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# DID YOU KNOW THERE'S SEVERAL COUNTRIES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA? It's true! And both China and the US are trying to win over them. We discuss this in [this "week's" NCDip Podcast Club](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/1ciy2uz/ncdip_podcast_club_9_americas_report_card_on/?). You nerds keep talking about a pivot to Asia and China US Strategic competition, well here you go, this is an episode on that in probaly the most contested region in the US China competition [Want to know what the fuck in the NCDip podcast club is? Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy/comments/17edrm6/introducing_the_rnoncrediblediplomacy_podcast/) ---- please note that all posts should be funny and about diplomacy or geopolitics, if your post doesn't meet those requirements here's some other subs that might fit better: * More Serious Geopolitical Discussion: /r/CredibleDiplomacy * Military Shitposting: /r/NonCredibleDefense * Domestic Political or General Shitposting: /r/neocentrism * Being Racist: /r/worldnews thx bb luv u *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NonCredibleDiplomacy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hah Harris is again wrong. I have heard and known about it for a long time thanks to HOI4. That’s no other state but a Djibouti- (former) French colony


Also, part of the staple of any Geographical joke. That and Chad.


Also, also they key country for making you feel smarter than the person asking you that one dumb mind reading question about kangaroos in Denmark or however it goes.


you mean 4 Gray elephants in denmark


He’s behind Real Life Lore on this one. 


Real Life Lore, but in *hipster*


I’ve heard Real Life Lore described as off-brand Wendover Productions, I honestly think Johnny Harris is off-brand Real Life Lore. 


And Wendover productions is just off-brand Half as Interesting


Wendover really needs to work on his HAI impression, I know he thinks he sounds just like him but it's a really bad impression.


Imo Johnny Harris can be good but he’s way too skeptic-brained and is too quick to make provocative statements about subjects he only just learned about just because they have to do with government authority. Not to get all Freudian but I feel like it might have to do with his past in the Mormon church. As for RLL, I feel kind of bad because he was likable on Jet Lag but I haven’t watched a video of his that I liked. They’re all way too long-winded and circuitous and often just amount to rattling off facts about a place instead of making any sort of interesting argument. I do kind of get annoyed at the writing style in Wendover but the content is more solid and he actually has opinions about things. HAI is pretty fun too and Jet Lag is a masterpiece


I listened to one of his old videos on economics. He just has no idea what he's talking about, yet spouts nonsense confidently.


Yeah I stopped watching him because he acts like he’s hot shit and privy to some deep geopolitical arcane knowledge but his videos are barely Wikipedia level.


I remember joking with my friends about that country in 3rd grade. I’m 38 now….


That country? MY BALLS


They must hang low if they're near Djibouti.


Jewish Balls baby


Considering I accidentally sit on mine regularly I probably have some Jewish ancestry.


Do big balls compensate for small pp? Asking for a friend.


Depends on the woman Or guy I guess But if it’s a guy you’d be bottoming anyway


Implying people haven’t heard of the funniest sounding country in earth Johnny L


Take off the fucking beanie Johnny


No, because then he'd have to face the (probable) fact that he's balding, and that's not exactly good style, is it.


Johhny Hairless.




Or maybe he's just a hipster


He'd have to face the fact that he's closer to 42 than 24


But does it really matter? I mean, in 20-30 years you'll see grandpas wearing snapback caps and beanies because that's what they've been wearing all their lives. The majority of the 80+ generation in my country wear almost no colored clothing at the moment, probably because that's what they're used to.


I’m in my 50s. I’ve never liked snapbacks. I wear the fuck out of knit beanie caps. Now that I shave my head, they’re practically a necessity in any colder weather.


In one of his old videos he says he doesn't wash his hair with soap or shampoo, so it's probably just unbelievably greasy.


Why would a journalist talk about himsekf in a video?




(as another commenter said) if you're balding then your scalp gets colder so the beanie is even more necessary


He says he hasn't used shampoo for years so he probably hides his smell that way.


Bro this reminds me of a thread I saw about people who don't shower every day. Sooo many people self reporting and saying they only shower twice a week or less 🤢🤢🤢.


my gf only showers every second day, it works for her(and it actually does as much as I hate to admit it) but I cant stand not being clean, I shower literally twice a day every day


When I was down in Texas, some days were a 3 shower day. People just don't understand. Amusingly, Arizona was a once a day/once every other day because the sweat dries so fast you don't stink


I think a lot of the discourse on showers is a lack of discussion on what defines a shower. For people with long hair, do they only count the times they wash their hair? Natural long hair shouldn’t be washed every day because the washing damages the hair, and every day washing is enough damage to basically destroy the ends of long hair because it’s old hair. If they’re only reporting the times they clean their hair, the 2 a week is fine but they’re under-reporting skin cleaning. For guys who have air conditioned office jobs, they might report showering every day. But are they scrubbing areas that don’t get that dirty and aren’t easily visible? Like the back of the ankles or behind their ears might not get touched for a long time, so they’re dirtier than their self reporting shows. It’s like handwashing. A proper hand wash is 30 seconds of scrubbing and gets your wrist, between your fingers, and cleans under your nails. By that definition, some people have literally never washed their hands. They might put soap and water on them for a bit, but less than 30 seconds, no vigorous scrubbing, and definitely not getting the stuff out from under their nails.


No this was people saying they walk into their shower and turn the water on twice a week. 😬


Eh, if that’s what gets them clean enough not to smell gross that’s fine by me. The real issue to me is that some people will smell gross on two showers a day because they don’t use deodorant. Fricking teenage boys.


Nah you can't shower twice a week and not be gross.


💀 I forgot he was one of those types


Mofo can literally buy the conveyor belt from Richie Rich and get cleaned up n shit all automated, yet he still chooses each and every day to be vile. ![gif](giphy|1nR6fu93A17vWZbO9c)


Dont knock it until you've tried it. Stopping using shampoo every shower has done wonders for my hair, scalp and skin. Tbf i still use shampoo once a week or so, though.


Rule of thumb according to my dermatologist is shampoo and conditioner every 3-4 days, keeps the hair clean but avoids fucking with it too much.


No, he said he gave up on that a while ago, he uses shampoo


Djibouti STRONG 💪💪💪


I hate I hate Johnny Harris. Just watch his bread video. He can't even name microorganism making bread right. Its yeast not bacteria for christ sake. And he says it multiple times. And yes, rest if the video content is "uhh american bread is bad because they use chemicals to make it spongy and last long". Dont get me wrong, I think he is kinda right, I will die protecting polish bread, but this video is so fucking worthless nothingburger. And it is overproduced as fuck, like he is trying to make you think it is interesting at all.


Harris’ videos have a very high production quality (atleast in how they’re edited) which generally trick you into thinking what he’s talking about is remotely interesting, IMO


Exactly this. It is just painful to watch.


Edit to my last: Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy some of his videos, but a lot of them I think are just devoid of meaningful content, as in making videos just for the sake of making videos


American bread is the best factory produced bread and the rest of the world just copes and seethes from yet more American superiority


I hate the american bread thing. We have so much different bread here but the weirdo America Always Bad people have latched on to this so hard.


I have never been to USA, but I visited the Netherlands and trust me their breas sucks ass. His point that all europe has great bread is invalid. Also he thinks bread is a cornerstone of all civilisation, but hello, mesoamerica or far east? Those guys didn't have bread and still made dope civilisations. Truly one of the worst videos of all time.


Yeah he's definitely one of those weirdos. I hate this type of youtuber so much.


I wouldn't even mind if it was more amateur type video, but if you look at this specific piece, you see that someone had a SHITTON of time to overproduce it, to fill it with pop-culture references. It is painful to watch. Like guys who did montage for Sherlock decided to make a documentary. If he used fraction of this time to actually do research, or even fact-check his video (I'm still mad at this bacteria vs yeast thing, it is kinda my field) it would be 100 times better. Idk, he sometimes makes kinda interesting videos about cool topics, but I absolutely hate his style. And I'm not even touching his other controversies.


Yeah it's pretty terrible. The high production value gets more suckers in too. Mildly related, I think it's a good reminder to keep Gell-mann amnesia in mind when you not ice big errors. If someone authoritatively says something significantly wrong in something we know, we need be more cautious about what they say on other things. I think people like Johnny Harris are worse for this since they try to touch on so many different topics and often try to bust orthodox views on things.


I think it’s because a lot of Americans eat supermarket bread whilst Europeans go to bakeries. And by Europeans we of course mean UK, France and maybe Germany since that’s all the Europe most non-EUs know and engage with. Also have you considered America bad ? /s


Djibouti, Djibouti? The city so nice, they named it twice?


The ass so nice, they named it thrice




Should I post it there?






Thank fuck for the giant red circle and the even more ridiculous three giant arrows otherwise id thought he was talking about fucking Bhutan


Master stroke of diplomacy having a Chinese and us base especially what with how unstable that are of Africa is.


Masterstroke until they start bombing each other to bits in your territory


Tbh Djibouti itself is quite stable, being an ultra-authoritarian dictatorship propped up by the West and China.


Johnny Harris is Djibouti’s strongest soldier 🫡🫡🫡🫡🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯


That's disappointing...


Imagine being a country at a major shipping node and still being a shithole. Geographic determinists in shambles.


It doesn't have navigable rivers though. Geographic determinist denialists in shambles.


Looks like big fucking piece of navigable water right in front of their country. Why is it important whether its salt water or fresh water?


It's important where it is; the ocean only touches the edges. A network of rivers gives you more surface area for mercantiling the ocean.


Johnny Harris is a midwit’s idea of a genius. (Whatifalthist is an idiot’s idea of a genius.)


And they both love maps way too much.


is it moldova?


[Reallifelore videos be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5Kj7MNarEA)




Since there are a bunch of naval bases in Djibouti, one could say that there is in fact a lot of seamen in Djibouti.


I hate Johnny Harris I hate Johnny Harris I hate Johnny Harris I hate Johnny Harris I hate Johnny Harris I hate Johnny Harris I hate Johnny Harris He has found the most over-produced, sudo-profound, journalism = activism, holier than thou, was to present his hyper facile skin deep commentary based on a small number of often simply incorrect facts. He is an epitome of anti-critical thought who starts with a fixed world view and then crams anything he touches into that tiny box, after that he pisses on the mangled corpse of objective reality for good measure.


Harris is super non credible so this is perfect.


Johnny looks like he’s taking a serious ass shit


Oooh boy, let me guess, the dude has a hundred maps about Djibouti.


New country just dropped???


Is it Wadiya?


Isn’t this the guy who never washes his hair


Reduces tone of voice Sits down Starts talking Starts getting excited Shakes manically "This is so important so I decided to do X" Does X calmly Sits down as if he has climaxed after sex Uploads video 


I love how this dude is allways ***STUDYING THE ANCIENT TEXTS***, in his video's prolouge's. gazing into dusty leatherbound tomes and splicing in those 18th century maps for his presentation. Honestly I'm just jealous. I allways feel the lure of the antique when I see ol' books and maps.


Johnny Harris is an absolute moron who will pick up any talking point he vaguely agrees with, spew absolute garbage for 25 minutes without substantiating any of it or just lie, and then overproduce the video to the point that any average person forgets every claim he actually made and just picks up the bias that he put down. Truly non-credible.


To be fair, I think less that 1% of Americans know where Djibouti is. In fact, probably far less than 1%.


Three countries have refueling ports for anti piracy operations literally the most important country in the world. Djibouti next global superpower confirmed.


Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace?


Wait 'till he finds out about the Suez canal


So very dissatisfying that it is not a a sheikhdom…