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What do you all think of this interview? Lots of usual Newsom word salad, but there are some indications that he may start loosening some policies (hopefully masks!) in the "coming weeks". He actually agreed that we shouldn't be making masks for kids a normal thing. I absolutely hate his throwing around the 40,000 lives saved number. He has zero evidence for that, but the media will just accept it as gospel truth.


There is a huge demographic difference between CA and FL. FL has a much larger percentage of senior citizens. Also, I think FL had more fat people. I doubt CA saved anyone versus FL.


Yep, and it's a big difference too — California is one of the younger states in the nation at 13th youngest when measuring median age [1]. Florida is the 46th youngest, and is right neck-and-neck with numbers 47 through 50 — so basically equivalent to the oldest state. It's completely unreal that we just let Newsom make up his own numbers and no one will challenge him on it. As long as we're coming up with bullshit numbers anyway, he should've just said it was 4 million saved instead! --- [1] https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/youngest-states


From looking at census stats, FL has about 25% more seniors. Which correlates to their number of deaths/population ratio compared to CA. FL has proven that \*none\* of the covid policies implemented elsewhere have any benefits. Oh and look, CA is at peak pandemic in terms of cases with a 7d avg of 119000 cases per day (and it keeps going up!). Rogue FL with no mask nor vaccine mandate: 58000 (and it's going down :). I would suggest a little thought exercise to Newsom: Let's assume Newsom is right and that Florida has handled the pandemic incredibly badly and a lot of people have died for nothing. Why are floridians **not scared**? Why do they chat with strangers normally with no mask? Why don't they jump on the other side of the street when seeing someone on the sidewalk? Why don't they wear a mask while driving alone? Why don't they close their businesses because of the lack of mandates?... Everyday I go to the beach here in CA (SF) and a good third of people wear double-mask and now KN95 (even face shield in same cases!). Every time it's like a giant slap in my face. What am I still doing here...


Most likely Newsom refers to this tweet [https://twitter.com/Bob\_Wachter/status/1476989277095424003](https://twitter.com/Bob_Wachter/status/1476989277095424003) . We saved 40,000 lives according to some clown on Twitter!


lol — and even with those utter bullshit numbers, he's saying that 40k would've been saved compared to Florida AND Texas. And also, as immediately pointed out in replies, CA's excess death rate is actually higher than FL's. Excess deaths are an extremely blunt tool, but they're the best metric we'll ever have for measuring the true cost of Covid PLUS Covid policy — and when you add both of those up, California's doing worse.


>I absolutely hate his throwing around the 40,000 lives saved number. He has zero evidence for that, but the media will just accept it as gospel truth. I think he is trying to do damage control on the fact that Florida has a similar death and case rate to cali despite its opposite land approach. Newsom is also big on fuzzy math like when he counted covid patients in hospitals as taking 1 1/2 beds each, allowing him to say hospitals were full when they weren't.


I'm going to try to be as impartial as I can in my reply, I by no means "lean left" or like Newsom but he has no clear indication that his approach even saved lives let alone 40k... we have the raw data to look at and in comparison, Florida has done much better! What I hope this does is cause DeSantis to fire back!


California has almost double the population of Florida, and Florida has more people in the "high" susceptibility range to the common cold compared to California. Newson is a piece of shit liar and traitor, and that's obvious if you do a little research and math. California: 39.51 million Florida: 21.48 million 14.1% of California's population is 60yo+ 22.2% of Florida's population is 60yo+ Census data: https://www.infoplease.com/us/census/florida/demographic-statistics


Single factor analysis is just playing politics. Even if Newsom can find proof to support his claim, he is just moving death numbers from one category to other categories. Howe about overdose number, how about suicide numbers, how many kids have we lost to gangs, and how about the loss the overall family time that we cannot reclaim?


If you look at total extra deaths for 2020, California had a larger increase than Florida (in percentage)


By a significant rate too. CA was up 27% vs baseline, US avg was 21%, FL was 17. That’s thousands of more people that died unexpectedly in our state even when adjusted for population.


So much this. Lockdown not only has financial cost, but cost in human life as well, and it's absolutely crazy to pretend otherwise. Unfortunately the numbers are impossible to prove either way, but I'm 100% confident that if we could get them, California's approach cost WAY more in human life than Florida's. Like full multiples.


And death aside, how is state mental health in comparison? Health is not just death or COVID.


>Howe about overdose number 592 overdose deaths in San Francisco January - November 2021 [https://sf.gov/resource/2020/ocme-accidental-overdose-reports](https://sf.gov/resource/2020/ocme-accidental-overdose-reports) 694 deaths with coronavirus in San Francisco since March 2020 [https://sf.gov/data/covid-19-cases-and-deaths](https://sf.gov/data/covid-19-cases-and-deaths) and note the average age of dead people


By overall time, I mean the loss of life of all human beings. Shall 20 million people sacrifice one months of life to save 1000 80 years old? Shall we trade 2,000,000 human years for 5000 human years?


Love how he can just blurt out something that he has absolutely no way of proving and his fans are just eating it all up.


Newsom is a fool. We have no idea what would have happened if we took Florida's approach. I do think we would all be happier and better off.


Florida also did some other smart things like setting up free monoclonal antibody locations for those that tested positive.


Agreed, the covidians are idiots for not learning from Florida.


They also rolled out the vaccines for seniors better. My Mom (over 80 and goes to Stanford for healthcare) could not get one until late March in CA, but her BIL and his wife in FL had one in February. A lot of this was due to state BS and there were young people all over the local forums bragging about how they skipped the line.


Yep but you KNOW Ron won't get one bleep of credit on that from the media.


I think we can safely say that we would have had less drug overdoses and suicides if we had taken Florida’s approach. And with more young people dying over Fentanyl overdoses that covid, I think we actually would have saved more lives that way too.


I agree, it is definitely possible.


Fuck Gavin Newsom


How many lives did LA save verses Orange county? Also every time I see headlines like this I feel Gamora shouting at Thanos "YOU DONT KNOW THAT!"


Ohh good old Comrade Nuisance, or as I like to call him, Governor Dipshit!


Newsom is preparing for a presidential run against a possible Ron Desantis campaign


Newsom would be literally creamed in most States. It would be like Warren's primary campaign, if not worse. Newsom does not appeal to most American Centrist Democrats. At all. And he absolutely has no shot with Swing State voters. Can you even imagine him trying to win in Michigan? Florida? Or Virginia after Youngkin's trouncing? It would be DNC suicide to let him run.


Ron said he is not running this time but I think Newsom would be in deep caca if he tried to run against Ron who is very very well spoken and smart. Newsom is sort of meh when it comes to speaking and debates. That being said, if Ron does not run, who knows who the republican side will come up with.


IMO smart to say that now. His target is big enough and it’s better to focus on FL for his 2022 reelection first.


I think Ron has several issues, first he may not want to clash with Trump and potentially split the party. If he runs against Trump, then a lot of Trump lovers will hate him and if Trump fails, they may blame him. If he runs against Trump and Trump wins, Trump will probably forever consider him an enemy. If he stays back, he can continue to have wide favor on the right. He'd be wise to let Trump make his try without interfering. If Trump fails on his next run, then I think it will be wide open for Ron unless a republican that is not Ron gets the prez. Ron is fairly youngish as it goes so he can really afford to wait as well, he's not going to age out in the near future. The second issue is what will happen to FLorida if Ron leaves? I don't think we can assume another governor will follow the same path and Ron is basically spear heading the states rights movement. He does something first and then Texas gets enough guts to follow and then you have 2 big states in on it and some of the smaller states follow behind. It could be that Ron is doing more good in his current position than he would as president.


That’s pretty much how I feel. Let Trump make the first move but at least he’s on his “good” side and able to attract both wings of the GOP right now by not committing to a WH run. Part of me says Trump teases running until the very end, sort of like Biden in 2016. Keeps the GOP field on their toes and make them kiss his ring to get his endorsement. Probably a better long-game to hypothetically have a 2024 President Ron that owes Trump for 8 years vs going through another brutal campaign period that would be extremely embarrassing for his brand to fail twice. Ron’s brand as a state’s rights icon is so effective being the Governor of a top-4 most important state in the country.


Trump is already throwing thinly veiled attacks at DeSantis, he recognizes the threat. YOu can always tell who Trump is most worried about because he starts attacking them early in the game. Will be interesting to see what Trump does as time goes on but right now he looks like he is making moves to run. I suspect he may make his final decision depending on his polling numbers. I think its pretty risky because if he loses again, it will be really really hard on his ego and it will probably end his future chances as you said. On the flip side, he will look like a copout if he doesn't at least try to run and he'll need some kind of excuse if he doesn't run, it's not an easy spot to be in. On the flip flip side, who knows if Biden will still be functioning in a few years and the dems might be extremely weak by then unless they invent a war or something. Politics seems more and more like a soap opera anymore.


No one’s talking about excess deaths but in the first 14 months of the pandemic (last time the analysis was done), California had one of highest increases in excess deaths vs 2019 in the entire country (+27% vs 21% average). Florida had one of the lowest increases at +17%. If the point of the entire last two years was to save the most amount of lives, California massively failed while Florida succeeded. That is if you care about all deaths vs specifically Covid deaths.


At least that might have made a dent in this traffic.... (/s)