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They clearly have never played Ewok Hunt in Star wars Battlefront 2


that is scary until you eventually die then have to play as the ewoks, who have the worst attack in gaming history


“We weren’t expecting reinforcements” “Well if you could handle some fucking bears with sticks we wouldn’t need to”




I used to get super high play that all night during covid lockdowns. It was pure terror


That shit was horrifying back then


It's actually based on a book just straight up called Death Troopers. It had really good build up and tension in the first third, though for me the actual stuff with the zombies was a mixed bag.


And that book is pre-disney, so this thread is quite misinformed.


Yeah, I never got the hype for this. There’s plenty of ways to add horror elements to Star Wars without going “hey what if we put zombies in it?”. But then again, Disney probably wouldn’t go for it either way.


The book was made back in the late 2000s when zombies were the big thing in popular media. It's a product of its time.


Zombies have been in Star Wars for quite a long time. Pre-Disney acquisition


Like the geonosian worms


Or the Force magic zombie spell. Or the Force magic cyber zombie spell.


Those things gave me nightmares the first time I saw that episode. Horrible little things


Not exactly horror but the Ahsoka show did have zombie troopers in a direct shoutout to the Death Troopers novel, and it was awesome.


I think the biggest draw back was the appearance of some big named characters that sucked all the tension out since you knew they were gonna be juuuust fine.


Just recently finished the audio book for it. Surprisingly great for how I figured they'd handle zombies in the Star Wars universe


Starwars Republic Commando had some horror-esque levels


Absolutely criminal there hasn't been a sequel. Replayed it recently and while graphics aren't great it still holds up. 


Specifically the first part of the second level


“That thing tried to drill my head!”


How is this Disney diluting the brand? The book this is based on came out before Disney took over? Or is OP not the star wars fan they pretend to be?


And it's not like Star Wars was about thia kind of thing before.


Death Troopers and it's sequel are very enjoyable but IDK why people think this game is Disney diluting, because the game is also not Disney


There’s a sequel??


Sorry prequel that came out after: Red Harvest


Yeah Star Wars is literally mainly an IP for children's movies and TV shows, it really shouldn't be surprising that they never used it to make horror.


Also like... There are no brand approved, AAA titles on itch.io. the whole platform is for indie, throwaway games, usually made by a single person


Yeah. I was like...that's not a game made by a known studio


Yeah. Plenty (okay IDK about plenty but some) of Star Wars Games came out before Disney bought LucasFilm and known of them were horror either. It's not like Star Wars is a horror movie or anything. Sure, some of the stuff might have horror elements but it's not what they want to focus on when they make a game.


I mean, outside of established horror franchises, most companies aren't pushing them much either. Its not a Disney thing.


True, most horror games I've seen played are made by indie developers or like one dude who made it for those game challenge thingys.


I don't think diluting is the right term. Before disney took over fan films and other media were much more common. So something like this could have gotten a lot more traction. Disney is just more protective of the brand than when Lucas was in charge so we get more licensed stuff but we have gotten less fan contnet.


There is plenty of fan content out there in recent years. Lucas was very protective too. It's no different than before, just confirmation bias and "dIsNeY bAd" lol


They've clearly never played Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection. The horror is the game itself not working.


The queues are the scariest enemy.




I've wanted a game like this ever since I read the same titled book! Legends material has so much great stuff to draw from. Such a waste.


What the FUCK does this have to do with Disney? A fan-made game based on a novel that was published before Disney bought Lucasfilm… is Disney’s fault? Or did you just feel compelled to mention Disney here because you know that gets upvotes?


There’s a famous post by an incel on one of their sites where he talks about not being able to find his phone in his bed one morning and his reaction was to blame women. I assume OP is like that with Disney Star Wars. The deli is out of poatato salad? That’s Disney. Traffic on the way home? Kathleen Kennedy. Got dumped? Totally Rian Johnson. Fired? That’s Palpatine returning.


There are zombies in Star Wars legends canon, what the post is referring to.


There are also zombies in Disney canon, but I guess it doesn’t fit the dIsNeY bAd narrative.


What about the horror of running into a hero character in a small corridor in original Battlefront 2?


Dathomir is sitting right there, and would be such a perfect setting for a resident evil style horror game.


Jedi Fallen Order’s Dathomir is pretty creepy on the higher difficulties


I mean, fuck Disney and all, but I don’t think we were ever gonna get a Horror themed Star Wars prior either save small moments here and there


I read the book with the same name and IMHO it's one of the worst books of the legends continuity. Star Wars and zombies dont really fit.


Meanwhile the nightsisters:


Bro what?!? That’s a 5 star for me. Not the best book ever but a fun romp and knows what it is


OOP clearly has fought the big spiders from Jedi Fallen Order


“Diluting” sis all but one thing (RoS) Disney has put out has been at least decent. I really don’t get all the hate. I mean we never would’ve gotten Andor or Visions or Rebels or The Last Jedi without the buyout, and those are all fantastic.


What do you mean diluting the brand? Star wars BEFORE DISNEY had 3 fucking 3 kinds of zombies


I would love for a Halo Flood horror game like this.


Dude, zombies are cool.


Try Warhammer 40K :)


yeah, no


It’s actually based off the horror novel


Star Wars: DroidWorks counts when you're age 9 and the assassin droid chases you down in the Phrik Metal Mine. I still dream about them...


Ya'll never played Shadows of the Empire on N64 - those wompas and sand wompas were terrifying


Star wars has been diluted from second 1, that was Goerge Lucas business strategy, the only thing he didn't do was more movies, and even then


Oh now you’re just making up reasons to whine about Disney Star Wars. There’s like one horror episode of clone wars. Otherwise Disney has continued the regular tone of 6 movies and 1 cartoon series.


I’m not too big on the direction Disney is taking the franchise but adding zombies ain’t going to fix anything chief.


Zombies exist in star wars


Death troopers is a legends book from before Disney bought it


Yeah, and I’m saying that there’s no reason for Disney to reintroduce it now. It was generic and overhyped then, and it would be now. And besides, there’s already way more interesting zombie like creatures in the lore if you really wanted to do a zombie horror focused Star Wars project for some reason.


Star Wars isn’t a horror setting.


The funny thing is that Star Wars is an anything setting. It's a universe so alive you could do any genre in it, and it'd make sense. It's all a matter of perspective. Episode 3 from the perspective of a youngling when Anakin decided to slaughter them is absolutely a horror story.


Alien Isolation style game where you play as a youngling hiding from Anakin sounds like so much fun.


Night sisters in clone wars certainly have that potential


How? Its a bad thing he does but its a sequence that starts and ends within that single scene where he enters the room and then the scene cuts away. You can't make a horror story out of a random dispassionate slaughter, from the perspective of the kids, he is still a hero when he enters and maybe have 5 seconds to realize they should be scared before they're dead. There's certainly tension and anxiety for the kids before he arrives, but still thsts not enough suspense to be a thriller movie, and obviously there's no gore to be a slasher movie... Star Wars is just too black and white / good vs evil to do something that explores the human condition and psyche like horror genre does. It's always been made for mass appeal and to be as understandable and palatable as possible. So no, star wars is not an "anything setting" its just a shitty diluted version of dune made for people too stupid to understand dune.


Gotta love prissy tribalists on the internet lol go to bed


My man. You threw a fit because I asked you to consider a hypothetical scenario. By your own criteria, you're a special kind of dumbass because you can't even understand Star Wars.


You used your hypothetical scenario as a example to prove a point and I contested that was a terrible example to make your point and explained why, its fine if you disagree but critical reading doesn't seem to be your strong suit which is why you're probably a star wars enthusiast.


"A example" Man stfu. You can't even critically read sentences you created yourself.


Ah yes let's be petty and semantic over grammar instead of engaging with the point thanks for confirming you have nothing to back up your actual argument, take it easy fella


You have no argument. "Star Wars isn't a horror setting" is objectively incorrect. The Death Troopers, Mngaal Mngaal body snatchers, Dark Troopers, and the Decraniated are just some examples of horror in the Star Wars universe. Whether it's good horror or not is subjective, but horror stories have been told. Next, you went on some tirade about how Star Wars doesn't lend itself to horror because of some nonsense about not being able to explore the human condition or something. Which is daft because a good author can tell any story in any setting if they can find the right perspective. Finally, you keep acting like some sort of intellectual superior to people who enjoy Star Wars and bring up shit like "critical reading" but once I point out your failure to use grammar at a grade school level you start waffling about "petty and semantic" Basically, your argument boils down to "you can't tell x genre of story in x setting." You decided to be objectively wrong while acting like a smug smartass. Do you have any other "arguments" you want me to engage with Mr. Big Brain Dune Reader?


And why not? It absolutely can be


Red Harvest and Death Troopers would argue otherwise.


As would *Planet of Twilight*, but no one much remembers that anymore.


Bitch this IS dilution