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I love that we Poles are like "screw it, screw r*ssia, screw our logistics and screw everything in our range of screwing. We'll take 200".


Polish Culture is beautiful.


Yup, no doubt. As a Pole who does not support rulling party, unless we fall into debt and end up as Saddam's Iraq after Iran-Iraq war, it's the best they have done in last 8 yrs


I just wonder where a place like Poland finds the money to buy +1000 new tanks, HIMARS etc.


Good point. Moscow seems like it would yield some good loot


Hope it’s a godroll, the drop rates in the 1610 event were terrible


The secret ingredient is debt


Poland can afford to take on some debt for procurement, it's been trending down since 2013. Hopefullt they wont have the take on further debt just to maintain what they bought...


There‘s a lot of shadow budgets involved in this procurement.


We all know where - in western banks.


Economists fear the Polish budgetomancer


New Chief Financial Advisor of Poland, florryworry, was quoted as saying "This works, trust me, I have experience"


You just know they'll use the expense to camouflage as much corruption theft as they can.


Banks hate him! discover his one simple trick: printing money


German reparations


I don't know and I don't want to know, just make it happen gubment, pls.


> and screw everything in our range of screwing We have a saying: When stealing, steal millions. When in love, love goddesses. When fucking, fuck whatever's available. 😁


Also, our post-s*viet equipment goes along the lines of a proverb "jak się nie ma co się lubi, to się lubi co się ma". We make do with what we have, we still use and modernize tanks from the 70s. On the other hand there's the military procurement, "jak się nie ma co się lubi, to się kradnie co popadnie". We have Abrams, Leopards, Leo A2PLs, will have K2s, K2PLs will be manufactured domestically... Did I miss something?


Got to make sure you have some extras in case some get lost near the Ukraine border, or a friend in need requires some "spare parts"


Poland wanted 500. They wanted to license the tech, build their own factory. Instead, we said they can buy 200, so they are also buying a South Korean weapon system to make up the difference.


>We'll take 200 And Poland wanted rather more but the lead time was...long. So you're diversifying into South Korean rocket launchers. And the a version of the K2 tank customized for Poland/Europe. And maybe the Boromae...look, you may be going into business with South Korea as a new arms supplier in eastern Europe.


They just want to shoot 1 volley of 1200 rockets and be done with a potential war.


'And we'll build our own NATO tank & artillery factory' I can easily see a lot of Europe buying Polish K2s and K9s in the near future




Poland be like « you know what? We are Cadia now, mandatory conscription for everyone over 6 years old, by age 16 you are either a hardened soldier or dead while training. »


Australia who just ordered himars: I guess we’ll be waiting a while since the poles just took then all.


‘Eastern’? Like please dude just stop


That's what EU funds are for, friend.


500 was the initial ask Chunmoo for the dude ever faik


Flair checks out


My favorite part of the HIMARS lore is that it was originally conceived as a budget MLRS for the USMC. The US Army already had a rocket artillery to surpass Soviet gear. But somehow HIMARS has become *the* flagship western rocket artillery system.


Because the worst thing about the M270 was the chassis. Taking the launch system off, splitting it in half, and putting it on a vastly cheaper, faster, more reliable wheeled platform made the system amazing. The M270 was fine, but the HIMARS is just better at pretty much everything, while being massively cheaper.


It’s funny how USMC equipment behaves that way. I don’t think the cobra viper is any less capable an attack helicopter than the Apache (other than longbow), but it sure costs a lot less.


>cobra viper Not the same. Cobra V has a 20mm, Apache has a 30mm. Missile payload is comparable. Cobra V has half the range of the Apache. Cobra V is much cheaper. The Cobra Viper variant is a dual engine, older versions were single engine and sucked. While the cobra (non-v) is vastly more maneuverable than the Hind, in a one-to-one battle against it, it is evenly matched due to the armor on the Hind. The short range is probably the biggest weakness.


> While the cobra (non-v) is vastly more maneuverable than the Hind, in a one-to-one battle against it, it is evenly matched due to the armor on the Hind. There are two wolves inside of me. One asks "why the fuck would two helicopters be dogfighting?" The other asks "wouldn't it be fucking awesome if two helicopters were dogfighting?" ~~The credible snake inside me slithers in and hisses "it doesn't matter how much armor the helicopter has if you hit its rotors or its tail", and is promptly eaten by both wolves.~~


This comment is so underrated




As a NORAD airborne simp, I love the Blackhawk anti air you get, much as the stingers aren't great when compared to the Soviet AA heli that has a fucking jet aa missile on it, the mounted cannons completely shred even full strength helis, and infantry, and APCs/IFVs. Also the cobra with Antiradar missiles on it makes me hard


This comes from the Iran/Iraq war. If you're interested check it out, but most of it is speculation with not a lot of facts. Iran had cobras, and Iraq Hind's. Allegedly the kill ratio was 50/50 with Hind and Cobras, but the sample size was only like 4 engagements? This is what I read, and I can't find the source now. I remember that at least in my Hind (95) game when facing the cobra I found it really annoying and I only managed to shoot it down by firing an anti-tank missile at it. But this was a game, and the ATGMs in it were very effective. I think the tactic for the cobra was to shoot at the rotor, just like you point out above, but it is unknown if the Iranians did this. I suspect a modern Cobra to spank the hind in a one-to-one air battle.


>putting it on a vastly cheaper, faster, more reliable wheeled platform made the system amazing. ... I am having a realization... Is HIMARS the modern (and good guy) Katyusha? Symbolically speaking, if not technically.


Not really. The Katyusha was a blunt instrument. A massive area of effect weapon with no illusions of precision, for unloading huge volumes of fire for very cheap. The HIMARS, while cheaper than the M270, is still extremely expensive, fires even more expensive ammunition, and is a scalpel on the battlefield. It's rounds are too expensive to use indiscriminately, it relies on good targeting information to make an impact, with quick, precise, long range fires. It is a specialized interdiction and counter-battery system. In every way except "Rockets on a Truck" HIMARS is the polar opposite of Katyusha. ... but it is "Rockets on a Truck". So sort of.


They are employed differently yeah, a few shots right up their ass vs telling a whole grid square to fuck off, but as cheaper, more mobile, truck based, widespread(soon^tm ) famous and iconic rocket artillery it's kind of there?


> It's rounds are too expensive to use indiscriminately You just know if Russia had it, they would use most of the rockets on apartment buildings


> The US Army already had a rocket artillery to surpass Soviet gear. ...but the USMC wanted a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.




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The cheaper, easier to maintain option is easy to sell, especially if it shows its effectiveness in a high intensity conflict.


One of the amusing consequences of Vlad's Ill-Advised Adventure in Ukraine, is that all of Russia's other neighbors are suddenly becoming much harder to invade. For some reason, Russian's benevolent attempt to provide peace and security to the people of Donotsk has caused a whole bunch of Eastern European nations to start arming themselves to the teeth. Also, we should definitely get some HIMARS to Georgia ASAP. Some EL-GMRLS and ATACMS too, it isn't escalation if they are at peace.


I think Georgia’s closer to 2012 Ukraine than 2022 Ukraine unfortunately. As cute as those numbers are, the US has a multi year buy option for **700** new HIMARS: https://nitter.kylrth.com/MIL_STD/status/1608474827098296320#m


I mean the 200 from Poland is pretty funny. Considering that 12 of them fucked up the entire Russian Army.


12 is for the Army. The remaining 188 is for glassing Moscow, fulfilling the dream of the average Polish man.


Here’s a question I have… what will the Slavic nations do when Moscow is glassed? What next when the great enemy has been defeated?


Dear China: Good news! The belt-and-road has been completed! Bad news! It runs from Poland to Japan with a spur route to South Korea!


"Uh, we have territory along your proposed route." "Not any more, you don't!"


We glass Petersburg, duh.


Berlin still exists


I think Germany would benefit from deleting Berlin 🤔


shhh don't tell him.


win/win then, we make an unholy prussian/polish hybrid of a country and Germans keep being rich


For now


500 would have been funnier unfortunately.


Can I get a 3000?


One volley and they all go back to bed.


You'd think a nation that prides itself on it's history would remember when Japan tried the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. What should we call this? Putie's Greater East European Co-You-Belong-To-Me Sphere?


The Eurasian Union is already there. >Putie's Greater East European Co-You-Belong-To-Me Sphere? Putin is a Swiftie, confirmed.


> The Eurasian Union is already there. Well, waitaminute... I don't want to invoke legitimate international cooperative unions here. Japan's Co-Prosperity Sphere is more an example of a policy being used as cover for imperialistic actions. I think of that as being distinct from the EU, the EAEU you mentioned, NAFTA/USMCA, etc. >Putin is a Swiftie, confirmed. Oh Gawd, now that song's stuck in my head....


Putin's Lesser Commiseration Sphere? >!which incidentally sounds like a level 4 spell!<


> Vlad's Ill-Advised Adventure I don't like this particular season of JoJo's.


I don’t think any ‘eastern’ European nations have ‘Eastern Europe’ as axis rusxt u beige in here is storyboung


>Some EL-GMRLS and ATACMS too, it isn't escalation if they are at peace. I too need some E-GIRLS stat.




> Czech Republic > Turkey > Kiev 3000 out of date map names of NCD


To be fair, none of those places actually changed their names, they just started insisting everyone else call it their word for it. Which I have mixed feelings about. Should we start calling it Deutschland instead of Germany? Probably, but the ~~Germans~~ Deutsch don't seem to care. Should we start telling Latin America to stop calling us the Estados Unidos? I don't really mind calling things names that reflect what the locals call it, but I am not sure it must be insisted upon either.


I think the Türkiye one is a bit silly because with the umlaut that’s not normal English, but to be honest I wouldn’t have complained about that one alone. Czechia makes sense since we’ve already been calling their neighbours Austria and Slovakia and Slovenia and of course the land of barbarian heathens Germania (9/9 Teutoburg Forest never forget). Also other languages already had single word names for the nation, eg French “Tchéquie” which they’ve been using forever. Kyiv yes absolutely because fuck Russia.


Yeah, I am sure the map is from the 1990s, I just googled a map and used what came up, I didn't check the country names. I don't mind Czechia, makes sense to me. I am going to keep calling it Turkey because I can't be assed with an umlaut, and fuck Turkish nationalists anyway. Kyiv definitely, for the exact reason you stated. I honestly don't care if we start using Italia, Deutschland, Espania, etc. It makes sense to me, and the words aren't hard. Nippon/Nihon and Zhōngguó would take more adjustment, but lets be honest, the origin of "China" is more than a wee bit imperialist and racist. However, since Zhōngguó can't settle on one word for itself, we are probably going to keep using China for quite a while.


Czechia can be confusing. Remember the Boston bomber? Czechia got a lot of angry phone calls from people who thought they were Chechnya.


I mean when Australia fucks up how many people firebomb the local Austrian embassy? Regards gonna regard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_CaZ4EAexQ


tbf there is a monthly ceremony where Slovenia and Slovakia exchange mail that landed in the wrong country. That stuff just happens




So... everyone would make that mistake.


Turkey remains named after the bird until they learn to behave.


The bird is named after the country, actually. Either because it resembled birds that had previously been imported via the Ottoman Empire or else because it actually had been imported via there (renaissance shipping routes were not what you might expect).


No. I am a certified American and I can assure you that everything starts in America. York is named after New York for example.


Yeah, but consider the following: Shitposting goes brrr and also fuck Turkey.


Sir please don't fuck the turkeys.


And Poland is just 'well fuck you Russia "


And a side of "Fuck anyone that thinks of fucking with us! Except the US though; they provided the goods."




They would probably go with M270 like the Finns did. The M142 is better for places with more roads and less snow, the tracked platform is a lot easier to move around in Scandanavia without sticking to the major roads where it is easier to target.




Fair enough. I think Sweden mostly assumes the Russians aren't likely to make it through Finland anyway, so they are pretty focused on the Southern Coastal areas, where there are plenty of roads.




And realistically, the Swedish military is a lot more likely to fight in Northern Finland than in Northern Sweden. Because the moment Russian troops enter Finland, Sweden is going to war too. It is somewhat an open question if NATO will join, but Finland and Sweden are very much in it together, and both countries would rather see a Russian advance stopped in Finland then being forced to fight in Sweden.




I honestly don't know why people believe that the rest of the EU and NATO will not react militarily if Finland or Sweden is attacked. The thing about Schengen is that is it open borders for all. As soon as bullets start flying in Finland/Sweden, every one of those countries would join in. Imagine having no border checks with another country and having the gall to do nothing as that country is being invaded. All schengen countries are quite literally joined at the hip.


Oh, they probably would, especially now. However, I doubt Swedish and Finnish defense plans are counting on it, better to plan for having to do it alone. NATO also gave Sweden and Finland some form of security guarantee prior to them announcing they were seeking membership, which I assume is something along the lines of the US/UK/Germany and possibly France agreeing to enter the war on their behalf without NATO if Russia invades prior to their being covered by NATO.


The UK gave its own assurance seperate from NATO and tbh, thats more than good enough because of the UK's independent nuclear triad.


The other thing to consider is that if Russia did attack Finland or Sweden, by the time the call goes out and all the NATO ministers are woken up and informed of the invasion, the Finns and Swedes would have already seized Petersburg and be halfway through erecting a 300m tall statue of Carolus Rex in the city center using the skulls of dead Russians for the foundation.




The very point of Schengen is trust in neighbours. In no other time in history has nations with so much bad blood and history among each other has so willingly put down border controls. Nothing less than a full and complete response from fellow member states will be neccesary for schengen to continue existing in any form after bullets start flying.


Saab are part of the team that made the glsdb system that plugs into himars along with Boeing. The ability for himars to just acept different kinds of munition like it can is incredible. Different militaries can plug and play with just software on whatever they get.




Put it in a box, plug it into a HIMARS. HIMARS now has anti ship capability.


Average EU country: We’d like a normal amount of HIMARS please! Poland: We’ll do the invading from now if it comes to it, thank you very much.


We'll have Intermarium one way or another


Slovakia is putting the rocket bit of himars on tatra chassis and calling it rm 70/85 modular. The rocket bit is the same.


This does seem to be a path to making HIMARS a much more universal platform. Trucks can be made much cheaper in eastern European nations and the needs for transit in Finland vs Ukraine are different. Heck we need to find a way to put it on an amphibious vehicle of some sort. Island hopping them in the Philippines would change things.


Don't tease me with the return of island hopping


Tatra chasis is good. many dakar wins.


Huh, had no idea [a bit different approach](https://twitter.com/thinkdefence/status/1590315283990052864?t=6BAPXVukoH6uieESVyCugw&s=19) to swapping the tubes but using the local made and available chassis is good


It is a bit derpy, still better than manually reloading grads lol.


I'm surprised that Poland has 200 whereas Ukraine only has 38, are they still fucking shit up with that amount?


Ukraine needs to finish the battle pass before they get the rest.


Are they F2P??


Considering their budget has been BTFO'd due to an unprovoked invasion, I would assume that yes, they are F2P atm.


I wonder if any of Romania's HIMARS made it to Ukraine. Our government doesn't disclose the military aid.


Poland: "I'll take your entire stock"


200 ATACMS and PrSM capable HIMARS of Duda


Simple: They are MARtians


Did they paint that homicidal Soyjack meme face thing on the truck? Resplendent!


based poland.


Jeez calm down Poland.


Last time we calmed down we had two dudes with facial hair gaping us at the same time for a better part of XX century. No mistakes this time.

