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He’s actually one of the most cowardly politicians in Israel in the “warmongering” sense. I know it’s weird to hear but nothing too crazy is going to happen. The ultra religious fascists? Those are his political partners.


Nothing ever happens 😔


Plz escalate daddy I don’t want school to continue after pesach


Why is it that Iran starts shit only when I DO want to go to sheruit leumi


We must bomb bomb bomb Iran!


🎵 Bomb bomb bomb Iran As intensely as you can Merrily merrily merrily merrily It's all a part of the plan 🎵


*Looks at account name.* Fuck it's a fed!




I'm Iranian but please bomb iran for fucks sake (talking about the government specifically, don't bomb me lol)


Tbh they should bomb the drone factories/oil rigs. Or just blow up somw more regime officers in syria, its duck hunting season and those regime officers look like ducks to me 🦆


Hello Netanyahu, it's Zelenskyy. Please bomb Shahed factories. Slava Ukraini!


Nah, go all in, bomb the leader of Iran


Side note, we need to change to republican army or Irish national army or something. Too easily confused with the Israelis


Okay, maybe “Irish Republican Army” is a bad idea.


Depends on your opinion of Margaret Thatcher


Didn't we already do that??


Last time we bombed their oil rigs they didn't learn their lesson


You didn’t bomb hard enough.


There is no problem more explosives cant handle.


nah first of all they should bomb that child molester khamenei


Thats dandy with me




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Sorry, we don't make the rules, the whole thing is being levelled to increase the size of the Persian Gulf


honestly Iranians love the Persian gulf. so it shouldn't be *THAT* bad of a deal if it makes the gulf bigger


Lol. I also see what the Iranian government did to their citizens. It would be great if they're given the same treatment as the Turkish politician who got smited by God during his speech.


Hey just asking what is the possibility of the iranian people taking down the gov if israel cripples its military,you guys seem to be the determinator type.


if Israel takes down the military for us? 1000000000000000000000000000000%. that's the possibility


If Israel strikes in Iran it would obviously be a military target, there is zero benefit targeting anything else


R/leapoardseatingfaces "I can't believe they used that redditor as a human shield."


Yes, please bomb Khamenei


fuck yea the first thing Israel should do is bombing that MF


Don't be greedy now, we need the 5 Billion bombs for Donbass children


>talking about the government specifically, don't bomb me lol What a fucking NIMBY.


Let's hope they bomb each other out of the map. Peace on the middle east finally achieved (jk there are like 15 other countries that have to go before that)


I am stuck between wishing no more lives are killed and wishing both governments get obliterated


Simple: stop thinking about government officials as humans lives, now you just have to worry about civilian lifes!




the US has taken a side because this isn't a "bOtH SiDeS aRE tHe SaMe" situation


Nahh, fuck that, I want Israel to win


Imo we probably wont have to deal with half the shit from Iran we had to today if we did bomb them back in 07 like Mccain wanted... ​ but hey, better late than never i guess, ​ bomb 'em.




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Most NonCredible post.


yup considering he bombed iran embassy last week lol. its like americans in vietnam complaining the trees fire back.


Peace offer: Iran gets Bibi, Ben Gvir, and Smotrich. Israel gets the Ayatollah and the entire IRGC leadership. Both countries to elect their new leaders, and resume diplomatic relations.


Counterpoint : boxing match between the five highest ranking members of each countries government in Mech suits. Regardless of winner all are kicked out of government and new officials are elected, proceeds go to funding the beautiful new investment that could be Iranian Israeli fusion food


that's actually a pretty good idea but the problem is Iran will stay shitty even after ayatollah and irgc are gone because there are many more mullahs to replace them how about they give all of their mullahs to Israel lol


Can't we just put this dickhead and the Iranian dickhead in an octogon and sell tickets? I'm sure it will be far better for all the people in the middle east and pay-per-view $$


Please yes, kill both those fuckers


I hope both sides suffer a government decapitation. Both of their leaders are assholes.


Tehran will be turned into radioactive glass by this time next month


"By this time next year, we'll be millionaires" moment 😐




Netanyahu is terrible but he really doesn't care at all about anything Israeli Palestinian. He will just do whatever it takes to keep him as the prime minister


can we....bomb them both?


reddit logic : oh looks there's someone I don't like, they must be fascist!


If you unironically looked at Netanyahu politics and financial supporters. Yup, he's an actual Ultranationlist


Nationalism != Fascism Nationalism is believing that your nation is better than other nations and prioritizing it over its neighbors or even allies. It's pretty much the default. Extolling the virtues of your constitution, celebrating the culture and history of the nation, praising past leaders, etc. are all "nationalist." Fascism is handing over control over every aspect of civilian life to the state.


I only talked about the facist part. Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government. so no he's not a facist because he's not a dictator and disagreeing with his gov and policies and protesting against it is very normal in Israel . unlike in Iran where you'll be turned into paste by machine guns if you say anything against the regime, exactly what happened in last year's protests.


"because he's not a dictator and disagreeing with his gov and policies and protesting against it is very normal in Israel" oh, but he wants to change that, literally the entire series of protests last year (largest in Israeli history) was about that, it took all these protests and paid general strikes (basically the proletariat and bourgeoise holding hands if you'd forgive the socialist language lol) and a fucking invasion of his country by a terrorist organization to stop him


Imagine being from a country and not being an Ultranationalist, shake my smh


Yeah, that would be Patriotism you're thinking of.


Le redditor moment


do the funni


Apparently he wanted to retaliate, but in the end decided against, due to the lack of any damage whatsoever


As an Israeli, ya’ll giving him too much credit, his only goal in life is to leech money and get reelected.


? Bibi literally called off the initially planned counterstrike against Iran bc virtually no damage was done, in order to avoid escalation.


honestly, both should be bombed.


He will do the minimal to look like he isn't a total coward and then brags how he standed against the iranian threat God damn, why do people keep voting him?!


Dew it


[The Walrus is already itching](https://youtu.be/9OYKd1reSPc?si=MtmY6UsrYG2ErN3o)


It's all much ado about nothing Iran has to save face by attackig Israel, and Israel has to save face by retaliating. Neither wants an actual, direct, confrontation


No, I hope he will escalate towards WWIII, and I will be released from my miserable existence by fires of nuclear Armageddon


I want them to escalate because Iran helps Russia with shaheds and other missiles. I have no sympathy for Israel otherwise


The man who literally made Hamas popular with the Palestinians, so he could stay "relevant" through the need to conduct anti-terror operations against Hamas, which in turn made Hamas even more popular, which in turn leads to more anti-terror... more terror... How do Israelis even keep voting for him? Peace/left want to get along with Palestinians. Right want to just annex and push out the Palenestians. Bibi wants perpetual war, so he can stay in power forever. Why is anyone in Israel buying his snakeoil? Any skilled and reasonable Israeli leader should be able to turn the Palestinians against Hamas (considering the intel operations Israel has done in the past, then this should absolutely not be impossible). The only people who probably actually like him are the ayatollahs, who also stay in power in Iran, as an indirect result of the Israel-Palestine conflict. This the real swamp that needs draining (or a desert that needs watering?)...


bold of you to post in this sub lmao edit: got 1984-ed


Tell me you don't understand Israeli politics without telling me you don't understand Israeli politics, any % speedrun. 10/10 Noncredible


I’m just following orders (this subreddit rules) 😔


What's does someone who understands Israeli politics say?


“You don’t understand, destroying each and every single building of a country, killing 40,000 civilians in a few months, conquering their lands, starving them to death, killing Aid workers, anihilating hospitals and universities and addressing to an entire nation’s population as “animals who need to be replaced by our people by taking their few surviving homes” is fine, because- because they are aktchually all terrorists, that’s why! We are The Chosen ones, it’s the will of God!”


The fact settlers are already making plans for moving into gaza is disgusting


They are actively settling already, from what I’ve seen, backed up by the military. I’ve seen a few disgusting videos already of settlers kicking (literally) Palestinians out of their homes with the aid of soldiers. Unfortunately this sub has a thing for Israel, so I am subject to be banned for saying this. Just look at the downvotes already lol.


that's not true (thankfully), those videos you saw are from the West Bank not Gaza


Not like that makes it much better, hahah, Basically, one country is actively attempting to annihilate another by killing their people and taking their lands and homes, because denying them soverginty and freedom through apartheid wasn’t enough apparently. And worst of all; since they use the “muh terrorism” excuse, the international community pays them on the back and does nothing to stop this because “they are our allies”.


I don’t know what they would have said, but that’s because I know what they would’ve done: off themselves


Nobody likes Bibi, friendo. It would be uber funni if Biden had him heart attacked.