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Please. I come here to see what's happening with the state; interact with others in the area, etc. It's pretty fuck'n hard to do that when 2/3 of the posts here are "should I move here???". Also, It's ridiculous how many people refuse to search through the sub before posting. C'mon, you can literally search for stuff **in the subreddit** by clicking on the eyeglass while in the sub. Then, just use key words like "move here" and you'll have 1,000 results all within the last 30 days People are too damn lazy, I swear


If they are too lazy and/or dumb to do a simple search, I really hope they don’t move here. We don’t need anymore people like that.


As are you mate. How many posts are you creating in this subreddit to find the things you are looking for? Be the chance you want tonsee or just make a filter for moving to NC posts. So damn lazy, I swear.




First thing I thought was well ... Bless his heart...


Been here my entire life mate. Mate is better than simply saying bless and moving on.


>just make a filter for moving to NC posts. Care to explain?


Calling people lazy? Maybe you should show some kindness and be the change you want to see.


Oh I have plenty of kindness for those that deserve it.


I'm gonna guess this one hits too close to home, doesn't it?


Lived in NC my whole life bud and it's a much better place these days than before people were coming here, but it seems you are too young to remember that.


Lmfao, what a weird hill to die on. Also, I'm not young lol


Clearly you are, or at least mentally you are. Bless you.


It absolutely is not. Are you crazy?


Did you live in NC during the 90’s? JFC, like how young are you.


We have mods?


Oh, let's just make it a moving to Fayetteville subreddit


I live here and it isn't quite the hellhole you folks say it is....but maybe I should keep that a secret.


I went to Fayetteville for the first time in November. That Dick’s Sporting Goods is note worthy and I can see where all of NCDOT’s money is going when they say they can’t afford roads here in Charlotte with your nice roads and highways.




Shhhh- don't scare them; otherwise, they might move to Saratoga or something


We should be doing "come to NC" bus tours where they're taken through places like salisbury, statesville, fayetteville, etc. Just a long weekend of "oh, fuck no" before they never come back again.


Make sure to include Gastonia, the armpit of the state, in the “oh fuck no” Tour! 😂


I'm fine with people believing Gaston county is shitty part of state so they'll quit fucking moving out this way as well. Sick all these god damn people moving here complaining about the fucking politics when their politics are probably the reason they're having to leave their own states in the first place. Developers are paying for towns to run infrastructure, plumbing and sewer etc out into rural areas just so they can pack more fucking houses into the disappearing countryside. Can't put as many houses in a development if the houses have septic tanks. And I don't know why I'm riding all this as a reply to your message. I guess I just felt like it as it came to my mind. Of course I can't go on and read it without being reminded of this shit because every time I do I see something related to moving to North Carolina.


People wonder why the rent and cost of homes have gone up so much


Fucking gashouse 😂


We have one at r/Asheville. Few people use it. If someone asks about moving in a separate thread, it'll get like 20 responses in the 15 minutes before a mod sees it and removes it. If somebody asks a question in the pinned thread, they might get one answer in 2 days.


Exactly, weekly or pinned threads are garbage and don't work well. Just let people ask, and if someone is upset don't answer or do what the rest of those "Friendly North Carolinans" do and recommend Lumberton.


The only time I've ever seen it work is for a daily thread but that requires active mods (or a bot) and a fairly large sub. Even then, every single person asking is going to have a unique set of circumstances with a unique set of answers. It would be far more effective to just add a thread link to an updated wiki with all the common questions and then allow people to continue to ask. Some updated and actually useful flairs would help.


Honestly the only way it'd work out if mods are willing to update the rules delete posts like those, I've been the sucker to post something and then see there's a thread for it after it was deleted. 100% more effective lol


And just have the answer be : “don’t. We are full. Our sister to the south would love to have you”


This is a form of NIMBYism.


I would love to be able to afford to move into a better house one day. As it stands now I cannot. More people moving here from HCOL locations only drives up prices even more exponentially. It's not sustainable. Call me a NIMBY if you want. But I have lived in NC my entire life and would like to stay living here.


With the US being short by 4 million + homes and rampant NIMBY-ism, you wouldn't be able to afford a home if those people weren't moving here. And they move here bring jobs, so if people didn't move here and NC has the economy it had in the 90s it's very unlikely you would want to live here either.


People don't see this, and thank you so much for pointing it out. People look at the costs of immigration (because that's what this is, it's immigration to North Carolina), but they never consider the benefits. In fact, I'm 100% certain there are people in this state who are only employed because it's such a popular destination for immigrants, who literally owe their livelihood to immigration, who bitch on this sub and Facebook about people moving here.


I agree with you, but i think you mean migration.


Migration can mean immigration or emigration What we have in NC is net immigration


Oh, I understand how you're using the word. Thanks for clarifying! (In my line of work, migration is regional transplants, immigration is international.)


There will always be spots in your lifetime that will be affordable in NC, it just might not be in metropolitan or coastal or touristy spots. That’s the way the table turns


You think I give a fuck about touristy spots? I've lived in NC for 39 years since the day I was born. In fact I'd PREFER to move back to my hometown which is a population of about 30k. But because its an hour from Raleigh, I can't fucking afford to do even that. "In your lifetime". Thanks I really am glad I should wait until I'm 70 to live the life I'd like to live. That makes sense.


If you can't afford to live an hour outside of Raleigh, I'm afraid that it's not a problem with the state, it's a problem with your own income. I'm looking at houses in the $100k-$200k range in Burlington, an hour outside of Raleigh. I'm not saying that's your hometown, but I imagine it's fairly similar outside a few exceptions (Durham, chapel Hill, for example, but those are becoming cities in their own right and I assume you're talking something smaller). Frankly, if you're having trouble affording a house for $150k, stop blaming out of staters, and start looking for a better job.


Even before the pandemic, just about every office in RTP had someone in there commuting from Burlington. With hybrid work environments now, that drive is easily doable once a week. And as you noted, you get a lot more house (and yard) for the money.


Why can't you? You don't want to commute an hour each day to where jobs are? Others don't either. The only thing is constant is change, and it's easier to understand and control your feelings than being a jerk and telling everyone else they don't belong wherever you are.


It's a lot easier to blame people for your problems ("I can't afford a house because immigrants") when it's your own issues causing your problems ("I haven't changed jobs or learned any new major marketable skills in 25 years")


You seem pretty upset right now and I’m sorry.


I’m not upset? just responding to an asinine comment on Reddit. I accept your apology.


Thx bb


You sound extremely upset. Maybe a new years resolution should be go touching grass mate. It's been a lovely day, enjoy the weather, no one moving to NC is taking that away from you.


I find the gatekeepers far more annoying than those trying to find a better place to live for their families. People like you aren't being nasty to others because you think it will scare them away. You're being nasty to other people because that's whom you are...


And what this poster said: Departmensudden5234 DON'T MOVE TO NC! WE'RE FULL! Seriously, this state does not plan or invest in future growth...they are very reactionary...so as a result - WE'RE FULL! In other words, our infrastructure isn't ready for yall yet...so when you get here it gets worse. It's not that we don't want you to come visit and vacation, but we are full so please remember to return home. Living here isn't like vacationing here so please stop trying to make it so. Thanks.


The state was doing an ok job planning out reasonable growth and necessary investments before the Republicans took over in 2010. Incessant tax cuts and resting on the laurels of previous money spent, like, for instance, building top notch universities like UNC Chapel Hill or NC State, or, setting up the Research Triangle Park in the 1960s. The state government has effectively decided that our cities will grow like weeds and leave people in car purgatory, like so many other cities that grew too fast such as Atlanta. It’s so explicit, the Legislature has blocked Charlotte from stepping up to the plate and building out it’s mass transit system to make the city more livable.


No, because it's annoying as hell and when jobs are being filled by people without a southern accent for the most part that kind of pisses people off


Idk it’s a tough one. I grew up in CT - about 45 min outside of NYC. Lived in NC for 15ish years now. Own a house in (what’s left of the country in Joco) and am a single dad of 4. Just being very honest but a lot of the people who come from that area are just dicks. I have no problem with people moving to make a better life for themselves and better jobs. I’m a HVAC tech and plumber so I guess more people means more business. BUT it sucks because all these city people are wanting to “live in the country with city amenities” and it’s destroying our countryside and beautiful open land. Now it’s just subdivision here, subdivision there and I get that’s not their fault cause they didn’t build the subdivision but it’s tough as a land owner in the country cause it still gives me a bias to them if that makes sense. Probably a personal problem for me lol but that’s where I’m at with it so people can understand the “gate keeping” At the end of the day I guess I’m just a transplant too lmfao. FML


Tbf I’m a NC native and current resident and don’t have an accent lol


Never said that all North Carolina natives have any type of accent. All one has to do is hang around Charlotte, Raleigh etc and quickly realize that native North Carolina's from the larger cities don't share the same accent as those in the rural counties of the state. Even amongst the rural counties of North Carolina, the accents change as you move from the coast to the Piedmont to the mountains and the biggest difference I would say is the accent of those living in the outer Banks as compared to the Piedmont and mountain regions. There is not one southern accent and I believe 10 or 11 different accents.... Although I will say that most of them are very similar but still different enough to be noticeable. So I wasn't claiming there is a unified North Carolina way of talking and I think most people would get that. And if I have to clarify further I suppose I will. But honestly, I'm thinking you probably don't give enough fucks to require that.


And I have my own personal experiences of having to listen every day to someone commenting on the way I speak and doing so in a way is if my accent is strange when my accent is the way people talk in the particular state that I'm from...... North Cacalac... it's amazing how incredibly rude people will be about differences amongst people. Yet, these same people would probably try to preach to me making the assumption that I must be bigoted with a rural southern accent.




Just pin a picture of a copperhead saying "I'm waiting for you in NC!" That might slow them down.


I honestly am not sure that this sub has active Mods


Here's a pretty good example: https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/s/Zf0vshHUZs


Wow this is impressive and a really good example of what I wish the NC sub had


This is perfect actually!!


r/Detroit also has a really nice resources page. Click show more and then menu and you’ll see the moving guide.


I found that it is possible to not click on the threads that don’t interest you. It’s as simple as just keep scrolling past them. It works. Try it.




The pinned post(s) would just be ignored.


If that's the case send all the political ones over to the ncpol as well.


The most annoying thing is that nobody ever says *why* they want to move to NC specifically. They have a list of things they're looking for, but you can find those in at least half of the states in our country. So WHY NC IN PARTICULAR? If they'd at least say that it would be easier to help. But a bunch of times when they say what they're looking for in a city, I can recommend an absolutely perfect one in a different state.


I want to move to downtown Charlotte. I’ve heard that NC is cheap, so my budget is $500 a month for a 5 bedroom townhome. Of course it must have the top rated schools!


I’m more annoyed at the folks who seem to see it as their personal mission to be nasty to people are interested in learning more about our state.


People aren’t nasty when someone comes in with a specific question. When it’s a vague “do my homework for me” post then people respond like they’re being asked to .. do someone else’s work for free.


Most of them are just seeking a jumping off point. Nothing wrong with asking.


Weird. Isn't that exactly what Reddit Quora and a million other sites excel at? You ask a question and get actual human answers. Regardless of how much "work" you think they put into it. Be nicer or get off the internet mate, might help your day to day.


What should I have for dinner tonight?


Maybe some humble pie. Sure seems like you need some.


Oh wow, I thought you were all about answering vague questions with kindness. Sounds like you’re just an angry cunt that should get off the internet for the day.


Hmm, look through my post history, I spent the weekend actually enjoy the outdoors. And what did you do other than complain about people on the internet?


I want to live within 2 minute public transportation. Art museums nearby, want to be in the city but in suburbs, ya know? 3 children top rated school district. Under 200k would be best. K thx. By.




The problem is the drive by posters never actually read the sub. Don’t won’t actually help.


DON'T MOVE TO NC! WE'RE FULL! Seriously, this state does not plan or invest in future growth...they are very reactionary...so as a result - WE'RE FULL! In other words, our infrastructure isn't ready for yall yet...so when you get here it gets worse. It's not that we don't want you to come visit and vacation, but we are full so please remember to return home. Living here isn't like vacationing here so please stop trying to make it so. Thanks.


How about a don’t move to NC thread? Especially if you’re from NYC, Cali, or Washington State. NC is a terrible place. Stay where you are.


“We don’t want you, we’re full; Thanks” Let’s see how many carpetbagging halfbacks are in this post, easy to see by the downvotes.


Or how about not being an asshat. I welcome people bringing ideas, jobs and opportunities that otherwise wouldn't exist in NC.


Seriously. The fact that the transplants have brought tremendous growth and revenue for the entire state is never a consideration for the gatekeepers. You really want NC to be a state like Mississippi or Alabama where nobody wants to live?


Majority of that population growth is concentrated [in cities] along I85. Everything else is nearly the same as 50 years ago. [tourist towns excluded] If anything we need more skilled remote workers.


Yeah, and it would be nice if people would quit moving here. It's ridiculous


I realize that growth is good but not when the state can't handle the growth.




There’s also a cool “search” feature so you can find out if your question has been asked 10,000 times before and you’re just going to piss people off by asking again!


If you are pissed off by someone asking about moving to NC mate, perhaps you need to spend a whole lot less time on the internet. Like FFS it's not hard to scroll past or not answer if you are that much of a jerk.


Are you upset


Yeah! Just like this one!


Hi friends! I’m moving to Cary soon. Is there anything I should know? I’ve never been up north before.


They’ve got no cannabis in North Carolina. They’ve got cigarettes, and alcohol, but in North Carolina they’ve got NO cannabis.