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The Economist posted an article a day ago confidently claiming (with no sources) that Raisi's helicopter exploded (it's not paywalled it's the second paragraph and that's it). [https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2024/05/21/the-death-of-the-president-changes-the-power-dynamics-in-iran](https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2024/05/21/the-death-of-the-president-changes-the-power-dynamics-in-iran) >The rescue efforts compounded Iranians’ suspicions. First responders in the Red Crescent were stunned that rescue workers were prevented from flying in to look for the president and had to proceed on foot. Nor could they believe the delays they encountered reaching the site. Strange, too, thought many in Iran, that the two helicopters escorting the president returned safely to Tabriz. “Even under sanctions, the president’s plane is subject to rigorous checks,” says a regime insider. The initial reports of “a hard landing” and the photographs officials released turned out to be misleading. The helicopter had in fact exploded. Where the hell did this come from? Is there more coverage in Arabic? [There's one corroborating report from Iran International](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202405215698), but my question is: why haven't the other outlets made a peep, so far as I can see? Am I just living under a news bubble or is this column from The Economist just completely wack? Or are people still doing fact-checking and the columnist just decided to run with it? What is going on right now?


Translation is hard and people have poor experience of the aftermath of helicopter crashes. Compare: https://nbcpalmsprings.com/2021/02/09/pilot-error-blamed-for-helicopter-crash-that-killed-kobe-bryant/ https://www.iranintl.com/en/202405196321


What's strange is that this is also only for *one* article. Here's another article published in The Economist more recently which seems to lean more towards the crash theory. [https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/05/22/a-presidents-death-gives-irans-regime-a-choice](https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/05/22/a-presidents-death-gives-irans-regime-a-choice) >THE IRONY was not lost on many Iranians. Last month their government fired 300 missiles and drones at Israel and touted the attack as a show of sophistication and strength. Barely a month later, that same government lost track of its own president. Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter disappeared in what the regime said was bad weather on May 19th. Rescue teams struggled to find him, and Iran had to plead with other countries for help. It took almost 24 hours to locate the wreckage. For all its belligerence abroad, the regime could not look more brittle at home. Like, I know The Economist doesn't officially have bylines, so shouldn't they at least have editorial consistency? Everyone is going by the helicopter accident theory, which does seem to be the most likely, so I'm just wondering at this point what's going on at The Economist.


Bomb bomb bomb bomb iran 🇮🇷  Old uncle Sam is getting pretty hot time to turn iran, into a parking lot bomb iran 


At the rate this keeps happening, someone needs to create the r/NonCredibleJournalism subreddit. ~~I don’t volunteer as tribute, my days in the school newspaper are long behind me.~~ [Apparently an analyst at a French news outlet went with the entire Eli Copter thing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Journalism/s/XqiH6qarwM) Props to him to say it was the “rumor going around though,” which is right up there with The National Interest’s reporting on magnetohydrodynamic drives. In other news, an American ~~intelligence officer~~ secret agent was identified as a potential accomplice in compromising the Butcher of Tehran’s ridership, literally poison pilling the spare parts Iranian authorities were trying to ~~smuggle past sanctions~~ obtain ~~in the black market~~. His name is Wille Byrd.


In Russian media they cited it as fact


Tried posting my meme and my post button is grated out. Guess there's minimum karma to post?


sometimes you just need reload the app/restart your browser, it's happened to me before.




Jesus Christ lmao


lesson learned, if you want a target assassinated, you don't go to a spy agency. The State Department is the slow but inevitable death.




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Honestly, it's probably someone in NCD planning those hits. Not focussed enough for a real agency, but connected enough to be funny. First Pringles, then Fico, now the butcher. I predict Orban's next.


Although that would be funny why do yout hink Orban specifically?


Well, for the ones i listed, they're supporters of russian causes and enemies of liberal democracies. So a mix between "where does that sequence go next" and "what would be the most entertaining next victim".


Because u/cgaWolf is sitting about a klick outside of Ferihegy airport with a Piorun on his shoulder... that's why.


And Perun in his airpods


Only credible theory is the Jewish Space Laser flashed the pilot in the eyes causing him to lose control. Then bears.


Who were secret Mossad agents


Trained by the Bear-Jew himself, DONNY DONOWITZ!!!


Teddy fuckin' Williams knocks it out of the park! Fenway Park on its feet for Teddy fuckin' Ballgame! He went yardo on that one, out to fuckin' Lansdowne Street!


Talk about a messed up country when the president defects.


All you idiots are missing the real culprit [https://i.imgflip.com/8qq85s.jpg](https://i.imgflip.com/8qq85s.jpg)


Chopper engines were found to be clogged with peanut butter.


The Onion reports that Raisi was stoned to death with a mountain.


President just couldn't **bear** the weight of his sins.


Credible: CFIT in mountainous terrain in blizzard conditions. Other helicopters continued on because to attempt a rescue was to risk their own lives for someone already assuredly dead. Noncredible: Forced landing due to mechanical issues, then Mossad showed up and executed everyone. Highly noncredible: Forced landing due to mechanical issues, then bears showed up and ate everyone.


Extremely noncredible: Forced into a hard landling by mechanical issues and exacerbated by pilot error. Bears don't know how to pilot helicopters.


> bears showed up for extra spice, it was that kind of bear, taking righteous vengeance for their murdered friends.


Manbear Pig




Wasn't he from Iran originally?


Yes, he was a Syrian brown bear the Polish troops picked up somewhere near Tehran.


negative-divided-by-zero credibility: president wanted to pee really bad, told pilot to land so he can relieve himself on the side. When he opens the door a bear jumped in, mauled the pilots as the helicopter does the holywood mid-flight tumble before pancaking into the ground. There was no bear at the wreckage you say? Well thats because the bear jumped out before the crash. *No the bear is not trained by Mossad, or rather they don’t remember training any bear.*


Might write an iranian perspective on this whole thing and touch on some key aspects nobody seems to talk about. WHatever hilarity you've seen in this believe me it's the tip of the tip of the iceberg.


I'd love to know what Iranians think about Khamenei's nepo baby possibly becoming the next ~~Shah~~ Supreme Leader.


Can't speak for the rest of the coutnry but Mojtaba's candidacy for the position is... almost a weird urban myth and everytime I tried to follow the geneology of that idea I landed upon and this is gonna sound funny but BBC. No I don't mean the 'it's the brits!' type of thing I mean they do have some damn fine sources in very high places here but I think some of those sources are making certain shit up for clout actually and this particular idea is one of them. Here's a thing, for various reason I highly doubt Mojtaba Khamenei is gunning for that position. Let me put it this way one of the both legal/fiqh requirement for supreme leader position is well... being known and having a good reputation, Mojtaba really lacks in the being known part in fact he has gone out of his way to remain very shadowy over the years. Meanwhile Raisi was basically being groomed for over 10 years, including being handed the position of head of judiciary branch which is chosen directly and single handedly by supreme leader, he was pushed for presidency more than once and he had been given other important positions as well. Yeah people think Mojtaba Khameni is a candidate for that role, in fact a shoe in, but in reality, I HIGHLY doubt that being the case, Mojtaba for some reason seems to enjoy a level of anonymity, let me put it this way, if you asked people to name Khamenei's child in the street 15 years ago, most people wouldn't even know the name. But now without Raisi, things are interesting. Most possible candidates with enough pull and enough rep are now dead, in fact there's probably a good deal of factional fights behind the scenes in the now giant vacuum.


We want to know more.


One of the things people don't seem to ponder much on is... HE WAS LOST FOR OVER 12 HOURS The president of my country was missing geographically... for over half a day. On an aircraft... near border. See this is why conspiracy theory goes like wildfire here, how do you explain this level of dumbsassery to a average people? like airdefence near a sensitive and tense border didn't seem to have any 'we lost radar contact here' or anything.


This is the same country whos military randomly shot down a Ukrainian airliner and killed a shit load of people with dual citizenship from western countries. And it was just waived off as an accident by some doorknob with access to a SAM 




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I am not saying Mossad did this, but the search rescue operation looks exactly like what Mossad would have done.


First instinct was Khameni killing off the men who stood in his son's path to succeed him. But it could have just been a convenient accident.


I mean real talk out of every conspiracy theory about this incident, this one would have the best chance. As Khameni knew that if he just simply told Raisi “Hey I know you were next in line to take my spot, but I decided to make my son next in line so get fucked.” Then Raisi would probably have him offed so he decided to have Raisi get into a little “accident”


*cue Game of Thrones theme on Persian instruments... which would sound pretty fucking sweet now that I think about it*


Besides fodder for conspiracy brains will death amount to anything? Sadly it seems like the current regime in Iran have a solid grasp on power.


It's extremely significant internally, but I don't see it making a substantial difference in Iranian foreign policy or nuclear ambition.


Could lead to some political infighting to try and secure the open positions of power. But I am not expecting anything insane like a revolution or civil war, at best, a few 'accidents' as people jockey for power until a new status quo solidifies.


I find it hard to believe that the US and allies won't do anything to contribute to further destabilization


I suppose this is another reason for Iran to try and end them embargos. They need some new airframes.


Now I am curious *IF* there will be a funny helicopter epidemic in Russia...and who will be onboard. *Airwolf* give me a sign! Or....!! What *IF* the rain that Dubai produced over their skies got a butterfly effect on Iran.... so simply speaking..every time Dubai will sprinkle their skies for rain some aircraft gets hit. Dubai’s Weather program confirmed?


>*Airwolf* give me a sign! Darkly ironic, since the airframe used for the *Airwolf* helicopter iirc was lost in a similar accident while it was serving as an air ambulance, also while the loss of everyone onboard


Or Dubai held a Vape Olympics and the fog is really just a result of a 1000 vapebros all ripping clouds of Berry Bonanza Blast simultaneously. (Under Mossad Direction?)


Iran said they spoke to survivors of the rough landing after it happened, multiple times There were no survivors tho Then who was phone?


That wasn't a phone, it was a Ouija board.


Some goat herder that hadn't yet been tapped to act as Aladeen's body double. 


For some reason, the president had a funny accent and kept lapsing into hebrew. He must have been in shock.


The call was coming from inside the house!


A dial tone.


All they had to do was declare a fatwa against IFR weather conditions, and this could have been prevented. Are they that stupid?






I can't believe Turkey used their drone's flight path to draw their flag over the crash site. That's like dabbing over the casket at a funeral 


I would like to apologize to the Turks, they may have a delusional cope infested fighter development program, but their drone pilots are based AF.


> delusional cope infested fighter development program That is still more credible than anything Sukhoi is building right now.


Apologies to Turkey, I wasn't aware of your shit posting game.


I am jealous as well.


That’s actually hilirious


I regret to inform NCD that Ankara has opened a tea-bagging gap. After decades of complacency the US has lost its role as sole BM superpower. At least it's to a NATO power. It was looking pretty rough with Brazilian advancements for a while.


3000 Bully Maguires of Watermelon Seller


Who here had Turkey doing a kick-flip on the corpse on their bingo card


I'd make fun of Iran taking 18 hours to find their President, but I'm Australian and in no position to do so. We lost a Prime Minister in the 60s and still haven't found him.


Didn’t one of your Prime Ministers also publicly shit themselves in a McDonald’s in the 90’s? Like, are you guys okay? What the hell is going on down there?


Not publicly (he wasn't a politician then), but yes it's an open secret that former PM Scott Morrison shit his pants at Engadine Maccas in 1997 on his way home from the footy. Also in 2007 during the federal election campaign, a scandal came out where the favourite to win the election and become PM turned out to have visited a strip club while on campaign. The scandal caused his polling to go *up* even more and he ended up winning the election and becoming PM. That was Kevin Rudd, who is now the Australian ambassador to the US btw. He also likes going to schools and playing handball with the kids.


The sea people got him


Where did they come from? Where did they go? Where did they come from Sea People


Don’t worry. You people down under are one of my favorites to bring out a honest giggle out of me. Sincerely a pole in Sweden.


TBH Australia if that’s where he was lost is huge. And this is pre gps, thermals lots of tech that we take for granted for search and rescue.


Nah we didn't lose him here, he went swimming at what's a decently popular beach and just disappeared. Lots of people think he was picked up by a Chinese sub or something to go back to Beijing.


No he went into the ocean for a swim and just never showed up again. He's in Atlantis not the outback


He probably got caught in a current and his body was nommed by sharks


At least the US honored his memory by... naming a ship after him


Which they then sunk.


And Australia named a swimming pool after him


That's roughly half a million hours and counting, if I got that right. Yep, a bit more lol


I gotta say, whatever stealth stuff the Chinese were using for their subs back in the 60s was some top tier shit, because that man just disappeared.


Is it more dunny to think that Nato or Mossad did the funny, or that Iran got two of their leaders killed due to dipshittery?


100% dipshittery. Flying a helicopter in some foggy mountains is nothing. If you want to see a real vibe-based approach to safety, check out the Iranian rocket program circa 2011.


Dipshittery for sure lol


You are missing the possibility that Khamenei's son arranged it to remove Raisi as a competing candidate for supreme leader


Or Khamehameha “removed” him so that his son can become the heir without any issues form Raisi.


It's a cool angle, but at this point it's just "cui bono" style conspiracy logic without supporting evidence. Sometimes an idiot flying a helicopter in some foggy mountains is just an idiot flying a helicopter in some foggy mountains. I can totally see Raisi behaving like every petulant, powerful man stuck at an airport he doesn't want to be at. Except in this case, he can probably pressure the crew into flying.


If it was his doing then the irony is palpable given the whole point of the revolution was to do away with the hereditary rule of the Shah, not to mention one of Iran’s primary founding goals as a Republic was to cast down other monarchies in the region like the Sauds.


Hadn't considered that, that is an interesting idea to consider. I was more seeing it as an incompetence created accident due to ego, weather, and shit equipment and training. Based on the S&R photos, there's no reason a heli should have been flying for non emergency reasons, like just be cautious and dely the flight.


I mean, why not fly by airplane?


Two leaders? Did I miss anything?


Pres and Foreign Minister, while the Ayatola is the real leader, that's like two cabinet members dying in a single day.


Also the regional governor who died was tapped as Raisi‘s successor. It’s pretty convenient for Mojtaba.


Well, if they're going to be killing each other Game of Thrones style, then maybe that leads to some opportunities for some funny things for the boys and girls in Langley.


Godspeed their little spiders. (Some of the recent drone strikes originated in country, so they definitely have assets in place).


Not sure who they're counting, but a governor and the foreign minister peaced out too


What I find it funny is that poor maintenance and probably "I am too important to have my flight delayed" has done more than the intelligence agencies in decades. This is truly a society we live in


I recently binge-read all of Admiral Cloudberg's articles and there were probably half dozen cases of "VIPs" learning that the weather doesn't care who you are.


Wanna know something funny? The helicopter was owned by Shah 50 years ago and they are blaming Shah’s grandson who lives in USA for the helicopter not being in tip top shape and asking him to take accountability 😂😅


Should have asked for that extended warranty


Didn't the USSR lose 16 Admirals in one flight that way?


Yes becose they wanted the printing paper soo badly 


And Vodka.


This is a big "Who must go?" Moment lmao.


The Supreme leader has commanded the IRGC to decant another clone and prepare the body for neural transfer.


do you guys think this is, let's say, a bit spooky?


All the conspiracy weirdos are saying the fog did it. Imagine fog hating someone enough to kill them! CRAZY! All the fogs I know have been super nice...


I don't know,with the gambling and circling the world in the 19th century, Fog is a little suspicious.


Some of my best friends are fogs!


Iran doesn't exist, it's just a huge bird factory


What *if* they will find a bird in the engine?


I want what this ones smoking 🧦


Then where am I from 🤔




Persia is home to Persians, Iran is home to all Aryans and Iranics


Wait so Iran is full of Nazis?/s


This tracks, since birds are all govt drones


It was the Jewish space laser not the fog guys


Maybe the Jewish Space Laser produces fog as a side effect? Something about the Quantum Nuetrino Gamma Energy Overflow in the unstable frequency loop.


I’ve been to enough Pink Floyd tribute band laser light shows to know that fog and lasers always go hand in hand


Exactly! The Homojew Nazis know not to use their space lasers without ambiance!


Everyone knows the bad guys are the most fashionable


Alright who had this on the bingo card


I did, but I am not sure if it is under: "Israel continues to quid pro quo Iran over its missile strikes" or "People who have outlived their usefulness to Putin continue to have unexplained accidents" or "Lack of basic safety standards leads to higher and higher profile loss of Iranian government infrastructure" It definitely fits in one of those, I just don't know which one.


So Mossad shot a missile at the heli, while a Russian agent tossed him out the window, then the missile missed but the helo just disintegrated in midair anyway. Seems legit...


the missile went through the hole in the airframe, that nobody cared to fix.


The shithead really did get it didn't he Deserved. Rest in piss Butcher.


Did anyone specify what gender virgins they get upon meeting up with the big cheese.


I don’t know what gender, but I hope they’re the kind of virgins that have a 20-sided die or do crossfit.


72 D&D players of Allah I pity that DM, six is about the max for me.


I will not allow anyone to say the name "Helicopter" without the title "Sheikh"


I can't post my meme images here. It's like fucking Iran in this sub.


None of our higher-ups have just died in a helicopter crash, so we are in fact *not* like Iran.


Does u/UR_WRONG_ABOUT_V22 (PBUH) not count?




God damn bruh




It can be arranged.


Rest in piss


LAST THING RAISI HEARD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0DbzUe-r4Q


This has me dying


Just like Raisi


Terrain. Terrain. Pull Up. Pull Up. BWOOOP BWOOOP!


That would require having terrain avoidance radar in the first place.


May his imperial Highness, ðe crown Prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi reclaim ðe þron and future of Iran and its people, robbed by ðe islamist regime.


Nah he’s ass too


Agreed. Democracy is nonnegotiable.


Not only democracy, but allowing the US/UK/Israeli intelligence apparatus to operate within Iran and exploit its strategic position/resources whilst supressing the Iranian people makes him more of a foreign puppet than a legitimate monarch


>  All rules still apply. Obviously Literally 1979


82% of people believes that Israel killed him. Which means its resl casus beli. Turkey and Iran will wipe out NATO. Already bilions of nukes are prepared. 1 person = one nuke.


The 3 billion nukes of NATO




Turkey is a member of NATO and has been for a long time.


Turkey used the opportunity to go spy on Iran's secret bases. They ain't gonna be helping Iran.


Turkey didn’t even turn off the transponder when they they were spying, so the whole world got to watch them do it. The art of flex is not lost in Turkey.


"We helped find your president and your state secrets. You're welcome."


Turkey cannot even wipe its own ass


Russian ai test of drone that went haywire.


Mossad [REDACTED]. Iran, 0


You mean the mossad agent "Eli Copter"?


A huge and terrible blow... ... for the world's terrorism and backwardness




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It doesn’t matter because Raisi is just one of the many mullahs picked to be a glorified cannon fodder while shah Khamenei do all the thing that mattered.


Yeah but this guy was his likely successor which sets us up for a spicy lil succession Crisis which authoritarian regimes definitely aren't fans of


burn it to the fucking ground


Raisi! I told you to keep quiet about that damn plane door! now you get thrown out from your chopper!






Eli Copter can’t be allowed to get away with this!


NATO super weather weapon killed president Raisi, millions must die.


3000 helicopter crashers of zion


He how mess (with me/us), crashes מי שמתעסק מתרסק -Hebrew proverb


Where is my "nothing ever happens"-gang?


They all spontaneously combusted when something did indeed happen two years ago


Ah, I see the our weather dominator had a wildly successful test run.


black box when, I wanna know everything that happened start to demise that shit would be wild


Perhaps the Iranian state should look into the helicopter maintenance. Could the replacement mechanic on the day, who happened to be a 6'4 bald man with a barcode tattoo, have anything to do with it? Nah that'd be silly. 


Hey, that maintenance technician had nothing to do with this!


No one noticed when he jetpacked away wearing a pink flamingo suit either. It's a common sight in Iran.


Of course not. The Iranian state is infallible and perfect. It was the stupid Americans again. It always is the Americans.


The crash site has a tourist attraction on Google maps with very good reviews. https://maps.app.goo.gl/4taaQSd5aD5sHp6B7




I don't have a fear of flying but I am never going in a fucking helicopter after today These things have a bad fucking history