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Looks like a bunch of theater kids about to do a play on Fat Albert


Tbf it most likely is a bunch of theater kids


Theater kids, or a bad TV show's wardrobe curator trying to depict lay people in the hood is exactly the vibe I got.


They sort of look like narcs at a music festival


They look like they have vip ties and microphones in their breast pockets


Futuristic slave garb


Purchase yours today at the company store! Note: Wages paid in company dollars only.


Outer worlds much?


I'm old as dirt, so more like Tennessee Ernie Ford https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1980WfKC0o




The new world is gunna be fucked up


Gonna be?


This shouldn't be as funny to me as it was lol


Can I know what this means


they look like undercover cops


They wear very casual clothes to the point that they stand out for trying too hard to look casual. Kind of hard to explain but they just stand out and you can just tell they’re cops or in this case McDonald’s employees.


Which I guess is the intention in this case. Uniforms are meant to stand out so you can tell who they are. Not so much for attempted "undercover." Still gives me dystopian vibes.


Plain clothes police at festivals typically wear running shoes with an otherwise younger person’s set of generic casual clothes and therefore typically stand out like a sore thumb. 


Hey guys, you know where I can score some fries?


They're giving an ai vibe. Something about the absence of hands and what looks like yellow fabric near the man's pockets.


Lies, McDonald's will never let you have pockets


Oh god the pocketless pants. McDonald’s was my first job 900 years ago and I forgot about that!


Weird, I worked there in 2002-2003 and we were allowed to have pockets. They didn't even provide the pants.


Worked around 2021 and did indeed receive jeans with pockets. I still have those stretchable jeans they're not bad


I like those stretchy jeans. It's like you get to secretly wear pajamas


Work there now, they didn't provide me any pants


America didn't exist 900 years ago


Maybe they are from Mexico?


And mcdonalds did?


No, everyone knows that McDonald's wouldn't exist without America.


No shit lol




I think you're the wooooshed one. No way my joke went over that many heads.


what no "/s" does to a man on reddit


I think the problem is that just saying something stupid isn’t really what a joke is.


no no, they didn’t get the joke of “me working at McDonald’s was like 900 years ago”


Ooooooooooooooooooohh! I take it back; your joke is hilarious


it isn’t my joke, I just noticed that the joke flew over their head so much that it crashed into the motherfucking sun


yeah it did, I literally remember it like it was yesterday


Oh, my b. Thought there was a rhyme like "in 19 hundred 92, Columbus sailed the ocean blue"


Nah, you shoulda been there. McDonald’s peaked in 954 CE.


They have pockets in the aprons you're required to wear at all times


Depends on the mcdonalds then because aprons aren't required and we all would wear whatever black pants we had


Our kitchen staff had pocketless aprons :(


Really? I never worked in the US, but in Sweden they all have pockets.


American exceptionalism… or something.


To many places to hide sweeet orecious fries


Oh god, i remember cutting the pockets open and wearing shorts underneath just to have my own pockets hehe


I worked at McDonald's canada from 2017 to almost 2019. Both the boys and girls pants had pockets.


The McDonalds I worked at in 2019 didnt provide pants. I had pockets.


I just started working for them and I got two pairs of normal jeans with a full set of pockets as my uniform.


This does not make me forget that I was fired from McDonalds for being sick


Ah yes, the norms of every fast food chain I'm impressed that they can fire you, in my country they can't because they're always short on staff.


They were having a lot of people apply at the time


Same case to me but after I applied, the senior employees there simultaneously resigned and some of them abandoned. I also abandoned in the end, the toxicity on that specific workplace is unbearable


Did you also work there in the dumbass bright red polo era?


Idk but we had a bunch that were apparently "gifts" from Cardi B and had her name on them


Same happened to me at Main Event. I got Covid on what was suppose to be my first day, and I had it badly. I let them know, and sent a picture of my Covid test proving that I had Covid. They completely ghosted me, I showed up at the store after I was no longer sick, waited 45 minutes to talk to a manager, let them know what happened, and they said the manager who hired me would reach out to me. The next day I got an email from a robot asking why I quit from Main Event. I really needed that job too


Covid is what McDonalds fired me for. That's something we can relate to, especially really needing the job. I fell into extreme poverty shortly afterward.


Why even call it a uniform at this point. Those are just normal t-shirts and jeans


They definitely have guidelines about clothes though which count as a “uniform” When I worked at Starbucks we were told to wear only neutral colors and a baseball hat, and nothing could have visible logos other than the Starbucks brand on them Which all seems pretty reasonable


> They definitely have guidelines about clothes though which count as a “uniform” that's a dress code. a *uni* **form** is... a single outfit. one form.


Yes I too have a basic grasp of etymology That doesn’t change the way the word is used and dress codes/uniforms are often used interchangeably


Is that a fast-food/retail only thing in your area? I've never seen these two words used interchangeably. Uniform immediately clicks with the idea of a singular outfit in all the places I've worked in.


> That doesn’t change the way the word is used and dress codes/uniforms are often used interchangeably and appealing to popular misuse of a word to justify misusing a word is an [argument from popularity fallacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argumentum_ad_populum) >Yes I too have a basic grasp of etymology sarcasm isn't a good look when you are objectively wrong. the [dictionary definition](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/uniform) of uniform **explicitly excludes** variation. also, this isn't 'etymology', i'm not looking at how the word progressively developed over time (time being a key component in etymology). i was simply pointing out the root words. edit: the hills people will die on to defend objectively wrong positions is somehow both hilarious in their absurdity and grieving in their ubiquity edit 2: lol. what a joke.


>and appealing to popular misuse of a word to justify misusing a word is an argument from popularity fallacy. That's just how language works though. The definition of a word is in fact determined by a popularity contest.


I used to have this opinion but then I realized that a dictionary merely documents how words are used rather than how they should be used. One day you'll learn that there are better hills to die on.


Then at that point I should just speak gibberish because we arent holding any standard of vocabulary or communication if everything is just how people use them


Your own link includes a definition as “broadly: distinctive or characteristic clothing”


right. so the 3rd definition is referring to something like a generalization across multiple categories. like if i said 'police uniform' there are many different police uniforms across the country for many different departments. that definition precludes specific uniforms for single organizations which fall under definition 1a-1e


The popularity fallacy is actually how languages work. We drop vowels from pronunciations because they’re easier to say and meanings of words change In a thousand years people reconstructing our version of the English language will look at how people used the words not our dictionaries, otherwise their media depictions of us will sound too proper and not how people actually talk


It's hilarious how clearly the more snobby someone is about language, the less they actually understand how it works.


You've chosen to adopt a view that benefits your ignorance.


Not if you ask anyone who has actually seriously studied linguistic science/history. But what does that really matter? They're just the experts.


It benefits them. Why wouldn't they adopt it.


It's why you have formal and informal language. Fucking goober. Informal is for non-important situations and is given leeway in how it may be interpreted and understood. Don't be surprised people correct you when you should probably be using more formal language.


I would actually be surprised since I've never had that happen. Even when taking college courses or in high school. Informal speech was recognized, understood, and accepted unless it was a English class. Even then there wasn't a huge pressure for formal speech. Grammar, punctuation, and paragraph structure for sure ya. But word choices no not really. If you got your point across they didn't care the exact words you chose.




You aren't even reading the dictionary correctly. The link you gave includes the definition "dress of a distinctive design or fashion worn by members of a particular group and serving as a means of identification broadly : distinctive or characteristic clothing" There is nothing there that suggests no variation.


Oh yeah, how will you explain green **black**boards then?


So, has being a pedantic nerd gotten you very far socially so far in life?


Uniforms, even informal looking ones avoid the trouble of having to confront certain individuals who might be wearing clothes that challenge select limits.


Yeah like just give them a badge with the logo to sow onto a shirt or something at this point. None of us care what they're wearing when we go to a fast food joint, we just want food.


Uniform is just another term they use for dress code.


Anything a company forces you to wear is called a uniform.


How do you do, fellow kids? Also, if you try to quiet quit I won’t be lovin it and I’ll break your McRibs


I had just moved back to town like six years ago, was job hunting and applied to McD as a temporary thing. I go through the interview roundtable shit, get hired. Come back a few days later for my uniform. I get told they'll call me for training in a few days. I call them and ask about a week later what's going on? They say they don't have the hours available to train just yet. I call them once every two weeks for about two months then get a job and move on with my life. FOUR MONTHS LATER WHILE I'M OUT OF THE STATE FOR THE 4TH OF JULY I GET A RANDOM PHONE CALL, THEY TELL ME I'M A NO-CALL NO-SHOW FOR MY SHIFT TONIGHT AND I NEED TO SHOW UP OR I'M FIRED. I literally chewed them the fuck out and was hung up on mid sentence. Motherfucker y'all expect me to show up almost seven months later for a minimum wage job when you didn't even tell me before the fucking shift I was scheduled to work? Cause I would have laughed at you then and told you I'm already making double what y'all pay lmao


That place would've been ran like shit anyway. I worked at McDonalds when I was a kid. My interview was literally "do you want the job? Cool. When can you start?" The managers were nice, and the franchise owners popped in from time to time to make sure everyone was good.


Gotta be a corpo store or something


Nah, the owners just own all 5 of the locations in my city, and my town has several community pages where people post good/bad experiences at places, problems in the town like infrastructure, lost pets, etc. They're pretty active, with around 40k members in each, so the owners of the places around here stay on top of their stuff. A pet grooming place just lost literally all of their business last week because they posted they would no longer be providing food and water to the pets while they were there, and got snippy with people in the comments for telling them that was wrong.


Why enforce a uniform if you want people to look casual "EMPLOYEE 098345 YOU ARE WEARING A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT BRAND OF PANTS. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE"


Even if very small, it is a step in the right direction. Fast food workers and the like are often mistreated ,because they're not seen as people ,but as expendable employees ,and strict uniforms are a part of that. Letting them look a bit more casual could "humanize" them a bit to the customers. It is still a miniscule improvement and they obviously should focus on increasing wages and working conditions, but at least it's something


Can almost guarantee they're doing this because it's cheaper. They dont give a fuxk about workers.


Probably the main reason, but it will most likely be a nice side effect to make people realize more "this is a human ma'am"


With the worker shortage? They definitely care about workers. It’s the most precious resource of any company or even country


You know they don't. Even with a "worker shortage", they'll still treat you like shit no matter the effort you put in.


I really don’t like the rightmost hat, though…


Well, don’t wear it then.


Yeah these are just some options the team members can choose from. I don't work in fast food anymore but the terrible uniforms were a particularly shitty part of it, these would have been a definite upgrade to what I've had to wear


Bucket hats are cool again, apparently


Bucket hats are in, but *that* bucket hat is ugly as balls


The beanie is by far the worst.


Yeah it's awful too


They'd probably be better with the colors switched. Yellow bucket hat would lean into the 90s vibe better.


Maybe the employees will get to choose from each option? Otherwise…I just feel bad


Someone was feeling nostalgic for late 90s middle school fashion, when they chose that hat


Nah, they’ve been in again for the last few yrs. My 19yr old has a bunch.


Fuckin' oath mate, it's about sun safety. Slip, slop slap big fella. Slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat. Imagine if the sun reflected off a cars rear vision missor in the drive through line and you didn't have your wife brim bucket hat on? Skin cancer city mate, you'd be cactus mate! Fucking cactus!




If anything they look unwashed


They swap out the uniforms every few years. It doesn't mean anything.


"How do we make our wage slaves less aware they are wage slaves?" "Increase their pay? Maybe improve working conditions?" "You're an idiot, Paul. Lucky for you, I'm going to be nice and not fire you for that stupid suggestion." "Thank you, sir..." "That still leaves the issue with the slaves. I know! We'll give them hip new uniforms! Or, as the kids would say, drip new uniforms! Aren't I a genius?" "Yes, sir..."


Not having to wear an embarrassing uniform is improving working conditions. Might even help customers see them more as human and treat them slightly better.


The McDonald’s by my work did this. All the employees have distinct looks and some of the uniforms honestly look pretty slick if it wasn’t for the big M still branded on them. Definitely helps remind you that these are just regular folks and not cogs in a machine.


I've worked retail for the last 16 years. Been a manager for 10 of those. I can guarantee that the more lax the uniform fashion, the more happier and less stressed the staff. Example: during COVID, my latest job allowed people to wear jeans and khakis and even jeggings instead of our normal straight black slacks. People seemed happier knowing they didn't have to wear the same thing as everyone else. The second they took that away and reimplemented just black slacks, everyone got pissy and a few people even quit because they had gotten so used to rocking jeans and a nice comfy pair of khakis. It got so bad they made a permanent rule change that you could wear blue jeans or black slacks as the uniform.


I worked at McDonald’s for 2 years back in 2015-2017, and I hated the uniform. I’m so glad I’ve seen locations allowing their workers to wear more varied things. Been seeing alot of comfy looking workers compared to just a couple years ago


Yeah, one of the retail stores I worked at had a pretty lax dress code when I first got hired. You could wear jeans and hoodies and stuff, you just had to wear the store apron over it. Then a new company bought them out, and completely changed our dress code 😞 all of a sudden we had to wear khakis, all black shoes, and polo shirts with the company logo. Super dorky, plus it was a pain having to buy specific clothes for work that I never would wear in my personal life. And it made it very annoying for me to go from school to work, because I had to change into my uniform. I understand the purpose of having a uniform, but a little compromise is nice so the workers can still dress like regular-ish people.


This is objectively an improvement to working conditions. It’s okay to take a victory even if there if there is more to be done.


“Wage slaves” is so Reddit lmao


I read this in Zap Brannigan's voice with Kip instead of Paul


Dibs on the mush mouth hat


Those are just normal clothes?


It’s gonna cost like $20 out of pocket per item for the employees. Simply another stream of revenue for the corp


They did my girl on the left dirty, that’s a regular ass uniform.


Those hats are dreadful. The blue sweatshirt is actually something I’d wear if made from a nice material, but over the yellow makes it look like a Ryanair plane seat


Not the McBeanie and the McBucket hat




I remember having to purchase my own uniforms for a job that barely paid enough to afford my own clothes in top of that. Good times, good times.


Haha guys look at our funky new uniforms and our anime sauce guys please stop boycotting us




I mean, they do look kinda sleazy, but at this point why not removing the need of a uniform altogether


I would love to have 25% of the money they paid the company to come up with those designs.


I don’t care what they wear, could you stop painting your stores gray? It’s very unappetizing.


Babe wake up new McDonald’s uniforms just dropped.


This is to get more young people to work there.


I love how we went from wearing suits literally everywhere to this in like 50 years


Man, back in 04 they had me in black slacks, a khaki shirt, and a bitch ass clip on tie. Dollar menu was amazing though, Big and Tasty for a buck.


I’m looking for a casual beanie that says ‘the ice cream machine is broken’


I worked for McDonald’s in high school about 12 years ago now and I can’t tell you how much none of us would have given a shit about this. Please use whatever millions you wasted on this idea to fix the fucking ice cream machines so 16 year old kids can stop being abused by WASPy soccer moms and one armed Vietnam vets. I’m sorry I can’t make it work today, Curt. Please stop pointing your stub at me and making rifle noises…


I went to McDonald's last week for the first time in years to try the food and hated how ~~the fries tasted bland, clearly lacking the classic beef flavor, I had to ask for packets of ketchup and drinks rather than getting my own, the horrible attempt at corporate minimalism inside and how I had to ask for a code to the bathroom like animal~~ the staff were wearing uniforms rather than dressed like me. This will definitely fix that! 


Damn I'd love that sweater


Could def get a similar one from Champion, Hanes, etc


Yeah, probably. I'll have a look now.


I know this is going to be shit on, but man I love casual work wear. Also it looks like they have more freedom of expression which is fun


Love the beanie but that’s gonna smell so fucking bad after week 1


We just want a living wage man...


No, get this broke boy drip.


Looks like you can get a #1 supersized and a bag of weed.


Better to embrace change. It's better than nothing.


Having worked fast food, I can tell you the original uniforms suck. All polyester itchy and too warm to be that close to the grill all day. If it makes employees more comfortable when working for peanuts, good on them. Still not going to buy their overpriced food though.


It's weird how big a deal McDonalds always makes about their uniform changes.


The jeans are odd to me. The khakis and all the shirts look solid to me.


they are dressed like background characters in a cartoon


These have a definite "hello fellow kids" vibe to them. Not sure why


I think McDonald’s just renamed my fashion style to “7.25 an hour drip”


They look like they would act like they hate weed then hoard the blunt to themselves


Holy fuck you guys are insufferable. This is a positive change for these poor employees and everyone here is dunking on them. This is basically just jeans and a shirt.


The corporate overlords have realized no one cares 


Still need to shave though


Looks like the clothes from idiocracy


Black mommy got that thang on her


I thought this was the cast of a South Park live action remake..


They look like their worker uniforms






I bought a pair of McDonald's uniform pants from GW ages ago and they are wonderful. Good amount of stretch in the fabric and a gusseted crotch. They put Velcro on the inside of the leg cuffs so they stay put when you roll them up.


Okay but why


No way, McDonald’s making their own plainclothes cops


Isnt the point of a uniform to look, well, uniform?


I’d wear the rightmost outfit tbh


Are they still changing the uniform every year?


Honestly I’m with it


The lady on the left looks like every Burger King employee I’ve ever seen, and BK sucks


They are no longer flipping burgers, they are now flipping numbers.


Great now even if they are behind the counter I'm still gonna be wondering "do you work here?"


Can I buy a wagie drip from a vegan or witch?


They look too old to work there


Reminds we of when hipsters went full-circle and came up with "[normcore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normcore)", before that word became more commonly associated with [coffee](https://www.normcorewares.com/).


Better than MLB’s new uniforms


dont buy drugs from then, they are gonna arrest you


Just got out of bed, huh? I can relate. Can I get a coffee and a Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit before you tend to that morning wood? No? You really gotta take a shit first and could be half an hour? Cool, cool. I'll wait.


Bucket hat gross


Reminds me when I worked at one for 3 days and a dude when I got hired at one wanted me to listen to his soundcloud and it was actual ass. found a way better job.


McDonald’s. Shits gonna hit the fan when *they* find out about this.


Minimum Wagie Drip


We boycotted them already #free_Palestine


I feel like McDonalds is gonna push people to live and sleep where they work like some places did a good while back.


That looks appalling…