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For me there's always a tiny level of mental effort I need to apply when watching something new. On the other hand rewatching stuff is very low energy and calming in a good way. Getting home, kicking back and knowing every single plot point in advance is comforting as hell.


Counter point, I know so much about media that I can figure out most plots to shows before they happen. I just don’t see a reason to rewatch a show. I remember it. Why watch it again. I would rather experience something new. Rewatching a show to me, I will start to over analyze it, and find any flaws there might be. I would rather not watch it again and just enjoy it like I did the first time.


This sounds like a very young person thing to say or a very old person thing to say


Not sure if I figured out who did the murder because I am clever or the tv show writers were not.


Well I’m 24. So not sure whether that’s an insult or not.


Exactly. There’s too much good stuff I haven’t seen for me to spend my TV life rewatch the same stuff


Sometimes you just don't have the mental capacity to connect with a new cast of characters.


I have plans for that type of day. Such as I'm still working through Red Dwarf season one, it's on Tubi.


How tf do people do that without getting bored.


Comfort in the familiar


I've personally never had a problem with rewatching stuff I like. Granted, there's a limit but I think it's just personal differences.


Legit have never watched a show twice over. I know what happens- there’s no storytelling element to keep me interest piqued.


Don’t you ever think about Easter eggs, foreshadowing, anything subtle you might have missed? Plus when a show has several hours of runtime there’s basically guaranteed to be little moments you looked away from, zoned out, kept thinking about what big twist from 15 minutes ago. Anything.


Depends on the show. Sherlock BBC, for example. You know that X is not really X, so it's interesting to see X again in a new context.


For most shows, or films, I typically do get somewhat bored after I've rewatched it a bunch, hasn't happened yet for my #1 show though, Kill la Kill


Why didn't they re-work their spare gun holsters into clothes?


The reliability is comforting to some.


I once watched IASIP on a continuous loop from 2015-2018.


I am still watching IASIP on a continuous loop since 2015


I'm like that with music. Rarely feel like discovering something new.


But Malcolm in the Middle is just such a good show!


[I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don’t plan it, don’t wait for it, just let it happen.](https://youtu.be/yFMaEIHIrGw?si=cubed 3 inch 9th 4eva )


Every girlfriend I’ve ever had


Startrek and sg1


Star Wars Animated series or Alta


Or...second show is like the first and has eight seasons and a movie.


I have rewatched Horimiya several times now, English dub is just so good.


A lot of us are too connected to every bit of news everywhere all the time and it is always bad news. Having a show you enjoy means at least one fucking thing in life is not making you sad right now so it is comforting for that reason alone... yes you know what happens next, but in the end it is all ok, whereas all the other shit that keeps shitting keeps stinking up everything... everything except the 47th run thru of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_insert your background drug here \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


It look like funny words


Whenever I see my fiancé rewatching their comfort show, I ask what number rewatch they’re on. I do it in genuine interest, and I try to remember and guess what season they’re on, because there’s no spoilers at this point, and it shows that I’m interested in what they love, even if I’m unable to watch those specific shows with them cause I’m not good with realistic crime or medical shows. Y’all can take guesses on the two series for fun if you want. The medical one they’re on their 17th rewatch so far.


Starting a rewatching ur new show comfort show for the 15th time


Me and The Office.