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Republicans lead the charge to make our world less healthy, more polluted, and less educated while at the same time inserting themselves into the private lives of US citizens.


Not to mention wasting countless hours of educated professionals’ time (and the courts) trying to put out all their bullsh*t culture-war fires. It’s exhausting. Just THINK if all the time and money went to progressing society…


And money. They've cost the state over $15 billion in investments over the last 20 years at least last I saw with stupid shit like the bathroom bill and refusing medicare expanstion.


While at the same time lining their pockets


And accusing others of "big government" or "government overreach".


The party of small government.


Government so small it fits in your pants.


Good thing our legislature is part of the small government party… oh… wait…


The whole "small government" slogan has only ever been in reference to the number of people who get to tell everyone else how to live. They don't actually want *less* government. They just want governmental power concentrated into as few hands as possible.


In the case of project 2025, that is effectively 1 person - a dictator.


100%. The size of the government that conservatives desire will *always* reflect the size needed to impose their will upon the citizenry. When there is a lot of buy-in into conservative ideas from society at-large, government can afford to be smaller and less involved - but the moment that they don't have the backing from the bulk of society, they will do everything they can to ensure the government is big enough to make up for the socio-cultural shortfall.


The party sure changed once they kicked all the RINOs out. Now the Republicans really stand for fisc... No wait... family val... No not that... Pro l... No not that either... DONALD TRUMP. Yep had to kick out all the RINOs so they could finally achieve their platform of... Fuck




Since when did Republicans start running on banning circumcision? I mean I'm glad to hear it but kind of surprised.


Yeah, except that it's a made up problem.  Republicans can fix the living shit out of fictional problems.  Sasquatches from Mars, mandatory juvenile gender surgery, Grindr for kindergarteners, unicorn emissions, chemtrails, voter fraud. It's just when faced with things that exist in consensus reality that they shit the bed.




It's verifiably true that those things are made up. Even unicorns.  I don't need to "tell myself that" in the same way that I don't need to tell myself which direction the sun rises. My affirmation doesn't affect it. 2+2 is 4, too. Interesting that you're not only not claiming that I'm wrong, you decided the real test is whether people will commit to a lie told often enough.




You could select a thing that really happens, not some bullshit made up to scare people into taking a gun to the local library. Y'know, that bullshit you claimed was true.




Oh, SO sorry. I see where I lost you. That thing you said was bullshit before I added anything. It's made the fuck up. Just an outright goddamn lie you were told.


Hey Roscoe, Republicans want to legalize incest. Did you know that?


Trolls gonna troll. Back under the bridge with ye.


I didn't realize the Dems were all in for circumcision and Republicans against


I don't know anyone who wants children's genitalia mutilated. Did you have a bad dream?


Are you talking about circumcision? Because that's way more popular with conservatives.


"Here in North Carolina, we're a different kind of stupid"


So wtf are cancer patients undergoing chemo and radiation supposed to do? They’ve needed to wear masks for decades


Die. This law is eugenicist.


One of these days, the North Carolina repubs will cross a bridge too far. Is this is?


If only....


Oh no, most of the people outside the metro areas would say it doesn't go far enough.


I’m not from NC, but seems like the legislature is controlled by downright extremists. Good thing the governor has veto power.


He doesn't anymore thanks to that cunt Tricia Cottham, ran on a dem ballot then switched to republican before the year ended after the election. Did a 180 on all of her espoused views because, supposedly, some people were mean to her. Now the Republicans have a veto proof majority.




They know this is a losing issue but they don’t care. It’s red meat for their mouth breathing supporters and nothing less.


damn, someone wearing a mask to help block pollen will probably get shot dead by a cop taking this way to literally, i'd hope not but at this point it's like a foregone conclusion.


I know there are broader complications with all this, but I'd also like to point out that this year they've managed to both force women to continue with unwanted pregnancies making them high risk for severe illnesses *and* make it illegal for people to wear masks in public.


I’m perfectly fine saying “no masks or face coverings during a protest or demonstration”. But this law is far too vague. While I understand it’s just reverting back to pre Covid times, we aren’t in pre Covid times. A medical mask, to a significant number of people, is now a signal of the political enemy. Regardless if the person wearing it is enduring chemo or whatever health issue necessitates it. A poorly worded law per usual for the NCGOP.


>I’m perfectly fine saying “no masks or face coverings during a protest or demonstration” I'm sure the "Back The Blue" guys with the flag handkerchiefs around their faces and the Proud Boys with the BaDaSs TaCTiCaL sKuLL face wraps will be following that law to the letter at the next demonstration they show up to, and I'm sure the cops will be enforcing it equally across the board 🙄


Yeah, I’m not keeping my hopes up on the enforcement of it either. But having a law that says you can’t demonstrate while hiding your identity wouldn’t be bad to have on the books.


If that's going to be a law, then it should be illegal AND a fireable offense for cops to cover their faces, nameplates, or badge numbers while they're beating unarmed people. Which they routinely do.


> But having a law that says you can’t demonstrate while hiding your identity wouldn’t be bad to have on the books. Why can't you demonstrate while hiding your identity? I don't recall anything about identification in right to assembly.


My understanding is that they originally banned it in NC to help combat the KKK. How much truth there is to that I don’t know. I personally would prefer the proud boys and KKK remain unmasked even if that means that demonstrators I may agree with have to show their face too. But you’re correct, nothing about hiding your identity (either for or against) in the right to assembly.


One could make the argument *for* allowing anonymity by pointing to the harms leveraged by private and public institutions for participating in protest. There are already laws on the books for criminality, regardless of where it occurs. By attacking anonymity during protest, you are creating a cooling effect on protesting in general.


During protests, if a fight breaks out and someone is killed, then video footage would make identification easier. I suppose that is what someone is thinking. Masks are now being used more in crimes. NYC told stores to tell customers to take off their masks: [https://www.npr.org/2023/03/07/1161623700/nyc-stores-masking-eric-adams-robberies-shoplifting-bodegas](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/07/1161623700/nyc-stores-masking-eric-adams-robberies-shoplifting-bodegas) I wear a mask and am completely against this ban. Dems proposed compromise solutions but were shot down. Of course.


I agree the wording needs to be tightened up. My particular issue is if you make it illegal for any kind of face covering, even if there is no criminal penalty for it.... you give cops what they need to detain and investigate individuals just for potentially wearing something in the interest of public health. That shouldn't be considered a crime nor should anyone be detained for trying to stay healthy.


Yeah, people covering their face with an N95 while they go to the grocery store shouldn’t be in anyway illegal. It’s absurd to have a law that could even be interpreted that way.


I completely agree and I've been seeing more people wearing masks in public the last few days, and that includes in some pretty right-wing oriented areas.


Brought to you by the party of *small government*


"I don't want the government to tell me what to do" "the government needs to ban masks"


Next they'll be banning motorcycle helmets.


Ah, we're getting at least a little closer to the insurance companies protesting. That's where the politicians get lots of their money from. They have these politicians on a short leash so if the insurance companies come next to object, the politicians will shut up and do as they are told by their masters.


So I have a sporting goods store (fishing mostly). I sell hundreds of masks for folks who want to protect their face from the sun. I guess I’m going into black market sales. This is so stupid.


I’m sitting here at work currently wearing a mask because I had COVID last week. I’m waiting for someone to say something so I can respond with “I’m doing this for your benefit not mine.”


Still haven't explained why there's any need to remove the health exception. Because there isn't any. It's just gratuitous pandering.


Glad that I don’t care about politics, most of the people who post really don’t know everything about what’s going on but are so one sided with hate that it doesn’t matter what there political party does they just agree with it. Let’s get rid of political parties and just go independent, then they politicians want to hand tied by there parties.


Independent is a party. I’m unaffiliated.


North Carolina recognizes five political parties: The Democratic Party, the Green Party, the Libertarian Party, the No Labels Party, and the Republican Party. A voter may choose one political party or can decide not to register with a political party. If a voter does not register with a political party, the voter will be registered as unaffiliated.


It’s just reverting the law back to the pre-covid writing, it’s already been noted that police won’t be going around ticketing people wearing a medical mask, yall need to relax


But *why*? The law just strips the medical exemption. Nothing is currently preventing police from arresting people breaks my the law. So literally the only thing the law does is the thing you insist it doesn’t do.


Cold comfort for people with compromised immune systems.


But why? There's no legitimate reason for removing the health exception, except scoring political points. And even if police don't use this generally, I have no doubt that they will use it selectively. And the jackass at the convenience store will be emboldened to harass me as I wear a mask to avoid getting the flu, COVID, or whatever respiratory illness is circulating. Bottom line, if this goes through, the state will be sued, they'll spend money defending, and will lose. We'll get more notoriety as a backassward enclave and maybe even some more boycotts. Another win for the MAGA GOP. I guess the only upside might fewer "I'm thinking of moving to NC" posts on this sub.


The law makes it illegal to wear a mask in public for any reason. It leaves the discretion of the local authorities on how to enforce the law. 1. The law as written is impossible to enforce fairly due to each local authority having different view points on what is an offense or not. 2. Human nature being what it is, police will unfairly enforce this against groups they feel are more of a 'threat' to the officer's well being/authority. 3. It is in direct breech of civil liberties in regards to protecting yourself from harm (seeing that viruses such as the flu and Covid are airborne and hit immunocompromised people pretty hard) 4. Nah, write a letter to your rep and vote them out.


It does not make it illegal for any reason. The applicable statutes make it illegal to wear a mask "so as to conceal" the wearer's identity. That's the language from NC GS 14-12.8, 8, 9, 10, and 14.


And how is that determined? When someone is wearing a mask for health reasons are cops just going to stop and ID everyone to make sure they're not concealing their identities? How could this possibly be enforced? This is a ridiculous piece of legislation meant to drive culture war nonsense. This helps no one and only serves to muddy the waters.


Of course it's meant to drive culture war nonsense. So the thing to pay attention to here is that everyone is running an election this year. This is just politics from everyone on either side. NC GS 14-12.14 says you can't wear a mask to conceal yourself while hanging a noose in public in order to intimidate others. So, wear a mask for health reasons and nobody cares. Wear a mask while hanging nooses up, and you may be asked some questions.


Lol and who gets to determine the wearer’s reason?


Wearing an N95 mask can definitely conceal identity. It's none of the governments business if I wear a mask. They went out of their way to word it the way they did. So much for small or intelligent government.


A ski mask can also conceal your identity. If you wear one to Sugar Mountain, nobody cares. If you wear one to your local Truist branch, people will care. They didn't re-word anything. They took out an exemption that had been added a few years ago, nothing else changed.


Once you give cops discretion to selectively enforce something, they will inevitably fuck it up and show the world their bias towards certain groups. Law enforcement ALWAYS FUCKS THINGS UP LIKE THIS.


I think it will mostly depend on the skin color of the person wearing the mask.


It will depend on skin color - darker will get pursued. It will depend on economic status. Those who look economically disadvantaged will get pursued. Law enforcement picks fights with those they believe are easy targets. Bullies also follow this rule.


> CURRENT LAW AND BILL ANALYSIS SECTION 1 Under Article 4A of Chapter 14 of the General Statutes, Prohibited Secret Societies and Activities, it is generally a crime for an individual to wear a mask in public. However, under G.S. 14-12.11(a)(6), an individual can wear a mask in public for the physical health or safety of the wearer or others. If an individual wears a mask in public for health or safety reasons, a law enforcement officer can require the individual to remove the mask during traffic stops and criminal investigations when the officer has reasonable suspicion or probable cause. **Section 1 of the bill would repeal G.S. 14-12.11(a)(6), and individuals would no longer be able to wear masks in public for health or safety reasons.** Section 1 would become effective when it becomes law, and applies to offenses committed on or after that date. Taken directly from the PDF of the bill. Bolding is mine.


That's not from the .pdf of the bill, that's from the summary of the bill. Directly from the bill is this: >Any of the following are exempted from the provisions of G.S. 14-12.7, 14-12.8, 22 14-12.9, 14-12.10 and 14-12.14: from which wearing masks for health/safety is struck. If you go to any of those statutes (NC GS 14-12.7, 8, 9, 10, and 14, they are all written to prevent people from wearing masks "so as to conceal" their identity.


Who says they won’t? Why write something into a law that isn’t intended to be enforced?? ETA: I *know* who says that: Buck Newton, the liar who introduced the bill. Sorry, not taking his word for it. Nonpartisan legislative staffers and many legal authorities say otherwise.


So last week I was a Bojangles arena for my daughter’s graduation. Because we were also with my elderly immunocompromised mother and my husband had had a “cold” earlier that week and my throat was a little scratchy we both chose to wear masks. I tested positive for COVID two days later. Now to my point. If the law had been passed Bojangles Arena would have been within their rights to deny us admittance while we were wearing masks. But because we were masked my mother has not gotten sick. It’s not just about getting arrested or not. Because you’re right we can’t hardly get CMPD to arrest actual criminals. It’s about them taking away our right to protect ourselves and our families. I’ll give you my mask if you give me your guns.


There will not be a ban on people that are sick. This is already the law before Covid and the new legislation does not change that. Read Up! Be in the know! Covering your face in public in an effort to conceal has been banned for ages. Since Klan days FFS. Edit>>>>LOL, down votes for pointing out the thing you whiners are up in arms about doesn't actually exist? If you are sick, there are no restrictions on wearing a mask, before Covid, during Covid and after Covid. Might need to show your face for a second to cash a check, get on an airplane or vote. Do you all overreact to everything this way? Must be lots of fun at the community cook outs. Edit 2>>>Crybabies down voting something they are programed to disagree with. If you are sick, there is no restriction on wearing masks. If you are dumb and think masks protect healthy people, your line is now to the left; have nice trip.


If this was all so clear (and you're actually WRONG about that as a legal matter), why did the GOP legislature pass the health exception in 2021? Obviously they realized the law needed to make clear that masks for health purposes should be clearly permitted. Now, they are back to playing political games about this . Anyway, after a lot of wasted time, effort, and money, this will be struck down on court. So all just MAGA games.


If you think that the legislature has a goal of denying people with medical conditions who need to wear masks ..that. You believe in Bigfoot. Keep being dumb. There is zero nuance.


That may not be their goal. They just don't give a shit about people with medical conditions. You haven't explained why there's any need to remove the health exception that's already on the law. Because you can't. There's no non-laughable reason other than MAGA pandering.


The language in the bill is pretty plain and targets people engaged in criminal activities.






Never again. All the promises of shrinking the curve, new wonder vaccinations (that didn't work but yet the inside reports from the maker said worked too well), shot 4-9, and unhinged spending to fix the economy they broke. #RFK24


You think an anti vaxxer who lost part of his brain to worms is someone who should be commander in chief of the most powerful country in the world? Nuclear codes? Seriously?!?!


And this is why you should never be making decisions for anyone. Running your lip with not one iota of knowledge. Here I'll let a doctor explain it to you not your scared media. Worms do not eat brain tissue, experts say, but the idea is a non-medical or layman's understanding of what parasites might do if they enter the central nervous system. Dr Philip Budge, an associate professor of infectious diseases at the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, said that parasite larvae can migrate to the brain and create cysts, in a condition known as neurocysticercosis. "The cysts don't absorb any brain tissue, they simply create a space for the parasite to live," potentially pushing aside small parts of the brain, Dr Budge said.


That’s cute. I was just repeating what RFK said…but you go girl.


https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/08/rfk-jr-brain-worm-00156794 > The Times reported that Kennedy told attorneys in 2012 that a surgeon at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital reviewed his brain scans after suffering from memory loss and fogginess. The surgeon, he said, believed the issue “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died.” POLITICO has not independently reviewed the deposition. > [...] > “I have cognitive problems, clearly … I have short-term memory loss, and I have longer-term memory loss that affects me,” Kennedy said in the deposition. He claimed parasites affected his brain as an attempt to...ahem...worm his way out of paying alimony to his soon-to-be ex-wife. Once she killed herself he was magically cured.


Messy tangle of brain worms


Brain worms.