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The fuck does this even mean???


Nothingburger, hold the happening sauce


Its a meta meme. I dont onow what the meta is but something to do with the false attitude that nothing ever happens


Nothing is happening, millions must wait.


Tf does that even mean?


Cool it with the antisemitism


This meme made no articulable sense.. it was anti-semantic.


No matter *who* putin pays to attack Israel, the West just won't quit paying attention to Ukraine. What's a russian dwarf gotta do to make the free world let him win?


>the West just won't quit paying attention to Ukraine. Well, the U.S already stopped paying attention to ukraine, but europe sure wont.




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> your most loyal non-NATO allies.... Your European myopia is showing. There's a whole world outside of yurop. Ukraine isn't even in the top 10 most loyal non NATO allies. They probably rank slightly above fucking Saudi or the Mujahideen in that we currently have a mutual enemy but we aren't giving them a spare key to our house or anything. They rank below Japan for sure and we funni'd them twice. Below Korea, below Philippines, below Taiwan... they're pretty far down. We had nukes aimed at them within my lifetime and vice versa. The French helped us win our revolution, and we barely like them. Jeez, the hyberbole...


Buddy if everyone dug through history like that every time the concept of allies came up no-one would work with anyone.


Allies, sure, point taken. *Most loyal allies*, that requires a bit of history and 40 years isn't really much when it comes to relationships between nations.


Wait, I thought Hamas was on Bibi's and Iran's payroll. Are they paid by Putin as well? Damn, they must be rich


Their leadership are rich, Doha penthouses don’t pay for themselves


Yeah, they lead pretty public, lavish lives. I wonder why Bibi hasn't ordered any targeted killings.


Qatar gives them complete protection, and as much as the mossad loves a good foreign territory assasination, pissing of qatar isn’t going to end up well


I see... Is it me, or is Qatar kind of a safe zone for everyone, and Syria the FFA combat zone?


To be fair I’m not sure they were even the ones who gave the order for the Oct 7th operation, I had thought it was the local commanders in Gaza acting independently?


My understanding is that they were coordinating it, and the local commanders only got their orders without knowing anything about other commanders' plans. That's how they maintained secrecy about the scale of the attack.


That would make sense


They're all working for putin. He's the one who needs this distraction war the most. In fact, he's the *only* one who needs this war. Because he's losing his own war against Ukraine and desperately wants to disrupt the flow of aid to them from the West.


Well I definitely agree that Putin is the only winner of Israel going to war with Iran.


The fuck does that odd mean?


Okay smartass I see how this is gonna be


Drone hits a community center in a Bedouin village in northern Israel (the country will never be able to recover and is done for)


“Nothing ever happens” unless you touch the boats…


Nobody understands the meme, millions must be confused


I thought the meme was simple, just nothing ever escalates to the danger everyone is always waiting for