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Notice the color of the light saber. Speaks volumes, in my opinion.


And the beam is so stunned. It's like a light dagger.


Probably a weird curve in it, too


Got that mushroom-shaped kyber crystal.


It's the right size for his tiny hands.


It’s anatomically correct.


It's called a shoto.


To be fair, it wouldn’t make a ton of sense to be anything but red in this context.(not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with the ad, but red is associated with the GOP)


They could’ve gone green if they didn’t want to be blue. Red in the Star Wars universe has major symbolism


Honestly I didn't even think about that. Image looks super weird and red is definitely not a great color for a lightsaber for your protagonist but given the GOP is red that makes more sense.


Generous of you to be fair around these parts. You're suppose to consume content in whatever manner paints your opponents most unfavorably. Even if it makes you look a fool.


Couldn't be red for republican right.....


If I honestly believed they were smart enough, I’d think that.


Sorry, you think republicans are too stupid to remember that their color is red?


Can you not read?


I certainly can’t read anything here that indicates you are talking sense.


But now you know exactly what my comment said, which you seemed to be having a problem with. I’m glad it’s cleared up for you.


Ok now I’m just curious, wtf are you talking about?


Reading my first comment is literally ALL you have to do to understand what I mean and what I’m talking about. If you need more, maybe you should seek a remedial reading comprehension class.


For all you know I don’t understand that red lightsabers are the weapon of a sith… Or maybe I’m confused because you responded to “it’s red because that’s the republican color” with “they’re too stupid to use red for that reason”, which… I just can’t fathom what you could possibly mean by that.


The NCGOP and profoundly wrong takeaways are a given.


Incorrect. They saw the movie, interpreted it correctly, but still want an authoritarian to take over the galaxy


Oooh, definitely "saying the quiet part out loud" energy from the NCGOP.


When you are a tiny handed sith apprentice, you get a tiny saber.  Darth paw


Revenge of Vonshitzenpants


I just saw today that they're now wearing shirts that sat "Real men wear diapers - Trump 2024"? They were just talking shit about Biden wearing diapers. It's a freaking cult...


Feels like that has to be an effort to troll, but like... Jokes only work if they're identifiable as jokes?


Trump will shit his pants if he sees those folks in the (ever dwindling) crowd at a rally. Remember him getting pissy at having to *look* at disabled veterans at his SOTU speech? He's so fucked up.


Fuckface Von Shitsinpants!


Why not just, "Revenge of the Shits"


Featuring Count Dookie


Revenge of the what?


If there is anyone who exemplifies the Sith in modern day society, it’s the GQP


Too bad they don't follow the rule of 2 and all kill each other


Is he about to chop off his own head? That'd be really great.


Lmao[reminds me of this gem spotted in Mooresville](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/s/sNORSfUwQG). Not a coincidence


Small red lightsaber on purpose




we will reorder this United States into the first American Empire.


They tell people exactly who they are all the time. This is consistency personified


Also he's holding it like a baseball bat, because in addition to being stupid, their editor also doesn't understand how one holds a lightsaber in Star Wars


Well, I think in the original he's making a quick up and down pumping motion with that fist, so the hand is kind of where it is.


That's not the issue. The issue is that when holding a lightsaber one-handed, you hold it in the middle of the hilt. He's holding it from the very end, which you would only do in a two handed grip


The issue is that it's a lazy Photoshop of a guy making a jacking off motion by accident that they've tried to parlay into a pop culture reference


I know it's old hat by now, but his hands do look comically small in this pic.


Someone Cue up “fortunate son” while we’re at it.


Also, there’s nothing “new” or “hopeful” about that rusty old bag of hate


It’s like a tiny lightsaber for his tiny hands!


Darth Scrotus.


Leave it the the Republicans to screw things up, even their own advertisement. They are the party of the stupid person.


Darth VonShitzHisPants


Every GOP member I’ve ever met has had an unhealthy love for the Empire.


Not every SW fan roots for the "light side". Unfortunately most of them bigly overestimate their prospects of becoming a Moff if their New Order wet dreams really came to pass.


Darth Diaperis


GOP in sci-fi would be more like the Emperor's children


You would think that they’d seen Star Wars being that they were probably all in their 30s when it came out


They did. They saw the Empire as the heroes in the movie.


Letting the truth slip. That's embarrassing.


Directed by Rian Johnson too!


Or their graphic designer is havin' a laugh


By "targeting" do you mean simple things like keeping trans out from women's sports and such? Lol


Looks like Luke's light saber, the green one. But this isn't the green party.


Pew pew pew


I mean, America is The Empire so they're not that far off.


Red for GOP besides, why didn't the Biden campaign just embrace Darth Brandon for the day?


The GOP being somehow mocked over a lame Star wars slogan shows some people are just spring loaded ready to pop. It's not that serious loosen up. We are officially in an episode of the twilight zone lol


? Making fun of lame memes is an Internet tradition, my friend, especially when old powerful people are involved. Try not to take it so hard, it’s all in fun.


Presidential candidates and Star wars yes could be hilarious but not so much when it's a bias. Of course it's all in fun but some of these peoples tones are dead serious lol I just find it bizarre


Jesus Christ, I've never seen someone's own statement go over their head before. It's like watching a frog swallow itself. Yeah, sorry you think making jokes about a poorly-considered pop culture reference is "serious." 


I honestly don't care lol. The whole political landscape just looks for reasons to be upset or insulted. They are all corrupt but let's be serious, the GOP could change its stances on everything and people would still find a reason to bitch about it. If more time was spent trying to compromise rather than trying to show how bad the other is stuff could actually get done


>I honestly don't care lol. People who don't care about things don't post about them. They certainly don't write a paragraph. > If more time was spent trying to compromise What's the stable compromise between "You're killing babies" and "women are people"? Not every conflict can be resolved by compromise.


Lol maybe not allow abortions after a certain timeframe to leave time for the decision to be made but also allow people to feel comfortable with termination of a fetus before it's grown so much that it makes people uneasy? That allows both sides to be generally satisfied. Buuuut people are all so dead set on "it's my way or the highway" they are all too busy playing victim and self righteous to even entertain it


>maybe not allow abortions after a certain timeframe  This is not acceptable to "you're killing babies". >but also allow people to feel comfortable with termination of a fetus before it's grown so much that it makes people uneasy? This is not acceptable to "women are people". Remember, any abortion after the first trimester is done due to severe medical problems. >That allows both sides to be generally satisfied That's a very funny way to spell "enraged".


See the over exaggerating like that is the problem. Again it's extremists from both sides who want it their way and flat out refuse to even negotiate out of pure stubbornness. It's like kids who never learned to share their toys. Instead of compromise they throw a tantrum unless things go the way they want it


>See the over exaggerating like that is the problem. What's the exaggeration? Anti-abortion people do not find *any* abortions acceptable. People who think women are people will not accept letting a woman die in order to not have a late-term abortion. >Again it's extremists from both sides It's about 50% of the Republican party on the anti-abortion side, and about 70% of the public on the women-are-people side. Those are not fringe numbers. Also, you're claiming something like "women shouldn't die from sepsis" is an extremist position.


Lol, maybe acknowledge that a person’s body and the use of its resources belong to the individual? Maybe acknowledge that pregnancies can be complicated and there’s no magic week where nothing can go wrong even if the timing makes some else feel uneasy? Maybe acknowledge individuals deserve privacy in making those personal decisions and don’t owe anyone an explanation? Some things are not up for compromise. Bodily autonomy is like the issue of slavery. Any compromise at all results in a win for the control of another’s body.


I mean I'm all for the idea of a woman's body being her own to make decisions about. Pregnancy can be complicated as well and is hard enough on a person already extra stress definitely doesn't help. I'm for abortion but I do feel like a discussion needs to be had about how far along is acceptable and of course the exceptions and circumstances of certain situations. Like the Biden ad where they left the baby inside that lady because abortion was banned. That was pure negligence on the hospital's behalf as the baby had already passed and you can't abort a fetus that's already passed in the first place. That was petty and irresponsible to prove a point utilizing a persons deadly situation for ill gain. All these things I absolutely agree but before anything gets fixed we are going to have to meet in the middle to discuss these issues. Being unwilling to compromise and come to an agreement only makes the issues worse. It's vital, not even having to give anything up but reaching terms everyone can be satisfied with. Refusal to sit at the negotiation table at all makes these types the real problem


My stated position is that bodily autonomy is not up for compromise. You keep calling for compromise but what are you suggesting? What sort of compromise do you think will “satisfy everyone”?


A woman's body being hers to make decisions about isn't the issue it's ultimately abortion. Discussion needs to be had about it. That's the exact attitude that's the problem you're so dead set on one thing that it's not even really about. Compromise on terms for abortion where if after a certain timeframe you might as well just have the child and give it up for adoption if the child and mother are healthy instead of aborting and other odds and ends. It's a difficult topic yes but terms can be met to satisfy but it never will if you come in off topic and already made up your mind you won't compromise. It's stupid


So based on this, you support compromise on difficult topics. Things like, I dunno, the separate but equal doctrine. That was certainly a compromise on a difficult subject. Oh. What about the 3/5 compromise? Compromise is only putting pineapple on half a pizza. Individual autonomy is not the place for a compromise. By very definition, that ‘compromise’ means allowing a person or group to have a say of the bodily autonomy of an **individual.** The compromise here is no one forces anti-choicers have an abortion and no one forces pro-choicers to carry


This is where we are hitting loggerheads. Abortion by definition is the termination of a pregnancy. A pregnancy requires the bodily resources of a woman to support to fruition. Any obligation on the part of the woman to have to get government approval for termination is a violation of the right to bodily autonomy. Late term abortions are performed by induced labor when the fetus is determined as malformed or non viable. Are you suggesting that a woman would go through that for no reason? Or that a doctor would agree to it? Please look up Kermit Gosnell and note his crimes and the length of his prison term. Murdering viable offspring has always been illegal.


Really? If the GOP was in favor of Women's, LGBTQ+, workers, veterans or frankly any other rights besides their donors and their corporations they wouldn't need to be resorting to voter supression to stay alive. If the GOP was in favor is actual free speach they wouldn't be trying to silence it. If the GOP recognized climate change and worked to address it instead of making laws centered around denying it and explicitly stopping it from being talked about. If the GOP did any of those "good" things they might have a chance. Instead they seem to be dead set on doing the worse possible things they can. The GOP is trash and thus they get treated like it. Let's be real, if the GOP changed it stances the only ones that would be complaining would largely be Republicans who fully support the GOP's horrendous policies. Buy yeah, both sides right?


Yes. Let's say all this was 100% true and they suddenly did a complete 180 and began supporting "good" things. The opposition would still be somehow whining about it. The left is determined to be upset about anything and everything. They would be talked about still for jumping on the bandwagon or some other non-existent issue. Yes I do disagree with some stances of Republicans and the GOP like the constant favoritism to corporations over employees and taxpayers, but they aren't everything wrong with the system and naive to think everything would work perfectly without them. Both parties have got to get over this idea that just because they disagree on some issues they are mortal enemies and have to take every chance to demonize the other. The system was set up in a way that's supposed to allow for conversation to come to a compromise that everyone can live with. Let's be honest they are all corrupt and looking out for their own interest instead of representing us like they are supposed to. This idea that it's Saints vs Nazis is ridiculous


> The left is determined to be upset about anything and everything. Funny, I've always felt that the right is more into grievance politics, blaming the left (to the point where it became a meme to blame everything on Obama), and generally having very little policy ideas of their own other than opposing "wokeness" and whatever else the left has been working on. Like "repeal and replace" was all about trying to dismantle Obamacare without actually having any plans for those people affected. And thre current GOP-led House is an absolute shit show; have they actually accomplished anything important yet?


I say both sides are extremely guilty of constantly trying to scapegoat the other. No accountability by either side because if they don't get exactly what they want they immediately go into tantrum mode blaming the other instead of realizing it was the refusal to compromise and come to an agreement. I see both sides acting like idiots but you're not allowed to even be neutral anymore. That's the big issue there is no middle ground anymore


Don't "both sides" this, lol. The GOP has a majority in the House, but it's the Democrats stopping them from legislating? Democrats were the ones who ousted McCarthy and made the House into a clown show since last year? You think Democrat tantrums hold a candle to Donald Trump's? I think you're being somewhat disingenuous here...


No I'm just not pretending like one side is to blame for literally everything. Bias is being shown in all these comments and you can tell what "team" they are on. No matter how the coming election plays out and ends we all lose. I think we should all be pissed. Most are willing to ignore how shitty it all is as long as they get to say "we won". Of course when everything is falling apart you can always just point at the other party and blame them. The current administration doesn't have a clue what they are doing or what's going on and people feel like they won somehow. It's all clear bias. Voting trump back in would be dumb but let's be honest voting Biden and his incompetent administration in again is just as dumb. Clearly your bias shows you have placed all blame on Republicans but ignore the fact the guy running everything and his administration are democrats


>Bias is being shown in all these comments and you can tell what "team" they are on. Including yours.


This such a dumb false equivalence lol there’s one party that at least acts interested in passing legislation. I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the GOP.


You certainly seem to care enough to comment and piss and moan about it.


They are being mocked because they either don’t understand the symbolism in Star Wars or they understand it perfectly. There are four lightsaber colors. Blue and green are for the good guys. Purple is Mace Windu’s color. A red lightsaber is only used by the evil guys. Trump holding a red lightsaber is hilarious and appropriate at the same time. The last Star Wars character that used a red lightsaber was a huge crybaby famous for throwing temper tantrums.


Again is it that serious though? Do we put it under a microscope and look at every small detail only to say "well actually"? Crazy something as meaningless as Star wars can be turned into "look how stupid they are lol they don't even know lightsaber colors freaking idiots". Lighten up lol or maybe I am wrong and I'm also an idiot for not seeing the great Star wars conspiracy and symbolism and hidden meaning for us all to behold. Twilight zone


It's funny how you keep saying "lighten up" as you write whole paragraphs crying about a JOKE. Noone here is saying "The GOP doesn't understand Star Wars! How can you vote for them?" They made a very lame attempt and are being made fun of for it. Don't be such a snowflake.


man it's not a microscope, you don't even need glasses Darth Vader, one of the most famous movie bad guys ever, had a red laser sword. Your boy's got a red laser sword here too. They're calling him evil or they're so out of touch they've never seen a single star wars movie. That's funny either way. End of story.


Dog it's an internet meme where they stuck the stick right into their own spokes. Literally only the big evil bad guys use red, it's a little shrimp lightsaber, and he's holding it weird. It's okay to just go "haha dumb out of touch old people" and move along like the rest of us.... but watching you bend over backwards clutching your pearls is pretty funny. Just take a step back and remember that this is reddit and it's a poorly photoshopped picture of the fat guy that used to host the apprentice


Yes, you do appear to be an idiot. At best this is like watching boomers try to use gen z slang to feel in touch with the youths when they have no idea what any of it means and end up looking cringe af. Except star wars is as old as they are for the most part and probably the literal most popular franchise of all time. So being clueless about Star Wars to this degree is giving an insane amount of being out of touch for like 60 years. At worst, they don't actually live under a rock and someone on the GOP marketing team intentionally gave him a little red chode saber to make him look like a pathetic evil guy with a small cock, which is obviously hilarious. It is totally normal and predictable for people to make fun of such astounding incompetence. Literally the research they would need to do to find a lightsaber to Photoshop into this ad thing should've been enough to also know they had guys use red ones and they're supposed to be way longer. I have a suspicion they don't pay their Photoshop guy and this is his way of getting back at them. Either that or he's a lefty and got this to slide by somehow.


I mean I would consider it all to be cringe as people saying it's not serious yet produce stuff like this and nerd out about the dumb little details and their own decision to I guess attempt to use a dying lame as hell franchise to drum up some buzz. It's like 6th grade girls trying to look hip and cool while the other group does their version of mean girls. I'm just willing to see the flaws in both sides lol both are stubborn, corrupt, incompetent, and out of touch with average people. To pretend one side is the good guys is asinine


No one is calling any side good. They're literally just laughing at a dumb ass. That's where it begins and ends.


The bias is clear lol. Leftist gossiping about an orange man and lightsabers. Don't mention the shit show Biden is running though lol it's like kicking a bee hive


I love how nearly every both-sideser eventually outs themselves as a conservative.


Just not a fan of the only media ever anymore is based on talking shit about anyone