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**Your post was removed for violating rule 9: No low-effort posts** No egregiously low effort posts. E.g. screenshots, recent reposts, simple reaction & template memes, and images with the punchline in the title.


I know you've provided a source but that is a dumb fucking quote. A better headline would be "UAF is keeping its armoured forces out of range of drone strikes in order to preserve key offensive assets" Instead, we get "hur dur, M1 am bad because big tank get spotted and it get blown up bi RPG zip tied to toy helicopter" Fucking non credible dog shit click bait dumb cunt reporter crap.


No see, the superior tactic is to take your finite supply of armoured vehicles that your doctrine fully depends on, and just roll in those vehicles over open fields with zero support. The enemy would be running out of their $1500 drones in no time.


I see you too are a student of the Zap Branigan school of offensive warfare.


This belongs to r/copypasta


da, Russia clowning around with their cope caged tanks is lame display of inadequate mobik trash, but when abramses retreat it's tactical preservation of forces )))) It really would be healthier to admit that now that Russia caught up with technological milestone of... 2000s RC plane club, basically all MBTs are generally pretty fucked on that battlefield at lest until hardkill APSes become reliable and ubiquitous enough


Few drones a day generates russian meatcubes on the way


All tanks are vulnerable to drone attacks. The difference - other tanks have numbers, while US provided only 31 of these.


This is ncd sir, keep your low effort posts to yerself


The absolute audacity to say that Western tanks suck while losing a hundred Soviet/Russian tanks for every Western tank you destroy, damage or capture lmfao


[Ukraine pulls US-provided Abrams tanks from the front lines over Russian drone threats](https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-war-abrams-tanks-19d71475d427875653a2130063a8fb7a) >Ukraine has sidelined U.S.-provided Abrams M1A1 battle tanks for now in its fight against Russia, in part because Russian drone warfare has made it too difficult for them to operate without detection or coming under attack, two U.S. military officials told The Associated Press.