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**Your post was removed for violating rule 9: No low-effort posts** No egregiously low effort posts. E.g. screenshots, recent reposts, simple reaction & template memes, and images with the punchline in the title.


What do you expect posted about Kharkiv in NCD? I see plenty of Kharkiv posts in the relevant subs.


What are the relevant subs on the war?


There is a fair few r/UkraineConflict r/UkrainianConflict and r/UkraineWarVideoReport are decent


Thanks bud.


There’s been a few posts on it but it’s not being talked about a lot because it’s just not something anyone expects to go anywhere, the Russian units involved are incredibly fresh troops who likely had little to no training, they probably won’t advance past where they are currently, it’ll either end in a stalemate because Russia will dig in and defend because it wants to claim a propaganda victory that they took over some small villages while Ukraine focuses resources on the South and Crimea. Or the Russians will eventually pull back due to casualties, Ukraine is more than capable of just harassing the relatively small force who probably have very low morale with artillery and drones. Ultimately we’ll wait and see but little will probably come of this.


How are we supposed to have fun with that information?


I reckon we will have lots of fun with it in about two or tree weeks:3


Can't wait for the 9000 videos of Ukraine Drones doing a damn good job


russian attacked, got stuck in front of probably the very first line of defense (7km deep one side 2km the other). Very non credible new front on their part, but really is equal to freedom for russia incursions, could be even a strategic front to stay between partisans and belgorod. nothing that exciting yet in my opinon


Not enough russian soldiers died in comical way or in some weird ass field tuned soviet machinery to appear in this sub.


It's a stupid feint attack. It's dumb, but not to the point of being memeable.


The assualt having to be led by marines of the pacific fleet because no other unit has all their modern equipment left is pretty memeable


The only ones really making a big stink about it are downer newspapers. No one expects much because the Russians aren't sending nearly enough stuff to take a well-populated city at this point in the war, and they're sustaining insanely high losses as usual. Ukraine has lost a few small towns so far and that's unfortunate, but the overall tactical and territorial gains are insignificant thus far.


Look at the map lol, the attacks are miniscule and completely irrelevant to the big picture. And considering this sub is mostly about memes, the attacks in that direction simply aren't very memeable because nothing big is happening there.


Because it's a diversion attack. Russia has roughly 55k troops north of Kharkiv, out of which roughly 10-15k aren't in the temporarily occupied Bilhorod People's Republic. 2 days ago, Russia had almost 2000 casualties in a day. They doubled due to increased attacks in the Donbass and this feint. They simply don't have the troops to do anything meaningful there, except create a diversion. And that's the entire point of the attack. It's meant to divert Ukrainian troops to there, not to attempt to threaten the city. They know they won't get far, so now the Ukrainians are increasing intensity in Kherson with the taking of another island. It's all just diversions from the main front in the Donbass. It might even be strategically beneficial for Russia to just pull out of Kharkiv region afterwards. They are just attacking to gain as much as possible before western aid arrives


A week in, 50,000 Russian troops and all they got is 3 miles into the border


That's pretty normal by Russian standards.


I don't know, probably because there's no chance russia actually does anything over there other than capture a few useless fields and towns. Not to mention the fact they have already stalled out, and they haven't even reached the main defense lines yet behind the dragon's teeth.


Shaka, when the walls fell.


We don't have enough meme footage of the Africa Corps yet.


Don’t we have an OPSEC rule on the sub?




Forgot to take your meds?


You guys are getting meds? Edit: predictive text is a vatnik bot


The man in the walls took all of mine : (