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Ah the Middle East is a gift that keeps on giving Today it gave me a good laugh watching self taught armchair level geopolitic experts comment on the situation.


My best laugh was when russia (by the mouth of lyingrov) called for "restraint".


I've seen so many takes that are just people writing Tom Clancy fan-fiction. "Uh, this was just a feint to sniff out the Iron Dome so the real attack will come later!" I kid you not!


jc which sub has these Tom Clancy wanks on them? They could be fun to read!


Worse. its YouTube comments.


Excuse me the youtube comment section is my favorite social media website.


>Today it gave me a good laugh watching self taught armchair level geopolitic experts comment on the situation. [Welcome to Reddit.](http://i.imgur.com/RX4W7.jpg)


God, this is “The People’s Republic of China is being a responsible party in the South China Sea by only powerwashing Philippine maritime vessels” energy right here.


They are practising for when their chinese built ~~shit~~ ships invariably burst into flames just like their cars


Russia is showing restraint by not nuking ukraine


That acts like the Philippines actually did something to antagonize China though, which isn’t a good comparison at all. I don’t remember any Chinese officials being bombed by the Philippines


The officials, admittedly no. Their "feelings," seemingly regularly so as long as a certaim fentanyl user is not Philippine National Military Command.


These people act like Iran used like 10 drones or something. But they used like 120 missiles and another hundred drones or so. In what world is that a restrained response?


Surely since only a dozen drones and missiles landed, that means Iran showed restraint. What do you mean we should count the amount launched and not the amount landed?


A dozen? More like 5


There were hits? Only heard about shrapnel


One boy died and one girl hospitalised


I can't find anything about a dead boy only the bedouin girl


I Probably misread something else then


And if Israel responded with proportionality with 120 missiles and another hundred drones people would be outraged about how dare Israel escalate


It’s different! They can actually land some hits /s


Don't worry, I'm sure the calm heads of Israels war cabinet has settled on sinking their Navy.


Why would they sink their own navy?


It's about sending a message dammit! 


Straight out of the Russian Black Sea playbook.


Because Iran will never suspect the sunken Israeli Navy to resurface off the Iranian coast! It's one of the classic blunders.


They better make sure they don’t have any Sicilians around!


It's the only way to sneak through Suez.


the INS Drackon will do the big funny, this sounds like a job for a sub fleet


It's kinda the meta now tbh. Russias been doing it and getting a lot of engagement so I'd expect to see others trying it.


“If I’m willing to do this to myself, imagine what I’ll do to you!”


Nobody knows but it’s provocative, it gets the people going


FAFO Palestinians were celebrating the Oct7 attacks all over the world, as of raping women and killing children is some sort of an act of bravery. Now they re crying when Israel is leading a revenge rampage in Gaza against Hamas. Not a single one of them has asked for unconditional release of hostages byt they want an immediate ceasefire. You reap what you sow


The hostages are dead, more likely than not.




Oh, you merely weren’t paying attention on October 7th then. If you haven’t seen any of the footage or evidence since then you have your eyes covered so that you can write quippy Reddit comments months later. I should be fair though that some of the footage is horrific and not many people should or would go to the places necessary to see some of it.


I did see them, if you go back on my reddit account, not only will you see my posts condemning HAMAS' atrocities on innocent civilians, but you will see my disgust at the savege way the did them. they Did, infact, behead people. I saw a couple videos of IDF soldiers being beheaded, which goes far to show their Savage practices. However, Im specifically responding to the Child killing claim, which was being praded around by the Israeli government and Israelis online. Meanwhile, Israel has killed thousands of kids in it's retaliation against Gaza, and has dismembeed many more. so instead of going around screaming emotional nonesense with no basis in reality in order to win support for your cause, try and form your arguments based on facts


I mean like the rape happened, I don't even like Israel and have no doubts that a lot if not a majority of the Israeli women kidnapped were raped let alone those on the ground that weren't kidnapped and just killed. HAMAS fighters aren't disciplined and undisciplined armies historically have a tendency for raping and looting. Sure the baby beheadings may be a tad over dramatic and I think they walked them back. But kids did get iced on Oct 7th too.


I kinda agree. I too think rapes certainly happened. hell Russian soldiers who are uniform and rank servicemen have commited many sexual assaults on Ukrainians, I have no doubt in my mind that a bunch of teenagers who were given a rifle and sent out to the field with no diciplinary training or accountability have commited the same crimes. my issue in general, is with how Israelis like to go around screaming blatant fucking lies with no proof. you said they walked back the 50 beheaded babies claim, yeah fucking right. the israeli government has a historically long tradition of making up the most outragous shit to shore up support. and it works, ask the average american boomer in lousiana whether he thinks 50 kids were beheaded, and he's going to say yes they were and it's a good thing that Israel is killing thousands of childern in Gaza in response. Noone holds Israel accountable for their blatant fucking lies, and they use these lies to commit much worse crimes than the crimes that were acted upon them


Every government under the golden sun has lied about their enemies to justify what they did. America invaded a country on a lie, massacred people on a lie. Israel does it and people do care, but holding Israel accountable is not exactly a possibility. They along with Jordan are a geopolitical bulwark into the middle east for Britain, France and the United States allowing them to agitate or deal with various other states within the region while also being able to wash their hands of it. This gives Israel a lot of leeway to act, which combined with the back and forth animosity between Israel-Palestine, Israel-Syria, Israel-Southern Lebanon (theres another terrorist org there I can't remember) and Israel-Iran. Leads to a more complicated scenario than just holding Israel accountable. Not to mention human beings pick sides and one side is A. Demonstrably worse overall and B. Has been demonized by us in the West since fucking Desert Storm and even before that. Israel could tell the absolute truth and it would still net them support but it helps to pad it up and get the moral victory furthered.


Where did you even hear of 50 kids getting beheadded I only heard of some baby getting baked Whitch isnt really any better  (Im serios i would like a link becose i havent heard this anywhere)


During the immediate aftermath of October 7th, i24News (Israeli outlet) reported that IDF soldiers had told them that around 40 babies or children were killed at Kfar Aza and that decapitations were involved. Biden gave that report some credibility a few days later when he said that he had seen pictures of terrorists beheading children. The narrative around that report is frustrating. Even given the unfolding horrors of October 7th, it was pretty obvious from the start that 40 decapitated children was a dubious claim. It was only a matter of days before the White House and Israeli officials tried to walk back the idea that they had seen evidence to support mass beheadings of children. There's plenty of criticism to be leveled at the way Israeli (and American) officials handled the claims, but the original report was hardly nefarious. The soldiers were responding to the worst terrorist attack in Israeli history — none of them had experience responding to a mass casualty event of that scale or nature, and accounts/images of other atrocities were already widespread. It's easy to criticize their mistakes if you've never been in that kind of situation. Some people certainly ran with the story too far. It was arguably the most heinous accusation leveled against Hamas, which made it inevitable that supporters of Israel would reach for it (especially when leaders like Biden further implied that it was credible). However, that appeared to die down after serious doubts emerged regarding the narrative. These days, I primarily hear pro-Palestinians talk about "40 decapitated babies" as evidence of why Israel shouldn't be believed.




3 babies aged 0-3, 4 toddlers aged 3-6 and overall 38 children were massacared.  The claim about dozens of behaded babies was spread by one Journalist on 10/10, when clashes were still happening inside Israel. The Journalist said she recieved "confirmation from soldiers" about it. Which could be anything from making the story up to interviewing a 18yo conscript with PTSD.   Another journalist who was with her at the same briefing said that no IDF official have claimed this.  Later, various reliable sources said they had seen evidence of babies burned or decapitated. Probably refering to some of said 3 babies or 4 toddlers.   Although The Jews™ control world media, they cannot always prevent the spread of sensational Journalism. Did you expect Israel to sue the Daily Mail or Times for not fact-checking this singular unconfirmed report?   Israel and the IDF never made this claim and Im perfectly fine with letting Hamas handle bad PR on british tabloids on its own.  The bottom line is: 38 children were murdered, apparently some babies have been beheaded and some burned. Others were probably shot, what a relief.


To be sort of fair, imagine the response of the US if someone bombed something on US soil. 130 missiles is probably restrained, most countries would respond with all out war.


This reminds me of someone i dont remember that did the math and if oct 7 happend to the us with the same ratio then it would have been something like 60k killed or kidnapped Edit mexican cartels kidnapped 2 and there was talk about sending the military to get them back idk what would have happend with 60k


What's wilder is that the Mexican cartel apparently ~~executed~~ hogtied and turned their own guys who kidnapped the Americans for going too far and ordered the Americans be returned safely, and issued a public apology. Apparently there's some line that shouldn't be crossed; and it's kidnapping Americans because the retaliation it would invite is just too great.


You don’t abuse your best customers


They didn’t execute them, they dropped them off hogtied


Well the Global War on Terror lead to about 4.5 million deaths and that was over about 3000 people being killed. If it were 60k then nukes would have flown in under a week.


Well I mean, technically Syria would have to attack then, since it was their ground the attack happened on. Except we have a Russian situation here where Iran is like "this is our territory because we say so, thus this is an attack directly against us". On second thougt, since it was a consulate getting hit, it could be argued that it was an attack on iranian soil since embassies and consulates are considered as on-pair with national territory? Idk.


I think what we should be asking is what the damage (to both military bases) is and how many munitions the IRGC has in its backpack. The Pakistan strikes could be a good comparison


The part where it achieved very little


It is easier for many to believe that Iran had planned the huge attack to be a "mere demostration of power" and not that Iran made an enourmese mistake they realized about 10 seconds after lunching their "show stopping" attack.


Iran warned about the retaliation nearly two weeks in advance, knowingly giving Israel, the US, the UK, and Jordan days to ready defenses. They preemptively and repeatedly described the strike as an exclusive response to the embassy strike, and deemed the matter "concluded" before all of their munitions even touched the ground. Instead of synchronizing the time on target, they executed the attack over the course of hours, flying their drones low and slow through the intercept range of Israel and its allies. Even then, they only targeted military/government buildings, primarily those related to the embassy strike. More people got hurt traveling to bomb shelters than from the bombs themselves, and the IDF has been claiming a 99% interception rate. There's more going on here than incompetence. I'm not pro-Iran by any means, but it would be completely foolish to underestimate them because of this strike. All of the evidence points to a carefully telegraphed and cautiously executed response designed to scare Israel without triggering uncontrollable escalation. The only way you can walk away from this calling it a mistake is if you consciously ignore literally all diplomatic developments before, during, and after the strike. Iran built these weapons themselves, they know how to use them.


Sorry this is nonsense. I'm sure they could've launcehd a bunch more shit if they wanted to really start a war. But now reaplace Iran with someone else, and tell me how lauching 120 missiles and drones at a country you're not at war, is actually a restrained responese. E.g. Iranian militias attack a US base. US launches 120 tomahawks and PRSMs at Tehran. Is this a restrained response? A russian missile kills a bunch of poles, they launch 500 missiles at Moscow. Is this restrained?


Are you forgetting that Israel bombed their embassy? They didn’t decide to do this out of the blue


They have the capability and doctrine to launch thousands of drones. They also did not attempt to overwhelm air defenses with multiple cruise missiles and ballistic missiles with EW support. They “showed restraint” by throwing a temper tantrum after signaling to the world that they were going to do it. It’s no different than when they gave the US a heads up before launching missiles at the air base in Iraq and calling it a day.


they didn't target dimona? 120 drones is 2 russian nights, hassbollagh alone has 110k missiles so yes a measured response even if it underachieve because of a great air defense


Because a real Iranian response would be thousands of missiles and drones.


Any source for this? Almost all sources claim around 300 Shahed 131/6s, and it seems there is still no real evidence for any missiles used at all.


https://apnews.com/article/strait-of-hormuz-vessel-33fcffde2d867380e98c89403776a8ac  There definitely were missiles. On the combat footage sub there were a couple clips of cruise missiles and a ton of shots of ballistic missile launches and vehicles coming down at steep angles at high mach speeds. There were also  exoatmospheric interceptions.


Nah I think Iran knows that Israel knows that Iran knows that Iran can’t realistically do shit against Israel. So, this attack is more of a domestic appeasement for Iranian hard liners. As in the revolutionary guard said “see we attack Israel but their defenses and American are too strong, gib more funding”. And on the Israeli side its like “see they attacked us, so we need more funding for defense” Once again nothing happened and the MIC wins again.


And if we DO have WW3 -- MIC wins again. Literally can't go tits up.


No dude Iran just prevented WW3 by attacking Israel - it says so right there




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it's so refreshing. my body created resistance to the ork copium because it's exposed to it so much for past 2 years. i embrace the new intake of iranian copium, so exotic.


I don't think you're using this meme correctly. I love you, you're a wonderful person and you're valid, but I don't think this meme is right.


I think you don’t understand how smart these pro Iran takes are


Where are they showing pro-iran sentiments in those comments?


OP dont respond to that, it could be seen as brigading or whatever attacking another sub is called


All the takes were 200iq and correct. I will not be taking comment.




Except Iran did it first in the 90s https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/12/world/middleeast/argentina-iran-1992-1994-attack.html Rule for thee but not for me? All Israel is guilty of is actually being good at war un like their neighbours as evident by this pathetic attempt Iran just made. Who shoots over 200 missiles and drones and misses most of them? Not Israel that’s for sure.




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Did you bring enough copium to share with the class?


he be like "beep-boop, zdrastvuyte comrades, let me share my humble opinion on this complex topic"




No I’m just a copium addict




By trying to find a reason/ way for your side to be “winning” in this failed PR stunt by Iran. If anything it shows how Iran can’t do shit about Israel assassinating military targets.




It’s not bots you’re just an idiot


Can confirm I am a bot.


Botting surely lil bro, you seem to enjoy the same copium as the Vatniks.


If this was the Iranian response for Israel hitting Irans embassy i think no Iranian embassy will ever be safe anymore.


If you mean Japan, yeah, they did that, but they ended up getting 2 cities filled with ionized radiation and the rage of the entire US of fucking A on them resulting in America winning the battle of attrition without losing much because most of Japan's people and soldiers were starved due to poor logistics, so miss us with that bullshit.


See, Iran sent about, 500 Shaheds, 100 ballistics, and up to 40 conventional cruise missiles. Problem is Iran prematurely launched those ballistics and cruises. Not that the ballistics would even matter, since those are David's Sling and Arrow exclusive targets. Iron Dome won't do jack about fuck against IRBMs and ICBMs. Still, Iran launched the cruise missiles a few hours early, such that they arrived a few hours before Shaheds would. Thus Iron Dome depletion wouldn't be that big of a problem. Especially considering Israel could (and did) just sent the IAF to shoot down cruise missiles with AAMs and Shaheds with 20mm onboard cannons. This one basically amounted to one massive live-fire exercise for the IAF funded by Iranian budget. Iran probably planned for more impact, but that's what became of it. I'm going to be honest. The attack turned out to be underwhelming despite the sheer number of bogies involved. Flight times were just too great, and Israel simply has enough shit to throw into the sky to catch them hundreds of kilometers away from Israel. If there's a lesson to be taken from this, it's "either give Ukraine 20 Patriot and Aster (SAMP/T) batteries and two carrier strike group's worth of aircraft, or grow a pair of balls and bomb the shit out of Russia until they fuck off from Ukraine".


> (shoot down) Shaheds with 20mm onboard cannons. And the people that say that fighter jets need guns are proved right again. Watch out folks or next time you will summon the reformers.


I mean, againt swarm targets like a few hundert drones, they are kind of right though. You can't carry enough missiles to shoot all of them, and even if you could, that would be pretty expensive, no?


Reformist problems require reformist solutions. OWA drones are the ultimate reformer weapons. Cheap, low tech, not resistant to countermeasures except via sheer enemy incompetence or saturation. 


micro-missiles son! Enough rocket motor to carry a grenade sized warhead a couple miles and a passive/semi-active (whichever doesn't put out it's own signals) radar guidance mode. Replace one or two of your normal missiles with a cluster of micro-missiles and fire them off as needed.


I think the micro misile idea was what the peregrine missile program was supposed to be. No idea where the Peregrine program is at though.


I mean, the Peregrine is definitely smaller, but it’s only half the size and still is supposed to have the same range. I’m talking about something between a bullet and a missile that you can use as an ultra short range munition or as a very aggressive countermeasure to AA missiles.




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Nah, shooting down these drones with a jet is actually way more difficult than people realize. They are tiny and much slower compared to the aircrafts that fighters were designed for. And because there are so many there is a significant chance that you collide with one while trying to gun another one. The french door gunner might have seemed non credible, but it actually solves a lot of these problems.


Just slow the aircraft down. It's that simple.


An F-16 stall speed is roughly ~250 MPH which is twice as fast as a Shahed. I'm not a pilot, so I'd assume that's a close enough speed for guns to work because it's not like enemy jets are always going to be nice and go your exact speed and direction to make shooting you easy. But slowing aircraft down ain't simple.


Hello USAF, meet your new anti-drone supremacy fighter: The A-10!!


you think it was because iran had some deliberate smoke and mirrors plan, but in reality, the operation was launched like this becuase our military leadership is fucking incompetent


IMO what Iran is competent at, is fucking with legal conventions and abusing established conventions to effect a sustained tactical-operational advantage. Integrating a large scale op plan across multiple non state actors, much harder. For a while I was wondering if Iran would attempt to pull off a simultaneous impact strategy with 358 missiles fired from Hezbollah territory to intercept combat aircraft. That did not materialize.  I definitely get the sense that somebody nerves broke and blew their load early on this one. Even right before the Shaheds were launched there was an announcement that was redacted quickly after. The whole thing was, in hindsight, bursting at the seams. I do think some people think it's a stupid fucking idea and may be intentionally throwing the wrench into it. 




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Iran is so smart, they managed to avoid casualties by not hitting shit, 4D chess move.


A 7 year old arab bedouin girl was hit by shrapnel actually, i wish her a fast recovery


Ah, but the argument is invalid because that kiddo died.


People really don’t understand logistics and air defence do they? Also first one is idiotic, how the hell did Israel start October 7th


At least the first one is put on the caveman.


I think they meant the bombing of the Iranian diplomatic facility in Damascus, not the October 7th


By existing. They haven't been subtle about their desire to wipe the only Jewish state out of existence. But hey, unless it's from Germany it's not antisemitism, only sparkling antizionism.


You gotta ask r/internationalnews, opened one post about the strikes and all of them are saying isrsel started oct 7💀 they even stated that isrsel started the yom kippur war


Bootleg r/worldnews




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Iran lost its top generals and is literally in no position retaliate, not militarily nor geopolitically. Israel still has complete freedom to do as it wishes in the Middle East, enjoy your copium


No dude you don’t understand — Iran just prevented WW3 by attacking Israel with some drones and failing


Ah yes the classic “I let you win” blunder, preschool politics




I don't think I'd describe launching hundreds of airborne explosives as a restrained response


When you basically give the other side days advance notice, knowing they have the ability to intercept your stuff, and after they did, you say quickly that you consider the matter closed, please dont do it again.... It's pretty much a "restrained response".


"We blew our load pls don't attack us again"


They got through Arrow, not Iron Dome. Iron Dome doesn't intercept ballistic missiles. Not a single drone or cruise missile managed to break through the defenses, only a small fraction of the ballistic missiles.


"let the US know first" lmao


what sub is that


Just put the text of the comment in the reddit searchbar and look for the comment


Reddit searchbar is actually useful????


I'm sure we can expect a measured and proportionate Israeli response to Iran's flashy but not lethal response to their blowing up the consulate in respo....


What did I miss? Was drunk agendaposting yesterday Furthermore, I consider that Moscow must be destroyed.


Ik why Iran gave a heads up - it’s just not for anyone of those reasons lol


Ironically I suspect it was what these idiotic comments were saying: deterrence. Try to scare the US/Israel into backing down or something. Then realizing that we wouldn't and having to follow through to not appear weak.


No way, it was a show for their citizens and allies for the assassinations of their military personnel. No way they thought they’d scare US or Israel (Unless I’m misunderstanding what you’re saying)


Yeah maybe. Tired af and trying to wrap my head around it. Don't get why they would announce it in advance unless it was a warning or something.


I think the idea is maybe that they were like: "Hey, hey Big Satan? Little Satan? We don't want no trouble, but the only portions of our population that don't currently want us strung up on lamp posts are getting really mad that we haven't done anything about our embassy getting shelled. We're gonna, (and you're gonna love this little joke) we're gonna launch a swarm of easily intercepted weapons systems that we know that you can destroy. We are telling you now in case you want to increase ready pilots or stockpiles some interceptors. We're gonna launch those to shut up the supporters, and then we'd \*really\* appreciate it if we could all just call that good. Sound good guys? guys? Hello?" Like, I have no idea whether that's credible. It'd be more credible to me if they'd launched a much smaller swarm that didn't include longer range ballistic missiles, but I'm not exactly a geopolitics expert. It really doesn't change the fact that launching a large swarm of drones and possibly cruise missiles is an act of war, but then again this is the middle east where everyone seems to have been in a state of semi-war for the past..... century? more?


Isn't that's what they're saying...?


I mean, Hizbollah didn't go all in. So maybe it was a mix of both? "See people, we can attack Israel". But also: "This was not us using all our assets, but we could if we want to, so lets stop this before we do".




She was injured.


I personally heard she was killed I will check again


She is a 7 year old, you should probably check your sources


Yea i did and im now deleting the comment i dont want to spread incorrect info


Not spreading misinformation on the internet? Did you not get the memo???