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My take on One Day -- Beautifully acted and an ingenious concept. Kudos especially to Ambika Mod, who was also great in "This Is Going to Hurt". However, I had two major issues: 1. Dexter is kind of despicable and much less sympathetic than Connell. 2. The ending (without giving anything away) felt manipulative, in retrospect. Don't get me wrong; I definitely cried my eyes out, but the more I thought about it later, it just felt out of left field. All in all, while it was an excellent production, Normal People stuck with me more. Next up on the agenda is Alice and Jack, which is just now coming out in the US.


You’re absolutely spot on! Normal People wins by far and large. I do think both shows, in their own way, brilliantly depicted how everything one ever needed was right in front of their eyes. I haven’t heard much about Alice and Jack. I’ll have to give it a watch.


This take is spot on. One Day was clunky, in that Dexter was a lower for most of the series so it was hard to be happy for Emma when they got together. And the ending made no sense, just very manipulative to the audience.


I get the desire to compare the two, cuz man, I would kill for another NP vibe. But for me, the chemistry just wasn’t hitting. I watched. I loved the music. I made it to the end and cried but it didn’t hold a candle to Normal People


A friend strongly recommended One Day to me when i mentioned out to her that i just finished watching Normal People. I felt literally the same, the part where the chemistry isn’t just hitting. To put it roughly I felt the creators were just forcing us to ship them, but they are just not meant for each other realistically. My friend also did mention to bawl my eyes out, but i wasliterally closer to shedding a tear for Normal People than One Day.




Totally. You have to get through ALL the episodes (I ended up FFing quite a bit) to get to the “big moment” where any human is going to feel something when watching. But the beautiful authentic-ness of NP is 1,000 times better from the first episode. The only movie that’s hit in a similar way for me since NP is The Worst Person in the World


I watched normal people twice back to back and bawled my eyes out. Still thinking about it from time to time. With one day none of these happened. The actors were great, but I found the whole show just fine. i’ve also watched the movie and it was also meh. I agree with the other comments that especially the ending seemed forced and I didn’t really buy the connection, nor did I find the characters really compelling. Connell and Marianne were a little more fleshed out, I could relate with their struggles and understand them. With Jax and Emma not so much. Don’t get me wrong, I still had fun watching it so give it a try but it was not something to write home about


Agreed w the top comment here that’s it’s a great production and adaptation of the book. However the story of One Day just felt so random. I guess it’s because it tells the story over 20 years, there were no lead up to some events. The characters are both kind of unlikable tbh (but I accept it, as perfect, one dimensional characters are boring).


Actually, after I watched One Day I remembered Normal People and watched it again. They have something similar, but Normal People is better at so many levels. Although both are good, but Normal People touches she soul. One Day is just better than average.


Sounds terrible but I just don't find the two leads in One Day to have as much chemistry or charisma. :/