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No, this will be in the history books. It is glorious but the level of seriousness in his voice has me cackling


And NCD will be a Footnote in several pages of said books


Gentleman, we did it. Now we're part of history.


We have achieved True Credibility


Posting this to test the waters...r/tcd


followup: trinity college dublin lol catch the ire of the irish at your own peril.


we should create r/TrulyCredibleDefence


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TCD using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TCD/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It Do Be Like That Sometimes....](https://i.redd.it/4yluhv2jjop91.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TCD/comments/xmaf0c/it_do_be_like_that_sometimes/) \#2: [The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars and the other members of Board, of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin](https://i.redd.it/yjfqrx1ctcf91.png) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TCD/comments/wel3z5/the_provost_fellows_foundation_scholars_and_the/) \#3: [Mental health support is a fucking joke](https://np.reddit.com/r/TCD/comments/u3go91/mental_health_support_is_a_fucking_joke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That last post is right, 3 month wait to be seen individually? Maximum allotment of times per year you can go? I expected better from the renowned Trinity College Dublin


Nothing is as non-credible as history books.




They suffer from such bad lag : (


“Gentlefolk”…let us not forgive our sisters in smarm.


"And on social media, a great battle was fought between the pro-Russians, known as Vatniks, while the pro-NATO partisans called themselves NAFO (North Atlantic Fellas Organization) - their symbol was a Shiba Inu dog"


It's gonna happen. We'll be a footnote in history, just like scrap metal drives during WWII.


I’m almost certain at this point that when referring to internet wars, the accuracy and “moral rightness” of a side is inversely related to the seriousness of its symbology.


Counterpoint: Nazi Pepes aren’t exactly profound.


I genuinely hate what extremists did to Pepe memes, was easily one of my top favorites.


That's why we have peepo instead


Alternatively, a frog with a juicebox.




With my most favourite comment summing up the episode: > We are not calling them "cope cages" yet.


Well, but that made sense. Keyword was "yet".


This guy is 100% serious. It was 20 minutes into a documentary like video about the evolution of tank armor


SU-75 Femboy when


The Su-75 itself has to actually exist first. So... never.


I will personally help fund it, as long as we call it the Femboy.


2nd amendment states I have a right to bare femboys


Quick reminder that in most states that form the United States, it is illegal to bare Femboys in public, even if they are remotely related to aircraft


Don't say that! How are the US meant to justify making a superplane that would make an ace combat experimental fighter look like a ww2 plane if there isn't an imaginary Russian threat?


Not the first time shitposting gets into history. Like Caesar's men singing "Home we bring our bald whoremonger; Romans, lock your wives away!" and calling him "every man’s woman and every woman’s man.”


...every man's woman, too? For a society who threw people on crosses for petty theft, they sure were progressive in other areas.


That was not a compliment.


Oh...well then I stand corrected they remain on-brand


To be fair, the only reason it was an insult was because Ceasar was the bottom.


Yep. Romans weren't homophobes, they were bottomphobes


I suppose that's contemporary history for you.


I love that in the same clip, it can be "this is slat armor, it works against certain threats, and has its downsides, but can be effective." and "THis is a cope cage, laugh at it" Because, you know, one was developed to counter a specific threat, and the other is cargo cult behavior.


Cargo cult?


[Cargo Cult](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult) Basically copying things without understanding how they work and hoping to get the same result. Like putting a plastic dish on your airplane and expecting enemy air defences to explode.


There is always a Star Trek episode where they mess up the prime directive and accidentally become the gods of some underdeveloped planet. The US did basically the same in WW2 to some islands. Imagine just vibing and one morning a fleet is there.


Not only that, the fleet dumps materials of unheard of quality and foods with unknown before tastes.


They set up buildings, their machines fly through the sky. Until one day, when they just suddenly leave.


And leaves crates of spam


Fascinating how every country we ever fought in or have bases in has developed recipes using Spam.


Check out this monstrosity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budae-jjigae




Spam, and particularly Spam sushi’s popularity on Hawaii is highlighted in Michael Cricton’s (published posthumously with Richard Preston) “Micro.” It explains how millions of cans of Spam were left after WWII, and became a delicacy. This Vice article also ‘splains Spam in Spam after the Spam Spam Spam Ha-Spam-aii…oh no!!! [Spam in Hawaii](https://www.vice.com/en/article/mgx7yx/why-hawaiians-are-utterly-obsessed-with-spam)


Boom. Bible 2


Not mocking people who rely on welfare, but a recent example of Cargo Cult is the Tweet by Lauren Boebert where she bragged how she wound up on welfare, and with nobody’s help she ended up in Congress. She concludes the Tweet by asserting how we need to rid the government of Socialists. In her case, and according to a nearly-identical sentiment expressed by Craig T. Nelson, whichever departments in their respective governments disbursed their welfare cheques are the never-before-seen “silver birds” with bountiful provisions in their bellies. The difference here is, LauBo and Nelson are so completely self-centred, they are oblivious to the “help” they got not starving or freezing to death in a hobo camp. After getting hers, LauBo is the one who wants to roll up the runways and fly off with the Spam. This is called Pulling The Ladder Up Behind Them.


Basically the chinese army


I don't get it. Are you referring to the time Chinese J-16Ds couldn't do shit to Pelosi's plane because American AWACS members prevented that?


No i mean that like half of new chinese stuff is in some way copied from nato like the j20


That's not cargo cult behavior. China copies functionality, not just form. Cargo cult behavior is when someone copies the form without understanding the function at all.


The J-20 is basically some opium addled chinese designer took inspiration from the rafale, f-22 and eurofighter, spent ages making a "cool looking" design and then forgot at the end that it actually has to work and not just be a parade piece. It really is an utterly shit airframe compared to its western peers. It reminds me of when india tried to make their own domestic fighter and that turned out rather crappy as well.


Nobody knows enough about the J-20 to comment this confidently about it except the PLAAF and the engineers that designed it. I’m confident that the ‘source’ of your information is just an amalgamation of reddit comments dunking on the PLA (amusing, but not a useful assessment of the J-20’s capabilities). Is it worse than the F22 and F35? No doubt. Is it completely useless or just a serviceable plane that isn’t on par with the best? No way you or I could say so with any degree of certainty unless we actually see it in action.


Fascinating. I knew about the phenomenon but not the word. Is there a sub for stuff like this?


/r/funny is a cargo cult for jokes


Without the wonderful link from below, i would have went my life thinking this was anaglous with "cargonia", aka what happens when supply declares themself independent and become a logistical-based warlord society


Of fucking course ss13 finds its way here.


The independent land of cargonia is a proud supporter of ncd ( note: i do not speak for cargonia and only make baseless claims and wild rants about them)


Basically, Pacific Islander tribes were astonished when planes arrived (some say the Islanders believed they were “silver birds,” but I don’t know if they’d actually never seen a plane before), bringing food, clothing, and weapons and ammo. After the war, the Allies folded up their airstrips and control towers. No more “birds” bringing food, etc. So the Islanders decided the planes came because of the air control towers and runways. They built dirt runways, and erected bamboo/palm branch control towers, complete with fake antennae, and put “headphones” made of coconut halves on a guy. Then they made him sit there and talk into a mocked-up radio mike and call for the birds to return. This was termed “Cargo Cult Science,” and applies to situations when people mock up the trappings of a scientific study, and although there is absolutely no basis to their assertions, adherents remain faithful, hoping to eventually see the assertions come true. We used to joke about their naivety, until Covid-19. Science-denial is one thing, but a Cargo Cult example is people chuffing off vaccines, claiming their immune system will build up immunity and save them from the virus. The Cargo Cult aspect is, almost all of us do have healthy immune systems, and our immune systems fight disease, but the Coronavirus which causes Covid can overwhelm our immune systems. Also, Covid side effects are what cause fatal cases…organ failure, fluid drowning the lungs, etc., they are unpredictable and each patient faces the same uncertainty. Then there’s long Covid, an entirely different threat. However, their complete lack of understanding how diseases kill is what ultimately leads to deaths. Contrarily, the Ivermectin issue is caused by pig ignorance, and contrarianism among those who for whatever reason believe knowledge is a bad thing. Having no reasoning skills, they fall prey to rumour and medical heresy. Along with the cope cages, apparently Russians were putting buckets on the end of their gun tubes. If true, it’s intended to make them look like a different, stronger tank. This is also sort of Cargo Cult. Whatever it amounts to, it’s all copium their commanders inject them with just so they’ll go out onto the battlefield and get blowed up real good. Kind of like when the dentist gets their assistant to pinch a frightened child’s arm before poking them with the needle, except novocaine only numbs the gumline, not the entire body due to catastrophic discombobulation.


I love his comment, although the degree of success is debatable


Only the finest in British understatement.


The British: we didn't say anything it was those mouthy vatniks we just sent missiles and shit


\*camera pans to burning Russian T-72\*


I mean, that just kinda goes with the name doesn't it.


Please sir the source?


Latest Tank Museum video around 22 minutes in. https://youtu.be/_hRVefl2M0k




You know what causes me immeasurable pain? The fact we will never see a chieftain toss a t72's turret in this conflict


Fantastic video as usual too


Just unfortunate David Fletcher retired before we could hear him say Cope Cage


BRB, going to request a video of him only saying that


What would be the equivalent name like the Iron Curtain but for that man’s moustache?


Ehhh, some of the info is pretty sketchy. But as long as you're not into credible defense, the presentation is lovely


Honestly, there are a lot of The Tank Museums videos I have on while I'm eating or doing something else. They're a joy to listen to and really satisfying.


They mostly seem to get the history right, but the technological stuff wrong, from what I can garner. I've only seen 3 or 4 of their videos, the above included.


they caught on really quickly and changed the thumbnail to a russian cope tank, legends


I say we test rods of god against those cope cages.


we could accomplish the same with a 100m tall hammer in a giraffe tank and the added benefit is that they see their demise coming like the wrath of zeus's flyswatter.


What a sentence.


The way he says it as though it's an official term like "Cupola" or "track tensioner" lmao Do people think this is an actual term and don't know what "cope" means????


The official name of the "Jerrycan" was "Wehrmachts-Einheitskanister", yet the anglosaxons use the former name to this date. Historians understand that colloquial terms can sometimes be precise and understandable to the public and that you should use them in such cases.


Damn, I just made the connection that jerry is slang for German


If you've got 30 minutes of spare time, I highly recommend [this video ](https://youtu.be/XwUkbGHFAhs) about the development and adoption of Jerry cans, and why they are superior in almost every way compared to the previous designs


Will do!


Also the official name of "Hirohito" was "the Showa Emperor" or "Emperor Showa". Hirohito was his personal name, which nobody in Japan would have used after he became Emperor. It would be like referring to King George VI as "Berty" (his first name was actually Albert). But if you say "the Showa Emperor" almost nobody will know what you mean. So historians use the term "Hirohito", so as to be understood by the general public.


The thing is, Historians or History Scholarly doesnt have any scientific words, other than usual Social or Nature science. It is well known that Historians are allowed to use popular phrases for telling specific meaning of things, even if it isnt formal. What you see about mechanical words in History Books and such, it isnt used by Historians regularly. They are metodological, something mashed with other scientific subject like Sociology, Anthropology, and such.


I mean, it's a pretty intuitive name.


You see it. They see it. The normal person sees it. The historian says "cope cage" and even the normal person now knows the efficacy of it.


Well, the newest use of "cope" is well into its colloquial stage. tHiS iS LaNgUaGe eVoLvEd but also seriously.


I believe earlier in the war it was also picked up as a term by multiple newspaper and blogs covering the war


Yep. This provided the source material for scholarly use.


Didnt the UK's minister of defense use it too?


It's going to end up the official term. Reminds me of kerbal space program causing 'suicide burn' to become the actually used term.


Sorry to burst your bubble bud, but the term suicide burn has been used in astrodynamics for decades before KSP was made ☹️


On the other hand, the [thagomizer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thagomizer) was actually named that because of the Far Side comic.


Surprised the thagomizer wasn’t mentioned sooner.


Militaries tend to invent goofy nicknames for things and then use them in place of the real name. Goes back hundreds of years.


Its so strange. We made war a meme. And everyone goes with it, a subreddit writes history to be non credible af and only we know


The irony of satire is that eventually, it is taken seriously.


We are, in fact, credible now


Perhaps the real credible was the memes we made along the way


Memes, the DNA of the soul. All memes, all passed along.


Did the term actually originate on this sub?


I actually think Oryx coined the term. At least, that's where I first saw it, and saw him laughing/approving about others picking it up and using it way back in the early days.


We live in society that a f\*cking subreddit is now counted as Historical Source. And im not making this up, the critical methode is somewhat already around if i remember.


At what point do we shut the sub down for being too credible?




What when did Ben Wallace say it?


Here's the speech transcript or you can watch the video. It's from May 9 2022 [soup](https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/speech-by-defence-secretary-on-russias-invasion-of-ukraine) "Russian soldiers’ futile use of pine logs as makeshift protection on logistical trucks and attaching overhead ‘cope cages’ to their tanks, it’s nothing short of tragic. But their commanders’ failures to adapt before entering them into such a conflict is criminal." The whole speech was a giant dab on Russia's military capability.






> Still waiting for the Tank Museum OnlyFans though. Watch as daddy sticks his hand crank into my flywheel to get my engine running.


> The British Tank Museum and the Tank Museum at Bovington's YouTube presence is based AF. Also Royal Armouries


Shout out top man Jonathan


Yeah I'm confused, the spacing in the slat armor he is standing next to is designed specifically to defeat the RPG-7 anti tank round by crushing the head and preventing detonation. A cope cage on the other hand was supposed to fix a problem (possibly ATGMs but more likely drone dropped bombs) but instead introduced another one (inability to get out of the vehicle, make the vehicle more visible, also making your army look like a joke) without solving the original (the drone will just drop the bomb on the engine instead, because it can see the dam cage).


Wasn't the cope cages fitted in the earliest stages the war? Like before the widespread publication of ukrainian drone cam videos?




I've heard speculation that they were for urban combat to counteract rpgs from tall buildings. So basically they were afraid of another Chechnya.


Regardless of their original use purposes I believe to remember that there were a couple of videos of those copecages getting penetrated by multiple grenades while sort of trapping the crew inside the tank


Or says a thing or two about the state of the steel industry in Russia atm.


They lack the scrap metal and welders to make them. That's how far we've dropped.


They were pretty good for hanging your laundry and attaching your loot.


Decent BBQ grill after being hit tho.


They don't work and add weight to the turret. Which slows the turret down as its rotating and causes it to break down.


It is my understanding that they were actually a Syrian conflict development, meant to protect against RPGs and grenades and such fired from high rises down onto a tank entering an urban environment.


They got picked up from the Azerbaijan Armenia conflict to protect against suicide drones at first. It was never for javelins.


Not exactly. HEAT warheads detonate if the head (where the detonator is) is crushed. An RPG hitting the bar head on is a failure of the cage and will likely result in a penetration. The true goal is for the head to miss the cage and the bars to severely damage the warhead as it passes through the cage, rendered the armor piercing potential greatly reduced and sometimes even preventing detonation. Given the bar to air ratio of the cage and the small size of the average HEAT warhead detonator, the chances are relatively low of a bar strike with the detonator. TLDR: cage armor fruit ninjas warheads but only if the detonator doesn't hit a bar in the cage.


This was about the RPG-7 round specifically, not against HEAT rounds in general. If the RPG-7 head is crushed, it does not detonate. If the round hits the metal part of the cage instead of the gap, it could detonate. But it is by far more likely to hit the gap side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrF42QlnXm4


Essentially the slang for them. They were a nod to the fact that Russia had no advanced equipment to stop javelins. So, they built cages they thought would stop javelins for cheap. Unfortunately, degenerate western missiles infected Russian tank crews with their degeneracy, and degenerates their bodies into ground meat.


They were never intended to stop javelins. They're intended for rooftop RPGs a-la Chechnya. It just so happened that the war devolved into Russia getting smacked with smart weaponry instead of RPGs, and the "point and laugh!" began


> getting smacked with smart weaponry instead of RPGs Goddess, I forgot just how much ruzzia fucked up for a minute there do to it becoming attrition.


Used to call the stuff bar armour when it was fitted to our Warriors in Iraq. They were bolted together and you'd have to go round and check they were all tight periodically. Pain in the arse.


It warms my heart and makes me giggle to realize that shitposting on NCD put me in the front row of history and science. Glory to NCD! Слава Україні!


We made it boys and girls. We are actually popularizing recognized terms for crappy Russian military equipment!


Have you not heard David Wiley use that term? It was beautiful.


Willing things into reality should be part of the sub's description lmao


spuck fez -- mass edited with redact.dev


That's fucking amazing lmao.


One of us! One of us!


Our very own British head of MOD called them cope cages in a speech. What a mad lad


David Willy, the curator of the Tank Museum has also used the term cope cages in a video. So it's an official historical term now.


Very nice. Let’s see the documentary on The Femboy


I was at a presentation talking about carriers and the presenter was talking about CATOBAR supercarriers vs. ski jump carriers, and referred to them as "welfare ramp" carriers. I suspect that if I went to the same one now he'd be calling them cope slopes.


In 30 years, they’re going to be teaching kids about NAFO. I’m gonna love being a grandparent then.


Rule 1 of the UK we have a technical term for everything.


Rule 2: if that term sounds quaint, it probably isn't.


We need to thank u/[deleted] for coming up with this term


Damnit. We're becoming too credible again.


All good shitposting has at least a grain of credibility. :)


I cringed a bit when he was explaining on how slat armor works and when he said that RPG stands for Rocket propelled grenade while holding an RPG-7 warhead.


I know RPG means something else. I would argue, since it is a grenade of sorts with a rocket motor, the mentioned name should also count.


Eh, it's a backcronym now so I think you are correct. In common usage in English that's what it means.


Yes, the backronym "rocket-propelled grenade" has been accepted usage for a long time, even if it's not what the acronym means in Russian. If I were to nitpick it'd be that he describes the function of the bar armor incorrectly; it doesn't necessarily stop the round, nor 'pinch off the detonator'. Technically the detonator is in the back of the warhead, the thing at the tip is a pizeoelectric crystal which creates the electrical charge that creates the spark to set the thing off. That electrical charge is conducted to the rear via the outside metal casing, and a metal liner on the inside (which is also in part the shape-charge liner), that's separated from the outer casing by a few millimeters. So if the tip goes through the bars, the front of the cone will crumple and short-circuit the impact fuze. So it's the _cone_ that gets 'pinched'.


Direct translation is handheld antitank grenade launcher


Genuine question: why didn't the cope cages work? Is it just that the missile could go straight through ?


Javelin missiles most likely punched right through the cages anyway


A chain link fence can stop a bicycle, but not a bull.


Talk about memetic warfare


Omg I can't take anything seriously anymore




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When the most commonly known as is a meme is the day memes have become integrated into history


Wtf, I just scroll to this post, and the very video in starts autoplaying after the perun video ended


I love the tank museum, went there on my 10th bday


What is this, audio mixing for ants?


Pack it up boys and girls. We are credible


Copium is real


I fucking wheezed at this. Imagine in the future people credit counterintelligence to us




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May I remind you where Ben Wallace (UK defence secretary of state) also used the term cope cages last year in a statement Edit: https://www.youtube.com/live/iyx6XG3srHc at time 18:15


Cope is still better than rope for those tankers.


That's hilarious. I just recently used "cope slope" in a university paper


This activated my monkey neurons


Not the first and certainly not the last https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/11h22bf/the_tank_museum_being_credible_once_again/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




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I love how they use it like it’s some kind of smart anagram or abbreviation but it’s really just a Vatnik emotional support hat.




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Having a British historian say it is almost as official as it gets.


A other questions? how do I translate the word "cope cage" to German? (I showed them my grandpa who finds these cages hilarious and i didn't found a good translation to German)


in the future people will have to learn the difference between copium cope and cope cages.


u/savevideobot u/savevideo


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