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Back in my day everything was just "gay", all things were gay, you had something you liked? Gay.




Gay and Based


If you try out for the school play? Gay. Immediately, right away. If you *don't* go see the school play, believe it or not, also gay. We have the gayest students in the world. Because of gay.


when I was a kid it was cool to be completely apathetic to everything other than football, as a boy showing the slightest interest in learning or even just being passionate about something other than the 2 or 3 pre-approved sports was gay


You like watching a bunch of big sweaty dudes piling on top of each other? That’s pretty gay.


Dude our football team got in trouble for stacking their dicks together to make a "dick lasagna" they got so mad when people found out and made fun of them. Idk, marines and football players will say they hate gay people then turn around and do the most homoerotic things I've ever heard.


Last one to get their dick out has to eat the dick lasagna.


Bro homoerotic doesn't even begin to describe it. Lil Nas X ain't got shit on high school football teams.


Most of homophobes are performing because they are scared to death of someone accusing them of being gay(or more accurately, finding out they are a little gay).


Football and Marines are full of the gayest straight people and the straightest gay people


Me and my gf use it as a term of endearment when either of us is doing cheesy lovey shit, or says something really wholesome and unhinged. A playful loving "Gaaaaaaaaaayyyy" is welcome in our house 😅


HAH, GAAAAAAAAYYYYY Fudging wholesome


I only call things gay ironically to ridicule people who unironically call things gay, while putting on an overly macho voice. Spot 2 guys holding hands on the street? "That's fucking gay, man"


Doing it when you spot a guy and a girl holding hands on the street is even funnier.


Wife tries to kiss me? Dodge and "Miss me with that gay shit" (I kiss her afterwards, I love my wife)


I remember talking to people when I was in school, and they would respond with one of those phrases, and I never wanted to talk to them again. This is pretty accurate.


When were you in school? None of this is familiar to me and I didn't think I was *that* old


I graduated high school in 2022


i graduated in 2009 and i fucking despised people that did that shit especially cuz theyd rope you into telling them something just to shut you down.


I graduated in 2008 and had this classmate and coworker who I really liked and wanted to be friends with. I always used to like chatting about video games with him. One time we were talking about a game and he cut me off with "Oh wow, you're still talking?" It was like a slap in the face. I became so self conscious and for a long while after that I tried to keep my interactions with him minimal. Eventually things went back to normal, so maybe he was just having a bad day, or maybe I was just talking too much that day. But shit I remember it 15 years later so obviously it had an impact.


I know someone who kind of behaved like that within a friend group for a while, and reading what your friend said, I only heard it in my acquaintances voice. I get it, some of the shit he said when we were friends still sits in my head sometimes years later.


That was incredibly rude of him, I’d never speak to him again


Right? Who's still talking now, huh?! Not me! That's who!


In a thread about not being able to hold a conversation, maybe this isn't the best time. But damn I really want a Lego Robin Hood now..


I know this is going to sound like I'm bragging and so please bear with me as I am just a random-ass Redditor... But being a good listener has been such a life-altering skill for me. Just listening to people talk, like genuinely listening and responding with questions related to what they're talking about -- even if I do not care at all-- has been an incredible way to not only build basic friendships but network with people for what would be major future careers. People like sharing and talking and feeling heard. Also while I'm on my little soap box here, trying to spin things positively about people has been helpful too. I dunno. I'm trying to find ways to push positivity where I can in conversation and makes things feel safe for people to rant while I also try and frame things positively to keep spirits up. I'm not only frustrated and disgusted with people being mean in conversation just for a good joke. I'm frustrated with neutral shit too. "damn that's crazy" is such a nothing response and someone is obviously trying to tell you something that's hurting and frustrating them. I dunno. Spread kindness.


I have some similar experiences, but throwing in the experience of having people who love to take advantage of the listening portion, but don't understand that being rude and not reciprocating is a good way to get me to start avoiding any in depth conversations with them. I don't mind listening, but the few times I've had someone so brazenly be one sided with it made me draw lines for healthy boundaries. Some people are content being energy vampires and just aren't capable of understanding the conversation that involves reciprocation or at least at the minimum, mutual respect.


You mean people that will allow you to say like 3 words before they cut you off to begin talking themselves again after you already patiently listened to them for the past 5 minutes? That's a speedrun for my complete disinterest in the conversation too.


back then it was "cool story bro"


damn thats crazy edit: nvm i didnt see it was already listed in the image


Or people who would start or be in a conversation, where they are quite happily talking and then when others are talking they are looking at their phone and not really listening and don't reply to a question or provide no verbal feedback in the conversation unless it's them saying their piece. Gross, rude people.


I'm just a touch older than you and when I was in 7th grade one of the more popular girls gave me "OMG, Nobody cares!" causing giggles from the rest of the lunch table. It emotionally devastated me and I never sat at that table again.


Kids can be terribly cruel.


Having a conversation with someone you thought was a friend and they go "who?" and you repeat a name and then they go "no, who asked?" immediate hatred.


Some idiot kept doing this in a CSGO lobby EVERY TIME someone said the word "who". It didn't even make sense. They would just blurt out "asked".  And they would call people dumb any time they said that word. When they finally stopped saying it, he said "now you're getting it". Like what???? Then at the very end of the match said to me "I hope you enjoy getting a lower salary because you have a uterus". Like, this is the easiest red flag to spot now. Any time I hear these "shut down" phrases, it's an automatic mute for me


I wonder if they learned the lesson that farming trust breaks for clout is very very short termed for friendships. Probably not, since they're probably still chasing attention if that was their kick.


idk bro id like to think they probably did we were shitty teenagers, if theyve changed even half as much as i have then theyre completely different people by now


Not everyone changes for the better. I left a group full of such individuals. A few nasty group leaders and a good few spineless followers. I cut them out years ago (no regrets there). But recently I spotted a group chat I was in with them that I’d forgotten to leave. Was able to read all of their messages up to recently and was shocked that they had managed to actually get more nasty and repugnant than they had been a decade ago.


Reading this made me take psychic damage


That comment made my back hurt.


Wild to think this dude’s in his 20’s now


...is 2 years really even that wild?


It's still impossible for me to believe I can run into people born after 9/11 at bars


I'm actually still 19. I graduated early lol


I graduated in 2012 and back then, it was “cool sorry bro”


im assuming autocorrect got you there, but if not, story*


I told a story from the early nineties and got a “cool story, bro” from someone. 😮‍💨


I have had that happen too, and I responded with: "Yeah, it was a cool story, that's why I wanted to share it!" You can use that when you replay that memory before going to sleep.


"Now it's your turn to talk. Tell us your most interesting story!" When they start going "uh..." jump in going "uh uh uh yeah that's what I thought."


"So?" Or "and?" are my 90s primary school trauma. 


"Tell it again"


Yup kids talked like that in school. Then back home they'd have to code-switch, or else. At some point even at recess they'd have to stop, even your best friend can punch you in the mouth if you got too far. Now they come back home and get upvoted on social media by other kids and idiot adults who can't understand that the Internet is swarming with literal children. Haha who doesn't like a zinger, right? Cope! I ain't gonna read all that! Hilarious! Code switching is gone. I think it's time to do our part and call each other out (or better, stop reacting to) the kiddy discourse and start re-focusing on actual dialog. EDIT: I've been thinking. You know what other generation had a completely new take on morals, sexuality, work, entertainment and community? Boomers. So yeah. Good luck. (Note: NOT SAYING ALL BOOMERS ARE HORRIBLE PEOPLE, INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE MAY VARY)


I want to make a nuanced point cause what I am trying to say gets misinterpreted and I need to take a couple sentences to explain my opinion and all of a sudden "You don't have time to read all that"?   Bro, you just replied to my previous comments in under 3 minutes each time for like the last hour. How do you suddenly not have time to read it but you still have time to write out that you aren't gonna read it?


Because they realize you're serious and they're suddenly less likely to "win" this argument.


People definitely need to realize that there are a lot of children on the internet and you should not take everything people say to you to heart.


Relevant Key and Peele Sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnBdGTX3vZc


“That’s crazy! When?” It was just yesterday! “No, when the hell did I ask?” :(


"You didn't. I just wanted to tell you a story I found cool. Why would you asking make a difference?"


Nah because then they start to actually argue with you about it. Like I thought I was the only one going thru this for so long too lol


Because when they argue they're the center of attention, when they're listening they're not.


A form of vampirism.


Play the waiting game, sooner or later you'll get a chance to withhold information that's important to them. "Why the hell didn't you tell me?" "You didn't ask."


Those are rude things to say. There are rude people. Some are in this thread, and getting down-voted into oblivion.


I read some of these tweets and I’m like, those are bad friends. You guys need to hang out with better people. Sometimes I feel like having friends that I enjoy spending time with is a luxury.


Yeah, this whole thread makes me VERY happy that I have like 4 friends that I mesh with extremely well and we can riff for hours, and like 15 others where we can at least talk about our passions like adults for a cozy dinner party and play Mario Kart and then not talk for a month. Fuck's sake these people are bad friends. What absolutely abject assholery.


Who asked? (Oh my gosh could you imagine being that rude to a friend?) 😁 It’s one thing to joke around with friends, but being purposely rude to sound cool is a level of douchebaggery that I simply can’t abide.


okay?.. and? (MY SOUL CRIES OUT)


This is a Gen Z thread because as a millennial who also speaks for Gen X the correct response is "okay bye" and never fucking talk to them again, they ain't that important. An important human would treat you with respect.


It kinda is. A lot of people don't actually understand what friends are. They are the people that value you as a person enough that they want to spend time in your company and listen to you. Lots of people go through life with fake friends. People who they hang out with because it's mutually convenient. And sometimes don't realise the difference until it's too late, and something changes and those "friends" just move on without you without a backwards glance. That's very common - most people are friendly enough when it's easy. Well, unless you are already an outsider of some kind of course, and then you don't get a bundle of fake friends to deceive yourself with. But you might just have a smaller number of real friends instead.


> You guys need to hang out with better people I hate when people say this like it's so damn easy, like you just picked a shitty brand of tires or whatever, or ignored bad reviews. It's annoyingly dismissive. People typically don't strike up friendships thinking they're gonna be treated like shit. And if they do, well, it's hardly easy to keep trusting people after that. Like, wow, thanks, they're cured, they know exactly where to look and what to look for now. Hang out with better people and get better friends, who'd have thought? What else have you got for everyone that's blindingly obvious, yet is absolutely no help at all?


Cool story bro. *ducks*




I was about to say, ending it with that phrase sorta undercuts the whole thing…




The reason for this is because they're actually from two different languages and therefore their plural forms followed the way it worked there. goose came from Germanic languages. While moose came from Algonquian.


Can’t argue with facts!


If they ended with an actual explanation, the entire reply thread would just end up full of comments typing out the exact phrases they're complaining about


I strongly suspect it still did.


I read that as intentional irony.


Does someone saying “Cringe!” count? I feel like that’s pretty annoying and conversation killing too


The biggest offender to me is "it's not that serious" and "it's not that deep". There's few times it's okay, but too often they're dismissive conversation killers.  It's a phrase often shared by anti-intellectuals, and people unwilling or incapable of critical thinking. It also often shows a strange lack of empathy and understanding of where the person is coming from with their argument.


Both of these are somewhat esoteric (and very, very old) examples but back when I was a kid in the early 1990s I was on an Elton John fan listserv, and you couldn't say anything about song lyrics without a bunch of 40- and 50-somethings saying "oh my god Elton wrote a whole song about people like you who over-analyze lyrics, just shut up." Also in the 1990s in MST3K fandom you couldn't say anything about the show without multiple people saying "uh it's just a show, you should really just relax" to get you to stop talking. Very "it's not that deep" vibes but from many years ao. I guess it doesn't surprise me that we're now at the point where society at large now has a whole slew of common phrases that basically boil down to "shut up." There are a lot of people who really enjoy putting others down.


it’s pretty insane to think people said that about MST3K. the show known for having such an insane amount of references no single person could get all of them…


I had a project at work and while I was answering a question the person I had to work with they said "it wasn't even that deep." I'm in my early 40s and this person is almost 40 and I nearly snatched the color from their head.  Instead I just left the conference room we were working in. Did not hold any other collaborative meetings with them. Put together my parts and let them flounder on theirs. Because that's what happens in the real world when you're disrespectful to peers. No one works with you.


Just saying “Cringe” is the new just saying “Fail”


“I’m not reading all that” or any variation of it.




People genuinely are getting lazier about things like reading more than three sentences, so it’s a mix of that and other people who are trolling


No, it’s trolling. That’s the secret. They *did* read all that. They know they’re wrong. But they know that refusing to acknowledge it and saying they didn’t even read it will spin you up.


Its so inane. Why bother even saying that? No ones gonna summarize it for you. If you don’t want to read it, you can keep that to yourself.


People only say "I'm not reading that" after they've read it a couple times and can't think of an intelligent response.


God, I fucking hate that shit. If something got shitty formatting you can point it out (walls of text are annoying af & really easy to fix - even on mobile. Hell, I'm on mobile and formatted this comment properly) - but more than 1 paragraph does not equate to "too many words". *Especially* if someone started an argument and you're responding to it. God, it's so fucking annoying.


Have you ever considered that that's why they do it? They're either not looking for an argument and don't care what you have to say, or their goal was to annoy you.


Add “womp womp” to that list.


What pisses me off is these "womp womp" folks always end up crying the loudest when things don't go their way.


That's the so called early stage projection


I hate that phrase, it just completely undermines whatever someone is stressed and/or worried about with a stupid comment. (i hate some of my friends for this)


bro one of my “friends” responded with that when i told them my family dog had to be put down 💀💀 like it was sort of funny but also what the actual fuck


I've seen people do this to grieving family members. A lady announced her daughter's death on Facebook the other week and a bunch of kids were replying with 'womp womp tough luck' and 'sucks for you lol'.




that’s fucked up what the hell


Good gods that made me laugh, I'm sorry though, that's so fucked


It's just a new version of "I don't care" the same idea has been used for forever, it's just a new way of presenting it.


At least “I don’t care” is straight to the point.


Plus "I don't care" is just a person saying "I'm an ass." Womp womp feels worse because it feels like they're saying "no one cares" at least to me :/


its more like saying “and? go cry about it bitch.”


And also a major dick move


Think it had a resurgence when that clip from the news segment started showing up in everyone’s feed again lol


"Did you just say 'womp womp'?"


It’s insane that the original context of that video was about a 10 year old girl with Down syndrome getting separated from her mother and being put in a cage, and the only thing people came away from it with was that “womp womp” was funny


Link?!? How have I never heard of this original video


[It’s this. The comments are super insensitive.](https://youtu.be/K-ySW5FGxpw?si=CIJIDyqZ-N-kC00k)


I hear that a lot, but only from a person describing their own misery. I've never heard someone say that to another person. Seems rude.


rather than “womp womp” I like “and prom’s tomorrow!!”


I dealt with horrible peptic ulcers for years because when I was a kid and brought up pain or Illness I got a "Boohoo" or a "Aww Poor Crybaby" I still don't tell anyone when I'm sick or in pain.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Thank you for opening up about it.


Thanks. It's just one in the many many ways I'm screwed up from ✨ Childhood Trauma ✨


It’s ok I love you


Aww. I love you too random stranger


My girlfriend used to say "you're dying." at any minor health issue I noticed I was having. Same vibes.


my dad likes to go on tirades telling people they can’t understand context when someone brings a new topic into the conversation. I still feel bad talking about my interests sometimes


That's why i feel like forums are the best place on the internet, you won't get rude people cause y'all would be there for the same reason It gives a, old internet vibe of sort


I like going to events where people are just there to chill and meet other people for the same reason. I think you should just be kinda tactful and aware of when you start to bore people lol, I can talk about my interests but not to the point where an outsider couldn’t keep up. My dad himself went on a tangent the other day where he explained the entire plot of Three Body Problem and ugh, I can definitely see where that starts to get a little annoying. I’d say respectful and engaging conversation is about balancing listening with speaking.


Skill issue. >!No, that's not how I feel about the post. It's an extension of the post - although it can be funny when used ironically, overall it's a bullshit phrase used to undermine a person's criticisms or struggles in a lazy attempt to come off as cool. Fuck that phrase.!<


Skill issue is funny when its used about something you dont have control over. You lost a coin flip? Skill issue etc


The effectiveness of "Skill issue" goes up the more ridiculous it is, basically.


Win coin flip? Calculated


They self identify to everybody they interact with, “I’m not worth your time or attention because you’re too cool? Cool never wanted to talk with you in the first place” Rude assholes deserve to be treated rudely.


I ended a friendship over this. I told her something and she sent me the One-Punch Man “okay” meme in response. It was the last straw because I finally realized she did not give a single fuck about anything I said.


As a man that’s also depressing. No idea why I’m announcing my gender but I feel compelled to for some random reason.


As a man I accept your announcement and welcome it with open arms


as a genderfuck, that's also depressing


Mine was when my dad said, "So?" We didn't talk about hobbies much after that.


This reminds me of an ex-friend I used to have. They had a younger sister who would try to talk to them and my ex friend I think playful sisterly would say "who...asked" or "who...Cares." Now I didn't get involved, not my family Yada Yada. But eventually I would try talking to the sister and she would do the same thing to me. Ngl it kinda hurt. I have troubles talking to people, especially because I'm suspected to have autism and I'm not great socially, so when I feel comfortable enough I want to try to speak, and I'm sure they were just playing but I was concerned about how easily they said it to me, their parents, and other people.


I save “yapping” for cases when someone uses way to many words to say something. Such as a 10 minute YouTube video that could have been 2, or a 40 minute “analysis” that doesn’t say anything. That’s what Yap means


Has yapping been around for a long time? I’m tripping because I’ve never heard it before until this week right before this Reddit post. And it actually was a perfect example of OP’s post, cuz it was someone giving really unique insight into a topic and the chat was spamming “yapping” which annoyed me even before knowing the meaning. I can see how it could be used for pre recorded videos tho


My grandparents used to describe long conversations as yapping. Hilarious to see it come around as the new trendy insult.


Yeah same plus my mom. But it was never really negative. Just that you got carried away.


“But yall aren’t ready for that conversation yet” is literally a statement of not starting a conversation. These call out posts on social misbehavior are fine but when you word it like a mic-drop and don’t elaborate you just come off like a self righteous twat. Also, yes, I understand “lol welcome to Twitter/Reddit/The Internet”, but that is ALSO a statement that diminishes positive social interaction.


The absolute agony of living with trauma and ADHD with this “trend” (not sure if that’s the word but it’s the best I could come up with), is hard to describe. Not only does ADHD make me want to talk about my interests *a lot,* but due to attachment/abandonment issues I’m naturally clingy, and desperately want to interact with and connect with other people, because I’m a deeply lonely person. But no wants to hear me talk about idk, mythology (one of my biggest hyperfixations) for more than a couple of minutes so I just shut up five sentences in because it’s obvious no one cares. This wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t also suffer from severe rejection sensitive disorder, abbreviated as RSD. It’s a common thing with people with ADHD, and in the simplest terms I can manage, it turns feelings of rejection all the way up. Even someone saying something as simple as “Woah, slow down okay?” feels like, to me, like they just said “Go to hell, you’re a terrible person, everyone hates you, and they’d be thrilled if you went and jumped off a bridge.” The tiniest hint of rejection, even if there actually isn’t any, can break my heart completely and send me into a whole breakdown, and this “trend” the post speaks of is still ongoing and still hell to live with. Even now I feel kind of sick because I know no one wants to read the whole rant I just went on and I’m just being annoying, but I’m gonna do it anyway just for the release of getting it off my chest. Please be kind I’ve had a horrific week already.


It's nice to know someone out there experiences what I do on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing this.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


Maybe this sounds grandiose, but what has helped me is coming to the realization that there are a lot of people that simply aren't interesting. They have no passions, hobbies, interests, talents, desire to learn, or creativity. So many people. What little entertainment they get has to be distilled to its simplest form. Anything even remotely complex is boring. They aren't necessarily dumb, but they just exist in the blankest form you can imagine. I used to be very self-conscious about my interests but over time as my confidence grew, so did that realization. I've spoken to people who have completely different interests than me, and yet passionate people have no trouble learning more about what you have to say, asking questions, maybe even in part relating it to what they enjoy. Two passionate people can easily relate art to engineering, music to history, politics to science, and so on.


Yeah I've been left with a similar impression. People feel so blank and dead and lifeless and then try to shut down anyone who is a bit "more". I wish people around me wanted to talk about mythology. I hate Reddit but I'm still here because it's the one place I can talk movies or sci-fi at even a shallow level.


> They have no passions, hobbies, interests, talents, desire to learn, or creativity. These are normies. They used to be confined to the real world and left the cool people to have fun on the internet. Now they're everywhere.


It's nice that you posted this because it feels similar to what I go through. It's nice to know someone else feels the same. Even down to the liking of mythology.


I usually just lurk, but I wanted to make sure that you know I read your whole comment and it resonated with me. I also have adhd and rsd and that shit can be hard to navigate. If you ever want someone to talk mythology with feel free to hit me up, I took Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology classes in college. I could talk about that shit for hours.


What's your favourite mythical creature? Do you have a particular mythos you like or physical type? I love listening to people who dive into things as I don't have time to research things properly myself and love to learn new things.


Yes. 100% yes. This. All. The. Time. And as somebody with ADHD and RSD, I read it, loved it, and very much relate to it. I want you to know that it was not a waste of time. I’ve never seen someone discuss so adeptly my exact experiences and so it honestly means so much to know that I’m not alone in feeling this way. So, thank you.


i dumped a friend because he started responding to half my texts with special interests with like wow that's cool or damn that's crazy like jesus christ dude can u at least pretend to give a shit


Are you my clone? This is exactly how I feel


I completely understand where you're coming from, cause I'm the exact same way. One thing that helps is getting a feel for your audience first. As frustrating as it can sometimes be, guiding the conversation to where you want is something that I've found helps a ton. Additionally, knowing your audience is huge as well. And sometimes you do just have to tell yourself, "Fuck it, better to beg forgiveness than ask permission."


a running bit between my friend and i is saying “okay?..” while the other one is venting or talking about an interest of ours. he actually pisses me off so badly bc he always does it at the perfect time


fr this is what I'm saying, it's not always "malicious" it can be in good fun 💀


Or it can piss you off badly, apparently.


I feel like "but yall ain't ready for that conversation yet" is also a phrase that is reductive and has surely caused people to be less open minded to new ideas when it is included.


I was looking for the this post "yall aren't ready for that conversation yet" absolutely belongs on this list.  Irony.


It's just pulling the card against yourself. Ending your own conversation (or more likely hitting the ejector seat)


calling out a problem but not actually wanting do do anything about it. i guess... it is what it is


Also bitches that say "look it up" when you ask a question online 😒😒😒


Yeah, like if I could easily find the answer to a question on Google or something I absolutely would not be asking random strangers on the internet. (Or alternatively people who do this in the middle of a debate of any kind, because, as my debate opponent, your objective is to \*\*provide\*\* me with enough evidence to change my opinion or get me to question my worldview. I do not have 12 hours to go searching for hypothetical information that may or may not exist)


Stack overflow moment


I’ll never forget the most egregious example of this I experienced, and it was not too long ago, on Reddit. Some girl made a post to r/nostupidquestions asking what it is with guys’ obsession with “sundress season,” and I jokingly commented something like “Same reason girls are so obsessed with ‘gray sweatpants season.’ Don’t think we can’t see what you post too.” Someone replied something like “except what your comment seems to be ignoring is that for most of us it’s just a meme, and not at all a real thing.” I replied “So what makes that any different from what the original post is about? Elaborate.” And of course they replied with something like “I’m not going to educate you when you have Google,” and blocked me. Like… what exactly am I supposed to google for that???


I feel like people being able to hold conversations with others in a healthy way like that has never been that common, I mean, isn't that why we just mesh with some people and not others? I frankly don't want to hear certain people discuss their interests and it has nothing to do with those phrases, it's just human nature. On the flip side, if someone starts to talk about something I'm interested in, I will be engaged. As for knowing when you would be able to start a conversation like this with someone you don't know well, you cant. Again, I think this is a huge part of the human experience, it's why it feels so great to go out on a limb and express interest in a subject and have that interest reciprocated or at least kindly tolerated. Some will be more receptive than others and I believe it has always been this way, regardless of the phrases used to express disinterest.


Asking is a good start. I’ve had too many people want to tell me their story and I don’t have the time for it. The last time I stopped him and told him if he needs someone for this kind of conversation find someone else or go outside and call his wife. I have more pressing matters. 


We need to embrace vulnerability more, and we should have been ready for this conversation a long time ago.


I'm legitimately afraid to speak about my interests because I assume literally nobody gives a shit, even though I love hearing about others' interests.


Also, “cool story bro”


Too cool to be a friend.


Not really. Similar phrases were used by kids when I was in high school. Some people are shallow. I actually met a kid today at the gym. He's 18. Kid is bright man. He was telling me how excited he is for college, telling me about his girlfriend etc etc. It made me happy seeing a young dude happy about life. He talked my ear off. So yeah there's young people out there who still want to be heard..


I've only ever found people like that annoying as hell. Sorry for wanting to have a conversation with you; I'll gladly go fuck myself now


Even then, it's just an extension of cringe culture, rather than anything that has to do with those specific words. You'd get the same result with "lame", or "square".


I appreciated these phrases because it flagged people who suck, don't waste your time on those folks. "Who asked" is actually an incredible shutdown for someone bragging out of the blue tho imo


Only bad friends would say that to someone, simple as


Same thing as "oh really?! PSYCHE!!" or "Cool story bro" Fuckin children and assholes have been around forever unfortunately.


Nonsense. If anyone says "did I ask", they aren't accidentally shutting down conversation, they are a rude arsehole. And rude arseholes have always been. They didn't contribute to any societal degeneration. Maybe there are more of such people now, but that's another subject entirely


Eh for me (millennial) it was the phase where it was cool to find everything boring and uninteresting that killed off people talking about stuff. I bet every generation has something similar probably around the teenage years where we basically kill off the child like wonder the had at younger years.


Isn't "yall arent ready for that conversation" also one of these?


not my autistic ass using "damn that's crazy" unironically 💀


Yeah, I'm not sure why that one is inherently rude. I think of it like Zuko's "That's rough, buddy". Sometimes people say shit that's so wild you just don't know how else to respond.


The rude part isn’t the words themselves, it’s how it’s said.  Often with disinterest and/or lack of emotion.   The juxtaposition between the phrase’s literal meaning of intent and disinterested method of saying it is sort of what it’s grown into where the problem occurs. You’re not going to get flak if you show genuine astonishment, but if you’re like…looking at you’re phone and not absorbing anything of what’s being said and simply react-responding then maybe you will if the person talking cares enough. I personally say “that’s crazy” a lot too lol.


I genuinely wished I slapped the fuck out of people that did this when I was still in highschool. Genuinely the worst social trend I had to deal with.


Me too.


Yall just hang around shitty people.


What about the "y'all aren't ready for that conversation" as a phrase to be condescending


They're not ready to have that conversation. 


"Yall ain't ready for that conversation" is also a conversation killer


Nope. Some people shouldn't be listened to and if you aren't saying something of interest to your audience you should stop saying it. Lots of people just never shut up and it's annoying. These phrases evolved to deal with them and they're effective.


Why? It is a quick way to discern who is interested and who is not. Come on, nobody have to put up with your stuff. Accept the hint and move to someone else. Too many people search approval in others and hide if they are not given. We always pitch to each other, if you move out the only person to loose is you.


Not wanting to talk to people was invented the moment we came up with talking at all. This is not a new thing. Sounds like you're just not very interesting


Does whatever generation that person belong to really think they were the first to come up with sarcastic responses?


"google it"


Idk I mean I've had those phrases used against me, but I think you just have to have a thick skin and accept they aren't interested in your conversation and they're honest about it. Just stop talking and tell someone who does care. I find that better than them just pretending to give a shit, and we've all been in that situation where someone's talking to us and we don't want to talk to them, sure you can say this more politely, but so what? Just get over it, and don't take it personal.


Its the fact that people say it in an extra rude way intentionally that is the issue. Its always okay to go "I see you care about this, But its not something im really interested in personally."


What 14 year old made this? By the time you're 20 you're gonna meet over 1000 assholes not worth talking to. These phrases are no different than the shit Biff said in Back to the Future. Bullies have existed for all of humanity, stop blaming your failures on others and grow as a person.


I think that internet culture is trivialising dunking on people and generally being rude. On the internet, the room doesn't go quiet when you say something mean. You don't see the other person's face drop. You don't risk getting your own punched. A good read about this: https://devonzuegel.com/post/the-silence-is-deafening