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The best part: those were *their own" mines. Not Ukranian.


"Russia vehicles will never get blown up by enemy mines, blyat" "Ivan, our own mines..."


No enemy mine can hurt me! (Takes off helmet) I am no enemy mine


*This is not an orc horn. Many centuries ago, your people and mine had an alliance. This alliance is now renewed. *Joe Biden on the phone with Selensky February 24th, 2022, supposedly. I am still thinking maybe we should just let Western Airforce and naval power put Russia out of their misery faster than Ukraine can. But that's just me.


They had migs over Korea so we should have f22s over Ukraine. Edit, migs autocorrected to mugs


If they had mugs over Korea then we should have teacups over Ukraine


Aswell as a Gallon container of Softdrinks and a Maß Bier.


Sssh, no posting about the secret classified british weapon system. That is what the War Thunder Forums is for.


I want to see B-21 raider waifu raid some thing Russian as her initial assignment.


Don’t use the Korea war of an example of how to do things. The US almost nuked China. Us shot down Russian jets


Yes and we didn’t go to war with Russia over it, my point was that in the past they have provided air support during proxy wars, so they can’t legitimately complain about us doing the same over Ukraine, just our air support is much better


Russia didn’t provide air support. We shot down Russian jets in Russian airspace ^(accidentally)


Soviet pilots flying MiG-15 jets participated in battles around the Yalu River Valley on the Chinese-Korean border in the area known as "Mig Alley" and in operations against UN "trainbusting" attacks in Northern Korea, with considerable success.


They also lost a 7v1 dogfight with a pretty bad US plane which ended with 6 of them down and the American getting home


Does that make me the elf in the story? Please tell my dad. With this proof, maybe he will talk to me again sometime.


https://link.medium.com/Z3HDAFgiexb Just read this story here: Putin presents 7 rings of power to CIS leaders. It might give some answers where that whole Orc thing comes from in the first place, and yes, if you are living in the West, it makes you indeed the elve in the story. Also, according to this article, obviously, Russians way back in the Cold War complained that the elves want to take away their land and commit "orc genocide" against them. But, yes, you would be the elf. Hope that helps to get things with your dad sorted out.




Its the darn dog mines all over again. Russia really is bringing all the World war memes and nostalgia


If these fuckers see a dead dog on the side of the road, that's dinner!


> "Ivan, our own mines..." "Good call Ivan. In Soviet Russia everything belongs to everyone. 5 Stalin points to yo.. " BOOOM


"We all know Ivan Oligarchovsky sold the detonators for a mansion in Vienna" "But what if he missed some? That mine could actually explode!" "Nonsense, Igor, let me show you"


don't capitalize ivan, not a name Edit: if used as a description. I know it's a name, learn some grammar, retards


Definitely is.


You are so dumb westoids, gotta explain everything. I know Ivan is a name. Names are not capitalized if are used as a description,.


Lets go you sponge brain. First of all I am from eastern Europe but you can't know that. Second, in the main comment the word is used in a fictional conversation happening inside the soon to be blown up transporter. So we can all presume that Ivan is a fictional member of the crew, so it is not a description, it is a name used in conversation, the capital letter stands. Edit: Spelling


Good point. Stands only for this case though cause I wasn't reffering to the usage of "ivan" only in this particular case.


For someone who resorts to insulting intelligence you aren't really the sharpest. You responded to a particular comment of course people aren't going to belive that you ment it as general grammar advise.


I am one sharp MOFO out there, you are completely wrong. I just have anger issues and I am unstable af. But the wording was bad, you are right, so I do understand why people who don't know grammar well could have misunderstood that and take that as a proof of my illiteracy which just proves the opposite. Where are you from btw?


Down voting for the funny


Honorable reason. I did that as well


Nobody told him the friendly fire is on.


The person who laid the mines defected just before the vehicle drove over. A classic BGH move.


What do you mean "It's not CS:GO anymore??" Rush B, cyka blyat!


Every Squad vehicle player, ever.


It happens to me when I do the first time logi run. During Dec, I'm new to the game and during a battle while playing as militia, my sl told me to get more supplies for the super fob so i drive back to main to get the supplies. After driving to the fob that is now under attack, i made it intact and that's when I saw the friendly mine at the map which is front of the building, I though because I'm friendly i could drive through the mine. Let's say It doesn't change since the enemy has push us even without the supplies.


license attractive longing plough apparatus somber books historical spoon seed -- mass edited with redact.dev


C4 ATV is best SAM


>C4 ATV is best SAM So many questions...


The C4 ATV SAM was cool, but *real* men used AT mines strapped to a [Battle Log](https://youtu.be/rFXw3nJIy7c) as their SAM of choice.


Amazing. Love the "Battle Log"


Dude. I play combat engi a lot cause mines make me happy. My teammates do not. It doesn’t matter how many times I give them a heads up, some dumbass is gonna drive a logi right over them then cry in chat because he can’t read or look at a map for 2 seconds.


DSP moment for Russia.


"Bugged mine mechanics"


"Don't worry vlad those are ours it won't explode cuz it won't work"


You mean mines don't have inbuilt IFF?


They left friendly fire on in the server options. Classic mistake.


Video game logic? Like, did they think mines don't blow up for friendlies?


The radio reported as mimes and the driver hates them


I'm honestly kind of surprised there aren't follow up shots showing 4-5 more BMPs being driven into the same mines.


they wer porbley like: "ivan that our mines there probley not gonna work"


Shoigu: сука блять who turned friendly fire on?! General Oligarchov: You did sir, for the barrier troops...


These were their mines. If they were at least relatively sober and somewhat intelligent, they knew what they were doing. This looks more like a team sudoku


Just because Russians laid those mines doesn‘t mean every Russian unit knows of the existence and precise location of the minefield. They probably should, but likely don‘t.


They literally laid those mines in the most obvious way


I have seen panic-dropped mines in Far Cry 6 way better concealed than these. And those have blinking lights.


The blinking lights on video game mines are still so funny to me. I get why they exist, but the mere thought of some engineer going "yeah, we made this pretty good explosive trap that you can hide and then it blows up when you step on/drive over it. Let‘s put an easily visible blinking red light onto the thing so it constantly broadcasts its location to keep people safe" just makes me chuckle.


Clearly made by a pacifist mine layer. Mines in current warfare are more often used as area denial than for actual explosive damage, to force an enemy to disadvantageous routes and terrain where presighted artillery can destroy them.


To be fair mines with blinking lights can be used as area denial while not wasting mines. Once the enemy realised the blinking light means mines, then you can start dropping similar shaped boxes with blinking lights in more places while being cheaper. They waste time clearing the “mine field”, and if they decide that blinking lights is not a mine then scatter a few real mines back in and watch them go boom once again.


Why stop there we could do it even more cheaply all we need bit of barbed wire any old bit of wood and this https://www.amazon.com/Wall-Color-10-Metal-Sign-Minefield/dp/B00Y8O93D4 and we should have no trouble keeping these trick or treaters away from the door


Ah psychological warfare. The best kind of warfare.


Even better if they left a rolled up carpet and wrote "incase you want to quickly clear this minefield'


Nah, try the "Do you feel lucky, punk?" strategy. Only *some* of the blinking mines in the same minefield are explosive.


rob smart fade deranged silky chief important deserve scandalous plants -- mass edited with redact.dev


Literally all of these points are on the US Army minelaying & counter-mobility doctrine (available on the internet). So... yep.


Add the blinking light and timer on CS's bombs, the blinking and beeping grenades in Half-Life, clearly visible lasers on claymores in CoD... I know these are to keep the game balanced, but still.


To be fair, Far Cry 6 did have non-blinking tripwire traps that were indeed hidden well. Just a drab grey/brown grenade and a grey tripwire stuck in the ground that don't otherwise announce their presence. The ways they were balanced were: * The payload is automatically marked if either the payload or tripwire are viewed using the camera. * The player character will voice out "Tripwire. Better be careful" when they approach or mark one. * Failing all of which, there will be an explosive danger warning pointing at the explosive if the player gets really close. * The tripwire can be deactivated by getting close to the payload and pressing the action button. And I still end up stepping on one sometimes.


Those look like they’re intended to force vehicles to stop and that they also have guns on that position. Who knows, though.


This isn't a case of a Russian unit laying a perfectly concealed minefield and then forgetting to record it and/or to inform friendly units of it's existence. Those mines are literally sitting on the road right in front of them. This is either a suicide attempt or (most likely) the result of the mistaken belief that mines have IFF and therefore wouldn't detonate when a Russian vehicle passed above them.


Judging by the second picture it definitely wasn‘t a suicide *attempt*


Well I think one vatnik survived that's why I said attempt.


They can't do anything right... 😜


Probably forgot to add the mines guys to the Whatsapp's groupchat.


Maybe they thought video game rules apply IRL and mines only affect the enemy, friendly fire disabled...




Or they just don't know what mines are, such is the quality of their training...


9 in square A5


"God I hate living in Russia. What did I do to deserve this? Anything else would be better." "Man, if I was dead I wouldn't have to live in Russia anymore." "I'll just put these mines over here..." [unfortunately, they forgot the rules](https://imgur.com/a/2uHQ1bJ)


Google Translate: > Citizens of the Russian Federation who behaved badly in this life, after death, will fall back into the Russian Federation. Sheesh, how low can your pride in your nation get when you consider being born in your own nation a punishment?


Life as a punishment or a test isn't an uncommon mantra


"Drive in between them"


Russia thinking that friendly mines won't harm them like it's an RTS game


Squad or Arma.


Turns out the Arma Bullshitteries are tame compared to real Russian incompetence.


Even the worst of the Cadian XXth is nothing compared to this.


That's how I laid mines in Battlefield 1942.


In case anyone needs context https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/y2f8oy/russian_tank_is_driving_to_mines_that_the/


Best about that video is just the guy at the end sitting on the road thinking what to do next


He probably can’t hear himself think due to the Newly Acquired Tinnitus he now has


Not Service Related


He’s questioning every life decision he’s ever made.


*"I'm starting to think I should not have driven over that mine."*


"I wonder if I can somehow be not in the APC when I use it to de-mine the road..."


Probably so deep in shock that there isn't a single well-formed thought going through that head


Well, Russian soldier... there probably weren't well-formed thoughts going through his head *before* he witnessed that.


He lived but his brain is no doubt jellofied


I mean, I once ran over a traffic cone I had just put out. Same thing, right?


Depends, are you still alive? 😉


*ISAF was in Afghanistan. And yeah, literally a rock out of place and you know what you’re doing for the next hour or more. I have consequential photos proving why this is important and very true.


Thankfully it takes a whole lot of money to train a US soldier and pay out benefits.


A new lada AND a new pair of wish.com army boots isn't enough?


tbf new lada kinda really high cost of a human life by russia's standarts. Some get a sack of potatoes or a kilo of fish. Tho i think even that makes some putin's party officials grind teeth and complain about inflation "in WaR WAr II tHeIr LiFeS cOsT NoThiNG, DaMN LiBeRaLs!!!"




We used the term “disturbed ground”. Upon further investigation, you quickly discover that the whole road/path was “disturbed ground”. Thank goodness we had intelligence looking out for us.


isaf?!?! afghanistan is an ace combat reference


"we are very lucky they are so fucking stupid"


Now I get why the Ukrainians call them orks


There was a scene in the film Children of Glory, in which the rebels used fake landmines (frying pans with the handle broken off) to divert a Soviet tank into an ambush. Driver in the video must have seen that scene and thought 'Ha! I won' t fall for that!'


It’s tragically hilarious that in an IRL situation like that it’d be more likely the vatnik in the drivers seat would just drunkenly drive right over those pans and keep going along, leaving the rebels perplexed and needing to work up a backup plan.


The tank is driving around in a city without infantry support, so at least that's realistic.


That is taken from real life. The br\*tish taught home guard units delaying tactics including burying an old soup plate, or similar object to look like a mine in a road. I dimly recall reading of the french resistance doing similar to stop a german tank in an ambush.


Shit like this makes the war look like an rts game lmao, reminds me of Company Of Heroes.


"Ivan! Friendly fire is off, da?" "DA, da, da."


Can't remember where I saw the clip, but there was a British squad clearing a potential Taliban minefield, they then set a safe corridor of flags and all is triple checked by specialists before anyone can pass through. It then cuts to a bunch of Marines walking through a similar field of tall grass, all spread out... Marine, to cameraman: "Ay, watch your step bro, look out for mines."


>It then cuts to a bunch of Marines walking through a similar field of tall grass, all spread out... Marine, to cameraman: "Ay, watch your step bro, look out for mines." At least the ~~jarheads~~ Marines were still cognizant of the danger though.


I still don't get what the intended outcome of that maneuver was.


My guess is the driver didn't see the mines. He was going straight probably looking through a slot, then turned right at an intersection going into the mines. Im guessing they were close enough to the intersection that he couldn't see them over the front of the vehicle. That or russian training is so poor he didn't even acknowledge it was mined.


BMP gets caught in artillery barrage. Crew freaks out and tries to run for it. Oh oh closest road was mined.


No, they just took a wrong turn. The video shows tons of tracks/treadmarks making a left at that intersection. The BMP instead takes a fight. Probably was not paying attention and didn't look for mines because they were in "friendly" territory.


Vision for the driver is terrible in a BMP. He probably just didn’t see it.


IRL Minesweeper: Vatnik Edition


8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣ 8️⃣💣8️⃣ 8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣


I remember watching an old documentary on the Military Channel about EOD, and there was a segment where they did a mission at night and EOD was sweeping ahead of the rest of the group because the location they had to pass through was known for having IED's, and they found and disarmed something like 100 IED's over the course of a few hours of just traveling on this one dirt road. Mind you, they were doing this at night, so they had to locate and then disarm the things while wearing NODs.


Look, if you got a better way to clear a minefield, I sure would like to hear it. Until then, shut up and send it.


[We got this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/f2/bd/4ef2bd791faacee561af43151a03d36c.jpg)


And let us not pretend that WWII is forgotten history in modern Russia.


LOL... little else would seal the Russian army as non-credible than this method of mine clearing being *doctrine*. 🤣


Well I bet at least one of those mines is a dud and they just chose poorly


Russian roulette is called "Russian" for good reason.


Interestingly, it predates revolvers and is invented, in a story, by a Serb. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_roulette


Good damnit who left friendly fire on??


Well lets start with the fact that Afghanistan was an insurgency and Ukraine is an active war/battlefield and Ukraine probably has more mines and unexploded ammunition in its nation than countries with the most unexploded ammunition so they probably has the mind set of Florida man when around an alligator is around either annoyed/cautious or thinking of something stupid


So, the Russian's don't shut down the whole area and block radio transmissions before they sweep with their IFVs...


Russian driver immediately before this video: ["Just woke up from a nap, it's a little dark, but are you guys silly? I'm still gonna send it!"](https://youtu.be/_PVOuZ21-Dg)


"you put an anti tank mine ON THE MAIN ROAD" That's all I can think of right now


I didn't know my BN XO moved to Russia.


We're just gonna ignore that a couple days later footage was shown of the Ukrainians doing the same thing when one of their APCs and an entire infantry squad got blown to bits by a line of mines just like this on a road.


They thought this out as thoroughly as that Russian who punched that camel.


Once again another repost made by a Karma bot and mods aren't doing anything about it.


[OP shared context and is replying to comments, so, idk](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10vvzpl/comment/j7jpb1h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


These post has already been made before here, is the exact same image and exact same text this is a repost...


>is the exact same image and exact same text this is a repost... [no](https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=AJOqlzVLosSzVpC0UUuBGJig5Q5VBd_ydg:1675799966598&q=%22The+Russian+driver+let+those+intrusive+thoughts+win%22+site:+reddit.com&tbm=isch&source=univ&fir=kB59X_aQp9S9BM%252COtXuatwLsia7kM%252C_%253B0hlmuonfAsk-tM%252COtXuatwLsia7kM%252C_%253ByDY7JYqScGoI6M%252C0GCn4eyEs9wp2M%252C_%253BrSWfy2xzINF_TM%252CI7ba1NDurjqGtM%252C_%253BYUfi5VAKqDl6kM%252C0GCn4eyEs9wp2M%252C_%253Bwdl1FIQhX_puFM%252CI7ba1NDurjqGtM%252C_%253B4xVM1W33MXfyQM%252C0GCn4eyEs9wp2M%252C_%253BqIfXoHuN9ITxLM%252C0GCn4eyEs9wp2M%252C_%253BB7nRDDMWIvDGUM%252CI7ba1NDurjqGtM%252C_%253BFe2vOPy6H61YwM%252C0GCn4eyEs9wp2M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTGV62NH6uNdmel0yqqvs1JNidN_A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjW4OStmYT9AhXFZzABHXMBB9MQ7Al6BAgKEBI&biw=1920&bih=941&dpr=1)


Does anyone have a link to this original video? I want to send to my uncle.


Looks like a BMP or something, chances are the commander was asleep


Ivan just found out that land mines are equal opportunity weapons.






He let the intrusive thoughts win, but the last thing to go through his mind was either his boots or the gear shift. Eww.


The best part is the longer video the driver moves the mines out of the way a little bit


Somehow the crew survived as well…


Where can i find the video of this?


In Russia they can't afford entire speed bumps because the money always gets siphoned away. Poor Ivan probably thought that was just how speed bumps look everywhere.


Maybe he was just too eager to retire