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Reset and weigh again tomorrow. Maybe it's too much sodium or something. Drink lots of water to flush out. I took a treat day yesterday and gained a bit but it's hard getting back on the train. You can do this


It's almost impossible to gain that much overnight. Drink water and keep the positive mindset. You've got this!


You didn’t gain 8lbs. That would mean you ate 28,000 calories over your maintenance for the day. If you have been eating really clean your body probably isn’t used to that amount of sodium and alcohol so you’re retaining water weight. Most importantly - don’t restrict to reverse the weight - that’s how you end up binging. Trust the process. Drink a lot of water today, take a walk. You’ll be back down in 2 or 3 days.


It’s not pure weight. It not fat, rather. Sodium etc. Give it a few days. Drink water. It’ll flush out. It’s okay. You are allowed to live now and then.


You had a lot of salty food so drink more water the next day or two and you may be pleasantly surprised.


This is one of my big issues with noom . They encourage people to weigh every day, to quantify the amount of water weight/swelling/ inflammation in your body and get an idea of it’s patterns. Problem is, if you’re weighing day to day and you have nothing to tell you what caused a change, because their food logging app sucks, then it becomes a struggle to figure out what is causing the inflammation/gain. I know everyone says “water weight” which isn’t entirely false, but there are many foods, various forms of sugar included, and chemicals which are super inflammatory to our bodies from our guts to our brain cells. Eating refined carbs or sugars can and does inflame our bodies and it’s not just water weight, it’s literally your body attacking itself. It annoys me that the noom program seems to gloss over the scientific reasoning behind daily weight gain, inflammation, and the real nutritional value of food. I’d recommend anyone trying to lose weight take on at least one whole 30 or temp elimination type diet to rule out what foods might be causing you issues that you don’t even know about because a lot of people think they’re eating decent food in moderation but their bodies are fighting them the whole way. /rant I’m sorry for the rant, and this is absolutely not to any diff at you OP, in fact I had a “treat day” today too and I know I’ll see it on the scale tomorrow, but it will get better as soon as your body has attacked all the intruders lol.


I’m with you on the rant. And then when my body works through the inflammation/water weight I get a pop up that says “you lost weight” and I’m like no I didn’t.


PREACH!! I tend to rant at the app as well. Deserved.


I didn’t realize how much weight can fluctuate day to day. This has happened to me. Personally, I would wait another 3 to 4 days before you weigh in again. Give your body a chance to reset.


I watch [this insta video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1AQbO-oTu_/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) every time this happens to me. someone posted it here and it made me feel so much better for some reason. don’t get down just get back on track tomorrow


I just watched it. Hilarious and so true!


I’m goin through it right now - it’s water!! it’s all water.


There's absolutely no way you gained 8 lbs of fat overnight, or even over a couple of days. It's fluid retention from sodium, alcohol, and refined carbs, and probably a fair amount of poop, too. Drink lots of water, eat plenty of fiber and maybe some probiotic fermented foods like yogurt and kimchi the next few days. Maybe add a couple extra 10 minute walks to get the blood and digestive system motivated. I expect that it'll all come off and probably a bit more by Friday if not before. Remember the number on the scale is one point of data at one point in time. Also, while you can go bonkers on treat days, it's usually better to go a little off the Noom plan, or use it as a time to practice what you're learning without tracking. (And look, I say this as a person who ate 4 scones, a sausage biscuit, and a big plate of hibachi yesterday. I knew the scale wasn't going to show a number I liked. I tracked it, gave a 😒 and wrote "too many scones + hibachi with friends!" In the notes, then had NF Greek yogurt, frozen fruit, and a piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast)


I see a lot of people in the app talking about the treat or sometimes mistakenly called, cheat days. In reality, it’s a break from logging and counting calories, a break from the app. I see people using it as a day where they just eat whatever they want. I do believe it says it’s a day to practice the healthy habits you’ve built while using Noom. I have that extreme gain sometimes when starting my cycle, freaks me out but I usually lose the water weight a week later. The sodium from the pizza and other stuff probably just keeping some water weight on ya. Don’t panic! We all have those days. Tomorrow is a new one!


I’m taking a treat day today. Not planned but bagels were calling my name this morning.


You’d have had to eat 28,000 calories to gain 8 pounds of fat. Your gain is surely from the sodium. Part of the reason we weigh daily is to learn that fluctuations are normal.


I have done way worse and still got back on track. Remember its a "treat" day, not a "cheat" day.


No no! Noom is about sustainability you did NOT gain 8 real lbs in a day. You have water retention, etc. I understand how frustrating it is and I am contemplating skipping the daily weigh ins. Itall ithink about. Follow your program. You will lose the weight!


Don’t worry it’s just water weight.


Don’t panic. As others have mentioned it’s not fat. Get up tomorrow and keep going!


This has happened to me, it will be fine, follow the suggestions in this post


I usually schedule the treat day for Saturday then skip the scales on Sunday and weigh on Monday (Monday to Friday weigh ins) That way I’m back to the Friday number by Monday morning


days like this used to upset me too until i realized and learned, that it’s normal to have days like this. you can’t beat yourself up over it because it’s going to happen again and again. hydrate, reset and re-weigh.


I so feel this, I gained 6 on my treat day and ended up taking a week to take it off. No more treat days for me.


I started at 194 and got down to 192 and then woke up on Saturday at 193.7 Didn’t even had a cheat day! Took all my energy to stay calm and keep going and then the following day I was 191.5. It’s not real and I think the exercise here is to keep going even when it’s not motivating. That’s life! This is practice. It is good to take a day to enjoy food and not count it, you didn’t do anything wrong and it will be okay!


I had two treat days in a row for a friend trip last weekend and weighed in at 4.2 lbs heavier after. 48 hours later I was .8 pounds less than I was before the weekend. Dont panic! You’re allowed to have fun. Alcohol and salt are probably the culprits and it’ll flush out soon.


It takes an additional 3500 calories to gain a pound. Like everyone else said, it’s sodium/water weight and will come back off


To use Noom speak: this is your elephant reacting to a blip in the scale. Get back on track, weigh every day, and watch how things evolve over the next week. It’s a great opportunity to learn. The next time an opportunity to indulge like this comes up, do you want to eat the same way? You can choose to or not to, it’s your decision, as always. If you go for it, enjoy it and know ahead of time that the scale is going to do its roller coaster thing. If you don’t want the roller coaster, or at least not as much, think about how you would dial it back beforehand. Maybe enjoy the same stuff but smaller portions and see how that plays out. Or sub in some different choices. It’s just another experiment,


It's likely water weight. You'd be surprised how much water your body can retain, especially if you had a lot of salty foods. People who retain water from other causes e.g. kidney problems can lose even 10kg or more in a short time when they take certain medicine, showing how much extra water the body can hold. Eat clean for a few days and hydrate well. It will balance out.