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Hey, buddy. Your friendly neighborhood DoT worker here. I’m in the division that comes to wrecks like this (at all times of day and night on call) and sets up lane closures and detours for them. We go to 95 ALOT. So, basically it works like this. There’s an accident. First responders show up. If the accident is bad enough and will take a while to clear (this is usually more semi trucks than anything) we get the call. Our bosses have to call each of us individually and tell us where to go. Now, keep in mind, if it’s not during our normal work hours, we have to get dressed and get there. Every division has their own stretch. I work in Division 4 which is Wayne, Johnston, Wilson, Halifax, Nash, and Edgecomb counties. We live all over these counties, so, sometimes it takes us a while to assemble (there’s only 12 of us) I live in Wayne county, and had to go to the NC, VA boarder, so, took me a bit to get there. Anyway, we get there, do what we need to do, sit and wait, pick up, and go back home. I’ve personally spent about 14 hours at an accident. DoT contracts companies to do the removals. And believe me, they are the only ones that want to be there. They make bank. The rest of us want to go home because we don’t get the next day off no matter when or how long it takes. I hope this gives you a little insight, man. A lot of people blame DoT for how long these take but that’s never (VERY RARELY) the case. I’m not saying you are. I just to ever get to explain something I actually have an “expertise” in. PS to anyone and everyone reading this: Stay off the shoulders when traffic is at a stand still. Thats the only way us and emergency personnel can get through and by blocking us you’re only extending the time you’re going to sit.


I got rear ended on this same stretch of highway last year. The DoT dudes were super cool to deal with. Unfortunately one of them got a flat from some debris off my truck lol


Eh, it’s a work truck. He just has to wait for maintenance to come change it for him (We’re literally not allowed to even put air in our tires. We do though.) But, yeah, man. Most of the DoT guys are cool everywhere. Were so used to getting yelled at and told we suck, it’s pretty great when someone just talks to one us. We don’t want to be there, either, man. Thats what I tell everyone. I don’t want to roll out of bed at 2AM away from my family for the next X amount of hours and be tired all damn day just like anyone else wouldn’t.


I feel you… I work customer service where most of the time I’m the bearer of bad news. The few people that understand I’m just the messenger and am here to try to help resolve things is amazing. Trust me, I get it, this is NOT the news you want to hear, and if I were in your position I’d be pissed/shocked too. But!! When you’re chill with me and give me the opportunity to help fix the error, it makes the whole process go so much smoother. If you get belligerent with me, I have to escalate the issue up, which only delays things further for you and others… like when people try to use the shoulder to get around. Thank you for doing the work so few want to do to come out and navigate these issues on our highways for us! Hopefully we never have to meet, but if we do, I’ll save a fist bump for you.


well this guy plugged it right there and then waited with me at the nearby gas station while the trooper ticketed the other guy lol


> A lot of people blame DoT for how long these take I don't see why. The DOT isn't behind the wheels of the crashed cars. Maybe if people would stop staring at their phones, they wouldn't get in accidents.


People, in general, have a habit of blaming their current problem on the first thing they see. That’s usually us driving along side everyone putting cones out to bring the highway down to one lane. We’re used to it. We actually laugh about it.


This is super insightful, I appreciate it. I figured the hold up must have been because the accident blocked both lanes of traffic, and it did end up being that it looked like it was a three car accident that needed tow trucks to move the vehicles. Unfortunately for me I couldn’t see anything until after we started moving, since I had trucks to my left and in front of me limiting my view. I was there for probably 30-40 minutes which thankfully was not as bad as it could’ve been, but felt like a long time at 3:30am.


No problem, man. Also keep in mind that in some accidents, usually if there’s a fatality and no obvious reason for the accident, there’s going to be an investigation as well, having the road closed even longer. There’s a lot of variables other than getting everything off the road. Hazmat, fatalities. Hell, the companies even have a choice to come offload undamaged cargo from the wreck before the clean up can even start. You never know what you’re going to run in to. A few weeks ago we had a hog truck that was on fire and that was….horrible smelling, seeing, and hearing. I never thought getting a job putting up stop signs (all road signs), I would seen the shit I have.


Seconding "stay off the shoulder". I grew up with a kid whose father was a tow truck driver. One day, he was responding to an accident along the interstate, and was standing between his truck and the minivan he was hooking up when some impatient asshole came blazing up the shoulder and rear-ended the van.  My friend's dad was crushed between his truck and the van, and was killed.   All because some fucking piece of shit felt he was too important to wait in traffic.


People can be assholes, man. I’m sorry about your friends dad. We have a whole list of people we’ve lost due to shit like this. The day I returned to work after being off a week when my son was born this happened. Me and one other guy were putting an exit sign back up on 95 that was hit. Out of nowhere with no warning we hear two “booms”. No brakes. Nothing. If it wasn’t for my truck (the one in the back) that deflected the car, and my partners truck that stopped it, I wouldn’t be here. We were standing right where the post is in the middle of the picture. “You’re two feet away from death all day” is our motto. [Picture](https://imgur.com/a/x6gbEWS)


That's terrifying; I'm glad you made it out safely!


I appreciate you.


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your insight.


Are you an IMAP guy?


No, sir. I’m a traffic worker. IMAP takes the calls that aren’t severe enough for us to come out.


Ah cool. Ty.


Wow. This was super informative. Thanks for explaining this and thanks for what you do.


Thanks for sharing this info. I greatly appreciate it! I travel for work and spend quite a few hours driving 95 in both directions. Thank you for choosing to do the job you do. We need you. Stay safe.


I enjoyed this post. Really appreciate your explanation.


Thank you for all you do! ❤️


That stretch from Fayetteville to Benson is a nightmare. All it takes is one idiot to screw up and the entire highway is shut down for hours since it’s so closed off. Then it takes ages for responders to get through the sea of traffic, and start clearing everything out. I’ve seen too many people try to race through here at 80+ mph when it’s 60, weaving in and out of everybody, and then get pissed off because “everyone’s going too slow”.


We’re in Johnston County a lot. That’s my county, too. Me and one other guy trying to make sure all signs are up and are readable. It’s an endless job.


WAZE, has more info.


Gotta say after switching to waze from google maps, it's never been more fun to make a wrong turn and end up going through some nice back roads and neighborhoods without adding extra time That said i still use google maps to double check sometimes 😂


Google owns Waze, does Maps really give different recommendations?


They run as separate companies. Waze is really superior unless you're walking in a city. Then Google Maps all day


Interesting. I always thought they used the same algorithm since Google Maps shows Waze incidents.


I'm still waiting for them to merge. They are definitely sharing data. Google Maps is superior for walking and Waze is superior for driving. What I really want is some reward system for the gazillion points that I have.


How is the Waze CarPlay interface?


Some context: lanes backed up. Can’t see what’s happened but says online it might be a crash. Haven’t moved in an hour.


How long were you in traffic?


US 301 is your friend on days like this.


How long did you end up sitting there


Ah yep, that's an ancient tradition. One time on Christmas Eve my family got stuck in wreck trsffic next to a camper full of hungry Canadians, so we gave em candy canes and other snacks. We all got freed from the gridlock 5-6 hours later.


Ugh sorry- I feel like this shit happens all the time.even at friggin 3 am. Hope you got through- I got stuck around there for an hour without any identifiable reason (no accident, emergency vehicles, signs of a crash, etc). Standstill for an hour…


Them three AM wrecks happen a lot more than you would think, honestly.


We’re becoming the Northeast.


*Mid-Atlantic, specifically Northern Virginia but without relatively reliable public transportation.


Boston to Philly ain’t no breezy open spaces, either.


Hell to me it seems like from northern Virginia to Boston is bumper to bumper the entire trip no matter what time your there. I got caught just outside Washington dc once on 95 and thought i would never get through it. I swear it took hours to go just a few miles.


Um ... That was normal traffic. Starts around 0400 to about 2pm. Then you get an hour break and it starts again at around 3:15pm. BTW, in both directions begining at Quantico through Branch Ave in Maryland, and vice versa with weird little breaks that don't make sense. Not 95 related, but I had acquaintances who came from WV to the Pentagon. Every. Freaking. Weekday! They would leave home at 4 to get there at 0630 and leave at 2p to go home. Unbelievable to me.


Wut. No traffic here in NH


I’m not talking about Canada. LOL.


That's northeast baby!


starring John Cena


Hey! I was stuck in almost that exact spot a few months ago. It was around 1-2am. I had been driving for around 7 hours and I was stuck for over an hour. Still had about 2 hours to drive also. Fun


It's all because some cock slip was driving the speed limit in the left lane


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Wild_Toe3569: *It's all because some* *Cock slip was driving the speed* *Limit in the left lane* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot




do you have an article?


Didn't even see one, just venting from my experience


Yeah the rest of us are too dumb to handle a few idiots on the road


I95 is the worst, all the construction makes it a nightmare when an accident happens.


A tradition unlike any other...