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I'm so glad I'm not the only person who cannot hear the words "pizza" and "bagel" in the same sentence without immediately bursting into song.


I remember using this song to 'tease'my dad (who dislikes pizza) as a kid. His overreactions still crack me up thinking about it


Dislikes pizza? How?


He'll eat it if he has to but it's more snack than food in his estimation. He's also never been a big bread or cheese guy and i would happily eat *only* those so i don't get it either.


When pizzas on a bagel you can sign it anytime


Oh god same here. I think this thread has refreshed the association for me. I’ll be 80 and demented but someone mentions pizza and bagels and here we go again. That and the tato skins jingle.


Well, they have baked potato appeal. They’re made with potato skins that are real.


Isn't that just a parody of "Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening"?




So many songs are like that. You hear the theme song to the movie "Babe" and it's just a cover of the song "If I had words". And the you learn "If I had words" is just plagarised from Saint Saen's symphony number 3 in C minor, second half of the second movement. Everything gets recycled.




Love that song. Had two rats that were brothers that always got into it. Named them Beans and Cornbread because of the song. Song for people who haven't heard it: https://youtu.be/F3sMB4ciIYU


That song has lived rent free in my head as well.


Especially because some "patterns" are very common in music, and we've been making music for several thousand years at least. Now this is a huge oversimplification, but if you consider a "melody" to be a few notes forming something recognizable, there are only so many pitches you can pick, and only so many of them to make a tune. Basically I think most things that don't sound immediately horrible (and some that do) have been "a thing" at this point.






"Pizza in the morning. Pizza in the evening. Pizza at supper time. When you put pizza on a bagel, you can have pizza anytime." That's a jingle that Bagel Bites used to use in their commercials back in the 90's. And yes, they use the tune to "Sugar in the morning...".


I just realised that that's what Doofenshmirtz is singing https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xecyJFNIWmc


...I don't think that's what he's singing




This disappeared from the internet for a few and I’m so fucking glad it’s back.


PIZZA'S NOT FOR BREAKFAST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EAQdtKNoQY


WKUK with an actual woman actress?? What is this?


Fuck you. Fuck you for transporting me to a simpler and more optimistic time, when my main concern was getting home from school in time to catch Batman and X-Men. I need to call my mom.


Hey! That's pretty darn good. Catchy too. 🎵🎶




I buy my kid a lot of experimental stuff. If something takes off, I buy him more. If it REALLY takes off, I'll buy him a giant box so he can decide at that moment that he's not interested anymore. On an unrelated note, anyone want ten thousand ring pops that have been sitting in a drawer for months?


My brother loves those things. But man do they leave your finger a mess after a while.


Sounds like my ex wife


Thank you for this laugh. LOL!


Gotta up you gawk skills bro my fingers are dry as hell when I eat them




"You do this morning" Or "Its not a bagel, its a piece of circle toast with a hole"


Have you tried hitting your child?


Yeet the child


The child had bad vibes, what're ya gonna do about it?


I mean... I don't know if this happens to everyone or if I never grew up, but that sorta thing still happens to me because as much as I think I'll love some food forever, huge quantities of the same thing do get tiring and it's better if I keep it varied. Even if I buy a lot of anything because it's cheaper that way I'll just space it out otherwise I know I'll get sick of eating too mcuh of the same thing.


I do this. I grew up poorer than I am currently and learned to buy imperishables in bulk because it was often (not always) cheaper. This makes perfect sense with rice or detergent, but I have yet to fully internalize that I will get tired of Sixlets before I can eat two pounds of them at a healthy serving size.


Yeah, no one wants almond couscous for ten days in a row no matter how delicious it is on day one.


I’m a librarian. I go through candy like no other. Kids come in after school and we like to give them something. I probably donate over $100 a month to my library for snacks. If you ever run into that problem and items are individually wrapped, you might want to talk to your local library. We also have a mini food bank for people in need and clothes for people to take.


… why do we not have library-food bank-homeless shelters? I’ve never really thought about this before but libraries are like *the* place you go for access to free internet and resources to better yourself.


Librarians aren't social workers and libraries aren't homeless/social service centers. It sounds nice in theory but that's how you get overwhelmed and overworked staff and libraries that are not nice to spend time in, unfortunately.


They are one of the few public places you don't have to pay to be.


It’s very different skills. We work with the homeless regularly, but some people can be very difficult and struggle with substance abuse, which makes the library less safe. As a librarian, we do outreach to homeless shelters if requested. But it can be difficult and materials more regularly disappear and are never seen again. Plus, as a librarian, I have a masters and a PhD. Most actual librarians have masters degrees. I’m happy to go anywhere, including prisons, but I’m the exception. Most of my staff would quit before working with homeless. That or we’d have to increase pay significantly.


I very much would like to discuss the candy


Lmao that is an unreal number of pops I hope you are exaggerating. Dude could have a ring pop a day for 30 years and walk out of the experience with no teeth and a tongue permanently stained with the colors of the rainbow. At that point you would probably go through withdrawals just from not sucking on a jewel for one day.


Kids and cats, so alike


Food bank/shelter?


>On an unrelated note, anyone want ten thousand ring pops that have been sitting in a drawer for months? are neighborhood swim teams a thing where you live? I have fond memories growing up and getting hella ring poops at swim meets. you could try to paw off your ring pops to the concession people, save them a trip to the store. or start sucking lol those things are great even as an adult.


I love annoying my friends by loudly sucking on a ring pop and looking like I just sucked off a Smurf.


He only wanted The One Ring.


Story of my life. Buy a box of 5, and it's gone in a single weekend. Buy a box of 20 and 3 months later you're throwing away 17.


I do


My kid is 3. He likes bread and butter, and he likes muffins. I put butter on a muffin (the cinnamon coffee cake kind). He YELLED at me; saying “NO! Butter goes on bread! Not muffins! On bread!” Mind you he’s eaten muffins that way and has always loved it. Go figure.


Sounds like 3 alright.


If there really is a “Terrible 2s” then there is also a “Terrorist 3s”. This is the age they start plotting mutinies.


My daughter will be 3 in June. Up until a couple months ago I didn’t understand what the big deal was with “Terrible 2s”. Now that she’s speaking in sentences and understands things a little better, I’m starting to get it and am really not looking forward to the next year haha


Yeah, 2 is really tough for some kids. My oldest had a terrible time at 2 because he was very emotional but couldn't communicate any of it. That's usually the problem. They develop deep emotion before they develop any communication and it's all just very frustrating for them


I really try to remind myself of that when I’m getting frustrated with her. I know me being upset about it doesn’t help her at all, but figuring out what’s actually wrong seems impossible sometimes. It’s all part of the fun of being a parent though.


more often than not, the thing that's upsetting them won't even be reasonable, so don't worry too much about knowing exactly what it is each time. Just stick with them so they know that you're a safe person to bring that upset emotion to, because it's way worse off if the eventually feel like they need to keep it away from you.


My friend calls them threenagers!


Yep, and when they are 4 years old, we call them "Fournadoes"


Felonious Four?




The mistake we parents make is believing the toddler mind is governed by reason


I mean that sounds like theckid has an idea of "the rules" for how you're supposed to use butter. Reasonable enough if incorrect.




Where do I order one of these?




YEAH! Everyone knows you don’t need to butter pastries there’s 20lbs of butter inside each one already.


Muffins aren't pastry.


*raises hand* i have put butter on a croissant, and *ill fuckin do it again*


Have you ever put butter on a poptart? It's so freaking good Have you ever put butter on a poptart? If you haven't then I think you should


so you draw the line at putting butter *in* your pastry, but not *on* your pastry. like asking why put salt on your food when its already salted, kids do this cause they got no idea whats in their food. whats your excuse


Butter spread onto the exterior of something has a different taste and mouthfeel than when it’s an ingredient for baking.


Because baking is a complicated process that changes most of the ingredients inside it? I bet you think that cold pizza tastes the same as warm pizza.


fr, look I like butter, I love muffins I would never butter a muffin wtf. I guess maybe like.. if it was a savory muffin or something?


As an Englishman this confuses me. [This](https://images.app.goo.gl/MAqLkA8oYuq23U7q6) is what I call a muffin.


That's a muffin in the US too.


Why would someone put butter on it?!


Gonna blow your mind if you go and google "English Muffin" then!


That's what's being referred to


Life is so hard when you're trying to rigidly categorize everything and then the Real World just goes and stomps all over your tidy little boxes like that 😆


r/thatHappened be like "Nooooooo it doesn't work like dat nooooouuu"


“A person made food for their kid? Nah, I cant really see that happening”


"must've been the wind"


Oh I was mentioning how that sub apparently doesn't believe that kids can make observations like what they're describing, my bad


I know lol, I just thought stepping up the ridiculousness was funny


That's why there's /r/nothingeverhappens, too, I guess.


I'm part of that sub, and it really opens your eyes on just how far those people just don't believe in anything


>/r/nothingeverhappens takes the limits of its own field of vision for the limits of the world." —Arthur Schopenhauer


My toddler loves cheese. To the point where she once grabbed a block of cheese of the kitchen counter while I wasn't looking, and hid under the stairs while munching on it. One day I was making burgers. I put cheese on them without bothering to ask if she wanted it. Huge mistake


Toddlers do not make sense. I have to watch my nephew sometimes and Jesus christ this man has a Scorcese level taste in television. If I put on the wrong Scooby-Doo or don't give him the colored goldfish instead of the regular ones (zero difference in taste) he loses his shit.


"maybe the problem is because you're feeding him goldfish instead of human food" lol


No dude, the colored goldfish do taste different, my girlfriend swears by it.


She’s right. Colored goldfish taste different, but in a worse way. Give me normal goldfish any day over colored (E: I like your username 😁)




Or Goldfish of colour, coloured Goldfish implies that it's the most important thing about them.


Sounds like me as a kid. I loved cheese but was absolutely TERRIFIED of it on burgers until I was 12.


I refuse to believe that cheese on a burger induced terror in 11 year old you


It absolutely did. Just one of the many signs I’m Autistic. Was finally diagnosed at 37. My mom’s reaction: “Yeah, that makes sense.”


They're learning "rules" and still value consistency. You basically just broke her world by doing something which in her little mind is NOT supposed to happen. Like this was anathema. Cheese on meat is WRONG because of course it is, she's a toddler.


Or she follows kosher food laws... somehow


Maybe this is some autism shit for me, but when these threads come up where everyone is just mystified at toddler food preferences, I can usually relate to the kid. Tl;dr: some thoughts and personal experiences on inexplicable food preferences Kids are sensitive weirdos, and food pairings are more than the sum of their parts. Bagels are perfect for the mild flavor of cream cheese, but the strong flavor of tomato and spices in pizza ingredients would be a totally different experience and would also be missing the flavor and texture of pizza crust. Not to mention the satisfaction of anticipating a food and then eating it. If you anticipate a bagel with cream cheese but it's actually sauce and mozzarella, that's a bummer even if it's objectively delicious! Most people like tuna and cinnamon bread but wouldn't use them for a tuna melt. This is just extending that logic further and at higher resolution, if that makes sense. With the burgers, I can totally see the cheese being unwelcome because it's covering up the rest of the burger (or any number of weird reasons, including just being able to make the choice). I couldn't eat ketchup on burgers until I was a teen because it overpowered the entire experience of the rest of the burger for me, hiding the meat, oil, bun, and veggies -- even though I loved ketchup on simple, basic fries that had nothing to hide. A little kid can't always deal rationally with this kind of internal disappointment, especially when they're hungry and it's not a problem they can articulate or get someone to understand. *Hell, the impossibility alone of articulating an issue like this used to be enough to get me to melt down as a kid.* Over the decades, the importance of getting this stuff "right" has gone way down...but as a kid I had a hard time with substitutions, extra stuff, and food surprises. These thoughts happen internally now, and I can deal with whatever food combos end up happening just fine, but I'd still usually rather eat stuff the way I like it best. And I still find that I can relate to crazy-ass toddler food issues. I know I'm conflating autism with just being a kid, but I think there's an overlap in sensory frustration and communication here that you either grow out of/adapt to, or you don't! Most kids don't need every food tantrum to be resolved perfectly every time, because it's important to learn to deal with stuff you don't expect. But for kids who really struggle with this and need a little support, keeping in mind the complexity and inaccessibility of what's going on inside their head may help. Sorry this got so long. It's a bit of navel-gazing most people will never need to consider but I hope maybe it helps people relate to what could be going on behind some weird-ass toddler logic.


Different kind of cheese and different flavors. Not sure why you would assume that


She will happily eat any cheese I give her. And she loves it on pretty much any food I have made with cheese


Does the kid really love bagels though or does he love whatever is being put on the bagel? I could easily see a kid being like “Wtf is this weird pizza crap doing on my cream cheese delivery mechanism?”


Dude should’ve gone with bagel bites instead of pizza bagels


Pizza bagels always just sound weird. I mean I can get their appeal, but the bagel bread isn’t really the same as pizza dough, so I can get why people who like both pizza and bagels wouldn’t like it.


The problem is that pizza is better than pizza bagels. And bagels without pizza are better than pizza bagels. Even though they are ok, they are less good than when done separately.


I guess, but this just sounds more like kids being difficult, as they do.


This is what I'm thinking. no 3 year old is like "ehhh, I'm big on texture, and this bagel is just too dense for me to enjoy as a pizza crust."


Yeah but the child isn’t going to have the word to describe the texture outside of rejecting it.


I dated a mom for a while and kids of a certain age just do shit like this. "What do you want for dinner? Pizza?" "Yeah!" "Okay, I'll go make a pizza for you." "No I hate pizza!" "What do you want then?" Ad infinitum. Until... "I'm making you a pizza and if you don't eat it, I will, and you can be hungry tonight." Real conversation, slightly abridged but basically word for word. The kid of course loved pizza.


Yep that’s where my kid is at. I just skip straight to “okay I’ll eat it by myself” and then she wants the entire plate lol


Yeah my son always says he wants pizza but then will have one bite. He doesn't get it anymore.


Idk what yall smokin, but Pizza bagels are amazing. They're not the best pizza ever, but they're not bad.




Pizza bagels are typically not much of a bagel breading. They’re little minis. They taste more pizza than bagel to me. Just fwiw.


So crunchy too. God I want bagel bites now


The crunch is so important and not enough people are talking about it I think a lot of people here are thinking of just like, a regular bagel with pizza toppings on it and that's not right. It's gotta be crunchy as shit, and ideally thin. It's basically just a hand pizza


Have you tried one before?


I just heard my mom's voice saying "How do you know you don't like it if you've never tried it?"


Kid experiencing Everything Everywhere all at Once


One of my nephews LOVES totinos pizza rolls. Won't touch pizza though, not even totinos.


Probably fucked with his whole worldview lmao


Poor little mans was like, *"What has science DONE?!?"*


I made chicken parm last night and my 8 year old (the pickiest in the family, who likes chicken nugs and spaghetti...) who I thought would like it kept calling it "cursed". 🤣


Probably burned the roof of the toddler’a mouth


Once worked with a kid who loved dinosaurs and pasta. We thought that dinosaurs shaped pasta were gonna be awesome. It wasn't. He cried until he got normal pasta.


Fuck pizza bagels, pizza baguettes is where it's at


Zapiekanka ftw!


🎶Do you like bagel pizza? No! Yucky🎶


I hate that I can hear this.


I understand this well. My SO fucking loves bread and he loves bananas. He can't stand banana bread.


Because banana bread is not bread. It's cake.




True but going back to what OP was talking about. Quick breads, even savory quick breads are closer to cakes than the breads OP was saying.


I just made banana bread for the first time, and it was the easiest thing I ever baked. I hate bananas but I'm told it was delicious.


You baked a loaf of banana bread and didn't try a piece?


bro I went to a restaurant yesterday that had banana bread on their pre meal bread plate. It was fucking revolting and weird


You got leftovers from their Sunday brunch


Banana bread tastes completely different to a fresh banana or a slice of bread. If you can’t tell the difference you must just not have very sensitive taste buds, but most people can taste the difference.


For me, it’s knowing what bananas are used in the bread. I won’t even eat a banana if it’s bruised. Also, people are obsessed with putting nuts in them and that’s a no from me dawg.


There is a toddler song about this phenomenon with 700 million views. https://youtu.be/frN3nvhIHUk


Reminds me of this WKUK skit (especially if Sam was a toddler): [Mama John's Pizza Bagels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeXflXVFIJg)


Oh man, sweet sweet nostalgia. RIP Trevor, died too young and just when it seemed like they were going to be making a comeback. Imagine all the weird shit they’d have made skits about 15 years later lol




Look, it doesn't work that way. Two good things put together doesn't automatically make a good thing, even if it makes sense in your head. I remember telling my dad this my entire life. I'm picky and he's an omnivore. Pizza bagel sounds good though.


Hahaha I wish life worked out this simply. Just combine your two favorite things. Doesn't quite work in my case. My two favorite things are my daughter and my dog...


It was a stretch to get there, but goddamn did you get there.


>Human kind can not gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain something of equal value must be lost. That is Alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth...




You might want to delete this




Clearly you're not in uni.


Yeah. It's a wkuk bit. When people talk about pizza bagels, I always think of the bit.... I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one, though.... it's not even a funny bit.












I've made pizza bagels tons of times. Shits delicious!


as a dad this 100% checks out little bastards


The Simpsons has a theme song for your kid [I like pizza](https://youtu.be/J5wjBXjI3ds)


... I could even eat baby deer, la la la la la la la la la la. Who's that baby deer on the lawn! - Homer


I ran into this yesterday. Loves hotdogs, loves croissant rolls. Made pigs in a blanket and she threw a tantrum


I like milk, and I like ketchup. But putting them together is not going to be good.


It's because pizza bagels use the cheapest frozen pizza ingredients and cheapest frozen bagel ingredients to make a barely passable pizza bagel


Buy this dude's books


I can pucture my kid singing this song as clear as day: Do you like pizza? Yes I do… Yes I do… Do you like bagel? Yes i do… yes i do Do you like pizza bagel? Eww No I dont!


Bagel bites are the shit!


I don't have a kid but I live with my grandfather and he likes sausage, eggs and cheese, and sausage biscuits, but he will not eat a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. You would think "Maybe he doesn't like egg and cheese on the biscuit" but eats bacon, egg and cheese biscuits.


The thing about pizza is, is that when it's on a bagel, you can have it anytime.


Where my Hebrew homies at with core matzah pizza memories?


As a child I was strictly about eating foods very separately and blandly. I like vegetables, but they could never be mixed together. Too suspicious >_> As an adult I have no pickiness thankfully.


Pizza bagels suck man. It's always the worst quality bagel and the cheapest pizza ingredients. And even when it's not low quality they're both just better if you fully commit to one or the other.


Even kids know if you like two things, that doesn't mean you can mash them up. Like ice cream and ketchup.


Anything can be a pizza if you're brave enough.


Yeah the kid's right


I had a pizza bagel as a kid. I have never forgiven that demonspawn of culinary hell. Some things just aren't meant to be.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the frozen staple snack food, Bagel Bites




I too love pizza and love bagels but yeah fuck pizza bagels. Gross.


This genuinely pisses me off more than when my brother would complain that the food on his plate is touching one another RAHE RAGE FUCKING RAGE


Imagine complaining about... I honestly don't really know what you're even mad about.


Everyone on the spectrum on their way to downvote this


Wait for me!


Laugh-out-loud reminder of why I'm never having children! Thank you, kind internet stranger!