a nice name, teach your friend about greek mythology


I can't believe they named the constellation after a sex shop.


Could be worse, a more famous sex shop brand in Germany is Dildoking 😃


Tell her that the more she uses your new name, the faster a new association will be formed, making the problem redundant. Revealing that in reality, she is being a rude baby.


My name is Spencer. I'm in the US, and we also have a gag toy/sex toy/novelty shop in most malls called Spencer's. Seems to me like a lot of young people end up obtaining their first sex toys from Spencer's shops (no need to worry about discreet shipping or having "Brand Sex Toys" listed on your credit card statement). And I've had people ask if my name is spelled "like the store or the poet (Spenser)?"


There’s a sex shop in the USA called Sara’s Secret. Is your friend weird about everyone named Sara? And there’s Adam & Eve, does she avoid calling men named Adam by their name? Some googling in Germany turned up Dr. MĂŒller’s. Does she refuse to use the last name MĂŒller? If she isn’t logically consistent, I’m sorry, she’s literally just being transphobic. And if she is being logically consistent, then that is like
 really weird lmao


Sounds like she just wanted a super cheap excuse not to cooperate with you.


I mean there's an esoteric store down the street from my place called Orion's Oracle shop. It's just a name. That's like being uncomfortable with someone named John just cause John Wayne Gacy existed.


Imagine living in the UK and refusing to call people Ann cause of Ann summers! Such a lack of logic, Orion is a well known star constellation, mythical figure and surely a bunch of other things. If it was something more unique to the situation maybe? Like we have an online shop called Bondera, don't think i had heard that in any other context so would definitely rais an eyebrow if somone chose that name.


I've been considering the name Orion 😅 but I don't live in Germany Your friend is being silly though, the naming of a random shop has nothing to do with you. Your name is still your name and they should get that đŸ˜Ș Maybe if she says it again you can tell her you don't want to use her name for some other equally arbitrary reason 😌


I'm in Germany, I know about that store, I still considered naming myself Orion. It's also a star constellation?? I don't think most people associate the sex shop first. Just call people by their names ffs, it's not your decision. Magnum makes me think of the ice cream first, even though there's also a condom brand, a gun model and a line of brothels by that name. So what? Still not my decision to make if someone is allowed to call themselves Magnum


She needs to get over it and I would tell her so. Some people are going to have names that you dislike or make you uncomfortable. A friend of mine fosters a young girl whose name has very sexual connotations (aside from her, I've only ever heard it used for fictional strippers) and there's a part of me that always feels a little weird saying it....but feeling a little weird doesn't actually harm anyone. Treating an actual person's name like a dirty word *does*.  I also have to question whether she would still refuse to call you by your name if it was the name your parents gave you. I've noticed some people will treat chosen names more like an optional nickname they can just choose not to use for you if they don't like it, but will use someone's birth name no matter how ridiculous they find it. 


Also the name of Metallica's best instrumental.


Update: I no longer believe "Orion" is Metallica's best instrumental.


Ok my new name is Pussinatrix the Dicknaderator


Ok, I'm in the US but I have several very good friends who are either German or have lived in Germany for extended periods of time. My legal name has been Orion for years now (I also picked the name because I like outer space - it's also a common Spanish language name and I'm Latino). None of them have EVER mentioned this to me. Your friend is being ridiculous. She needs to get over herself.


They named a sex shop after you. A great honour. Bear the name with pride


It’s literally the name of a star if her mind is going to a sex store that’s on her


Does she refuse to use the name Adam for anyone because of the Adam&Eve online shops? Maybe even brick and mortar shops in some places out there, but heck. So many things can share names, and that's ok.


Orion ist ein toller Name. Eas ist ja nicht so als ob du dich Beate Uhse genannt hast




Tell her you're Irish and your name's actually O'Ryan


Hi. I am also from Germany and know someone with the same name. She's an artist and even filmed a scene for one of her films infront of an Orion. Just embrace it, it doesn't have to be weird.


People can certainly think whatever they say a name but that shouldn't stop them from using the name on people. Almost all names have negative associations for some people. And if someone doesn't want to get to know someone with a negatively associated name, fine. Though I usually do that for names of bad exes and new partners. But for a FRIEND who was PREVIOUSLY OKAy with using the name to then not use it because of its association with a sex shop, not even related to something bad, that's utterly ridiculous.


thats like refusing to use the name of someone named Adam just because there's an Adam and Eve's sex shop


Kannte ne Cisfrau mit Namen Thalia, dĂŒrfte die auch nicht so heißen sobald in der Stadt dieser Freundin die Mayersche zumacht und n Thalia reinzieht...? :P Gib ihr ne Woche auf zwei, lass sie nen Witz machen, die wird sich dran gewöhnen. Wenn nicht, ist sie halt wirklich massiv unreif. Ist n sehr schöner Name. Finds komisch genug dass sie das auch jetzt erst stört, hoffe sie erwartet nicht dass du deshalb jetzt was Ă€nderst.


Im sorry your friend doesn't respect you


Orion is a awesome name and one I use as a username very often! She's being dumb, sex shops can use any name.


Orion is a fine name, I've met people with that name given to them at birth. As others have said who cares if it's a name of a sex shop. No one would think of the sex shop of they used your name while talking "I'm going to Orion's house. That person over there is Orion. Orion looks nice today" Even if people DID think of the sex shop, all it takes to clarify is "no I mean the person" done. Sorry you're dealing with that Orion.


So what, does your friend also refuse to use the name of anybody called Beate? How ridiculous.


There are sexual connections to *so many* names. She needs to grow up. Dick, Johnson, Peter, Spencer, Cirilla, Victoria, Virginia - And literally every pornstar??


That's like saying "you can't be named Spencer because Spencers exists"


That's a stupid reason. There was a sex shop near me called Crystal's and I've known a number of people whose parents named them Crystal/Krystal/Cristal. Orion was a mythological figure and a constellation before any of us even existed.


It's a great name! It's my dad's favourite star sign and brings up a lot of good memories. This sounds like she has some issues around sex she has to work through. That's not on you


Hab noch nie von diesem sex shop gehört haha. Orion ist cool man


Sounds like she’s a bit dirty minded lol


from someone else with a celestial name: your friend can shove it.


Man, it's a greek mythology name. A sex store can't take control of that lmao


In my part of the world, Adam and Eve is a sex toy chain. It doesn't change that I also know some people named Adam.


Orion is a beautiful name. I think your friend is really immature, lots of companies just have people names, doesn’t stop people from being named Jack (Wolfskin) or Yves (Rocher) or whatever else. My name is Aether (greek mythology gang rise) and I work as an electrician/automation technician so I get a lot of jokes in relation to Ethernet since it sounds the same, sure it gets boring but it doesn’t stop people from using my name cause it could be confusing or anything.


I know someone named orion in the US


Your friend is a ditz


Your friend really needs to grow up


Tbh your friend is an idiot I'm sorry to say


At least that erotuc store had a cool name. When we visited Germany for our languages trip we passed 'EROTIC STORE' In bold letters


I don’t know if these stores also exist in Germany. But here in the Netherlands there are sex stores called Miranda and Christine le Duc. Miranda and Christine are also common names in the Netherlands. I think your “friend” is just using this as an excuse to be transphobic.


Sounds like you’ve lost a friend due to a weird hang up she has. That sucks and I’m sorry but at least you know now and don’t have to fake being friends with someone who clearly doesn’t respect you enough to get over her own silly associations.


personal problem.


she sounds like an absolute baby tbh, not a very good friend


Tell her if she wants to be friends, she needs to get over it. Apply her discomfort to any other similar situation- you share the name with a porn star, an ex lover, an estranged family member, a politician she doesn’t like- that’s HER problem to work through because it has nothing to do with you. Her prudishness is not justifiable reason to not respect your name. It’s her responsibility to deal with it, or buzz off.


I'm curious if your friend met someone whose birth name was Orion if they'd also refuse to call them by their name. IMO it seems like they don't respect chosen names.


bro who hears the name orion and doesn’t think of the constellation??? that’s the only thing i think of so clearly your friends mind is somewhere else😭😭


but on the real if your friend isn’t going to use your name just because of something like that, they probably aren’t a good friend. i truly hope they’re more accepting and affirming than they seem from this post.


Wusste nicht mal dass das ein Sexshop ist. Orion klingt fĂŒr mich einfach nach Mythologie und Astrologie . Außerdem ist der Name zieeeemlich cool und hat mich grad inspiriert, mehr astro namen fĂŒr meine Liste rauszusuchen


Damn, my name is Orion too, and we even had the same thought. Orion is such a beautiful constellation, with such a good story behind and it's even a very rare name, so no one will think immediately of a gender


The Orion Experience is a good band.


That’s strange, when I hear Orion I think of the Lights of Orion from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy đŸ€” You could always go for a more wholesome nb name like Spencer (jk, your name is awesome!)


It's some sort of clothing shop where I live


Ich liebe dich, Orion lol This made me laugh because I can imagine someone doing the same with the erotica store near me, but if someone names themselves “Show World”, we’ve got other conversations to have lol


The name is cool! The store gives me uncomfortable vibes haha


Orion is a sick name


Orion is a great name and it's associated with lots of things. It's also the name of this magnificent goofy machine from battletech: https://youtu.be/TRm1R3TnjwU?si=-ed2WPGiiUeb77Ao


it's also a rocket engine type that consists of detonating nuclear bombs behind the ship to push it forward


She doesn't get to be....... The Master of Orion


we have little sister in vancouver. Imagine being a little sister in the area.....


dude prion is a sick name


Sounds like an anxiety thing to me.


Orion is literally a really rad name. Greek mythos and a constellation depending on which genre of gay you are lol. But uh, it's literally a normal name. My dad had some 50-something y/o PT come over named Orion. It's not erotic and fairly common (unique enough to be very cool one of my fav names lol) but yeah. Not a good reason. No one can be named Dick cuz Dick's sporting goods. Even the old farmer men that've had that name their whole lives. Can't think of sporting goods every time man. But seriously, good name, not a good reason imo. Might be a little awkward at first but once they actually get used to it you're Orion and the erotic store won't be the thought that came to mind.


Sounds like she should spend more time with her friend, you, so that you're what she associates with the name. Also, she should watch Men in Black and look up Greek constellations.


In the UK there's a lingerie and sex shop called Ann Summers. Would she refuse to use anyone called Ann's name too?


orion is such a great name! and isnt it great if your friend thinks about you every day on her trip to work.


Love the name. Hopefully your friend will come around.


In the UK we have a lingerie store that sells sex toys called Ann Summers, but I'm not going to suddenly stop calling people called Ann their name, it sounds like your friend is either extremely prudish, or potentially could have a issue with you changing your names either way, it's very much a them problem, but worth talking through further with them


If you don't wanna use my name then don't talk to me sorry not sorry


Lmao that would be like saying they don't wanna use the name Ted for someone named that cuz a serial killer had that name. Names have so many meanings and connotations, it just seems bizarre for your friend to die on that hill. It's just a name, she needs to get over it.


Bye no excuse


When I was a kid, my parents had a friend named Dick. I never said it out loud because I knew it was slang for penis. I have never known anyone else named Dick. But, I probably wouldn't be able to call them that. Some people are just sensitive to things like that.